View Full Version : Kiev-Style Revolt ‘Coming to America’

26th February 2014, 08:33 PM
Former presidential advisor says “soft corruption” will lead to domestic disorder

(Info Wars) – Pollster and former presidential advisor Pat Caddell warns that the rise of “soft oppression” and corruption in the United States will facilitate a violent Kiev-style uprising in the streets of America.

“What we’re seeing in the world… in Kiev… is American values at work. These people and the rest of the world are saying ‘we’re not putting up with this and we’ll put our lives on it,’” Caddell told Fox News.

“In this country a populace equally dissatisfied with its political class and its leadership. We don’t have the same overt oppression, but we have a very soft oppression of complacency and corruption,” he added.

Caddell then made the bold claim that the jaw-dropping scenes of rioting and near civil war witnessed over the past few weeks on the streets of Kiev were coming to America.

“And the American people… what you’re seeing there… they need their own outlet for that… it is a warning… because it’s coming,” said Caddell.

This isn’t the first time that Caddell has warned that the increasingly corrupt and onerous actions of the federal government are threatening to spark domestic disorder.


Following a 2011 Rasmussen poll which found that just 17 per cent of Americans believe that the U.S. government had the consent of the governed, Caddell asserted that Americans’ lack of confidence in their leadership is so fervent that they are now “pre-revolutionary.”

It would be naive to think that the innumerable riots, mass demonstrations and political uprisings across Europe and the middle east over the past three years have gone unnoticed by the federal government.

As we reported earlier this month, some fear that the U.S. Army’s construction of a $96 million dollar ‘fake town’ in Virginia is part of long standing preparations to drill for martial law in America.

In 2012, an academic study about the future use of the military as a peacekeeping force within the United States written by a retired Army Colonel depicted a shocking scenario in which the U.S. Army is used to restore order to a town that has been seized by Tea Party “insurrectionists”.

The study dovetailed with a leaked U.S. Army manual which revealed plans for the military to carry out “Civil Disturbance Operations” during which troops would be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.

Fort Hood soldiers are also being taught by their superiors that Christians, Tea Party supporters and anti-abortion activists represent a radical terror threat, mirroring rhetoric backed by the Department of Homeland Security which frames “liberty lovers” as domestic extremists.


26th February 2014, 08:49 PM
A rich 80-year-old Jew is going to fund a "revolution" in America?

26th February 2014, 09:47 PM
According to a 1987 profile in the Washington Monthly (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_Monthly):

Caddell believes the key to winning contemporary elections is appealing to 'alienated' voters--that ever-growing group of mostly younger voters who are not easily identified as liberal or conservative and don't trust government, politicians, or the parties. You can't lure these voters with programs and stands on specific issues, so the theory goes. Rather, you must remain as uncommitted as they are. You lure them by attacking that which caused their alienation: the Establishment. Even if he were inclined to help his candidate address the nation's substantive problems and articulate a coherent package of solutions, he'd have trouble. Caddell understands polling, public opinion, and campaigning, but his knowledge of and interest in government is scant.[2] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Caddell#cite_note-Glastris-2)

mick silver
27th February 2014, 03:12 AM
The study dovetailed with a leaked U.S. Army manual which revealed plans for the military to carry out “Civil Disturbance Operations” during which troops would be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest. ... Fort Hood soldiers are also being taught by their superiors that Christians, Tea Party supporters and anti-abortion activists represent a radical terror threat, mirroring rhetoric backed by the Department of Homeland Security which frames “liberty lovers” as domestic extremists..................... people read this again and again

27th February 2014, 04:02 AM
Fort Hood soldiers are also being taught by their superiors that Christians


27th February 2014, 04:25 AM
Nope. Don't need no stinkin' revolution. The Lieber code has been out there and active since the (un)civil war and what we have to do is settle this damned thing once and for all. Napoleons revolution wasn't settled until the 1990s and had to be done away with to get the two Germanys to rejoin.

Straight out ... there will be no revolution. There could very well be a taking up of arms to settle the (un)civil wr.

27th February 2014, 06:50 AM
Napoleons revolution wasn't settled until the 1990s and had to be done away with to get the two Germanys to rejoin
Can you please explain this? I read you saying this before, but I really can't get my head around it...

27th February 2014, 07:02 AM
Can you please explain this? I read you saying this before, but I really can't get my head around it...

From a D.C. insider. ... I suggest the $1.54 used version.

midnight rambler
27th February 2014, 07:10 AM
Can you please explain this? I read you saying this before, but I really can't get my head around it...

The Lieber Code is STILL in effect, in fact it was codified into US Army FM 27-10 The Law of Land Warfare in 1956 and is still there. Within The Lieber Code there are two and only two things which would terminate The Lieber Code, neither of which has happened.

27th February 2014, 07:22 AM
The Lieber Code is STILL in effect

Good discussion here
Listen to Tuesdays show here
Lots of material here

27th February 2014, 08:40 AM
From a D.C. insider. ... I suggest the $1.54 used version.
How about a teaser?

27th February 2014, 08:52 AM
How about a teaser?

Reason for Guantanamo and the land mass that is designated by Illuminati as Cuba.

Hatha Sunahara
27th February 2014, 10:13 AM
The 'military' that is going to deal with a Kiev style revolution isn't that command structure found in the pentagon. It will be the 'militarized police' directed by Homeland Security and all the various agencies that spy on Americans. How many people remember in 2008 when Obama mentioned just once that he saw a civilian force that would be larger than the military that would maintain order. This must be a big secret. DHS doesn't talk about why they are buying billions of rounds of ammunition. Whoever is directing all the preparations for civil disorder seems to think that they con maintain the corruption and 'soft oppression' indefinitely. There is no amount of bullets that can restore legitimacy once it is lost. You can get a whiff of the corrupt thinking that is driving this: If you don't have the consent of the governed, you can just kill them until consent no longer matters. It goes well with the thinking in the financial sphere where as Dick Cheney reminded us--"Deficits don't matter." The only thing that really matters is that this 'ruling cabal' holds on to its power. That power exists and is maintained with lies. The big fear of the ruling cabal is that nobody will believe their lies any more. The people have to learn how to pretend they still believe those lies, or else. How long can this charade be maintained?

This is how the 'civil war' will play out in America. It will be a Stalinist or Maoist murder fest until all that are left will be those who can convincingly pretend that the people in power have legitimacy.

Incidentally, you can get a really good exposure to the corrupt thinking of those in power by reading the Protocols of Zion. That work has a lot of great ideas about how to get and maintain power without legitimacy. We're just about there now.


27th February 2014, 11:47 AM
Rich 80-year-old Jew is going to fund a "revolution" in America?


If it walks like a color revolution (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colour_revolution) and quacks like color revolution - it is a color revolution.

Fascist , Neo-con jewish interests has financed a color revolution in Ukraine. $5 billion dollars has been provided (courtesy of some US depts.). The amounts of money spent on Kiev protesters terrorists is estimated to be over $1 million dollars per day. Including several foreign special ops, by the way. No "peaceful protest" can hold itself this long if you need $1 million per day.

Watch how they professionally created and funded "protesters", paid students to get to protest, deployed agent provocateurs, printouts of what to do.. How local synagogue fed terrorists daily. How "protesters" were found wearing military uniforms, guns, Uzi's , masquerading as army (in army uniforms), shooting their own people in the back and twisting it in the news as if military did it, etc.. How they cornered people-elect president Yanukovich with threatening to take over his bank accounts ... (I am sure "peaceful protesters" know how to do it... sarcasm, clearly banksters involved here). etc.

This was a professionally designed and executed special operation for ousting a foreign president.

No way no how is this happening in U.S.A., a) because it is USA-financed operation, and b) even if it wasn't, there's just too much TV and beer.

mick silver
27th February 2014, 11:52 AM
g soros can fund it for many years all he needs to do steal more from the usa to keep up his fine work around the world

27th February 2014, 12:04 PM

And it will cost a lot more than $1 million per day to get it funded in USA. And there's 100 times more special ops on the ground in USA.

27th February 2014, 12:13 PM
Let me add one more thing here.

Kiev is a payday to Russia for Georgia and Syria. From who - you can only guess.

27th February 2014, 12:15 PM

If it walks like a color revolution (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colour_revolution) and quacks like color revolution - it is a color revolution.

