View Full Version : " iOWNme " refuses to answer two simple yes/no Questions

21st March 2014, 11:04 AM
Two simple yes/no questions for iOWNme that he refuses to answer:

1) Do you have any jew dollar bills in your wallet to purchase stuff?

2) Do you use a government identification card at your jew bank to cash checks?


Ive answered this for you 10 times.

Link us to where you answered these two simple yes/no questions please.


21st March 2014, 11:21 AM
Who cares......................

How is it any of your business...........

21st March 2014, 11:34 AM
Who cares......................

How is it any of your business...........

Gosh. You can read this thread but " iOWNme " apparently can't see it.

What is he AFRAID of answering these two simple yes/no questions?


21st March 2014, 01:47 PM
Link us to where you answered these two simple yes/no questions please.


Its obvous i am getting to you. If i wasnt a threat to you you would ignore me. You are starting to see your precious belief system crumble before your eyes. Your getting desperate now.

If i made posts about how purple aliens are going to save us, would you even bother trying to rebut me? So why do you keep replying to my threads? Arent they just stupid and useless? So what does that make YOU if you cant leave me and my ideas alone?

You can feel your cherished delusions slipping away. This is a totally normal response you are having. Take a deep breath. Its almost over now.

21st March 2014, 02:22 PM

Its obvous i am getting to you. If i wasnt a threat to you you would ignore me. You are starting to see your precious belief system crumble before your eyes. Your getting desperate now. If i made posts about how purple aliens are going to save us, would you even bother trying to rebut me? So why do you keep replying to my threads? Arent they just stupid and useless? So what does that make YOU if you cant leave me and my ideas alone? You can feel your cherished delusions slipping away. This is a totally normal response you are having. Take a deep breath. Its almost over now.

Just one of many examples of how iOWNme continually refuses to answer these two simple yes/no questions:

Two simple yes/no questions for iOWNme that he refuses to answer:

1) Do you have any jew dollar bills in your wallet to purchase stuff?

2) Do you use a government identification card at your jew bank to cash checks?

:rolleyes: Why is iOWNme AFRAID to answer these two simple yes/no questions?

7th trump
21st March 2014, 02:32 PM
Just one of many examples of how iOWNme continually refuses to answer these two simple yes/no questions:

:rolleyes: Why is iOWNme AFRAID to answer these two simple yes/no questions?

He's not kidding anybody by purposely deflecting the two questions.
We also know the answers to those two questions........"yes" to both!
And those are two perfect questions to ask someone, jewboo, who asks loaded questions in the first place.

Answering "yes" to those questions would be putting two bullets into his head through the nose!

21st March 2014, 02:35 PM
He's not kidding anybody by purposely deflecting the two questions.
We also know the answers to those two questions........"yes" to both!
And those are two perfect questions to ask someone, jewboo, who asks loaded questions in the first place.

Answering "yes" to those questions would be putting two bullets into his head through the nose!

You nailed it 7th. For everyone here at GSUS to witness.


21st March 2014, 02:36 PM
Answering "yes" to those questions would be putting two bullets into his head through the nose!

Your response would be "yes". Mine would be "no". Every man is where he is because of the law of his being. Yours is flawed.

21st March 2014, 02:42 PM
Your response would be "yes". Mine would be "no"...

Notice that you willing answer but iOWNme is AFRAID to answer?


21st March 2014, 03:57 PM
He's not kidding anybody by purposely deflecting the two questions.
We also know the answers to those two questions........"yes" to both!
And those are two perfect questions to ask someone, jewboo, who asks loaded questions in the first place.

Answering "yes" to those questions would be putting two bullets into his head through the nose!

Lets see if your honest enough with yourself to understand how this works:

The Federal Reserve was created by 'Government'. The mass media was created, monopolized and licensed by 'Government'.

Now, how are these 'evil Jews' going to FORCE an entire country to use their money if the populace does not IMAGINE an obligation to obey them? (Anarchy) In other words, where is this giant army of 'evil Jews' that is going to come here and impose their central bank, income tax and mass media on us? LOL

It doesnt exist. There are no 'evil Jews' capable of coming here and ruling us.

