View Full Version : Cops Murder a Man for “Illegally Camping”

23rd March 2014, 01:50 AM


38 year old James Boyd had been camping in a spot that the state deemed “illegal.” Trigger happy officers were dispatched to the scene and Boyd was murdered by them.
Boyd was being cordial and surrendering and he started walking down the mountain. At this point the aggressive and violent escalation by police led to a flash bang grenade and then shots fired.
Apparently cops wearing cameras does not deter them from murdering people.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/helmet-cam-footage-shows-cops-murder-man-illegally-camping/#5kuZtekRCffQt5e0.99

23rd March 2014, 02:57 AM

23rd March 2014, 03:57 AM
The cops had all those toys they've been given to play with and they wanted to use them on someone and they did. They killed him for the fun of it and just for practice. They enjoyed it. They will probably be rewarded with a two week paid vacation and then they can continue on doing the same thing again every chance they get. I believe their training has probably encouraged them to do what they did here and that there won't be any negative consequences for their behavior either. I doubt their consciences will bother them either.

midnight rambler
23rd March 2014, 06:07 AM
It's all good 'cause "...Boyd had been in and out of jails and mental institutions for decades..."

It appears to me it's more of the "We don't have time for this" nonsense.

23rd March 2014, 06:25 AM
"He threatened the K9 officer who had no weapons" ..... don't a dog have teeth anymore or do they yank them to protect the victims?

23rd March 2014, 06:52 AM
A book by Larkin Rose was found in Boyds backpack, which probably lead to Boyd's challanging remarks to police officers "you have no right to rule me!", "I do not IMAGINE you are an 'Authority'!, I own me!".
Later reports showed Boyd was a student to the iOWNme principal and was a big fan of 'Josie the Outlaw' - a chubby faced Jewish girl with a youtube channel, also a student and graduate of the Larkin Rose/iOWNme principal.


23rd March 2014, 07:21 AM
Just like combat troops in Afghanistan.

Notice the tone in the delivery of the "news" by the commentators.

23rd March 2014, 07:41 AM
How are these cops still sucking air? Have Amerikans become complete docile goats with no intelligence?

They murdered a guy for "illegal camping". Hmmm... he must have been a hazard to a rattlesnake or a scorpion. Maybe they were acting for his good.

They murdered a guy and there is no changing that. The next time that happens, the guilt is on all who could have stopped it.

23rd March 2014, 07:48 AM

23rd March 2014, 08:50 AM
Three cops and one dog to tell one man that he is not allowed to camp there?.....they were planning to kill and not to enforced the law......


mick silver
23rd March 2014, 08:54 AM
This content is currently unavailable

23rd March 2014, 09:18 AM
A book by Larkin Rose was found in Boyds backpack, which probably lead to Boyd's challanging remarks to police officers "you have no right to rule me!", "I do not IMAGINE you are an 'Authority'!, I own me!". Later reports showed Boyd was a student to the iOWNme principal and was a big fan of 'Josie the Outlaw' - a chubby faced Jewish girl with a youtube channel, also a student and graduate of the Larkin Rose/iOWNme principal.


Ow Ow I do not "Imagine" your fist...I am free and own me..Ow Ow

:rolleyes: iOWNme

23rd March 2014, 09:22 AM
Ow Ow I do not "Imagine" your fist...I am free and own me..Ow Ow

:rolleyes: iOWNme

I figured you would like that :)

23rd March 2014, 09:38 AM
I figured you would like that :)

Loved it.


7th trump
23rd March 2014, 10:12 AM
Ok...I'm gonna get flamed for this but I consider the source of the flaming.

This is no different than the guy getting put down in his own house for not stopping his advance towards the cop in his kitchen with a knife in his hands a few months ago.

Why would you ever pull two knifes out while having AR15's pointed at you knowing the cops are trigger happy?
The cops were completely inline with protocol.

Anybody who has not ever taken the conceal class....PLEASE GO AND TAKE THE CLASS so you can understand the where the leo's are coming from.
Theres a saying about keeping friends close, but enemies closer!
If you want to understand how and what cops are governed by when it comes to firing a weapon on a civilian....wouldn't you people, with all your authoritive arm chair internet wisdom think it would be wise to keep the cops closer?
Obviously the guy was an idiot and his decision wasn't a good decision with AR's being pointed at you.
Now I'm not sticking up for the cops here to kill a guy over a dog as I was taught to run over any animal if it keep you from getting in a car accident or any accident for that matter.
The blame rest totally on the K9 unit officer for releasing the dog and putting it in harms way to allow the other officers to fire on the guy who was just subjected to the disorientation of a flash grenade with two knifes in his hands.

The cops were doing their job to fire on the guy as that's how the law works for the cops and civilians (GO TAKE THE CONCEAL CARRY CLASS...I CANT EMPHASIZE THAT ENOUGH),............but the guy was stupid to pull out knifes at the same time.

Its just another video of the cops weeding out the stupid ones.
PS.....would any of you people think differently if the guy was a total liberal Obama supporter living of life of camping and bon-fires on your welfare dime?

midnight rambler
23rd March 2014, 12:15 PM
This content is currently unavailable

You have to sign into fakebook to see that page.

midnight rambler
23rd March 2014, 12:16 PM
The forum's resident whore for the Whore of Babylon remains true to form on this thread (i.e. posting that Satan's little helpers can do no wrong). lol

mick silver
23rd March 2014, 12:33 PM
not going to happen
You have to sign into fakebook to see that page.http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2014/3/22_Maguire_-_Goldman_%26_Media_Full_Of_Shit_When_It_Comes_To_G old_files/shapeimage_22.png

23rd March 2014, 01:35 PM
Flat out murdered him...thats it murder. worst case of police murder I have ever seen.

23rd March 2014, 01:38 PM
It's even worse watching the second time. Those fuckers could just not allow him to walk out peacefully they had to do the flash bang and sick the dog on him like he was some peace of shit border jummper. The fact that they could not stun and intimidate him was a big insult to their pride so they murdered him. Fuck!

7th trump
23rd March 2014, 01:50 PM
The forum's resident whore for the Whore of Babylon remains true to form on this thread (i.e. posting that Satan's little helpers can do no wrong). lol

Couple of things midnight?

1. You never took the conceal carry class have you? (That disqualifies you from making comments to see the laws perspective when to legally fire a weapon with deadly force....it applies to you as well...even if you don't take the conceal carry course).

2. I sided with no one on this.....completely unbiased.
In fact, I pointed out the K9 officer is the one to blame for releasing the dog to go to close to the knifes for the other officers to have to use deadly force to protect the dog. My comment about animals is they will die before any human should.