Fascist , Neo-con jewish interests has financed a color revolution in Ukraine. $5 billion dollars has been provided (courtesy of some US depts.). The amounts of money spent on Kiev protesters terrorists is estimated to be over $1 million dollars per day. Including several foreign special ops, by the way. No "peaceful protest" can hold itself this long if you need $1 million per day.

Watch how they professionally created and funded "protesters", paid students to get to protest, deployed agent provocateurs, printouts of what to do.. How local synagogue fed terrorists daily. How "protesters" were found wearing military uniforms, guns, Uzi's , masquerading as army (in army uniforms), shooting their own people in the back and twisting it in the news as if military did it, etc.. How they cornered people-elect president Yanukovich with threatening to take over his bank accounts ... (I am sure "peaceful protesters" know how to do it... sarcasm, clearly banksters involved here). etc.

This was a professionally designed and executed special operation for ousting a foreign president.

No way no how is this happening in U.S.A., a) because it is USA-financed operation, and b) even if it wasn't, there's just too much TV and beer.
Damn do you have evidence of this?

27th February 2014, 12:18 PM
Damn do you have evidence of this?

My friend, I see evidence of this all over the place. There's so much evidence of this that it stinks.

That's besides the fact that I know a lot of people from Ukraine.

mick silver
27th February 2014, 12:26 PM
hell just look at john mccain it look like he about to cum when the news people ask about Ukraine plus how many times has he been there in Ukraine in the past month are so . seen j mccain telling russia to leave Ukraine alone , how far would this go over if we had a navy base in a country and russia said that

27th February 2014, 12:33 PM
My friend, I see evidence of this all over the place. There's so much evidence of this that it stinks.

" Grass Roots Protestors in Ukraine "


27th February 2014, 12:33 PM
My friend, I see evidence of this all over the place. There's so much evidence of this that it stinks.

That's besides the fact that I know a lot of people from Ukraine.
I am truly curious of the evidence you found, especially of the protesters shooting one of their own, did you see that?

27th February 2014, 12:36 PM
" Grass Roots Protestors in Ukraine "


Jooros n chipmunk fighting for our love!

27th February 2014, 12:38 PM
There's even youtube videos on this, english language from "journalists". With russian commentary , of course, telling a viewer in the end of the video attach your own target to a place where you can see the last bullet went, and then play video again. And to your surprise bullets will be landing right in the middle of the target you placed on a screen. Which basically means they are shooting from where camera man is sitting.

Look around , you'll find it.

"Interactive war".

27th February 2014, 12:41 PM
There's pictures and videos all over the place of "berkut", or what it turns out to be looking like Berkut someone's special ops(?) in berkut clothes , with the only minor detail - WRONG SHOES that no "berkut" in Ukraine or Russia ever wears.

And that's during olympics when all russian special ops are on the ground protecting the event, by the way. Someone is posing as them.

27th February 2014, 12:43 PM
There's even youtube videos on this, english language from "journalists". With russian commentary , of course, telling a viewer in the end of the video attach your own target to a place where you can see the last bullet went, and then play video again. And to your surprise bullets will be landing right in the middle of the target you placed on a screen. Which basically means they are shooting from where camera man is sitting.

Sounds like the Russians shot the protester or was the cameraman a protester?

mick silver
27th February 2014, 12:43 PM
Last week Ukraine saw its worst violence since the break-up of the Soviet Union over 20 years ago. Protesters occupying the main square in the capitol city, Kiev, clashed with police leaving many protesters and police dead and many more wounded. It is an ongoing tragedy and it looks like there is no end in sight.
The current conflict stems from a divide between western Ukraine, which seeks a closer association with the European Union, and the eastern part of the country, which has closer historic ties to Russia.
The usual interventionists in the US have long meddled in the internal affairs of Ukraine. In 2003 it was US government money that helped finance the Orange Revolution, as US-funded NGOs favoring one political group over the other were able to change the regime. These same people have not given up on Ukraine. They keep pushing their own agenda for Ukraine behind the scenes, even as they ridicule anyone who claims US involvement.

A recent leaked telephone conversation between two senior government officials made it clear that not only was the US involved in the Ukrainian unrest; the US was actually seeking to determine who should make up the next Ukrainian government!
Senator John McCain, who has made several trips to Ukraine recently to meet with the opposition, wrote last week that the US must stand up to support the territorial integrity of Ukraine, including Crimea.
Why are US government officials so eager to tell the Ukrainians what they should do? Has anyone bothered to ask the Ukrainians? What if it might help alleviate the ongoing violence and bloodshed if the Ukrainians decide to re-make the country as a looser confederation of regions rather than one tightly controlled by a central government? Perhaps Ukraine engaging in peaceful trade with countries both to the west and east would benefit all sides. But outside powers seem to be fighting a proxy war, with Ukraine suffering the most because of it.
If you asked most Americans how they feel, my bet is that you would discover they are sick and tired of the US government getting involved in every crisis that arises. Certainly the American people want none of of this intervention in Ukraine. They understand, as recent polls have shown, that our interventionist foreign policy is only creating more enemies overseas. And they also understand that we are out of money. We could not afford to be the policemen of world even if we wanted to be.
And I bet if we asked the Ukrainians, a vast majority of them would prefer that the US -- and Russia and the European Union -- stay out their affairs and respect their sovereignty. Is it so difficult to understand why people resent being lectured and bribed by foreign governments? All we need to do is put ourselves in the place of the Ukrainians and ask ourselves how we would feel if we were in the middle of a tug-of-war between a very strong Canada on one side and a very strong Mexico on the other. We would resent it as well. So let's keep our hands off of Ukraine and let them solve their own problems!
This article contributed courtesy of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity (http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2014/february/23/leave-ukraine-alone%21.aspx).

- See more at: http://www.thedailybell.com/editoria....ui3WY24i.dpuf (http://www.thedailybell.com/editorials/35053/Ron-Paul-Leave-Ukraine-Alone/#sthash.ui3WY24i.dpuf)http://www.thedailybell.com/images/library/ukrainemonastery.jpg

27th February 2014, 12:45 PM
Sounds like the Russians shot the protester or was the cameraman a protester?

No, whoever is filming and telling the "story" IN ENGLISH is sitting right next to someone who's shooting. That's a classic agent provocateur.

The commentary is added later on in russian, I don't remember I think it maybe a commentary with the video, where to stop and attach a target to the screen in a place where last bullet is clearly seen landing, and then play that movie again.

27th February 2014, 12:46 PM
No, whoever is filming and telling the "story" IN ENGLISH is sitting right next to someone who's shooting. That's a classic agent provocateur.

mick silver
27th February 2014, 12:47 PM
http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?75948-The-new-world-devised-by-Maurice-Strong-and-George-Soros ... The new world devised by Maurice Strong and George Soros
http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/6485 ... Have you ever wondered how capitalism was pushed over the edge of the cliff just six weeks before the American presidential election?According to financial experts, the world, as we know it will change dramatically by the year 2012. People, who provided for their families only three years ago, will be desperately searching for food.
The story of the economic meltdown of 2008 begins and ends with the United Nations and its carefully managed One World Order.