There are a small minority of 'evil Jews' who's ONLY method of ruling us is through our IMAGINED belief in 'authority' and 'Government'.

They rely on the goyim police and military to enslave you. Why wont you free your fellow goyims mind from this irrational self contradictory superstitious MYTH? Without that one little irrational contradictory belief system your fellow man would NEVER treat you the way he does now when he dons a costume in your presence.

And if you think there would be more chaos without a parasitic ruling class you can compare the statistics. 'Governments' have murdered 260+ million innocent non violent people just in the last 100 years. Thats not counting Wars like WWI, WWII, Vietnam, etc. Thats 260+ million innocent people starved out and murdered by their own 'Government'. Its called Democide (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide). Do you honestly think individual criminals could have killed that many people if we didnt have 'Government'? How is a random gang of thugs going to convince a million guys to go overseas and kill 100 million people they have never met? Can you please logically walk me through how a random gang of violent thugs is going to be able to convince a million guys to go kill a bunch of people they have never met?

In Anarchy there are no rulers, which means nobody would have the IMAGINED 'authority' to impose such things on peaceful innocent people. When people do not IMAGINE an obligation to obey they will see the criminals for what they are and resist them.

Do you think the Chinese Communist Government could come here tomorrow and set up their own central banking system and impose it on us? Would everyone comply? HELL NO!

So why would 300 million Americans resist the Chinese takeover, yet IMAGINE that their own 'Government', who employs the exact same communist tactics and warfare against them, is somehow virtuous, noble and moral?

This is the entire crux of the situation. The 'evil Jews' have absolutely no way of imposing anything on anyone without 'Government'. They can not win in the true free market competition model. They rely on 'Governments' (which is a euphemism for robbery) to keep the people under their power, because they are to weak, cannot produce anything and cannot defend themselves, so they use various 'Governments' as their shield and cover. Its been going on forever....

Now, do you understand what i just wrote? Im not asking if you agree, im asking if you understand.

You keep hacking at those 'evil Jew' branches. But some of us are striking at the root.

21st March 2014, 04:27 PM
Humans will form a system with leadership in the lack of one. It's in our nature in spite of what some utopians might believe. If you have a system with a loose structure which is what anarchism is then somebody is bound to find the weaknesses in it and exploit it to their benefit and thus impose their rule over us. Of course democracy in it's current form is a scam, but i fail in seeing how anarchism is a better alternative. They both resemble each other, the end result in both is control by the ones who got the most resources, have the most money, are the most scrupulous etc. So it's really just a continuation of jewish domination.

I have observed the same as jewboo in this matter, anarchists will not touch upon the subject of jewish control, which leads me to believe that many of the promoters of this nonsensical ideology are themselves jews or are heavily influenced by them to the point that they don't know what to mean about them. Usury is also something most anarchists seem to have no problems with.

21st March 2014, 04:50 PM
Humans will form a system with leadership in the lack of one. It's in our nature in spite of what some utopians might believe. If you have a system with a loose structure which is what anarchism is then somebody is bound to find the weaknesses in it and exploit it to their benefit and thus impose their rule over us. Of course democracy in it's current form is a scam, but i fail in seeing how anarchism is a better alternative. They both resemble each other, the end result in both is control by the ones who got the most resources, have the most money, are the most scrupulous etc. So it's really just a continuation of jewish domination.

This was actually a well thought out reply. Im going to adress a few things which i highlighted above.

'Humans forming systems of leaderships' is 100% compatible with Anarchy, as long as it is 100% voluntary (Moral). Anarchism isnt an alternative, its what already exists in reality. The word means 'no rulers'. Do you think there are men on this planet who have the moral right to rule over you? Then you are an Anarchist, and that is reality. I know you hate the word because you connect it to your 'evil jews' conspiracy. I see the exact same conspiracy, except for i see how they are able to actually implement it, (hence my branches vs root analogy, that you didnt address)and i detailed it above. You didnt address any of the logical details i listed, though? If you diagree lets have a discussion about it, not deflect it to calling me a 'Jew' when im as white as snow. LOL

I would like for you to explain to me how an entire country who do not imagine that there are anyone above them and who each own themselves, are going to be able to be enslaved by this huge 'evil Jew' army?

