View Full Version : 2014 - Stephen Hawking debunks Albert Einstein's black hole theory

5th March 2014, 10:01 PM
In fact Neuro took me by surprise earlier as I embedded a video whose subject is the electrical universe and debunking black hole. In fact, the black hole theory rests on a distorted observation.

I dont know if Hawking is on a the right track here but he does the right thing: challenging the Academia.

Jan 25, 2014 - Stephen Hawking debunks Albert Einstein's black hole theory
London, Jan. 25 (ANI): Eminent scientist Stephen Hawking has posted a new paper online that demolishes modern black hole theory.

The wheelchair-bound genius said that the idea of an event horizon, from which even light cannot escape, is flawed.

Hawking smashes the idea of a black hole by saying that instead of there being an inescapable event horizon, they should think of a far less total "apparent horizon". And, at a stroke, he has contradicted Albert Einstein, as event horizons are just mathematically simple consequences of general theory of relativity that was put forward by Einstein, the Daily Express reported.

Hawking wrote in his paper, called 'Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting For Black Holes,' that event horizons' absence means that there are no black holes - in the sense of regimes from which light can't escape to infinity.

He suggested that light rays attempting to go away from the black hole's core is going to be held as though stuck on a treadmill, from which they can slowly shrink by spewing out radiation.

Hawking told leading science magazine Nature that there can be no escape from a black hole in classical theory, however, quantum theory enables energy and information to escape from a black hole.

The new grey hole theory is going to allow matter and energy to be held for a period of time before they are released back into space. (ANI)

Stephen Hawking Serves Up Scrambled Black Holes
By Greg Kestin on Tue, 04 Feb 2014
Hawking realized that something had to give. Either quantum mechanics had to change to accommodate information loss, or Einstein’s theory of gravity was flawed.
Over the past 40 years theorists have battled in the “black hole wars,” trying to resolve this paradox. Two decades ago, most physicists declared a truce, agreeing to consider the inside and the outside of the black hole as separate spaces. If something falls into the black hole, it has gone to another realm, so just stop thinking about it and its fate, they counseled. This argument was largely accepted until July 2012, when UC Santa Barbara physicist Joseph Polchinski and his colleagues realized the paradox was even more puzzling.
Hawking’s new idea will need some flesh on its bones before we can truly embrace it, but if you don’t like spaghetti or toast, at least you have a third option now: scrambled black holes.

5th March 2014, 10:31 PM
the flaw in the theory is gravity. I was pondering on Einie baby's theory last night so I find this interesting. I like the electric universe theory. the question is, what kind of electricity? Direct or Alternating? Where is all the matter? Is it alternately here and then not here? That could explain why the matter is dark to us. It might not be here when we are here and we might not be here all the time.

6th March 2014, 03:54 AM
In medieval times, one of the most prominent theological debates, was re how many angels can fit on the tip of a needle... This debate reminds of that...

6th March 2014, 04:25 AM
all we can do is speculating while remaining very open minded. Astrophysics is still in its infancy...

25 years ago, I had to buy any scientific mag speaking of black holes... over the last 7 years I grew aware of the suppressed sciences (in all fields) that it is clear the academia approves theories to control the flow of knowledge and as a diversion. Honestly I am not a physicist and wouldnt have been capable to spot flaws in the black holes theory. But I see "a pattern": That throughout history way too many so-called great official theories have gone ashtray, one after another... so all I can do is being aware of non-recognized academic knowledge and scientists whose ideas were ahead of their time or has been completely ostracized.

The way I see it., Hawking, regardless of his own theories accuracy, is another controlled opposition, just like Einstein in his time. But the academia has to recognize, every now and then, a little bit of truth in order to allow progress to happen. So all I can say, stay tuned...

last year I ran into Mehran Keshe and his Keshe Foundation which seems to have received lots of attention lately... he too is into plasma theories and even contends that he can create advanced spaceships/flying saucers. I think he could be onto something as he shares his knowledge practically for free, to prevent any PTB from patenting any of his findings. He has several books that are teasing my attention and that I am planning on buying some day.


( i watched this video a few times and it seems a little too simple, but hey, truth often is)
Bottle plasma reactor - Part 1 and 2

I mainly am interested in the electric universe since our brain is an electric device itself and that macro and micro are alike, man is a replica of the cosmos, so it sounds highly credible to me.

The "Electric Universe" (EU) is an umbrella term that covers various pseudo-scientific cosmological ideas built around the claim that the formation and existence of various features of the universe can be better explained by electromagnetism than by gravity. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Electric_Universe

the flaw in the theory is gravity. I was pondering on Einie baby's theory last night so I find this interesting. I like the electric universe theory. the question is, what kind of electricity? Direct or Alternating? Where is all the matter? Is it alternately here and then not here? That could explain why the matter is dark to us. It might not be here when we are here and we might not be here all the time.

6th March 2014, 06:32 AM
sure and it will happen again and again, rest assured, Neuro... :)

I read the Secret of Light and the Universal One by Walter Russel whose theory is based on the understanding of the nature of light... and this black hole issue seems to confirm this... it is all about being able to observe Light. Actually, I leave The Secret of Light on my night table. It is a read accessible to anyone - unlike The Universal One.

Sure, WR has too much valuable to offer the world... another one ignored on purpose

Walter Bowman Russell (May 19, 1871 – May 19, 1963) was an American polymath known[1] for his achievements as a painter, sculptor, author and builder and less well known as a natural philosopher and for his unified theory in physics and cosmogony.[2][3] He posited that the universe was founded on a unifying principle of rhythmic balanced interchange. This physical theory, laid out primarily in his books The Secret of Light (1947) and The Message of the Divine Iliad (1948–49), has not been accepted by mainstream scientists.[4] Russell asserted that this was mainly due to a difference in the assumptions made about the existence of mind and matter;

In medieval times, one of the most prominent theological debates, was re how many angels can fit on the tip of a needle... This debate reminds of that...

6th March 2014, 12:37 PM
Stephan Hawking to me is a fool ,he is someone the PTB roll out as an expert but really he is an over educated intellectual who now has his own theory no one understands over another theory no one understands.The PTB sit back and laugh .

6th March 2014, 01:23 PM
The TV told me Stephan Hawking is the smartest man in the world!
Look at all the contributions he's made to make society a better place...he's also proven there can be no God. Now that's smart!

6th March 2014, 05:41 PM
You echo what I said previously.... as the trend shows, the majority of state sponsored scientists are way overrated, yet there are the ones taken as models in colleges. what are the yearly tuition fees to become a physicist again?

Stephan Hawking to me is a fool ,he is someone the PTB roll out as an expert but really he is an over educated intellectual who now has his own theory no one understands over another theory no one understands.The PTB sit back and laugh .

6th March 2014, 05:50 PM
I dont follow him that much, however I ran across that article while looking for BHT, I was not aware that he is an atheist.

The TV told me Stephan Hawking is the smartest man in the world!
Look at all the contributions he's made to make society a better place...he's also proven there can be no God. Now that's smart!