Behind the curtain of this dark chapter in human misery are ogres Maurice Strong and George Soros.
It is both power lust and an all-consuming hatred of the United States of America that elevated this deadly duo to ogre status.
Fortunately for all of those searching for answers, much of their plan for the world, post November 4, 2008 is already mapped out in writing.
Leading economic experts and Strong agree that in 2012 people will be going hungry.
“Strong has worked diligently and effectively to bring his ideas to fruition, He is now in a position to implement them.” (Henry Lamb, The Rise of Global Governance, available atsoverignty.net (http://www.soverignty.net/)). “His speeches and writings provide a clear picture of what to expect. In 1991, Strong wrote the introduction to a book published by the Trilateral Commission, calledBeyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World’s Economy and the Earth’s Ecology, by Jim MacNeil. (David Rockefeller wrote the foreword). Strong said this:
“This interlocking…is the new reality of the century, with profound implications for the shape of our institutions of governance, national and international. By the year 2012, these changes must be fully integrated into our economic and political life.”
These chilling words are in line with ones he used for the opening session of the Rio Conference (Earth Summit II) in 1992, that industrialized countries have:
“Developed and benefited from the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption which have produced our present dilemma. It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class—involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing—are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns.”
The only change that has happened since 1992 is that Strong and Soros now have their Agent of Change coming to the White House.
In other words, the world according to Maurice Strong, is unfolding as it should.
In an era ridden by bankruptcies and job loss, Zombie-like cultists will swarm Washington, D.C. for the January 20, 2009 inauguration of Barack Obama.
Voluntary acceptance of global governance is the preferred means of achieving a takeover of America without a single shot having been fired.
“Education programs to teach the “global ethic” have been underway by UNESCO and by UNEP for more than twenty years.” (Page 90, The Rise of Global Governance). “That the U.S. government, through its representatives to the various U.N. agencies, has not already crushed this global governance agenda is s testament to the effectiveness of the U.N.’s education program.”
Back to how to how ogres Strong and Soros, along with others, were able to hijack a world economy.
“A new Economic Security Council (ESC) would replace the existing Economic and Social Council. The new ESC would consist of no more than 23 members who would have responsibility for all international financial and development activities. The IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO—virtually all finance and development activities—would be under the authority of this body. There would be no veto power by any nation. (Italics CFP’s). Nor would there be permanent member status for any nation.”
Bloggers and website owners may recall how the Ohama campaign team seemed to have thousands of volunteers available with G-Mail accounts to send out a barrage of nasty letters any time a blog or website asked too many questions or dared to criticize “The Messiah”.
In a post January 20 world, it seems that Obama will develop his activist base from within the White House.
But in Maurice Strong’s New World, NGOs will flag the new order about truth tellers: “The Commission (on Global Governance) believes that the U.N. should protect the “security of the people” inside the borders of sovereign nations, with or without the invitation of the national government. It proposes the expansion of an NGO “early warning” network to function through the Petitions Council to alert the U.N. to possible action.” (Italics CFP’s).
Maurice Strong has had a longtime influence with the major Foundations, which provide the funding for NGOs, and he has influence with the major international NGOs that coordinate the activities of the thousands of smaller NGOs around the world.
Small wonder that Strong spends his time far away in Communist China these days.
But there is a silver lining to be found even with the darkest of storm clouds over America and something for Americans to contemplate over the upcoming holidays.
In spite of the hype coming out of the Office of the President-elect, Obama is merely a fop for the global elite. He is their, and not the people’s true agent of change.
The January 20 inauguration with its promise of 5 million observers in Washington, D.C. will be the extravaganza of a lifetime, deepening recession notwithstanding.

It is Obama’s job to demoralize the 58 million people who did not buy into his campaign and for all of those who do not want One World Order.
Starring among all the glitterati at the Inauguration Ball, Barack and Michelle are like the stick figures from a kindergartener’s drawing, for this is an emperor who truly has no clothes.

27th February 2014, 12:48 PM
you have to look around on youtube , I saw it a number of days ago

mick silver
27th February 2014, 12:49 PM
free someone posted it here . i am still looking for it