I have observed the same as jewboo in this matter, anarchists will not touch upon the subject of jewish control, which leads me to believe that many of the promoters of this nonsensical ideology are themselves jews or are heavily influenced by them to the point that they don't know what to mean about them. Usury is also something most anarchists seem to have no problems with.

Touch upon the subject? I fucking blew the entire subject out of the water, as i have done on many occasions. LOL How will their be 'usury' if there are no monopolized central bank systems? This is a contradiction. If you see anarchist spewing things like that you should be able to rationalize it and see that it is inherently flawed. You cant say there are 'no rulers' and then give someone the monopoly on the money system. It is a contradiction. If i see Christians promoting abortion, death penalty, anti-gun, Obamcare, etc am i to believe these are main focus points of Christianity? Of course not, that would be irrational and contradictory, yet you do the exact same thing to me when you try and put a preconceived label on me?

Fair enough?

You dont understand, the 'evil Jews' dont have control. They have control of the 'Government' you IMAGINE an obligation to obey. Do you know the difference? Can you make the distinction? (As i laid out in my Chinese army example that you didnt address)

I totally understand that the word 'Anarchy' creates is a pre-biased stimulous reaction from you, and that sucks. I dont care how many 'evil Jews' you have seen advocate for 'anarchy'. I advocate for Self Ownership, Voluntaryism and the Non Aggression Principle. (Its even in my avatar!) The only place this is found is when people stop IMAGINING an obligation to obey something outside of their own conscience. (It sounds insane just to say it)

Ive never had my money stolen, been put in a cage, been accosted, been threatened, been forced, coerced or anything from one of these 'evil Jews' you speak of. Its ALWAYS a white guy who looks just like me who is the violent irrational animal. I am simply doing and saying what i think needs to happen in order to make my fellow man stop doing those things to me and everyone else on this planet. Because i totally understand that without them, these 'evil Jews' are as much of a threat as a common street criminal, 0.2%.

I own me. You own you. Why do you reject this description of reality?

21st March 2014, 04:52 PM

Lets see if your honest enough with yourself to understand how this works:

The Federal Reserve was created by 'Government'. The mass media was created, monopolized and licensed by 'Government'.

Now, how are these 'evil Jews' going to FORCE an entire country to use their money if the populace does not IMAGINE an obligation to obey them? (Anarchy) In other words, where is this giant army of 'evil Jews' that is going to come here and impose their central bank, income tax and mass media on us? LOL

It doesnt exist. There are no 'evil Jews' capable of coming here and ruling us.

There are a small minority of 'evil Jews' who's ONLY method of ruling us is through our IMAGINED belief in 'authority' and 'Government'.

They rely on the goyim police and military to enslave you. Why wont you free your fellow goyims mind from this irrational self contradictory superstitious MYTH? Without that one little irrational contradictory belief system your fellow man would NEVER treat you the way he does now when he dons a costume in your presence.

And if you think there would be more chaos without a parasitic ruling class you can compare the statistics. 'Governments' have murdered 260+ million innocent non violent people just in the last 100 years. Thats not counting Wars like WWI, WWII, Vietnam, etc. Thats 260+ million innocent people starved out and murdered by their own 'Government'. Its called Democide (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide). Do you honestly think individual criminals could have killed that many people if we didnt have 'Government'? How is a random gang of thugs going to convince a million guys to go overseas and kill 100 million people they have never met? Can you please logically walk me through how a random gang of violent thugs is going to be able to convince a million guys to go kill a bunch of people they have never met?

In Anarchy there are no rulers, which means nobody would have the IMAGINED 'authority' to impose such things on peaceful innocent people. When people do not IMAGINE an obligation to obey they will see the criminals for what they are and resist them.

Do you think the Chinese Communist Government could come here tomorrow and set up their own central banking system and impose it on us? Would everyone comply? HELL NO!

So why would 300 million Americans resist the Chinese takeover, yet IMAGINE that their own 'Government', who employs the exact same communist tactics and warfare against them, is somehow virtuous, noble and moral?

