View Full Version : Be ready to evacuate

26th February 2014, 03:14 PM
While everyone is busy watching the silly news, the real news goes unreported.
Is it any wonder why the government isn't monitoring radiation?

Wednesday, 26 February 2014 14:23
Due to an ongoing release of radioactive material from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) outside of Carlsbad, New Mexico, citizens in the area shown below should be prepared to EVACUATE at a moments notice.

On or about February 14, 2014, a widely publicized incident took place in the underground nuclear waste storage facility in Carlsbad, NM. Despite the federal government initially assuring everyone "there was no release" radioactive materials, it turned out that a massive cloud of 10,000 cubic meters of plutonium-contaminated air was vented from underground, resulting in 330 MILLION units of radiation being released into the air. The federal government knew this on the day it took place but did not tell the public the true extent of the radiation release. Even local and state officials were kept in the dark.

The DOE apparently DID tell someone they cared about, the Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, which quietly placed a sole-source order for 1,200 radiation particle suits, to be sent immediately to that air force base. While the DOE may not have been telling anyone at the state or local level how dangerous the radiation leak is, its clear they told their fellow federal government people, and now, the military is making certain its people will be protected. Is anyone making sure YOU will be protected?

At a community meeting which took place on Monday of this week, officials from the DOE acknowledged there was, in fact, a massive release of radiation, but no one had to worry because it was long gone by that time. (Or, to put it in Layman's terms, if you already breathed it in, you're already cooking inside and the likelihood you'll get cancer is a foregone conclusion. What they're banking on is that you won't get sick for maybe 5 or 10 more years and once it happens, you won't remember to blame it on them - or be able to prove it!)


Most troubling about the situation is that federal officials also acknowledge the leak of radiation is ongoing. Between 6,000 and 7,000 units of radiation are escaping from the plant every minute since the incident first took place. These units of radiation are known as Becquerels.

Since radiation levels underground remain incredibly high, no one from the DOE is able to physically go into the spill area and see what spilled, how much spilled, or begin any kind of clean-up effort. In fact, this situation may get very much worse.

Since the WIPP stores a wide variety of radioactive materials and other things like rags, tools and such that are also contaminated with radiation, there is a very real possibility that, through a process known as "Radiolysis" the leaking radiation will cause an unanticipated breakdown of the other nearby materials. Therefore, a very real possibility exists that once those materials breakdown and mix together, they will spontaneously combust in a massive explosion.

Should this take place, citizens within 100 miles of the WIPP in Carlsbad, NM should immediately evacuate to upwind of the fallout. The map above shows a 100 mile radius around Carlsbad, NM. The evacuation area includes parts of west Texas.

Depending upon which way the wind is blowing at the time of any explosion, the evacuation area may have to be much farther.

Citizens who reside in the area should obtain emergency filtration masks rated by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as rating "P-100" to protect themselves if forced to evacuate. If there is an explosion, radiation particles will be in the air and only a P-100 rated filter mask will keep them out. Please note that the P-100 is very different from the kind of masks used by Doctors in hospital operating rooms. It is important you understand that the masks used by Doctors are utterly worthless because they cannot protect from radiation particles. The P-100 mask can protect against radiation particles.

Here are some suggestions for a Bug-Out" bag in case you have to evacuate fast:

It should have enough personal items to tie-you-over in case you have to make an emergency evacuation to somewhere else for awhile. These bags should be PRE-PACKED; don't simply make a list then try to go pack when the crap hits the fan. You want this bug-out bag packed and ready to go because if the crap hits the fan, minutes matter. You want to grab the bag and go -- it takes only seconds and could save your life.

•Clothes (Underwear, Socks, Shirts, Pants, Belts, shoes and outerwear that is appropriate for the season)
•Extra eye glasses or contact lenses
•Medicine (If you take something for chronic care, make sure you have a supply to get you through until you get settled elsewhere)
•Toiletries (Soap, Shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, Floss, mouthwash, deodorant, nail clipper, comb or brush, TOILET PAPER!)
•Over-the-counter Health aids like Aspirin/Tylenol/Advil or Aleve, cough medicine, allergy medicine, hydrocortizone creme, HEARTBURN relief, baby powder, etc.
•RADIATION-RELATED PRODUCT: 30 or 60mg Potassium Iodate pills - to be taken ONLY when actually exposed to radiation; protects thyroid.
•Sanitation (A single plastic bag to use for trash or waste as needed)
•Canned and dry foods (Just enough to tie-you-over for 3 - 5 days it may take to get somewhere else, don't forget a CAN OPENER.)
•Water or portable personal water filter (You can go weeks without food, but only 3 to 5 days without water.)
•CASH - Just enough to make-do until you can get squared away.
•A NIOSH-Certified Filter mask rated at P-100. These are re-usable masks that filter 99.97% of all particles.
•Swimming goggles - as temporary eye protection from radiation particles while traveling. Cheap, fast, washable, reusable.
•Portable radio

Put the Bug-Out bag in the bedroom of each family member and teach them that THEY and THEY ALONE are responsible for bringing it with the family if it is time to Bug-out.

Your car

•Get a CB radio + antenna for the car. Have it in the car so you can hear what's going on from truckers and other motorists nearby. It's a LOT better than a cellphone or local traffic radio for live information and can tell you what's ahead if you have to detour.
•Have a gas can in the trunk - if permitted by local laws. A small 2, 3 or even 5 gallon can get you another 20, 30, 50 miles and save your life.
•NEVER allow your car to go below half a tank of gasoline. NEVER! Not even once. If you have to bug-out fast, everyone else will too. The gas stations might all be closed because they already evacuated! Moreover, there won't be time to stop for gas - or sit in a long gas line waiting and hoping the gas station doesn't run out. (We all saw how that worked out in hurricanes like Katrina where people were fighting - even shooting each other - for gasoline. You don't want any part of that. The farther you get away from the danger, the more options you'll have to get fuel later.)
•Bear in mind your car will accumulate radiation on the seats, and floors from you getting in and out regularly. It will also accumulate radiation in the A/C and heating vents which bring in outside air. You'll have to meticulously clean those areas once in awhile to get rid of any build-up and REPLACE the A/C air filter once in awhile


Cooling tubes at FPL St. Lucie nuke plant show significant wear
Tampa Bay Times
Saturday, February 22, 2014 12:00pm


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Google Earth
Florida Power & Light’s St. Lucie Nuclear Plant is on Hutchinson Island, about 50 miles north of West Palm Beach.
Yet another Florida nuclear plant may be in trouble.

More than 3,700 tubes that help cool a nuclear reactor at Florida Power & Light's St. Lucie facility exhibit wear. Most other similar plants have between zero and a few hundred.

Worst case: A tube bursts and spews radioactive fluid. That's what happened at the San Onofre plant in California two years ago. The plant shut down forever because it would have cost too much to fix.


mick silver
26th February 2014, 03:16 PM
sooner then later there will be no place left to hide . the gov need to go out of business

midnight rambler
26th February 2014, 03:40 PM
sooner then later there will be no place left to hide . the gov need to go out of business

But then who will manage our problems for us? They do such a fine job.

midnight rambler
26th February 2014, 03:41 PM
it turned out that a massive cloud of 10,000 cubic meters of plutonium-contaminated air was vented from underground, resulting in 330 MILLION units of radiation being released into the air.

Mmmm! Yummy plutonium!

26th February 2014, 03:48 PM
Usually evacuate by 8 a.m. every day.

midnight rambler
26th February 2014, 05:34 PM

mick silver
26th February 2014, 05:38 PM

midnight rambler
26th February 2014, 05:40 PM

What's that called? Accidental litigation?