mick silver
27th February 2014, 12:53 PM
http://www.globalresearch.ca/loving-a-putsch-cheering-a-democratic-neo-nazi-coup-in-ukraine/5371232 Logo of Ukraine’s extreme right-wing nationalist party, Svoboda.
There’s been much celebration in U.S. political and media circles over the violent ouster of Ukraine’s democratically elected president. Nearly everyone is hailing this putsch and ignoring that it was spurred on by neo-Nazi militias.
There was always a measure of hypocrisy but Official Washington used to at least pretend to stand for “democracy,” rather than taking such obvious pleasure in destabilizing elected governments, encouraging riots, overturning constitutional systems and then praising violent putsches.
But events in Ukraine and Venezuela suggest that the idea of respecting the results of elections and working within legal, albeit flawed, political systems is no longer in vogue, unless the “U.S. side” happens to win, of course. If the “U.S. side” loses, then it’s time for some “shock doctrine.” And, of course, the usual demonizing of the “enemy” leader.
Ukraine’s ousted President Viktor Yanukovych was surely no one’s idea of a pristine politician, though it looks like there are few to none of those in Ukraine, a country essentially controlled by a collection of billionaire oligarchs who jockey for power and shift their allegiances among corrupt politicians.
But Yanukovych was elected in what was regarded as a reasonably fair election in 2010. Indeed, some international observers called the election an important step toward establishing an orderly political process in Ukraine.
But Yanukovych sought to maintain cordial relations with neighboring Russia, which apparently rubbed American neocons the wrong way. Official Washington’s still-influential neocons have been livid with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin because he cooperated with U.S. President Barack Obama in averting U.S. wars against Iran and Syria.
In both cases, the neocons thought they had maneuvered Obama into confrontations that could have advanced their long-term strategy of “regime change” across the Middle East, a process that started in 2003 with the U.S. invasion of Iraq but stalled with that disastrous war.
However, last year, prospects for more U.S. military interventions in two other target countries – Iran and Syria – were looking up, as Israel joined with Saudi Arabia in stoking regional crises that would give Obama no choice but to launch American air strikes, against Iran’s nuclear facilities and against Syrian government targets.
Putin’s Interference
That strategy was going swimmingly until Putin helped bring Iran to the negotiating table over guarantees that its nuclear program would not lead to a nuclear weapon. Putin also brokered a deal to avert threatened U.S. air strikes on Syria over disputed evidence regarding who launched a chemical attack on civilians outside Damascus. Putin got the Syrian government to agree to eliminate its chemical weapons arsenal.
So, Putin found himself in the center of the neocons’ bulls-eye and – given some of his own unforced errors such as defending Russia’s intolerance toward gays and spending excessively on the Sochi Olympics – he became the latest “designated villain,” denounced and ridiculed across the neocon-dominated op-ed pages of the Washington Post and other major news outlets.
Even NBC, from its treasured spot as the network of the Olympic Games, felt it had no choice but todenounce (http://consortiumnews.com/2014/02/23/seeing-evil-in-the-new-russia/) Putin in an extraordinary commentary delivered by anchor Bob Costas. Once the demonizing ball gets rolling everyone has to join in or risk getting run over, too.
All of which set the stage for Ukraine. The issue at hand was whether Yanukovych should accept a closer relationship with the European Union, which was demanding substantial economic “reforms,” including an austerity plan dictated by the International Monetary Fund. Yanukovych balked at the harsh terms and turned to Ukraine’s neighbor Russia, which was offering a $15 billion loan and was keeping Ukraine’s economy afloat with discounted natural gas.
Reasonable people can disagree about whether the EU was driving too hard a bargain or whether Ukraine should undertake such painful economic “reforms” – or how Yanukovych should have balanced the interests of his divided country, with the east dominated by ethnic Russians and the west leaning toward Europe.
But protesters from western Ukraine, including far-right nationalists, sought to turn this policy dispute into a means for overthrowing the elected government. Police efforts to quell the disturbances turned violent, with the police not the only culprits. Police faced armed neo-Nazi storm troopers who attacked with firebombs and other weapons.
Though the U.S. news media did show scenes of these violent melees, the U.S. press almost universally blamed Yanukovych – and took almost gleeful pleasure as his elected government collapsed and was replaced by thuggish right-wing militias “guarding” government buildings.
With Yanukovych and many of his supporters fleeing for their lives, the opposition parties seized control of parliament and began passing draconian new laws often unanimously, as neo-Nazi thugs patrolled the scene. Amazingly, the U.S. news media treated all this as uplifting, a popular uprising against a tyrant, not a case of a coup government operating in collusion with violent extremists.
In the upside-down world that has become the U.S. news media, the democratically elected president was a dictator and the coup makers who overthrew the popularly chosen leader were “pro-democracy” activists.
A Curious History
There’s also a curious history behind U.S. attitudes toward ethnically divided Ukraine. During Ronald Reagan’s presidency – as he escalated Cold War tensions with the Soviet Union – one of his propaganda services, Radio Liberty, began broadcasting commentaries into Ukraine from right-wing exiles.
Some of the commentaries praised Ukrainian nationalists who had sided with the Nazis in World War II as the SS waged its “final solution” against European Jews. The propaganda broadcasts provoked outrage from Jewish organizations, such as B’nai B’rith, and individuals including conservative academic Richard Pipes.
According to an internal memo dated May 4, 1984, and written by James Critchlow, a research officer at the Board of International Broadcasting, which managed Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe, one RL broadcast in particular was viewed as “defending Ukrainians who fought in the ranks of the SS.”
Critchlow wrote, “An RL Ukrainian broadcast of Feb. 12, 1984 contains references to the Nazi-oriented Ukrainian-manned SS ‘Galicia’ Division of World War II which may have damaged RL’s reputation with Soviet listeners. The memoirs of a German diplomat are quoted in a way that seems to constitute endorsement by RL of praise for Ukrainian volunteers in the SS division, which during its existence fought side by side with the Germans against the Red Army.”
Harvard Professor Pipes, who was an informal adviser to the Reagan administration, also inveighed against the RL broadcasts, writing – on Dec. 3, 1984 – “the Russian and Ukrainian services of RL have been transmitting this year blatantly anti-Semitic material to the Soviet Union which may cause the whole enterprise irreparable harm.”
Though the Reagan administration publicly defended RL against some of the public criticism, privately some senior officials agreed with the critics, according to documents in the archives of the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. For instance, in a Jan. 4, 1985, memo, Walter Raymond Jr., a top official on the National Security Council, told his boss, National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane, that “I would believe much of what Dick [Pipes] says is right.”
This three-decade-old dispute over U.S.-sponsored radio broadcasts underscores the troubling political reality of Ukraine, which straddles a dividing line between people with cultural ties oriented toward the West and those with a cultural heritage more attuned to Russia. Though the capital Kiev sits in a region dominated by the western Ukrainians, the Russian-allied Ukrainians represent most of the population, explaining Yanukovych’s electoral victory.
Loving a Putsch
Now, right-wing militias, representing those historical resentments toward the Russians and hostility toward the Jews, have seized control of many government buildings in Kiev. Faced with this intimidation, the often-unanimous decisions by the remaining legislators would normally be viewed with extreme skepticism, including their demands for the capture and likely execution of Yanukovych.
But the U.S. press corps can’t get beyond its demonization of Putin and Yanukovych. The neocon Washington Post has been almost euphoric over the coup, as expressed in a Feb. 24 editorial:
“Ukraine has shaken off its corrupt president and the immediate prospect of domination by Russia — but at the risk of further conflict. The decision by Viktor Yanukovych to flee Kiev over the weekend triggered the disintegration of his administration and prompted parliament to replace him and schedule elections for May.
“The moves were democratic — members of Mr. Yanukovych’s party joined in the parliamentary votes — but they had the effect of nullifying an accord between the former government and opposition that had been brokered by the European Union and tacitly supported by Russia.
“Kiev is now controlled by pro-Western parties that say they will implement the association agreement with the European Union that Mr. Yanukovych turned away from three months ago, triggering the political crisis.
“There remain two big threats to this positive outcome. One is that Ukraine’s finances will collapse in the absence of a bailout from Russia or the West. The other is that the country will split along geographic lines as Russian speakers in the east of the country, perhaps supported by Moscow, reject the new political order.”
The Post continued, “What’s not clear is whether Mr. Putin would accept a Ukraine that is not under the Kremlin’s thumb. The first indications are not good: Though Mr. Putin has been publicly silent about Ukraine since Friday, the rhetoric emanating from his government has been angry and belligerent. A foreign ministry statement Monday alleged that ‘a course has been set to use dictatorial and sometimes terrorist methods to suppress dissenters in various regions.’”
So, the Washington Post’s editors consider the violent overthrow of a democratically elected president to be “democratic” and take comfort in “democratic” actions by a legislature, despite the curious lack of any no votes and the fact that this balloting has occurred under the watchful eye of neo-Nazi storm troopers patrolling government offices. And, according to the Post, the Russian government is unhinged to detect “dictatorial and sometimes terrorist methods.”
The New York Times editorial page was only slightly less celebratory, proclaiming: “The venal president of Ukraine is on the run and the bloodshed has stopped, but it is far too early to celebrate or to claim that the West has ‘won’ or that Russia has ‘lost.’ One incontrovertible lesson from the events in Kiev, Ukraine’s capital, is that the deeply divided country will have to contend with dangerous problems that could reverberate beyond its borders.”
There has been, of course, a long and inglorious history of the U.S. government supporting the overthrow of elected governments: Mossadegh in Iran in 1953, Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954, Allende in Chile in 1973, Aristide in Haiti twice, Chavez in Venezuela briefly in 2002, Zelaya in Honduras in 2009, Morsi in Egypt in 2013, and others. After Yanukovych, the next target of these U.S.-embraced “democratic” coups looks to be Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela.
In these cases, it is typical for the mainstream U.S. news media to obsess over perceived flaws in the ousted leaders. On Wednesday, for instance, the New York Times made much of an unfinished presidential palace (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/26/world/europe/an-unfinished-ukraine-palace-and-a-fugitive-leaders-folly.html?hp) in Ukraine, calling it “a fugitive leader’s folly.” The idea seems to be to cement in the minds of impressionable Americans that it is okay for the U.S. government to support the overthrow of democratically elected presidents if they have flaws.
The outcomes for the people of these countries that are “saved” from their imperfect leaders, however, often tend to be quite ugly. Usually, they experience long periods of brutal repression at the hands of dictators, but that typically happens outside the frame of the U.S. news media’s focus or interest. Those unhappy countries fade from view almost as quickly as they were thrust to center stage, next to the demonization of their elected leaders.
[For more on Ukraine, see Consortiumnews.com’s “Neocons and the Ukraine Coup (http://consortiumnews.com/2014/02/23/neocons-and-the-ukraine-coup/).”]
Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here (https://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/1868/t/12126/shop/shop.jsp?storefront_KEY=1037) or as an e-book (from Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Americas-Stolen-Narrative-Washington-ebook/dp/B009RXXOIG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1350755575&sr=8-1&keywords=americas+stolen+narrative) and barnesandnoble.com (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/americas-stolen-narrative?keyword=americas+stolen+narrative&store=ebook&iehack=%E2%98%A0)). For a limited time, you also can order Robert Parry’s trilogy on the Bush Family and its connections to various right-wing operatives for only $34. The trilogy includes America’s Stolen Narrative. For details on this offer, click here (http://consortiumnews.com/2013/06/14/get-your-rewrite-of-us-history/).

27th February 2014, 12:56 PM
The evidence is all over the place. No Ukrainian except president himself would be able to sustain that much expense paying opposition. Money clearly came in from abroad.

The US dept. what's he name , jewish wife of a neocon? whe screwed up and her phone conversations are all over the place.

Russians are constantly putting up pictures and videos of strange suspects.

There's videos all over the place of "peaceful protesters" with various guns shooting around, that's being updated all over the web daily. Even carrying Uzi.

There's tons of links. Here's one where former FED, former Lehman Brothers, former Council on Foreign Relations, british oxford-educated Aslund says that Ukrainian president has $12 billion in bank accounts (lie, he probably has 1/10, but how does HE knows?) they clearly push onto him not to interfere into "revolution" or risk his his accounts to be seized. THat is no way can be done by "protesters":