This is the entire crux of the situation. The 'evil Jews' have absolutely no way of imposing anything on anyone without 'Government'. They can not win in the true free market competition model. They rely on 'Governments' (which is a euphemism for robbery) to keep the people under their power, because they are to weak, cannot produce anything and cannot defend themselves, so they use various 'Governments' as their shield and cover. Its been going on forever....

Now, do you understand what i just wrote? Im not asking if you agree, im asking if you understand.

You keep hacking at those 'evil Jew' branches. But some of us are striking at the root.

Another of many examples of how iOWNme continually refuses to answer these two simple yes/no questions:

Two simple yes/no questions for iOWNme that he refuses to answer:

1) Do you have any jew dollar bills in your wallet to purchase stuff?

2) Do you use a government identification card at your jew bank to cash checks?

:rolleyes: Why is iOWNme AFRAID to answer these two simple yes/no questions?

21st March 2014, 05:47 PM
Don't be a pussy iOWNme just answer the question or Shut up already.

21st March 2014, 08:30 PM
Humans will form a system with leadership in the lack of one. It's in our nature in spite of what some utopians might believe. If you have a system with a loose structure which is what anarchism is then somebody is bound to find the weaknesses in it and exploit it to their benefit and thus impose their rule over us. Of course democracy in it's current form is a scam, but i fail in seeing how anarchism is a better alternative. They both resemble each other, the end result in both is control by the ones who got the most resources, have the most money, are the most scrupulous etc. So it's really just a continuation of jewish domination.

I see you point here but it assumes that scams/hoaxes/déceptions and masses' ignorance will always be around. Is that rational? We could argue for days/months about it. However, thinking that one's human fellows will remain brainwahsed forever is insulting to the whole human race, and would ultimately mean that we indeed deserve what is happening. Should it remain that way, yes, you are absolutely right. Though if so, it wouldnt really matter anymore how we call the system, it will still be fascism and serfdom in disguise.

I have observed the same as jewboo in this matter, anarchists will not touch upon the subject of jewish control, which leads me to believe that many of the promoters of this nonsensical ideology are themselves jews or are heavily influenced by them to the point that they don't know what to mean about them. Usury is also something most anarchists seem to have no problems with.

Anarchy is based on trust in the human nature (non-coercion cannot work without it) and above all taking responsibility for what it IS. There is no self-ownership without self-responsibility. Hence all the systems up to this day have derived from slavery. But maybe peole who cannot imagine a system with much less predation IS exactly what the masons/zionists want them to believe in, so the hoaxes/scams/déceptions still have bright days ahead. Everything is a controlled opposition, only the "intent and self-reponsibility" can dermine what is good for man/society.

If one assumes/imagines that some have special power (regardless of how they obtain it), one systematically develops the victim syndrome, and there cannot be any free will nor self-ownership therefore. It all comes down again to "taking responsibilty for what it IS".

Anarchism has no problem with usury?
My take is that if some people want to go into debt because they view money as a time device, dont want to go through accumulating savings over time (laziness), there is absolutely nothing one can do about it. And thinking that a Republich would change that is an illusion: prohibition always creates underground trends/markets.

As long as the country's currency is debt free that's all what matter. But I digress, I am sure that if Voluntaryism was implemented, we'd have countless of debt free local currencies , backed or not by PMs. Just like Bill Stills in the Money Masters says, PMs backing is not important but the monopoly issuing the currency.

21st March 2014, 08:53 PM
But I digress, I am sure that if Voluntaryism was implemented...

THAT (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?76460-Voluntaryism) is the thread you should be posting in Goldi.

I'm still waiting for iOWNme to answer two simple questions in this thread.


21st March 2014, 08:54 PM
Really ? Book never answers any questions..... I can't believe he has started this thread .....

LOL, answer my question , How about SHUT THE FUCK UP!

21st March 2014, 08:59 PM
are you getting close to throwing a tantrum, Book?

iOWNme has already replied to you but since you are obsessed with a "yes or no" answer you do not see it.