3. Since you are bring up the subject of "Babylon whores".......do you have FRN's in your pocket?
(Yeahhhhhh.....thought so)

midnight rambler
23rd March 2014, 03:33 PM
Bypassing the ignore function I see the whore for the Whore of Babylon knows precisely who's being referred to, and therefore personally answers the call. lol

7th trump
23rd March 2014, 03:42 PM
Bypassing the ignore function I see the whore for the Whore of Babylon knows precisely who's being referred to, and therefore answers the call. lol

Its not rocket science to see who you were referring to so don't act like its all that....its not!

You don't even know what mystery Babylon is if you made that stupid comment?
If theres any demonstration of whores of Babylon its your picture glorifying one of satans war machine.
A machine designed to force satans idealogy.....communism!

You must be proud knowing communism is a "liberal" sickness taking over the minds of young Americans.
Chances you voted for comrade Obama......well from reading your posts its highly likely!

You never took the conceal class did you midnight.

23rd March 2014, 03:58 PM
Its not rocket science to see who you were referring to so don't act like its all that....its not!

You don't even know what mystery Babylon is if you made that stupid comment?
If theres any demonstration of whores of Babylon its your picture glorifying one of satans war machine.
A machine designed to force satans idealogy.....communism!

You must be proud knowing communism is a "liberal" sickness taking over the minds of young Americans.
Chances you voted for comrade Obama......well from reading your posts its highly likely!

You never took the conceal class did you midnight.

I cant see how shooting someone is OK ,especially when that person is miles away from anyone and harmed no body

7th trump
23rd March 2014, 04:15 PM
I cant see how shooting someone is OK ,especially when that person is miles away from anyone and harmed no body

I didn't say it was ok.
I said the K9 officer is the one to blame for this guys death.....manslaughter if anything!
And I did say the cops just weed out the stupid ones.

I wouldn't call this murder either...as that definition is laying in wait to take a life...these cops weren't waiting for him to use lethal force...the dumbass pulled two knifes out with AR's being pointed at him.
If he took the conceal carry or even researched gun laws he would know to never pull a weapon out in a situation as he was in...he'd be alive today!
But I'm the bad guy here for using my knowledge I learned from a conceal carry class that teaches you what the authority's, or even a person carrying, has a legal right to do.....use lethal force when necessary.
I don't believe a dog or any animal is worth using lethal force on a human which is the reason why the two officers open fire on the guy.
That K9 officer should be charged with manslaughter as well as the two shooters.....it isn't murder which all of you against me are saying!
Get your facts straight before judging.

7th trump
23rd March 2014, 04:23 PM
Bypassing the ignore function I see the whore for the Whore of Babylon knows precisely who's being referred to, and therefore personally answers the call. lol

Lets have a little fun midnight....you a gamer?
I'm an aviation buff like yourself
Theres a free aviation game "War Thunder" http://warthunder.com/en/play4free?r=glispa14_CD28116_ developed and hosted by your beloved communists. Though the Russian planes are way over gunned from there historical accuracy its not a bad game spite the historical cheating of russian planes.
Join up (its free), if you haven't already, and lets have some fun.

I like the WW1 biplanes the best.

Anybody else want to join.

23rd March 2014, 04:54 PM
I don't care if he pulled out 10 Bowie knives and a dozen machetes and 2 samarai swords.

He was standing his ground and not aggressively attacking the police. The police, however, were STALKING him. They were in a hunting pack with weapons pointed at him. They aggressed a man who was not causing anyone harm. You need go no further than that!

They drew first and only blood. The K-9 officer was a stooge unleashing a dog, but that was not the "cause". 2 thugs murdered that guy. If they have no conscience burning over that, then they are mad dogs.

midnight rambler
23rd March 2014, 04:57 PM
If they have no conscience burning over that, then they are mad dogs.

They are sociopaths (if not psychopaths) and sociopaths NEVER feel remorse (NOR empathy), EVER. Also, sociopaths have a sense of entitlement, so they felt entitled to murder that man. Naturally the state encourages and enables sociopaths and psychopaths who carry a badge.

7th trump
23rd March 2014, 05:28 PM
I don't care if he pulled out 10 Bowie knives and a dozen machetes and 2 samarai swords.

He was standing his ground and not aggressively attacking the police. The police, however, were STALKING him. They were in a hunting pack with weapons pointed at him. They aggressed a man who was not causing anyone harm. You need go no further than that!

They drew first and only blood. The K-9 officer was a stooge unleashing a dog, but that was not the "cause". 2 thugs murdered that guy. If they have no conscience burning over that, then they are mad dogs.

What ground was that Spec?

And define "stalking" for us so we all can understand your version of it to get a better idea of your thought process.
From what I heard from the video is the guy was to vacate and didn't.
Who's land is he on for a judge to tell him to vacate?

So what we have hear is a guy trespassing on land he was told to vacate....the police eventually come to remove him and he pulls two knifes out while having AR's pointed at him.
Lets turn this around so say this was your land and this guy is squatting on your land and you filed a complaint to which you were awarded a judges approval for the squatter to vacate.
The trespasser doesn't leave your land so you call the sheriff to forcible remove the illegal squatter.
While waiting for the sheriffs to arrive you go and talk with the squatter to tell him the sheriff is on his way....he pulls out two knifes to hold is ground and you look at this as an act with lethal consequences towards you and pull out your .45 and use lethal force on the guy?

Now what Spectrism?
Different story now isn't it....not the one you saw on the video....but thats exactly what the story is. He was trespassing and was told to leave...and didn't.
When approached by the authorities he pulled two knifes and stood his ground (as you called it). Unfortunately the guy died for stupidity on many different levels.

midnight rambler
23rd March 2014, 05:39 PM
Out of morbid curiosity I just had to view what the resident Death Cult worshiper posted and I was not disappointed! He continues to advocate for the king's land and the king's men murdering anyone who DARES trespass on the king's land. Like I'm surprised. lol

mick silver
23rd March 2014, 05:48 PM
cops are a bunch of fucking pussy they never go after the gangs with guns why is that

7th trump
23rd March 2014, 05:53 PM
Out of morbid curiosity I just had to view what the resident Death Cult worshiper posted and I was not disappointed! He continues to advocate for the king's land and the king's men murdering anyone who DARES trespass on the king's land. Like I'm surprised. lol

A trespasser is a trespasser is a trespasser.....and Iam pretty sure you'd pull the trigger on any squatter yourself if he'd pulled two knifes on you.....you aren't fooling me midnight.

23rd March 2014, 05:53 PM
What ground was that Spec?