mick silver
27th February 2014, 12:58 PM
When the Soviet Union was collapsing in late 1991, Dick wanted to see the dismantlement not only of the Soviet Union and the Russian empire but of Russia itself, so it could never again be a threat to the rest of the world,” wrote former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in his recently published memoirs. Gates was referring to the then-Secretary of Defense, and later US Vice President, Dick Cheney.
The statement sheds light on the geopolitical dimensions of the recent putsch in Ukraine. What is at stake is not so much domestic issues—and not at all the fight against corruption and democracy—but rather an international struggle for power and influence that stretches back a quarter of a century.
The Financial Times places the recent events in Ukraine in the same light. In an editorial on February 23, it wrote: “For a quarter of a century this huge territory perched precariously between the EU and Russia has been the object of a geopolitical contest between the Kremlin and the west.” In 2008, a clumsy attempt by President George W. Bush failed to draw the former Soviet republics of Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, “But the Maidan revolution now offers a second chance for all parties to reconsider the status of Ukraine on the fault line of Europe.”
The dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991 was an unexpected gift to the imperialist powers. The October Revolution in 1917 had removed a considerable part of the world’s surface from the sphere of capitalist exploitation. This was regarded as a threat by the international bourgeoisie, even long after the Stalinist bureaucracy betrayed the goal of world socialist revolution and murdered an entire generation of Marxist revolutionaries. In addition, the economic and military strength of the Soviet Union presented an obstacle to US world hegemony.
The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the introduction of the capitalist market created conditions for the social wealth created by generations of workers to be plundered by a handful of oligarchs and international finance. The social gains made in the field of education, health care, culture and infrastructure were smashed and left to decline.
This was not enough, however, for the US and the major European powers. They were intent on ensuring that Russia could never again threaten their global hegemony, as is made clear in the above cited statement of Dick Cheney.
By 2009 the US-dominated NATO military alliance had absorbed into its ranks almost all of the East European countries that had once belonged to the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union. But attempts to incorporate former Soviet republics into NATO failed—with the exception of the three Baltic states Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania—due to resistance from Moscow. Ukraine, with its 46 million inhabitants and its strategic location situated between Russia, Europe, the Black Sea and the Caucasus, invariably was at the centre of these attempts.
As far back as 1997, former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote that without Ukraine, any attempt by Moscow to rebuild its influence on the territory of the former Soviet Union was doomed to fail. The core thesis of his book The Grand Chessboard is that America’s capacity to exercise global primacy depends on whether America can prevent the emergence of a dominant and antagonistic power on the Eurasian landmass. (See: “The power struggle in Ukraine and America’s strategy of domination (http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2004/12/ukra-23d.html)”)
In 2004 the US and the European powers supported and financed the “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine that brought a pro-western government to power. The regime rapidly broke apart, however, due to internal strife. The attempt in 2008 to draw Georgia into NATO by provoking a military confrontation with Russia also failed.
Now the US and its European allies are intent to use the putsch in Ukraine to once again destabilize other former Soviet republics as well and draw them into their own sphere of influence. In so doing they risk an open armed conflict with Russia.
Under the headline “After Ukraine, the West Makes Its Move for the Russian Periphery,” the Stratfor think tank, which has close links to the US secret services, writes: “The West wants to parlay the success of supporting Ukraine’s anti-government protesters into a broader, region-wide campaign.”
“A Georgian delegation is currently visiting Washington, and the country’s prime minister, Irakli Garibashvili, is scheduled to meet with U.S. President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry this week,” Stratfor reports. Moldovan Prime Minister Iurie Leanca is also scheduled to visit the White House for a meeting with US Vice President Joe Biden on March 3. “High on the agenda of both visits are the countries’ prospects for Western integration—in other words, how to bring them closer to the United States and the European Union and further from Russia.”
Lilia Shetsova from the US foundation Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (sic) in Moscow, also argues that the coup in Ukraine be extended to other countries and Russia itself. “Ukraine has become the weakest link in the post-Soviet chain,” she writes in a comment for the Süddeutsche Zeitung. “We should keep in mind that similar upheavals in other countries are possible.”
Shetsova stresses a feature of the Ukrainian revolution that she wants to retain at all costs: the mobilization of militant fascist forces. “Yanukovych’s downfall is essentially due to the ‘radical elements’ on the Maidan, including among others, the Right Sector, which have become a serious political force.” She continues: “Ukraine’s future will depend on whether the Ukrainians can maintain the Maidan.”
The “radical elements” which Shetsova wants to retain at all costs are armed fascist militias, which base themselves on the vilest traditions of Ukrainian history: the pogroms and mass murder of Jews and Communists carried out during the Second World War. The future role of these fascist militias will be to terrorize and intimidate the working class.
It took just a few hours for the reactionary social content of the upheaval in Ukraine to become clear. The “European values ” allegedly brought to the country by overthrow of the old regime consist of massive attacks on the already impoverished working class. As a condition for loans the country urgently needs to prevent impending bankruptcy, the IMF is demanding the floating of the exchange rate of the hryvna, a brutal austerity program and a six-fold increase in the price of household gas prices.
The floating of the country’s currency will lead to raging inflation, a corresponding increase in the cost of living, and the destruction of any remaining savings by ordinary Ukrainians. The austerity program will be primarily directed against pensions and social spending and the increase in gas prices will mean that many families cannot heat their homes.
Ukraine is to be reduced to a country where well-trained workers and professionals earn wages far below those currently paid in China. This is of especial interest for Germany, Ukraine’s second largest trading partner (after Russia) and, with a volume of $7.4 billion, the second largest investor in the country.
While for the United States the isolation of Russia stands in the foreground, Germany is interested in the economic benefits of Ukraine, which it has already militarily occupied twice, in 1918 and 1941. It wants to exploit the country as a cheap labor platform and use it to drive down wages in Eastern Europe and Germany even further.
According to statistics compiled by the German Economic Institute, labor costs in Ukraine are at the low end of the international scale. At €2.50 per hour worked, average labor costs (gross wages plus other costs) for workers and clerical employees are already well below those of China (€3.17), Poland (€6.46) and Spain (€21.88). In Germany, an hour of labor costs €35.66, i.e 14 times as much.
The Ukrainian Statistical Office estimates the average monthly wage at 3,073 hryvna (€220). Academics are also very poorly paid.
Former President Yanukovych himself was a representative of Ukrainian oligarchs. He only turned down the Association Agreement with the EU because he feared he would not politically survive the social consequences. Now his downfall serves as a pretext to introduce a level of poverty and exploitation totally incompatible with democratic norms and will lead to new social uprisings. It is precisely in order to suppress future social unrest that the fascist militias are to be retained.

27th February 2014, 12:59 PM
Here's some images where in russian and Ukrainian there's evidence that there were people paying out money to participate:


27th February 2014, 01:00 PM
Here's russian news showing that unknown people from sniper rifles fired at both sites. These kinda news were reported in Russia DAILY:

<object width="480" height="360"><param name="movie" value="//www.youtube.com/v/r2ictmyUZzg?version=3&hl=ru_RU"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="//www.youtube.com/v/r2ictmyUZzg?version=3&hl=ru_RU" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="360" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

err, doesn't work, here's link, this is no BS, 1st channel of Russian TV:

mick silver
27th February 2014, 01:00 PM
Venezuela, Ukraine, and North Korea: Targets of Failing American ImperialismBy Danny Haiphong (http://www.globalresearch.ca/author/danny-haiphong)
Global Research, February 26, 2014