Another of many examples of how iOWNme continually refuses to answer these two simple yes/no questions.... to answer these two simple yes/no questions?

21st March 2014, 09:02 PM
are you getting close to throwing a tantrum, Book?

iOWNme has already replied to you but since you are obsessed with a "yes or no" answer you do not see it.

There was no answer.

21st March 2014, 09:04 PM
What a freaking hypocrite BOOK, how many times have people asked you a question and you just do the usual game playing, picture posting, too stupid , I could give a shit about IOWNME.

But boy you really need a answer , here is a answer F____ O __ take that answer anyway you'd like :) Would you like to ask another question?

7th trump
21st March 2014, 09:09 PM
Lets see if your honest enough with yourself to understand how this works:

The Federal Reserve was created by 'Government'. The mass media was created, monopolized and licensed by 'Government'.

Now, how are these 'evil Jews' going to FORCE an entire country to use their money if the populace does not IMAGINE an obligation to obey them? (Anarchy) In other words, where is this giant army of 'evil Jews' that is going to come here and impose their central bank, income tax and mass media on us? LOL

It doesnt exist. There are no 'evil Jews' capable of coming here and ruling us.

There are a small minority of 'evil Jews' who's ONLY method of ruling us is through our IMAGINED belief in 'authority' and 'Government'.

They rely on the goyim police and military to enslave you. Why wont you free your fellow goyims mind from this irrational self contradictory superstitious MYTH? Without that one little irrational contradictory belief system your fellow man would NEVER treat you the way he does now when he dons a costume in your presence.

And if you think there would be more chaos without a parasitic ruling class you can compare the statistics. 'Governments' have murdered 260+ million innocent non violent people just in the last 100 years. Thats not counting Wars like WWI, WWII, Vietnam, etc. Thats 260+ million innocent people starved out and murdered by their own 'Government'. Its called Democide (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide). Do you honestly think individual criminals could have killed that many people if we didnt have 'Government'? How is a random gang of thugs going to convince a million guys to go overseas and kill 100 million people they have never met? Can you please logically walk me through how a random gang of violent thugs is going to be able to convince a million guys to go kill a bunch of people they have never met?

In Anarchy there are no rulers, which means nobody would have the IMAGINED 'authority' to impose such things on peaceful innocent people. When people do not IMAGINE an obligation to obey they will see the criminals for what they are and resist them.

Do you think the Chinese Communist Government could come here tomorrow and set up their own central banking system and impose it on us? Would everyone comply? HELL NO!

So why would 300 million Americans resist the Chinese takeover, yet IMAGINE that their own 'Government', who employs the exact same communist tactics and warfare against them, is somehow virtuous, noble and moral?

This is the entire crux of the situation. The 'evil Jews' have absolutely no way of imposing anything on anyone without 'Government'. They can not win in the true free market competition model. They rely on 'Governments' (which is a euphemism for robbery) to keep the people under their power, because they are to weak, cannot produce anything and cannot defend themselves, so they use various 'Governments' as their shield and cover. Its been going on forever....

Now, do you understand what i just wrote? Im not asking if you agree, im asking if you understand.

You keep hacking at those 'evil Jew' branches. But some of us are striking at the root.

Got to this part and stopped.

The Federal Reserve was created by 'Government'. The mass media was created, monopolized and licensed by 'Government'.
No need to go any farther!
Beyond that the premise is flawed and you cant properly answer a flawed question.
No, the federal reserve was not a creation of the government....it was a creation of international business men.
The government created the "US Treasury" which the international business men wanted to replace with the federal reserve system.

21st March 2014, 09:11 PM
we iownme said how he viewed jewish related issues - isnt it enough? :)

edit: (id take this as an answer)
We are both Slaves. The only difference between us is that i do not IMAGINE my opressors to have any legitimacy whatsover. You on the other hand love your oppressors to the point of having Stockholm Syndrome.

There was no answer.

midnight rambler
21st March 2014, 09:12 PM

21st March 2014, 09:47 PM
Link us to where you answered these two simple yes/no questions please.


I will answer those questions..