It was foothills of a mountainous area. NOT someone's backyard. It was a place that the police DEEMED illegal for camping. He was NOT camping. He was living. They deemed it illegal for him to live.... there.

And define "stalking" for us so we all can understand your version of it to get a better idea of your thought process.

The soldiers came armed for a hunt. They were in a pack of 6 or 7 with a hunting dog. They stalked their prey.

From what I heard from the video is the guy was to vacate and didn't.
Who's land is he on for a judge to tell him to vacate?

Whose land? Does it really matter? In rough country like that, if he can live off the land, power to him. It is likely that anyone out there would only be passing through.

So what we have hear is a guy trespassing on land he was told to vacate....the police eventually come to remove him and he pulls two knifes out while having AR's pointed at him.

The guy was either very brave and stood firm for his rights to live, breath and walk freely, or he was mentally incapable of understanding where he was and how he was being hunted. Either way, they murdered him.

Lets turn this around so say this was your land and this guy is squatting on your land and you filed a complaint to which you were awarded a judges approval for the squatter to vacate.
The trespasser doesn't leave your land so you call the sheriff to forcible remove the illegal squatter.
While waiting for the sheriffs to arrive you go and talk with the squatter to tell him the sheriff is on his way....he pulls out two knifes to hold is ground and you look at this as an act with lethal consequences towards you and pull out your .45 and use lethal force on the guy?

I don't live in wide open mountains. I live in a fairly restricted residential area. A squatter is one who sets up a homestead with intent of possessing the property. That guy had no intent to own anything and just exercised his right to exist in an open space. What harm was he doing?

If I killed a man like that or if I allowed cops to do it for me, I would grieve the blood on my hands and on my land. If the man threatened to kill me or my family, that would be a different story. He would help fertilize my land.

Now what Spectrism?
Different story now isn't it....not the one you saw on the video....but thats exactly what the story is. He was trespassing and was told to leave...and didn't.

Do you think you can change the facts of the story and that is good support for your argument? When the cops take your home and tell you to leave.... or they stop you from using certain roads because you don't have the right papers... remember that they are you masters.

When approached by the authorities he pulled two knifes and stood his ground (as you called it). Unfortunately the guy died for stupidity on many different levels.

He stood his ground in a very simplistic way saying that I have the right to be left alone so leave me alone. He had to be a very simple sap expecting fair treatment from the cops.

He was no threat to the cops where they were. They all were a threat to him. The chief of Albuquerque Police said they deployed nonlethal and lethal devices SIMULTANEOUSLY!!!! Listen to the interview/ public announcement. They fired tazers at the same time as 6 5.56mm bullets. See? They are fair.

To shoot 6 rounds into the guy was an execution.

23rd March 2014, 06:18 PM
Question: If a cop approaches you with his hand on his holstered weapon, is it ok to take him out because he is a potential threat?

23rd March 2014, 06:24 PM
Question: If a cop approaches you with his hand on his holstered weapon, is it ok to take him out because he is a potential threat?Hell no, they all do that in my neck of the woods.

But if u have a death wish , carry on!

23rd March 2014, 06:31 PM
Hell no, they all do that in my neck of the woods.

But if u have a death wish , carry on!

Right, so just because someone has their hand on a weapon and makes you feel threatened, doesn't mean it's a reason to kill them. It has to be self defense.

23rd March 2014, 06:38 PM
Right, so just because someone has their hand on a weapon and makes you feel threatened, doesn't mean it's a reason to kill them. It has to be self defense.Yep, the cops here run spooked, they will not do a one on one traffic stop. It is always a gang affair, as they call it backup.

Tho, the local cops in the last 15 years have killed 2 people that I think should never been killed, I think those shootings have made for the 2 chiefs, finding a new home, understand not back to back.

But as you posted they may have a hand on the weapon, methinks it would be a fatal mistake to act in any way other than what they want you to do. They do probably have the drop on you.

Sucks big time, but it is what it is , and reflects the times now that we are living.

7th trump
23rd March 2014, 07:23 PM
It was foothills of a mountainous area. NOT someone's backyard. It was a place that the police DEEMED illegal for camping. He was NOT camping. He was living. They deemed it illegal for him to live.... there.

The soldiers came armed for a hunt. They were in a pack of 6 or 7 with a hunting dog. They stalked their prey.

Whose land? Does it really matter? In rough country like that, if he can live off the land, power to him. It is likely that anyone out there would only be passing through.

The guy was either very brave and stood firm for his rights to live, breath and walk freely, or he was mentally incapable of understanding where he was and how he was being hunted. Either way, they murdered him.

I don't live in wide open mountains. I live in a fairly restricted residential area. A squatter is one who sets up a homestead with intent of possessing the property. That guy had no intent to own anything and just exercised his right to exist in an open space. What harm was he doing?

If I killed a man like that or if I allowed cops to do it for me, I would grieve the blood on my hands and on my land. If the man threatened to kill me or my family, that would be a different story. He would help fertilize my land.

Do you think you can change the facts of the story and that is good support for your argument? When the cops take your home and tell you to leave.... or they stop you from using certain roads because you don't have the right papers... remember that they are you masters.

He stood his ground in a very simplistic way saying that I have the right to be left alone so leave me alone. He had to be a very simple sap expecting fair treatment from the cops.

He was no threat to the cops where they were. They all were a threat to him. The chief of Albuquerque Police said they deployed nonlethal and lethal devices SIMULTANEOUSLY!!!! Listen to the interview/ public announcement. They fired tazers at the same time as 6 5.56mm bullets. See? They are fair.

To shoot 6 rounds into the guy was an execution.
Everything you just typed is rendered useless spectrism.........because the leo's didn't use lethal force until the transient trespasser pulled out the knifes.....and is legal according to the law.
You will never get around that fact!
Cry all you want, but you'll never get around it.

This wasn't cold blood murder as you are attempting to portray it as such spectrim...........negligent manslaughter, yes, because of the dog being released when it shouldn't have causing the other two leo's to use lethal force to protect the dog.

23rd March 2014, 07:59 PM
^ Bullshit. It was cold blooded murder no matter how anyone wants or tries to justify it.

23rd March 2014, 08:12 PM
^ Bullshit. It was cold blooded murder no matter how anyone wants or tries to justify it.

weed, bunch of cop killings are, but they get away with it because of the system they have. They can self justify what they do.

Sucks and blows, but is the truth...I am laying back for the day which will probably never happen to have a non-verbal conversation with some. But as it is written any wrong does not justify heaping onto . Which is again bullshit.

Thing here the bad cops (actors) are driven off , they move. I have known and seen 4 which includes one chief that have been driven off in shame.