21 1


In every part of the globe, the world’s sovereign nations are feeling the wrath of a US imperialist system in decline. US imperialism is losing its grip as the most dominant capitalist economy on the planet. To reconcile its humiliation and maintain its waning economic dominance, US imperialism has resorted to building a vast military empire abroad to submerge independent states under its thumb. From 1945 and through the GW Bush era’s call for a “New American Century”, the overthrow of democratically elected governments and overt acts of war either had to gain popular consensus in the US first or be done covertly by the CIA. Now, with the global capitalist economy in permanent crisis, the US and its allies are sponsoring so called “protest movements” and “opposition” groups to wage wars most Americans no longer support.
Nowhere is this clearer than in Venezuela, North Korea, and Ukraine. As in Libya and Syria, Venezuela and Ukraine are struggling to defeat Washington-backed “opposition” groups looking to install US-friendly regimes. Venezuela’s democratically elected government was never forgiven for betraying the wishes of the neo-colonial oligarchy and completely reforming its electoral and economic basis to align with the interests of Venezuela’s poor majority. The Bolivarian government has made important gains in the areas of poverty reduction, healthcare, literacy, and education. But the corporate media and US political leaders are having us believe that “anti-government” protesters funded at 5 million per year by the US government itself somehow represent the interests of the Venezuelan majority. Undoubtedly, the Venezuelan oligarchy and their sugar-daddys in Washington are bitter that their representatives lost over 70 percent of municipalities in the local elections and failed to become the ruling party in what Jimmy Carter called the most democratic Presidential election process in the world in 2012.
In Ukraine, a fascist “protest” movement has been growing with armed support from NATO and the US. These “protesters”, armed with heavy artillery and shwastika banners, are demanding the Ukrainian government open up relations with the EU and allow their economy to become a nest for finance capital. The Ukrainian government has defied the wishes of fascists and their Western allies by swearing allegiance to Russia. The US-NATO-EU alliance sees Ukraine as a possible NATO military base and an economic asset to mend the austerity and crisis ridden European capitalist order. Only a coup at this point can achieve these ends. The replacement of President Yanukovych with a EU friendly government would exacerbate economic woes and set back the hopes of Russia and its allies for a multi-polar economic and military global order.
At the level of soft power, a new report emerged from the UN that used interview data from exiles residing in the West and South Korea. The report concluded that the leader of the DPRK, Kim Jong Un, should be referred to the International Criminal Court for “crimes against humanity.” Hypocrisy stains this report from top to bottom. The US never ended its war against Korea, only signing an armistice in 1953 that kept the country divided between socialist DPRK and the neo-Colony South Korea. The US has never been referred to any international body for its war crimes let alone for its horrific bombing campaign that left Korea in ruins and forced thousands into death or homelessness. Nor will the UN report admit that US-imposed sanctions on the DPRK beginning after the fall of the Soviet Union is a blatant act of war. The US, not the DPRK, uses “food as a weapon” on the people of North Korea by blocking its ability to receive needed resources abroad to increase its foodstuffs. Lastly, The UN remains silent on the crimes of the South Korean government, which presides over masses of impoverished people and imprisons dissidents of its fascist regime. The UN and its ruler, the US, never criticize South Korea’s military operations, which violate of North Korea’s sovereignty. Indeed, the UN report was conducted for the sole purpose of justifying further US intervention against North Korea in pursuit of geopolitical dominance.
The reality is that the US imperialist system is in such a terrible economic state that it must rely on waging war in every corner of the globe to maintain its relevancy. No longer is US imperialism able to conduct widespread bombing campaigns or overthrow democratically elected governments through the CIA with impunity. In order to bypass Russia and China in the United Nations, US imperialism must resort to mass manipulation through the corporate media and a network of intelligence agencies, private military contractors, and allied nations in imperial organizations like NATO to train and fund so called “protest movements” and “opposition” groups. Venezuela, Ukraine, and North Korea have fallen victim to media deception and mercenary terrorism sponsored by the Wall Street ruled US-Western alliance. Anti-imperialists in the United States need to defend these countries right to sovereignty and organize resistance to US imperialism at home. Furthermore, anti-imperialists residing in the US must explain to the people the connection between US imperialism abroad and the increased austerity, poverty, racism, and massive prison and police state at home.
Danny Haiphong is an activist and case manager in the Greater Boston area. You can contact Danny at: wakeupriseup1990@gmail.com. (wakeupriseup1990@gmail.com)

27th February 2014, 01:04 PM
I think this may be a video where you can do what I said above, put a target closer to the end and watch again. At 2:41 something hits a tree right in front, if you stop and mark screen and watch again it is interesting:


27th February 2014, 01:06 PM
Did you know that there are meeting of anti-Maidan protests right now almost in every Russian city? Is it in the news here? Just curious. There's a lot, and I mean A LOT MORE people at these meetings.

mick silver
27th February 2014, 01:08 PM
Ukraine and the “Politics of Anti-Semitism”: The West Upholds Neo-Nazi Repression of Ukraine’s Jewish CommunityBy Prof Michel Chossudovsky (http://www.globalresearch.ca/author/michel-chossudovsky)
Global Research, February 26, 2014

Region: Europe (http://www.globalresearch.ca/region/europe), Russia and FSU (http://www.globalresearch.ca/region/russia-and-fsu)
Theme: Politics and Religion (http://www.globalresearch.ca/theme/politics-and-religion)

51 2


The US and the EU are supporting the formation of a coalition government integrated by Neo-Nazis which are directly involved in the repression of the Ukrainian Jewish community.
There are about 200,000 Jews living in Ukraine, most of them in Kiev. This community is described as “one of the most vibrant Jewish communities in the world, with dozens of active Jewish organizations and institutions”. A significant part of this community is made up of family members of holocaust survivors. “Three million Ukrainians were murdered by the Nazis during their occupation of Ukraine, including 900,000 Jews.” (indybay.org, (http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2014/01/29/18749979.php) January 29, 2014).
Ukrainian Jews were the target of the Third Reich’s Einsatzgruppen (Task Groups or Deployment Groups) which were supported by Ukrainian Nazi collaborators (Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust_in_Ukraine)). These “task forces” were paramilitary death squads deployed in occupied territories.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Holocaust-Ukraine_big_legend1.png (http://www.globalresearch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Holocaust-Ukraine_big_legend1.png)

Source: Dennis Nilsson (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Dna-webmaster) wikimedia.org (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WW2-Holocaust-Ukraine.PNG)Contemporary Neo-Nazi Threat against Ukraine’s Jewish community
While the Western media has not covered the issue, the contemporary Neo-Nazi threat against the Jewish community in the Ukraine is real. Ukrainian Neo-Nazis pay tribute to Stepan Bandera, a World War II-era Nazi collaborator who led the pro-Nazi Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B). The contemporary Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party which is supported by Washington follows in the footsteps of the OUN-B.
Neo-Nazis Honoring Stepan Bandera
Reports from Kiev confirm that the Jewish community is the target of the Right Sector and the Neo-Nazi Svoboda party, which is supported and financed through various channels by Washington and Brussels:

“Ukrainian Rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman asked Kiev Jews to leave the city and, if possible, the country, due to fears that Jews might be targeted in the ongoing chaos. … S[B]ome Jewish shops have been vandalized and other threats to the Jewish community have been received.
“I told my congregation to leave the city center or the city all together and if possible the country too… I don’t want to tempt fate…but there are constant warnings concerning intentions to attack Jewish institutions,” Rabbi Azman told Maariv. (JN, February 24, 2014)
The leaders of the Ukrainian Jewish Community contacted Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman requesting the assistance of Israel. (Edward Dolinsky, head of the umbrella organization of Ukraine’s Jews).
Israel –which is unofficially a member of the Western military alliance (US-NATO-Israel)– has remained mum on the subject: Real Politik Uber Alles. No statement has emanated from Tel Aviv. The Israeli government has not responded to the request of the Ukrainian Jewish Community nor has it made any statements.
America’s pro-Israeli lobby The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has not taken a stance on the issue. Not a word from Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu.
The Western Media: Talking about the Neo-Nazi Threat to Ukraine’s Jewish Community is Taboo
Within the Western media, news coverage of the Neo-Nazi threat to the Jewish community in Ukraine is a taboo. There is a complete media blackout: confirmed by Google News search, mainstream coverage of the threat to the Jewish community in Ukraine is virtually absent. (https://www.google.ca/search?q=jews+ukraine&oq=jews+ukraine&aqs=chrome..69i57.3235j0j9&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#q=jews+ukraine&tbm=nws)
An article in the current issue of The New York Review of Books (http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2014/mar/20/fascism-russia-and-ukraine/?pagination=false) constitutes the pinnacle of falsehood and media distortion. The Jewish community in Ukraine is portrayed as an unbending supporter of the Maidan protest movement led by Right Sector Neo-Nazis:

The protesters represent every group of Ukrainian citizens: Russian speakers and Ukrainian speakers (although most Ukrainians are bilingual), people from the cities and the countryside, people from all regions of the country, members of all political parties, the young and the old, Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Every major Christian denomination is represented by believers and most of them by clergy. The Crimean Tatars march in impressive numbers, and Jewish leaders have made a point of supporting the movement.
In its broader coverage of the Ukraine “protest movement”, the Western media has failed to acknowledge the nature of the opposition, casually referring to “radical elements”.
What is not mentioned is that these “radical elements” supported and financed by the West are Neo-Nazis who are waging a hate campaign against Ukraine’s Jewish community.
http://02varvara.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/reunion-of-ss-and-upa-in-2006-e1269254788460.jpg?w=1000&h=750 (http://02varvara.wordpress.com/2008/11/28/civilisation-ukrainian-style-vandalising-the-memorials-to-the-soldiers-of-the-anti-hitler-coalition/reunion-of-ss-and-upa-in-2006/)
Reunion of SS and UPA Nazi collaborators and their supporters in 2006 in the Ukraine. Civilisation Ukrainian-Style: Vandalising the Memorials to the Soldiers of the Anti-Hitler Coalition http://02varvara.wordpress.com/2008/11/28/civilisation-ukrainian-style-vandalising-the-memorials-to-the-soldiers-of-the-anti-hitler-coalition/

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4452331,00.htmlThe Israeli Media and the State of Israel
The Israeli media toes the line. The hate campaign against the Ukrainian Jewish community is not the object of concern. The Jerusalem Post casually dismisses the evidence of crimes committed against Ukraine’s Jewish community under the title:

“Although there is “no information of Jews being targeted” as of yet, Jewish institutions are under self-imposed lock-down”.
According to the JP, there is no “defined threat against them”:

“There is currently “no information of Jews being targeted, but there is a danger because of vigilante groups,” Chief Rabbi Yaakov Bleich told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.
“We have not seen any random attacks and we hope people are basically interested in law and order and not in mayhem,” he said, expressing his hope that protesters would begin turning in their arms tomorrow as scheduled.
“We are definitely worried about security and everybody should keep their guard up,” the American-born rabbi cautioned. “That’s because of the general situation. There are no threats that we know of.”
… There is a great deal of uncertainty among Kiev’s Jews, said one community member, speaking anonymously.She said that while there has been no direct threat against Jewish institutions, two Jews were attacked during the protests and the general feeling of insecurity pervading the city has affected its Jews as well.
Things will calm down within a week, but life is still far from normal at the moment, she said.” (Ukraine’s Jews ponder their future, (http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=newssearch&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCkQ-AsoATAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jpost.com%2FJewish-World%2FJewish-Features%2FUkraines-Jews-ponder-their-future-342348&ei=IfENU6bSA-Gh2gXP9oGADw&usg=AFQjCNH_hmPZp6GJHrFSmoR_eyX5cuFW1Q) Jerusalem Post-Feb 24, 2014)

According to “expert opinion” quoted by the JP, the spread of swastikas in Kiev’s urban landscape should be of no concern. According to Vyacheslav Likhachev, “an expert on the far-right associated with the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress”, the Svoboda Neo-Nazi activists are not attacking Jews. In an utterly twisted logic expert Likhachev quoted by the JP intimates that the (former) Yanukovych government is responsible for anti-semitic violence;

The two incidents of anti-Semitic violence since the beginning of the protests, he alleged, were most likely provocations by the government looking for a pretext to clamp down on its political opponents.
“There is no real special danger for the Jewish community due to anti-Semitism from protesters,” he said.
According to Likhachev, the authorities tried to recruit him to take part in a propaganda campaign against the protesters and he believes that, given the lack of emphasis placed on Jews and other ethnic minorities by the opposition, including such factions as Svoboda, it is more likely that the attacks were part of this alleged campaign. (Ibid)

According to the JP, the issue is one of “transition”, which will be resolved once a new government is installed .

“Despite his [Likhashov's] optimism fear pervades the local Jewish community, as it does the entire Ukraine, during the transition period.”
Ironically, while the Israeli media dismisses the matter, the Arab media has provided a far more balanced assessment of the threat to the Jewish community in Ukraine.

Rabbis in Kiev and across Ukraine spoke out, warning their congregations to stay off the streets and remain in their homes. The Jewish Agency in Jerusalem has moved swiftly to offer aid to elderly Jews living in greater Kiev. Food-delivery men are braving (http://www.timesofisrael.com/volunteers-brave-war-zone-to-aid-elderly-jews-in-kiev/) gunshots and Molotov cocktails to help them. Reports from Kiev say the police have been replaced by roving bands of undetermined loyalty.
… The fresh report of the firebombing of a new synagogue in Zaporizhia, 250 miles southeast of Kiev, increased the alarm in Israel and accelerated planning for all contingencies, including evacuations. (John Batchelor, Ultranationalist neo-Nazi parties on the march in Ukraine (http://www.globalresearch.ca/ukraine-and-the-politics-of-anti-semitism-west-upholds-neo-nazi-repression-of-ukraines-jewish-community/Ultranationalist%20neo-Nazi%20parties%20on%20the%20march%20in%20Ukraine%2 0by%20John%20Batchelor), Al Jazeera, February 25, 2014

Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party Oleh Tyahnybok. Below with US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland
US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland together with Neo Nazi Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok, left
The Politics of Anti-Semitism: Anti-Semitism Practiced at a Political Level
http://www.globalresearch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/mccain-and-svoboda-leader.png (http://www.globalresearch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/mccain-and-svoboda-leader.png)Ironically, while renowned scholars critical of the State of Israel for violating the fundamental rights of Palestinians are accused of being “anti-semitic”, nobody bats an eye lid when John McCain (see image right with the leader of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party Oleh Tyahnybok, centre), Victoria Nuland (image above together with Oleh Tyahnybok, left), EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton (also with Oleh Tyahnybok, left), John Kerry, Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel (among others) openly pay lip service to Neo-Nazism in the Ukraine.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/ashtonwith-svobodaleader-300x198.jpg (http://www.globalresearch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/ashtonwith-svobodaleader.jpg)Is the Western media “anti-semitic” when it fails to report crimes committed against the Jewish population in Ukraine?
Is the self-proclaimed “international community” anti-semitic when it upholds in the name of “democracy” a “protest movement” led by Neo-Nazis?

Is Netanyahu an anti-semite by tacitly supporting US-EU-NATO geopolitical interests in Ukraine, with total disregard to the rising tide of fascism and anti-semitism?

27th February 2014, 01:11 PM
Ukraine is a made-up state. It has to be either under russian control, or it will fall apart into pieces. It has large portions that in the last century were appended (taken from Russia) to a tiny little "ukraine" to make it large. Eastern Ukraine is part of where jewish settlements are all over the place (that includes part of Western Poland, Eastern Belarus, Lithuania, Moldavia). Eastern Ukraine historically would get on the wrong site, they sighted with jewish communist terrorists during 1917 revolution in Russia, they were with Fascist German army against Soviet Union in WW 2. Everybody is now quiet about it.

Crimea is where the next game is. Watch for Russia to play it because it isn't ukrainian, it has crimean tatars and russian population, with russians to be 65%+. It was given away by Gorbachev when he destroyed USSR via an order from his Knight Templar Western controllers.

27th February 2014, 01:12 PM
Police faced armed neo-Nazi storm troopers who attacked with firebombs and other weapons. For fucks sake the protesters were using Molotov cocktails, and whenever I hear neo-Nazi storm troopers I suspect propaganda.

mick silver
27th February 2014, 01:13 PM
look up free i just posted about the jew before you did , look an see if any ring true

27th February 2014, 01:20 PM
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, February 26, 2014

Region: Europe, Russia and FSU
Theme: Politics and Religion

blah, balh , neo-nazi

mick silver, that is a good post. Because that clearly indicates that a jewish boy Michel CHossudovsky is eigher KOsher, or he is part of controlled opposition.

All of the above is BULLSHIT.

Let's start around:

1. Secretary Nuland (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Nuland) is not Nuland, her last name is Nudelman. She's jew, married to a hard core, top known neocon , jew Robert Kagan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Kagan).

2. Standing next to Nuland-Nudelman, is a jewish boxer , one of "leaders of oppositon" Vitali Klitchko (tough if you did not know).

3. Standing net to Nuland-Nudelman is the other "leader" that isn't even pointed in this article -Arseni Yacenuk. He's hiding well but he also been found having a bunch of jewish relatives , that's besides a jew who finances his "party".

4. "Poor jews only 200,000 in Ukraine"? There was a 1 million strong jewish army in Ukraine after 1917, helping a jewish american banker boy, new yorker Leon Trotsky - Bronshtein and a bunch of his neo-nazi jews from New York to kill lots and lots of Ukraininans. This is another historic fact they are trying to hide.

There's way more there, I don't have time to do analysis.

27th February 2014, 01:22 PM
I think this may be a video where you can do what I said above, put a target closer to the end and watch again. At 2:41 something hits a tree right in front, if you stop and mark screen and watch again it is interesting:

I don't see anything of what you describe. The shots appear to come in front of the protesters...

27th February 2014, 01:23 PM
The leaders of the Ukrainian Jewish Community contacted Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman requesting the assistance of Israel.

Oh. They don't think that "Israel" is their so-called homeland either.

:rolleyes: ditto jews who remain in NYC and Miami and Hollywood and...all over the world

27th February 2014, 01:24 PM
This is kind of scam these "journalists" are:


On this Image: Jew in the middle, Jew in the back, Jew on the right. Non jew (goyim) is only one guy, on the left, yet he's an enforcer for a jewish-run multi-generational under cover pharmacy business (probably drugs too?).