1. You're a cunt.

2. You're a stinky, STD infected, pus-drooling, fat-lipped, pustule-laden, oozing zore cunt.

Get the pitcher?

Stop trolling people on this board you knuckle dragging mouth breathing butt licking sorry excuse for an unproductive human being.

Mods, ban me if you want... hell it will be the first time in my history on the interwebz!

ETA: eat my ass!

22nd March 2014, 12:23 AM
Hasnt this jumped from another thread to form this thread ,so what happens to the other thread..........

signed ..... Iamme

22nd March 2014, 12:26 AM
Mods, ban me if you want... hell it will be the first time in my history on the interwebz!

ETA: eat my ass!

Reminds me of when Nelson looked out with his telescope stuck to his blind eye and said he cant see them..........

22nd March 2014, 03:28 AM
BT, you get a day off!

22nd March 2014, 06:11 AM
Booze and interwebs... Friends dont let friends post drunk.

midnight rambler
22nd March 2014, 07:46 AM
One can talk 'liberty' and 'strike the root' all one wants, but as long as one relies on a state issued ID for one's identity one remains the banksters' bitch. The truth hurts.

7th trump
22nd March 2014, 08:24 AM
One can talk 'liberty' and 'strike the root' all one wants, but as long as one relies on a state issued ID for one's identity one remains the banksters' bitch. The truth hurts.
Wrong as usual!

Having a state ID does not indicate being a bankers bitch.
O-rambling wise one please tell us how having a state ID makes the individual a bankers slave?

Please please please tell us....we all need to know!

PS...I have a state issued ID and I don't pay income taxes to be a bankers bitch.
I think you need to go back rethink what you read on the internet to be the truth.
I have a incline your one of those that believes everything you heard from the internet is the truth.

22nd March 2014, 08:41 AM
One can talk 'liberty' and 'strike the root' all one wants, but as long as one relies on a state issued ID for one's identity one remains the banksters' bitch. The truth hurts.

Exactly. That's why I'm still waiting for a guy who calls himself " iOWNme " to answer these two simple yes/no questions.


22nd March 2014, 08:43 AM
not taking sides here but each paradigms has its own sets of questions/answers and paradigms dont mix, meaning that there are no answers/questions available to satisfy ALL pardigms. Race culural matters in volyntaryism can only send back to the need for a centralized government OR to overcome this dilemma. there are no intellectual compromises. it will remain a rocking status quo.

hence iownme's answer:
We are both Slaves. The only difference between us is that i do not IMAGINE my opressors to have any legitimacy whatsover. You on the other hand love your oppressors to the point of having Stockholm Syndrome.

22nd March 2014, 08:47 AM
Two simple yes/no questions for iOWNme that he refuses to answer:

1) Do you have any jew dollar bills in your wallet to purchase stuff?

2) Do you use a government identification card at your jew bank to cash checks?


Ive answered this for you 10 times.

Link us to where you answered these two simple yes/no questions please.



22nd March 2014, 08:56 AM
...not taking sides here...hence iownme's answer...

Too funny. How ironic. Why do some members here insist on doing the talking for a guy who calls himself " iOWNme " ?

He can't answer two simple yes/no questions himself?


22nd March 2014, 09:42 AM
Gosh. You can read this thread but " iOWNme " apparently can't see it.

What is he AFRAID of answering these two simple yes/no questions?

I am the police. Please answer my questions. What's wrong, do you have something to hide?

22nd March 2014, 10:07 AM
What's wrong, do you have something to hide?

:rolleyes: Now JQP piles on. The irony. I am asking " iOWNme " two simple yes/no questions in this thread after he posted this:

So you cant answer anything i asked? Because you know the answer will uncover the contradictions inside your own head that you desperately cling to...Why dont you debate me live about this topic? I will let you choose the date and time and method of communicating. We can each record it and upload it so as to make sure nothing gets missed. I will upload it to my YT channel for EVERYONE to hear. Are you afraid Carl?

Oh wait let me guess: You dont have time to debate me. You know you are right so why even waste your time? Except for the fact that you have wasted DAYS upon DAYS on replying to my posts, when we could get to the bottom of this in a 20 minute discussion. I promise to stay respectful and nice, as long as you promise me the same.

