View Full Version : Obama's continued attack on the Bible

11th March 2014, 11:38 AM
I say continued, as the Bible has always been THE book which is THE source that keeps men TRULY free. (Not Guns, Gold, etc)
Some of you have not realized that yet so here on schedule is yet another attack on THE Book OF books


The host of Seth MacFarlane's new series Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, argues that while religion and science can be compatible, religious scriptures like the Bible should not be confused with scientific textbooks, something he says “enlightened religious people” understand. (enlightened? if you're illuminated you reject the Bible)

religion AND what is called "science" (today) can indeed be compatible but not with the ONLY scientifically accurate book in the world, the Bible
Cosmos—which features an introduction by President Obama (http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/president-obama-intros-foxs-cosmos)—(< that says it all right there) has already stirred controversy with a lengthy segment in the first episode which deliberately pits religion against science, providing an animated story about the Catholic Church's persecution of the 16th-century monk and astronomer Giordano Bruno, which TIME argues (http://time.com/13005/review-of-cosmos-on-fox/)provides a clear message to viewers: "there is a right side and a wrong side of intellectual history, and Cosmos is not afraid to say that science is on the right one."

In a recent interview with WNYC host Brian Lehrer (http://www.wnyc.org/story/back-cosmos-neil-de-grasse-tyson/), Tyson added to the controversy, addressing people of faith who confuse religious texts with scientific works:

If you start using your scripture, your religious text as a source of your science, that’s where you run into problems, and there is no example of someone reading their scripture and saying ‘I have a prediction about the world that no one knows yet because this gave me insight let’s go test this prediction and have that theory turn out to be correct.
As an example, Tyson notes the creation story in Genesis that seems to describe the Earth being created before the sun, then moves on to dispel the six-day creation interpretation (a far from settled interpretation in Biblical studies), saying,

Seems to? Hey STUPID it's a clear as the nose on your face!

None of that is consistent with any scientifically derived information about the world. So enlightened religious people know this, and don’t try to use the Bible as a textbook, using a Western example.
Despite his scientific qualms with religion, Tyson emphasizes that he believes religion and science are indeed compatible, citing the roughly one-third of “fully-functioning, productive” American scientists who profess to personally believe in God.

Note that the attack is on the Bible, NOT the Q'uran or ANY other "religious" "textbooks" of which there are dozens.
These men guided by devils KNOW which one is IT! The question is... why don't you!?!?!

11th May 2014, 12:05 AM
I haven't see the series, and I won't go out of my way to see it. I appreciate your disdain for their attack on scripture, but I find this whole "Bible vs. science" theme to be boring.

The problem is that people talk right past each other. They seem to discuss but they're talking about different things. And it's rarely a discussion, but an argument.

The Bible doesn't mention that there are atoms or that they can be arranged in a periodic chart, doesn't hint at the difference between ionic or covalent bonding or molecules or any kind of chemical reaction. It doesn't mention proteins or that the human body is composed of cells, much less DNA. It doesn't mention that silicon and germanium can be doped with other atoms to make semiconductors. It never mentions that it's possible for an object to be in orbit around the earth.

But does any of this detract from the Bible in any way?

NO! That's not what the Bible is about. The Bible makes no attempt to be a book of science. It's God's message to man about the much more important things--spiritual things, salvation, and right living before God.

In fact, I have come to believe that every single principle and phenomena of the physical world, though not mentioned in scripture, was given for man to learn more about God. So the study of "science" is really the study of the Lord's Science.

The Lord used lots and lots of physical metaphors to illustrate spiritual truth: the parables, fishing, fig trees, the temple, coins, sheep. The whole concept of marriage was given to illustrate a spiritual relationship. But just because the Bible doesn't mention something doesn't mean God didn't create it to illustrate spiritual truth.

My all-time favorite is the dual nature of light. Jesus said he is light. And he also has a very hard-to-understand dual nature. How can he be both God and man? It makes no sense! But before you reject it, explain how light can be both particle and wave!

The purpose of science is to glorify God, and it does that regardless of what Tyson, MacFarlane or Obama say.