View Full Version : The Ayahuasca Totalitarian Dictatorship Visions

midnight rambler
21st February 2014, 03:14 AM
Wow, strikes me as being chillingly accurate -


21st February 2014, 06:31 AM
The linked blog poster mentions a young singer named Lorde, and how her Grammy acceptance speech had been censured.


Here's the deleted speech she gave at the Grammy's.

Lorde’s Suppressed Grammy Award acceptance speech (Full Transcript)
26 January 2014
Thankyou soo much everyone for making this song explode because this world
is mental. (Laughter). Planet Earth is run by psychopaths that hide behind slick
marketing, ‘freedom’ propaganda and ‘economic growth’ rhetoric,[1] while they
construct a global system of corporatized totalitarianism.
As American journalist Chris Hedges has identified, a corporate totalitarian
core thrives inside a fictitious democratic shell.[2] This core yields an ‘inverted’
totalitarian state that few recognize because it does not look like the Orwellian
world of Nineteen Eighty-four.[3]
This corporate totalitarian core is spreading outward from America. Planet
Earth is being rapidly militarized by the world’s major and significant states, in
cluding their police forces.[4] Meanwhile, state surveillance is becoming uni
versal[5] and torture is outsourced to gulags.[6]
Can we not imagine that in past times, simple folk found it hard to work out
exactly how they were being manipulated by the Royal monarchies, and the Pa
pal monarchy, who claimed a ‘divine right to rule’? Ordinary people from clas
sical times through to the demise of the Ancien Regime could not see how the
rivalrous network of elites and oligarchs were linked, not least because the illit
erate masses were indoctrinated to believe in their humble lot, to obey divine
ly-endorsed authority and to live in fear of damnation.
So, in today’s mental world, it should become clearer now that Planet Earth
is ruled by super-wealthy people, who use their outrageous fortunes to steer
the trajectories of whole societies for their own material and political gain.[7]
These oligarchs are, in fact, colluding for economic gain and conspiring to aug
ment more political power.[8] Armies of professional, political, religious and
military elites serve them.[9 Together, they comprise a highly-networked trans
national capitalist class that has been traced in studies by: Peter Phillips and
Brady Osborne;[10] William K. Carroll;[11] David Rothkopf;[12] Daniel Estu
lin;[13] and Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter.[14]
As Canadian journalist Naomi Klein has argued in her book, The Shock Doc
trine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, ‘free markets’ were slickly marketed in
the 1980s and 1990s with the idea that they would deliver individual freedom
and prosperity for all.[15] Klein also wrote that the use of military violence to
facilitate the spread of ‘free markets’ in the field-testing stage from the mid-
1960s to the mid-1970s has continued into the 2000s. Her view is supported in
Eugene Jarecki’s documentary Why We Fight, which compellingly showed that
America fights wars to make the world secure for its corporations.[16] So, get
reading and viewing! (Lorde giggles and half the audience rises to their feet ap
plauding. The other half remain fixed in their chairs. Some reluctantly clap).
Thankyou soo much everyone for giving a shit about our song, ‘Royals’. May
you all find the balls to help construct a world based on resilient communi
ty, bona-fide freedom, and peace. To do that, we will need to redeploy the psy
chopaths that currently run the world to the planet’s prisons.[17] Peace cannot
happen with reconciliation. That was Nelson Mandela’s mistake.[18] The first
step to peace is justice firmly served.

21st February 2014, 07:59 AM
Damn only 17 years old and already see's the world for what it is.


smart kid to say the least.

21st February 2014, 09:28 AM
Wow, strikes me as being chillingly accurate -

I came to similar conclusions the last few years, but my take is that behind the conspiracy is a group of evil people with the object of world domination, not a machine. I don't have as much doubt about its origin either, its a centuries old conspiracy and you can read about it in "The protocols of the learned elders of Zion". A very gradual process and we are going towards the finale...

My vision may be a little less credible though, because I didn't get it through taking Ayuvashka, but by studying history and world events...

21st February 2014, 11:25 AM
the link below does NOT refer to the Divine Plant found in the Amazonian jungle and its neighbor countries... and which is a very potent DMT psychedelic. (oops, the first time I clicked on, now it does)

Real Ayahuasca visions in pictures... cool!

sure, as soon as we speak of non addictive mind expanding substances, there is a plethora of people against it. Just work, dont ask questions and be a good slave!

That is how the stigmatization starts, with inaccurate comparisons. Ayahuasca is NOT for everybody, it is NOT recreational... so indeed, experiences and their aftermaths will vary. The Divine Plant is for people very self-confident, control freaks generally flip out.

ps: I have not seen the video below, Psychedelics in Unlocking the Unconscious: From Cancer to Addiction


check out, DMT, The Spirit Molecule on youtube

Wow, strikes me as being chillingly accurate -


21st February 2014, 11:29 AM
I came to similar conclusions the last few years, but my take is that behind the conspiracy is a group of evil people with the object of world domination, not a machine. I don't have as much doubt about its origin either, its a centuries old conspiracy and you can read about it in "The protocols of the learned elders of Zion". A very gradual process and we are going towards the finale...

My vision may be a little less credible though, because I didn't get it through taking Ayuvashka, but by studying history and world events...


midnight rambler
21st February 2014, 11:31 AM
I'm thinking that the guy in the OP uses the term 'machine' as a metaphor like many people use the term 'the matrix' or 'the beast system' - essentially all the same thing, something set into motion and manipulated by the wicked in order to exploit everyone else.

Something is definitely coming to a head, much like a nasty boil.

21st February 2014, 11:34 AM
I'm thinking that the guy in the OP uses the term 'machine' as a metaphor like many people use the term 'the matrix' or 'the beast system' - essentially all the same thing, something set into motion and manipulated by the wicked in order to exploit everyone else.

Something is definitely coming to a head, much like a nasty boil.

Yep. It definitely feeds on our life force. We die, pass away completely drained from this world. I'm only in my 30's yet feel much much older. Eat right, exercise, doesn't alleviate the constant drain from this place.

21st February 2014, 11:43 AM
Yep. It definitely feeds on our life force. We die, pass away completely drained from this world. I'm only in my 30's yet feel much much older. Eat right, exercise, doesn't alleviate the constant drain from this place.
It's the electric bill from cryptocoin mining... ;)

21st February 2014, 12:23 PM
Damn only 17 years old and already see's the world for what it is.


smart kid to say the least.