But my town, is small, but has a history (oil field) that is legiand and will not stand for much crap.

Bigger city's well that is a zebra of no stripes, compaired to this place.

I refused dam near 40 years ago and better living in any city bigger than what I have now.

Massive amounts of concrete and asphalt of the big *def will differ* citys/towns will make people crazy.

Edit: I already had a head start..

Huge grin!

7th trump
23rd March 2014, 08:36 PM
^ Bullshit. It was cold blooded murder no matter how anyone wants or tries to justify it.

No Tumbleweed...murder is "laying in wait to take a life"......you heard of premeditated before?
What was premeditated about this?
Those cops were not laying wait to take this transients life....they didn't open up on him until the transient trespasser pulled two knifes right in the worst of times.....dumbest thing he could have ever done.....and I don't feel a bit sorry for the dumbass trespasser either.
He was told to leave the grounds and he didn't........so he wins, with the help of the local leo's, the Darwin award.

And Tumbleweed I'm not trying to justify it either.
Look at this for what the facts are instead of allowing your emotions to decide....get ahold of yourself!

23rd March 2014, 08:41 PM


38 year old James Boyd had been camping in a spot that the state deemed “illegal.” Trigger happy officers were dispatched to the scene and Boyd was murdered by them.
Boyd was being cordial and surrendering and he started walking down the mountain. At this point the aggressive and violent escalation by police led to a flash bang grenade and then shots fired.
Apparently cops wearing cameras does not deter them from murdering people.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/helmet-cam-footage-shows-cops-murder-man-illegally-camping/#5kuZtekRCffQt5e0.99

I can't see any real difference in what was done in the two videos above and what was done in the video at this link. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=809_1395163651
Both look like murder to me.

23rd March 2014, 08:51 PM
I can't see any real difference in what was done in the two videos above and what was done in the video at this link. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=809_1395163651
Both look like murder to me.

Yep, If other than than a thrown knife, and out of range of fists or such. and they draw and kill, it is murder. Bar none.!

One against the cops and they are out of range of anything the guy can do, other that he throws rocks? and they shoot and kill,

Get real...

I agree murder.

None of those ass hats were in danger of their lifes, maybe scratches for sure, but loss of life no.

23rd March 2014, 08:58 PM
did the guy pull knives? I can't see that well in the video. His body language told me he was picking up his stuff/back pack and maybe was going to head down with them?


23rd March 2014, 09:02 PM
did the guy pull knives? I can't see that well in the video. His body language told me he was picking up his stuff/back pack and maybe was going to head down with them?


Still no direct threat of harm to anyone..

chicken shit cop stand off killing.

24th March 2014, 12:54 AM
Seriously Donald Duck why the fuck are you on here if you are such a government-cop nutswinger??? the man was murdered plain and simple only an idiot or a deathcult worshipper would say otherwise.

7th trump
24th March 2014, 05:17 AM
Seriously Donald Duck why the fuck are you on here if you are such a government-cop nutswinger??? the man was murdered plain and simple only an idiot or a deathcult worshipper would say otherwise.

I'm not a cop nutswinger.
And no the man wasn't murdered...the cops were not laying in wait to take his life. They fired at him with lethal force over the dog when he pulled the knifes which I do not agree with.
Negligent manslaughter at best...but not murder.

Do you have a brain hillbilly?......If so use it!
Use it to look up the definition to murder, that is if you can without letting your emotions control you.
There was nothing premeditated about this...also look up premeditated while you at looking up murder.
Use your damn brain God gave and not your primitive instincts.

24th March 2014, 06:07 AM
where are the knives? I cant see on that video. Is there another one that is clearer? I can see the guy stick his hands in his pockets, then raise them up. But I can't see if he had any knives in them.

ok so the one I saw was not that first one and was not very clear. Was the guy causing trouble? Doesn't matter anymore. Despite the guys troubles and govt assistance that was offered and accepted under duress, the guy has nothing to worry about anymore.

24th March 2014, 06:13 AM
When they rolled him over after shooting him and sicking the dog on him he had a knife in his hands. In the video it looked to me like he may have been preparing to defend himself from the dog but I couldn't see any knives until he was dead or dying and they rolled him over.

7th trump
24th March 2014, 06:37 AM
When they rolled him over after shooting him and sicking the dog on him he had a knife in his hands. In the video it looked to me like he may have been preparing to defend himself from the dog but I couldn't see any knives until he was dead or dying and they rolled him over.

Thats one of two scenario's I came up with Tumbleweed.

1. To defend himself from the dog (reason why I put the blame on the K9 officer, first and foremost, for releasing the dog........."manslaughter" over a fucking dog).
Still a bad decision to pull knifes out (2nd dumb decision) when AR's are pointed at you with intent to use if needed.........after all he was told to vacate and he didnt (1st dumb decision).

I highly doubt he would be dead if there wasnt any K9 to begin with.

24th March 2014, 06:41 AM
Those assholes went there fully prepared to kill him and they did. It was premeditated murder.

24th March 2014, 06:49 AM
Some general rules I follow. Do not pull out a gun unless you intend to use it. Do not aim a weapon on someone unless you intend to shoot him.

The cops went there armed and brandishing their weapons.

The cops aimed their weapons on the victim from the start.

It was premeditated. They judged this guy as a hazzard to society and a menace to their personal safety. They executed their judgment.

midnight rambler
24th March 2014, 07:15 AM
'Society' (as we know it today) considers someone like that as an untermensch (subhuman) and therefore that gang of thugs knew for certain they could murder him with impunity since it was a 'sanctioned' in advance shoot. The Death Cult worshipers approve of and applaud this sort of thing, as evidenced in this thread.

7th trump
24th March 2014, 08:07 AM
Some general rules I follow. Do not pull out a gun unless you intend to use it. Do not aim a weapon on someone unless you intend to shoot him.

The cops went there armed and brandishing their weapons.

The cops aimed their weapons on the victim from the start.

It was premeditated. They judged this guy as a hazzard to society and a menace to their personal safety. They executed their judgment.
Not one of you have ever taken the conceal carry class....not one of you.

If they went there to murder the guy then why didnt they just start shooting him from the start?
They didnt!
They didnt open fire until the knife was pulled.
Spec you're a dangerous individual to be around when the shit hits the fans....you do not demonstrate proper discernment one bit what so ever.
Know wonder you're lost in scripture.
They didnt shoot until he pulled the knife. You're just ranting emotional drama queen mantra!
It seems you would rather use what is taught from hollywood tv shows than read or learn the law.......with an attitude like yours i wouldnt doubt you'd be the next recipient of a Darwin award helped by your local leo's.....your demonstrating your dumb enough.
Yes grasshopper, cops all around this country point their guns at people who were told to something by order of a judge and dont for decades.
When have you not seen this?
Why all of a sudden are you surprised cops point guns at people who are ordered to do something and blatantly defy?
Heck, I know of several people arrested at gun point for not paying (court ordered) child support......where the fuck have you been?