And then they attack the only partially-non jew in the picture making him "fascist" (although we all know the only true fascist state right now is ISRAEL).

See, they deceive you like that, open your eyes.

27th February 2014, 01:26 PM
There's way more there, I don't have time to do analysis.

You're on a roll...return when time permits to add more.


mick silver
27th February 2014, 04:45 PM
Russia war games over Ukraine prompt US warninghttp://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/oXh_6AJBHy_uEbdrklkymA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9Zml0O2g9Mjg-/http://l.yimg.com/os/152/2012/04/21/image001-png_162613.png (http://www.ap.org/)By KARL RITTER and VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV | Associated Press – 22 hrs ago

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Raw: Demonstrators Clash in Ukraine

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Protests, Clashes and Fistfights in Ukraine

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Russia ordered 150,000 troops to test their combat readiness Wednesday in a show of force that prompted a blunt warning from the United States that any military intervention in Ukraine would be a "grave mistake."
Vladimir Putin's announcement of huge new war games came as Ukraine's protest leaders named a millionaire former banker to head a new government after the pro-Russian president went into hiding.
The new government, which is expected to be formally approved by parliament Thursday, will face the hugely complicated task of restoring stability in a country that is not only deeply divided politically but on the verge of financial collapse. Its fugitive president, Viktor Yanukovych, fled the capital last week.
In Kiev's Independence Square, the heart of the protest movement against Yanukovych, the interim leaders who seized control after he disappeared proposed Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the country's new prime minister. The 39-year-old served as economy minister, foreign minister and parliamentary speaker before Yanukovych took office in 2010, and is widely viewed as a technocratic reformer who enjoys the support of the U.S.
Across Ukraine, the divided allegiances between Russia and the West were on full display as fistfights broke out between pro- and anti-Russia protesters in the strategic Crimea peninsula.
Amid the tensions, Putin put the military on alert for massive exercises involving most of the military units in western Russia, and announced measures to tighten security at the headquarters of Russia's Black Sea Fleet on Ukraine's Crimea peninsula.
The maneuvers will involve some 150,000 troops, 880 tanks, 90 aircraft and 80 navy ships, and are intended to "check the troops' readiness for action in crisis situations that threaten the nation's military security," Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said in remarks carried by Russian news agencies.
The move prompted a sharp rebuke from U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who warned Russia against any military intervention in Ukraine.
"Any kind of military intervention that would violate the sovereign territorial integrity of Ukraine would be a huge, a grave mistake," Kerry told reporters in Washington. "The territorial integrity of Ukraine needs to be respected."
In delivering the message, Kerry also announced that the Obama administration was planning $1 billion in loan guarantees for Ukraine and would consider additional direct assistance for the former Soviet republic.
Still, Kerry insisted that U.S. policy was not aimed at reducing Russia's influence in Ukraine or other former Soviet republics, but rather to see their people realize aspirations for freedom in robust democracies with strong economies.
"This is not 'Rocky IV'," Kerry said, referring to the 1985 Sylvester Stallone film in which an aging American boxer takes on a daunting Soviet muscleman. "It is not a zero-sum game. We do not view it through the lens of East-West, Russia-U.S. or anything else. We view it as an example of people within a sovereign nation who are expressing their desire to choose their future. And that's a very powerful force."
Russia denied the military maneuvers had any connection to the situation in Ukraine, but the massive show of force appeared intended to show both the new Ukrainian authorities and the West that the Kremlin was ready to use all means to protect its interests.
While Russia has pledged not to intervene in Ukraine's domestic affairs, it has issued a flurry of statements voicing concern about the situation of Russian speakers in Ukraine, including in the Crimea.
The strategic region, which hosts a major Russian naval base and where the majority of the population are Russian speakers, has strong ties to Moscow. It only became part of Ukraine in 1954 when Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev transferred jurisdiction from Russia — a move that was a mere formality until the 1991 Soviet collapse meant Crimea landed in an independent Ukraine.
Igor Korotchenko, a former colonel of the Russian military's General Staff, wrote a commentary in a Russian online newspaper, slon.ru, saying "if illegal armed formations attempt to overthrow the local government in Crimea by force, a civil war will start and Russia couldn't ignore it."
Still, while the exercises include most units from Russia's Western Military District and some from the Central Military District that spreads across the Urals and part of Siberia, it does not involve troops from the Southern Military District, such as the Black Sea Fleet and areas in southern Russia that neighbor Ukraine.
This seemed to signal that Moscow does not want to go too far. By flexing its military muscles Russia clearly wants to show the West it must seriously consider its interests in Ukraine, while avoiding inflaming tensions further.
In Crimea, fistfights broke out between rival demonstrators in the regional capital of Simferopol when some 20,000 Muslim Tatars rallying in support of Ukraine's interim leaders clashed with a smaller pro-Russian rally.
The protesters shouted and attacked each other with stones, bottles and punches, as police and leaders of both rallies struggled to keep the two groups apart.
One health official said at least 20 people were injured, while the local health ministry said one person died from an apparent heart attack. Tatar leaders said there was a second fatality when a woman was trampled to death by the crowd. Authorities did not confirm that.
The Tatars, a Muslim ethnic group who have lived in Crimea for centuries, were brutally deported in 1944 by Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, but have since returned.
One of the first jobs for Yatsenyuk and other members of his new Cabinet will be seeking outside financial help from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund. Economists say Ukraine is close to financial collapse, with its currency under pressure and its treasury almost empty. The acting finance minister has said Ukraine will need $35 billion in bailout loans to get through the next two years.
Any such deal will require a new prime minister to take unpopular steps, such as raising the price of gas to consumers. The state gas company charges as little as one-fifth of what it pays for imported Russian gas. The IMF unsuccessfully pressed Ukraine to halt the practice under two earlier bailouts, and halted aid when Kiev wouldn't comply.
The European Commission's top officials held a meeting Wednesday in Brussels to discuss how the 28-nation bloc can provide rapid financial assistance to Ukraine.
Vladimir Isachenkov reported from Moscow. Associated Press writers Maria Danilova and David McHugh in Kiev, Svetlana Fedas in Lviv, and Yuras Karmanau in Simferopol contributed to this report.

mick silver
27th February 2014, 04:49 PM
Russian spy ship docked in HavanaAFP – Wed, Feb 26, 2014

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View Photo (http://news.yahoo.com/lightbox/soviet-made-lada-limousine-passes-russian-vishnya-known-photo-224015080.html)AFP/AFP - A Soviet-made Lada limousine passes by Russian Vishnya (also known as Meridian) class warship CCB-175 Viktor Leonov, docked, on February 26, 2014, at Havana harbor (AFP Photo/Adalberto Roque)

Havana (AFP) - A Russian warship was docked in Havana Wednesday, without explanation from Communist Cuba or its state media.
The Viktor Leonov CCB-175 boat, measuring 91.5 meters (300 feet) long and 14.5 meters wide, was docked at the port of Havana's cruise ship area, near the Russian Orthodox Cathedral.
The Vishnya, or Meridian-class intelligence ship, which has a crew of around 200, went into service in the Black Sea in 1988 before it was transferred seven years later to the northern fleet, Russian media sources said.
Neither Cuban authorities nor state media have mentioned the ship's visit, unlike on previous tours by Russian warships.
The former Soviet Union was Cuba's sponsor state through three decades of Cold War. After a period of some distancing under former Russian president Boris Yeltsin, the countries renewed their political, economic and military cooperation.
The ship is reportedly armed with 30mm guns and anti-aircraft missiles.
Its visit comes as isolated Havana's current economic and political patron, Venezuela, is facing unprecedented violent protests against President Nicolas Maduro's government.
Cuban President Raul Castro's Communist government is the Americas' only one-party regime.
Related video:

27th February 2014, 07:34 PM
How about a teaser?

He gets into a lot of background that says that nation-states have moved to state-nations and now market states. The conflicts of the 20th century were between fascism, communism and monarchies. The Napoleonic age rung a bell that is still vibrating.

27th February 2014, 09:27 PM
One things for sure when you see the number of square guards in those eastern european nations, the levels are over and above some police forces here in the west.

Those guys are some of the best paid people in the entire country.

28th February 2014, 05:40 AM
ive never seen a riot of fat people anywhere! fat people don't riot! they bend over and take it up the a$$!