View Full Version : Another NSA Whistleblower, Russell Tice B

mick silver
21st February 2014, 11:21 AM
http://whowhatwhy.com/2014/01/16/transcript-another-nsa-whistleblower-russell-tice/ ... It’s been disclosed recently that the post office is now doing a cover on every tangible letter that goes to the post office. They’re taking the picture of everything. They’re looking at the return address and they’re looking at the main address at who is mailing something. And that is also being digitally stored. So every means of communication in this country, everything is being watched by the federal government. And that is Orwellian and that is a trademark of a police state. - See more at: http://whowhatwhy.com/2014/01/16/transcript-another-nsa-whistleblower-russell-tice/#sthash.d86hVIZC.dpuf