7th trump
24th March 2014, 08:13 AM
'Society' (as we know it today) considers someone like that as an untermensch (subhuman) and therefore that gang of thugs knew for certain they could murder him with impunity since it was a 'sanctioned' in advance shoot. The Death Cult worshipers approve of and applaud this sort of thing, as evidenced in this thread.

Pure speculation on your part midnight....the video says you're a damn liar.

They didnt open fire until the knife was pulled.
If you would take the conceal carry class you wouldnt look like the fool you are commenting on something you dont have a clue of.

Why do you read my posts if you have me on ignor?
Thats showing your're a hippacrit on a mental level.

24th March 2014, 08:28 AM
The pigs murdered this guy. He didn't submit, so they provoked him into an action that could be viewed by their superiors as aggression. They wanted to kill him, they did kill him and they enjoyed the excitement of the kill.

Cops know citizens no longer respect, or trust them. They know they are feared and hated by most people today.
The people that pay these cops like the fact cops are hated, because it conditions cops to view all people as the enemy and allows them to kill all citizens, men, women and children with a clear conscience. It will be necessary for when society breaks down.
They elite must remain in power at any and all costs.

24th March 2014, 09:43 AM
Not one of you have ever taken the conceal carry class....not one of you.

Actually, I did. I had a cc permit until Jan 2014.... and decided NOT to ask their permission again. They already declared me a felon and I wouldn't be able to carry my weapons anyway because they have larger magazine capacities. Not only did I have the CC permit & training, but I had extensive military training. Even in combat I wouldn't be pointing a weapon at someone unless I was prepared to shoot them. Once they were seen as non-threats, I would not hold a weapon on them.

These cops commit assault on many people without any just cause.

If they went there to murder the guy then why didnt they just start shooting him from the start?
They didnt!

They made it look like they had to kill him for their own safety. Do you really need to be told this?

They didnt open fire until the knife was pulled.

Wrong. They unleashed an attack dog and fired a stun grenade. They aggressed on him.

Spec you're a dangerous individual to be around when the shit hits the fans....you do not demonstrate proper discernment one bit what so ever.

Make me into a criminal and I WILL be dangerous. Make me an enemy and attack me and you will find a big piece of your ass missing.

Know wonder you're lost in scripture.

Yeah, well... not everyone can be as smart as you.

They didnt shoot until he pulled the knife. You're just ranting emotional drama queen mantra!
It seems you would rather use what is taught from hollywood tv shows than read or learn the law.......with an attitude like yours i wouldnt doubt you'd be the next recipient of a Darwin award helped by your local leo's.....your demonstrating your dumb enough.
Yes grasshopper, cops all around this country point their guns at people who were told to something by order of a judge and dont for decades.

Do you pay into Obamacare? Judge ordered. What law did that man violate?

When have you not seen this?
Why all of a sudden are you surprised cops point guns at people who are ordered to do something and blatantly defy?
Heck, I know of several people arrested at gun point for not paying (court ordered) child support......where the fuck have you been?

Suddenly surprised? Not me. I have seen several videos of cops assaulting innocent people. So, you approve of the police being used as bill collectors for the state. Perhaps you have family ties to IRS SWAT "officers".

Perhaps you should read a portion of the Declaration of Independence that set forth the foundation of jurisprudence in this land:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

willie pete
24th March 2014, 10:42 AM
I've said it before; a CHP sgt. said it best "we show up to win, not to play fair" you must keep in mind that any contact with LE can very well result in you losing your life

24th March 2014, 06:11 PM
They murdered him because they could not intimidate him. If just one man stands up to the police and is not murdered that fact will spread like a virus and the cops will be in for a real war. They want us cowering at the very sight of them like some little girl.

24th March 2014, 07:45 PM
Looks like MURDER ,smells like MURDER,tastes like MURDER........hang on a cop did it so its not even manslaughter.

This guy was shot to death legally.............................

24th March 2014, 08:19 PM
Not one of you have ever taken the conceal carry class....not one of you.

If they went there to murder the guy then why didnt they just start shooting him from the start?
They didnt!
They didnt open fire until the knife was pulled.
Spec you're a dangerous individual to be around when the shit hits the fans....you do not demonstrate proper discernment one bit what so ever.
Know wonder you're lost in scripture.
They didnt shoot until he pulled the knife. You're just ranting emotional drama queen mantra!
It seems you would rather use what is taught from hollywood tv shows than read or learn the law.......with an attitude like yours i wouldnt doubt you'd be the next recipient of a Darwin award helped by your local leo's.....your demonstrating your dumb enough.
Yes grasshopper, cops all around this country point their guns at people who were told to something by order of a judge and dont for decades.
When have you not seen this?
Why all of a sudden are you surprised cops point guns at people who are ordered to do something and blatantly defy?
Heck, I know of several people arrested at gun point for not paying (court ordered) child support......where the fuck have you been?

i got my permits in 5 different states from not taking the the class. i didn't even take one of them!

7th trump
24th March 2014, 10:08 PM
i got my permits in 5 different states from not taking the the class. i didn't even take one of them!

And your point that you got 5 permits without taking the class relates to the cops ONLY using lethal force to when and why?
Feeling froggy are you?
So far nobody has disputed me about when and why they used lethal force......are you saying you want to take a stab at it?

7th trump
24th March 2014, 10:11 PM
They murdered him because they could not intimidate him. If just one man stands up to the police and is not murdered that fact will spread like a virus and the cops will be in for a real war. They want us cowering at the very sight of them like some little girl.

Yeah sure....you make it out as if the transient wasn't ordered to vacate and didn't pull a knife at all.
What ever dude.....keep smoking what ever it is your smoking!

midnight rambler
24th March 2014, 10:25 PM
How fucking funny it is that someone who claims to be an 'expert' on the use of lethal force has never actually used lethal force with the intent to kill. lol

25th March 2014, 01:21 AM
A flashbang, taser, canine attack, and assault weapons for some fat guy with backpack. (no pocket knife was even evident in the film, or if was would have been justified use by the suspect for removing a dog)

Great police academy work guys, way to meet no force with way excessive force. [sarcoff]

25th March 2014, 05:08 AM
So far nobody has disputed me about when and why they used lethal force......are you saying you want to take a stab at it?