22nd March 2014, 10:38 AM
Yeah...I changed the name on my government drivers license to " iOWNme " because I'm a free Voluntarist.
Now gimme those jew Federal Reserve Notes for this jew bank check so I can buy some food.

:rolleyes: why " iOWNme " refuses to answer these two simple yes/no questions

22nd March 2014, 12:35 PM
http://www.craftsandmorestore.com/images/9-6/Warning%20drama%20queen.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&docid=T-CfS0eSHFSKbM&tbnid=Wc-Hk0d2M7yrlM:&ved=0CAgQjRw4SA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.craftsandmorestore.com%2F1sig ns_and_sayings_page_4.htm&ei=kOUtU5m1E8OVlQXym4GABw&psig=AFQjCNHi5Sr59eun3fgQ4M61UojlgDpo7w&ust=1395603216370573)

22nd March 2014, 12:39 PM
Speaking the truth is a very important thing. We have to speak the truth continuously, because whatever is spoken and thought about continuously by the population will eventually come into manifestation.

Even if what you speak about isn't actually in agreement with what you do or are. This is how the Jews took over. They continuously speak about and push something, while they themselves always implicitly have a different standard for themselves. Push diversity, but only sanction homogeneous marriages at home. Cry holocaust, while at the same time exterminating the local population. Call yourself a religious society while actually being atheists and even more fundamentally tribalists.

But a Jew could never be parted from his opinions.

At that time I was still childish enough to try to make the madness of their doctrine clear to them; in my little circle I talked my tongue sore and my throat hoarse, thinking I would inevitably succeed in convincing them how ruinous their Marxist madness was; but what I accomplished was often the opposite. It seemed as though their increased understanding of the destructive effects of Social Democratic theories and their results only reinforced their determination.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

What they understand is that what they continuously speak about is what happens. It doesn't matter what actually is. What we don't understand is that we think we can only talk what currently is; that if we walk around with FRNs in our pocket and a driver's license, that it precludes us from continuously talking about the way things should be done. That's why they win and we lose.

22nd March 2014, 01:39 PM
I wouldn't answer your questions either book because I know all you come back with is more smart-assery and condescending insults.

22nd March 2014, 01:50 PM
Speaking the truth is a very important thing. We have to speak the truth continuously, because whatever is spoken and thought about continuously by the population will eventually come into manifestation. Even if what you speak about isn't actually in agreement with what you do or are.

"Truth" would be him honestly calling himself idon'tOWNme. Calling your prison cell a hotel room doesn't make you a Voluntarist guest or any more free...lol.

:(?? applying your excellent Mein Kampf quote is misguided in this case

22nd March 2014, 02:05 PM
I wouldn't answer your questions either book...

Maybe you can describe to this forum precisely HOW the member who calls himself " iOWNme " is actually living in our real world, walking his talk, as a self-labelled Voluntarist:

Does he carry jew dollar bills in his wallet?

Does he present his government drivers license to the jew bank teller to cash a jew bank check to buy his food?

:rolleyes: please describe precisely Madfranks...he never actually tells us.

22nd March 2014, 02:09 PM

22nd March 2014, 02:17 PM
Hasnt this jumped from another thread to form this thread ,so what happens to the other thread...

Serpo has already posted in this thread THREE TIMES but apparently pretends disinterest and boredom.


22nd March 2014, 02:22 PM
In so many ways , the "kettle calling the pot black, Sorry for a slight dose of reality and not between a one on one thing, The subject of this thread would try and live what he/she/it is spouting as others on this forum, would hit a legal brick wall with their guns and shit because they have the "Power" to do so , is it legal? in their minds probably! But by the letter of the Constitution maybe not, but they are the ones in power , with the power to screw you up in so many ways, if you get on their "radar".

Which is speaking the "Kettle" or the "Pot" when it comes to members posting here?

I am just a semi-old-fart-drunk (fighting it) thinking! So take no mind to me!

Just saying

Carry on!

midnight rambler
22nd March 2014, 02:24 PM
I am just a semi-old-fart-drunk (fighting it) thinking! So take no mind to me!