Nobody can say anything that a delusional person would recognize.

Yeah sure....you make it out as if the transient wasn't ordered to vacate and didn't pull a knife at all.
What ever dude.....keep smoking what ever it is your smoking!

What law did the guy violate? Who was he causing harm to? Did he rob a bank? Did he rape a little girl? Did he kill a string of random people?

No. He was camping on a vacant hillside. He was breathing air.

7th trump
25th March 2014, 05:20 AM
Nobody can say anything that a delusional person would recognize.

What law did the guy violate? Who was he causing harm to? Did he rob a bank? Did he rape a little girl? Did he kill a string of random people?

No. He was camping on a vacant hillside. He was breathing air.

I see.........pulling a palani huh?

Trespassing has been a law for centuries here in the USofA.
Anyone can put up a "no trespassing" sign on their property for what ever reason....its lawfully binding.
And if you're an idiot it can be down right deadly if you make the wrong decisions.
So are you going to be stupid enough to ignore the guy broke laws and was told no camping and that he was trespassing after a judge told him to vacate?
Or continue on down this road of ignorance?

7th trump
25th March 2014, 05:26 AM
How fucking funny it is that someone who claims to be an 'expert' on the use of lethal force has never actually used lethal force with the intent to kill. lol

Nawwww...what funny (and not to mention mentally unstable) is how someone who's claimed to put me on ignore keeps targeting me to respond to him.
How mental is that?
Then again communists aren't all that mentally straight anyway.

Yes, I've used lethal force many times before. A lot of animals have lost their lives do to my lethal force to rid them of their pestilence.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it......hahahahahaha!

25th March 2014, 05:40 AM
I see.........pulling a palani huh?

Trespassing has been a law for centuries here in the USofA.
Anyone can put up a "no trespassing" sign on their property for what ever reason....its lawfully binding.
And if you're an idiot it can be down right deadly if you make the wrong decisions.
So are you going to be stupid enough to ignore the guy broke laws and was told no camping and that he was trespassing after a judge told him to vacate?
Or continue on down this road of ignorance?

Who was he trespassing against?

25th March 2014, 05:45 AM
Yes, I've used lethal force many times before. A lot of animals have lost their lives do to my lethal force to rid them of their pestilence.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it......hahahahahaha!

Now that is a very interesting statement. This is exactly what these murdering thugs did. Same as what you've done to the four legged 'pests' they did to this man. The commandment that states 'thou shall not kill' is a really clear edict from the God of Abraham whom you claim to follow. Regardless of whether or not this fellow was pestilent, he was murdered and removed like so much vermin. He was a human being who was hurting no one.

25th March 2014, 06:06 AM
Trespassing has been a law for centuries here in the USofA.

You certainly have caught your tit in a wringer with that one. Trespassing is more of a custom than a law and the rules are laid down quite clearly. The topic relates to the duty owed by a land owner. To a trespasser the only duty is NOT TO INJURE HIM. Did you get that? If you have a trespasser you cannot set a trap gun, cannot dig a pit, cannot shoot him.

There are two other classes that the land owner might have an established duty towards. The first is a service person (mailman, milk delivery, etc). With this class the land owner must inform the service person of any defect in the property that might cause injury to him. The second class is invited guests. Here the land owner must do more than merely inform the guest of a defect that might injure him. He must actually repair the defect so that it is incapable of injuring.

25th March 2014, 06:22 AM
The question of whether this was a murder or justified doesn't belong with the chief of police or sheriff. The coroners inquest should be capable of determining the cause of death and the grand jury should be capable of whether prosecution is justified. The grand jury is capable of acting on their own without an indictment. If they don't do so then they are not performing their function and in this event they should be deposed.

7th trump
25th March 2014, 06:47 AM
You certainly have caught your tit in a wringer with that one. Trespassing is more of a custom than a law and the rules are laid down quite clearly. The topic relates to the duty owed by a land owner. To a trespasser the only duty is NOT TO INJURE HIM. Did you get that? If you have a trespasser you cannot set a trap gun, cannot dig a pit, cannot shoot him.

There are two other classes that the land owner might have an established duty towards. The first is a service person (mailman, milk delivery, etc). With this class the land owner must inform the service person of any defect in the property that might cause injury to him. The second class is invited guests. Here the land owner must do more than merely inform the guest of a defect that might injure him. He must actually repair the defect so that it is incapable of injuring.

No....no tit caught in any ringer palani.

Your comment makes you a hippicrit by your own standard palani?
You're always yapping about "your law" and not recognizing the laws of others.
So is a trespass "your law" by vitue of land ownership or is it a custom palani?

What I was getting at is trespass violations are recognized by the courts and decisions are awarded.....as in criminal trespass.

Criminal trespassing is a legal rule that prohibits entry by unwanted or unknown persons to a property. When a person enters or stays within a property known to be restricted to outsiders, she is considered to be in violation of this law.

Remaining Unlawfully
The definition within the law of "remaining unlawfully" is when a person stays within the property when he is not allowed. This definition is in effect regardless of the original reason for entry.
Generally this term is defined as a person who commits criminal trespass with the intent of committing a criminal act. This can include theft, vandalism or unlawful use of anything on the property.Effective Use
For criminal trespassing to be in effect, there must be a viable method to block entry into a property. This can include locks, conspicuous signs, fencing or verbal communication to the person before the act.
This transient was ordered by a judge to vacate the premise and didnt.....he was "remaining unlawful".
Then when confronted to be physically removed off the premise...the dumb ass pulls out a knife!....how fucking stupid is that?
And the kicker is lethal force was used over a fucking dog getting to close to the knife wielding idiot Darwin recipient.

Just watch palani twist this around.
He'll recognize what he wants to recognize when its convenient and do his best to twist what goes against his reasoning.

7th trump
25th March 2014, 07:01 AM
Now that is a very interesting statement. This is exactly what these murdering thugs did. Same as what you've done to the four legged 'pests' they did to this man. The commandment that states 'thou shall not kill' is a really clear edict from the God of Abraham whom you claim to follow. Regardless of whether or not this fellow was pestilent, he was murdered and removed like so much vermin. He was a human being who was hurting no one.

Ohh geee..... dont cite scripture you know nothing about.
And dont tell me you never set a mouse trap before or swatted a fly or squashed a mosquito....all of which have and can spread deseases harmful to humans.....you're a hippicrit much to the likes of spectrism.
You also twist things around to fit your drama queen mantra.

No........they didnt use lethal force until the idiot showed a weapon.

midnight rambler
25th March 2014, 07:08 AM
Now that is a very interesting statement. This is exactly what these murdering thugs did. Same as what you've done to the four legged 'pests' they did to this man. The commandment that states 'thou shall not kill' is a really clear edict from the God of Abraham whom you claim to follow. Regardless of whether or not this fellow was pestilent, he was murdered and removed like so much vermin. He was a human being who was hurting no one.

Indeed, who/where was the injured party?

Oh yeah, nm, 'the king' was injured therefore the king's men eliminated him.

And the comparison that killing a critter somehow equates to killing a child of God is very interesting and informative as to one's intent/meaning. That gang of thugs was in no way threatened by the man they summarily executed.

25th March 2014, 07:13 AM
I asked one simple question Trump, so that you would not be confused and escape to other arguments. Who did the guy damage? Who is complaining that he had caused damage in this "trespassing"?

Now if you want to say it was lawful because a judge ordered it, I remind you that a judge at the highest level has order Obamacare. I have refused to partake. By your reasoning, I deserve moreso to be executed by cops as that guy was. Have you been paying into an Obama-approved insurance plan? If so, you support the beast.

If you think the legality of evil humans is important, you have no spiritual eyes. In your words, you show that you believe in "might makes right". In this world where evil is allowed temporarily to run rampant, you are dead wrong.

Celtic Rogue
25th March 2014, 07:50 AM
No Tumbleweed...murder is "laying in wait to take a life"......you heard of premeditated before?
What was premeditated about this?
Those cops were not laying wait to take this transients life....they didn't open up on him until the transient trespasser pulled two knifes right in the worst of times.....dumbest thing he could have ever done.....and I don't feel a bit sorry for the dumbass trespasser either.
He was told to leave the grounds and he didn't........so he wins, with the help of the local leo's, the Darwin award.

And Tumbleweed I'm not trying to justify it either.
Look at this for what the facts are instead of allowing your emotions to decide....get ahold of yourself!

That is a very narrow description of murder. So if i walk up to you on the street and shoot you in the head ... That to you would not be murder because I was not laying in wait for you?

The cops hopefully did not go there with the intent to murder anyone... however they did go there with the intent to fire their weapons at the first opening that could be justified. They are the premeditated ones in their training. Us against them. That whole event was a cluster fuck from the get go.

If you send in a combat assault team to tell a single man to leave what else would you expect to happen. Police should never be allowed to be an executioner. Instead of hostile engagement strategies they should be using more non lethal methods.

Years back a single officer maybe two with guns holstered, showing the person respect would go out and talk to the guy and explain what the deal was. If there was hostility then the two could take care of it without using their guns most of the times.

If the police shoot a person that has made no movement toward them and is standing their ground... Then it is murder plain and simple because they acted aggressively first. He had something maybe knives... but the guy also might of had a mental problem?

These A hole are too quick to pull the trigger.

mick silver
25th March 2014, 08:01 AM
if it was state land he owned the land like every one of us . again i will ask why do the cops not go after the gangs with guns that do more harm then anyone camping out on land that owned by all .................................................. .

25th March 2014, 08:28 AM
Regardless of any initial crime, no physical resistance to arrest was evident,

the officer took a huge risk bringing a gun to a knife(?) arrest, he could've just've easily missed and took out either of his co-workers at that point.

Had another office been downed mistakenly what would be the verdict of the exchange?

midnight rambler
25th March 2014, 08:44 AM
Years back a single officer maybe two with guns holstered, showing the person respect would go out and talk to the guy and explain what the deal was. If there was hostility then the two could take care of it without using their guns most of the times.

From the early '80s to the early '90s I did ridealongs with cop friends with a large metro PD. I personally watched the situation morph from treating non-cops (so called 'civilians') with respect to treating arrestees (and pretty much everyone else) like animals in cages (early on an arrestee would ride in the front seat and I got to ride in the back seat (no partition), then they went to the partitions for the back seat, now the full blown cages in the back - worth noting that the Texas DPS STILL does not have cages nor partitions in their cruisers, an arrestee rides in the front seat [where the Trooper can reach over and knock the shit out of 'em if and when necessary]). The 'us vs. them' mentally was there then, however it is far, far worse now.

7th trump
25th March 2014, 08:49 AM
I asked one simple question Trump, so that you would not be confused and escape to other arguments. Who did the guy damage? Who is complaining that he had caused damage in this "trespassing"?

Now if you want to say it was lawful because a judge ordered it, I remind you that a judge at the highest level has order Obamacare. I have refused to partake. By your reasoning, I deserve moreso to be executed by cops as that guy was. Have you been paying into an Obama-approved insurance plan? If so, you support the beast.

If you think the legality of evil humans is important, you have no spiritual eyes. In your words, you show that you believe in "might makes right". In this world where evil is allowed temporarily to run rampant, you are dead wrong.

I already said I do not like the idea that lethal force was used over a damn dog......I say negligent manslaughter for the K9 officer and the two shooters.

No, if you read what I said instead of letting your emotions over rule your ability to discern you would see i said the cops never fired a weapon until the guy pulled a weapon. At that point the gun laws take effect..... The title of this thread is misleading.
As far as a judge ordering law....did not Christ say what is Ceasars render to Ceasar and what is the Fathers render to the father?
Look as if you have a dilemma on your hands spec!
We live in a society where laws are gonna have to be written to coinside together.
The judge didnt make the rules of that particular parcel of land...hes just enforcing them (second wrong assumption you made about this case). And he ruled the transient to vacate the land.
The transient was stupid to pull a weapon.

25th March 2014, 09:04 AM
Your comment makes you a hippicrit by your own standard palani?

Is this a question?

You know there are things you can take for mind fog. Have you ever checked out any toxin reduction process? You did know the environment you work in is not known for beneficial health effects?

25th March 2014, 09:05 AM
hes just enforcing them

Ahh .. the Nuremberg defense. Didn't work well for the Nazis either.

25th March 2014, 02:32 PM
You are backpeddling Trump. Stick with the one question and stop squirming to this emotional plea that you didn't like it either. Can you remember my question? Who did this victim harm that 6 militarized cops had to assault him, hit him with a stun grenade and attack dog, and then shoot him 6 times? Who was the victim that Boyd had so grievously injured?

I already said I do not like the idea that lethal force was used over a damn dog......I say negligent manslaughter for the K9 officer and the two shooters.

The K9 officer did not shoot. You charged the wrong imbecile. He was only a small accomplice. The two trigger-happy bastards are the ones who commit murder.

No, if you read what I said instead of letting your emotions over rule your ability to discern you would see i said the cops never fired a weapon until the guy pulled a weapon. At that point the gun laws take effect..... The title of this thread is misleading.