Your mind is fogged, so yeah, we won't.

22nd March 2014, 02:39 PM
Two simple yes/no questions for iOWNme that he refuses to answer:

1) Do you have any jew dollar bills in your wallet to purchase stuff?

2) Do you use a government identification card at your jew bank to cash checks?


Ive answered this for you 10 times.

Link us to where you answered these two simple yes/no questions please.



22nd March 2014, 02:39 PM
Your mind is fogged, so yeah, we won't.It would not do any good anyway. But sometimes I feel and have the spirit of that ant that wants to move that "dam" mountain.




But the times were different then compared to today.

22nd March 2014, 03:02 PM
:rolleyes: Now JQP piles on. The irony. I am asking " iOWNme " two simple yes/no questions in this thread after he posted this:

Fair enough. Do you have any Federal Reserve dolars?

22nd March 2014, 03:36 PM
Serpo has already posted in this thread THREE TIMES but apparently pretends disinterest and boredom.


What ,do you expect me to find this thread interesting....hahaha

You are drawing the whole forum into more of your childish attacks on some other forum member which no one else has any interest in .

What is the purpose of this and what does it prove.

22nd March 2014, 03:41 PM
Fair enough.

The Administrator of GSUS now presumes to speak for a guy who calls himself " iOWNme " in this thread ?

The irony.

:) " iOWNme " can't speak for his "own" self? Can't answer two simple yes/no questions?

So you cant answer anything i asked? Because you know the answer will uncover the contradictions inside your own head that you desperately cling to...Why dont you debate me live about this topic? I will let you choose the date and time and method of communicating. We can each record it and upload it so as to make sure nothing gets missed. I will upload it to my YT channel for EVERYONE to hear. Are you afraid Carl?

Oh wait let me guess: You dont have time to debate me. You know you are right so why even waste your time? Except for the fact that you have wasted DAYS upon DAYS on replying to my posts, when we could get to the bottom of this in a 20 minute discussion. I promise to stay respectful and nice, as long as you promise me the same.

22nd March 2014, 05:02 PM
Bump... Back to the top incase anyone missed it.


22nd March 2014, 08:39 PM
The Administrator of GSUS now presumes to speak for a guy who calls himself " iOWNme " in this thread ?

The irony.

:) " iOWNme " can't speak for his "own" self? Can't answer two simple yes/no questions?

The "fair enough" was for you, big dummy! :)

22nd March 2014, 08:51 PM
Book's becoming a real pain in the dick...


22nd March 2014, 09:44 PM
But they ???? guess.

Do make this forum interesting, and that is a good thing.

Cussing and discussing is good, but the ones that dam you for not being in their line of thinking.

Not so much..

A good uproar gets the blood, and brain cells working, which is very good.

But the ones that have the attitude, its my or the highway...totally suck.

just thinking out loud, from an old fart in training..


Edit:I should have been finished with this bond movie,long ago.

It is totally diff than any other than I have seen, dam near finished, but ?

Still wondering if for the good or what, think at the end it will come together.

longest dam movie,but also my cause..

Diversity is a good thing, unless and if also the poster can get off their highhorse and be "real" or at least act human. Some here can not see that small fact, which is a shame.

We all have knowledge (real life) that could be passed on and shared.

Book is a good example, He/she is sharp, but there is a thing that all he (will call) can seem to do is attack and tear down members here.

Then you/we have Iownme, They are good to disrupt and get dander up, for what?

Seems to me there is an agenda to disrupt ,and we all took the bait.

Just started fishing again, and a huge part of my way has a Zen, attitude.

Look up what Zen is about.

Roll over rover....and out..

Your turn book.

23rd March 2014, 04:27 AM
in this time of great deception, it is difficult to avoid disrupting minds. I even would say that when I come across too many people, who speaks to me as if "everything is fine" , I feel kinda defeated. That works both ways ... but you are right, self-balancing and extreme awareness when interacting with others is essential at this stage. Being able to talk about world concerns calmy would facilitate the circulation of knowledge.

Seems to me there is an agenda to disrupt ,and we all took the bait.