I am discussing this calmly and factually. You must be the one getting emotional because this is how I usually communicate. I like facts and truth. But you lie for the cops.

1. Cops assault man by brandishing "assault weapons".
2. Cops assault man by inciting attack dog.
3. Cops assault man by blasting a stun grenade near him. Possible battery there.

Up to this point, the man stood still with his pack and even took it off at the demands of the thug cops.

4. Cops unleash attack dog and man responds, DEFENSIVELY.
5. Cops shoot man 6 times to ensure he is dead.

OK... now I will get emotional. You fuckin think they didn't commit murder? Are you a moron?

Now, what the hell is "gun laws take effect"? Is that supposed to mean something? The man- Boyd, did not have any guns. The cops who had guns do not obey the laws.

As far as a judge ordering law....did not Christ say what is Ceasars render to Ceasar and what is the Fathers render to the father?

Have you ever heard of God-given unalienable rights? Which of those was that man supposed to render unto the lawless cops?

Look as if you have a dilemma on your hands spec!

Sure do. A pretend christian is asking for a public ass-whoopin. Let it be known I am an equal-opportunity provider.

We live in a society where laws are gonna have to be written to coinside together.
The judge didnt make the rules of that particular parcel of land...hes just enforcing them (second wrong assumption you made about this case). And he ruled the transient to vacate the land.
The transient was stupid to pull a weapon.

Transient means one who moves. All they had to do was look away and the man would be gone. You said it.

You never answered the question- whose land? What "parcel" are you talking about?

If you have mental problems, please let us know so we can leash our attack dog and visit with friendly men instead of six shooters with six-shooters.

25th March 2014, 02:40 PM
The K9 officer did not shoot.

Just so we are all on the same track ... the K9 officer who was threatened was the dog.

25th March 2014, 02:55 PM
He was executed without trial.

7th trump
25th March 2014, 03:30 PM
You are backpeddling Trump. Stick with the one question and stop squirming to this emotional plea that you didn't like it either. Can you remember my question? Who did this victim harm that 6 militarized cops had to assault him, hit him with a stun grenade and attack dog, and then shoot him 6 times? Who was the victim that Boyd had so grievously injured?

The K9 officer did not shoot. You charged the wrong imbecile. He was only a small accomplice. The two trigger-happy bastards are the ones who commit murder.

I am discussing this calmly and factually. You must be the one getting emotional because this is how I usually communicate. I like facts and truth. But you lie for the cops.

1. Cops assault man by brandishing "assault weapons".
2. Cops assault man by inciting attack dog.
3. Cops assault man by blasting a stun grenade near him. Possible battery there.

Up to this point, the man stood still with his pack and even took it off at the demands of the thug cops.

4. Cops unleash attack dog and man responds, DEFENSIVELY.
5. Cops shoot man 6 times to ensure he is dead.

OK... now I will get emotional. You fuckin think they didn't commit murder? Are you a moron?

Now, what the hell is "gun laws take effect"? Is that supposed to mean something? The man- Boyd, did not have any guns. The cops who had guns do not obey the laws.

Have you ever heard of God-given unalienable rights? Which of those was that man supposed to render unto the lawless cops?

Sure do. A pretend christian is asking for a public ass-whoopin. Let it be known I am an equal-opportunity provider.

Transient means one who moves. All they had to do was look away and the man would be gone. You said it.

You never answered the question- whose land? What "parcel" are you talking about?

If you have mental problems, please let us know so we can leash our attack dog and visit with friendly men instead of six shooters with six-shooters.

Follow along Spec.
I said the K9 officer should be charged with negligent manslaughter. It was the dog the two morons opened fire on the transient for.
Go back and watch and listen carefully to what is said.
The spokes person said the two officers used lethal force to protect the officer K9 shepherd dog.
I also said I do not agree with any dog as any reason to use lethal force on any human.
So....follow along Spec...I'll try and type real slow for you.

T h e---t w o---o f f I c e r s---f I r e d---t h e I r---w e a p o n s---b e c a u s e---t h e---p o l I c e---d o g---g o t---t o---c l o s e---t o---t h e---k n I f e---w e I l d I n g---t r a n s I e n t.

In the conceal carry class, in Iowa anyway, you as a conceal carry permit holder, can only use lethal force when a person, yourself or someone else, is in a life threatening situation.
The K9 dog itself didn't know what the danger the dog was in, so the two officers fired to protect the "officer" K9 from the knife wielding transient criminal trespasser.
So if the K9 officer didn't release the dog in the first place the two other gun wielding officers wouldn't have been in a position to have to use lethal force to protect the officer K9 dog.......I put the death of the transient trespasser on the head of the K9 officer for letting lose the dog in the first place where it wasn't necessary.....MANSLAUGHTER charges for the K9 officer for being negligent and irresponsible in causing a death that should not have ever happened.

Do you understand that the title to this thread is misleading?
They didn't shoot the guy because he was camping illegally..............they shot him because he pulled a knife.

Get over the fact you lost this argument so you can return to your natural state of mind....and get rid of your ego!

Your asking me to help you understand gun laws when you said you took the conceal carry class......WHAT??
What part of stupid don't you understand about pulling a knife out with cops pointing guns at you?
Fucking .....WOW!
Your either playing stupid semantic games or you shouldn't have any guns at all.
Like I said .....you're dangerous Spec just like a majority here are....I don't want to be around any of you when this goes down.
You're more dangerous than a thief.

25th March 2014, 03:45 PM
He was executed without trial.

The group of lawmen (with an eviction notice) approached a trespasser with full control over the situation. The group of lawmen established a setting that any reasonable man, of ordinary intelligence, could see would result in the trespasser's being shot to death. This constitutes premeditation in which an actor, or group of actors working in concert, knew, or ought to have known, that their actions, which were under their complete control, would be likely to result in subsequent actions by the trespasser, which served as phony justification by the actors to use immediate deadly force against the trespasser. To be premeditated, it is NOT necessary for the lawmen to be absolutely certain that their actions would precipitate the "threatening" action by the trespasser, but, only that the lawmen either knew, or ought to have known (according to the common thinking of a reasonable man of ordinary intelligence) that the trespasser would react accordingly. In other words, when the trespasser drew a knife (or knives), this action was anticipated as likely by the lawmen as an immediate consequence of their own threatening actions (use of stun-grenades and releasing an attack dog). Therefore, when the trespasser reacted as they must have known he would, the lawmen were not allowed to resort to deadly force that they could have done had they reasonably been unaware, or were not able to anticipate, that the trespasser would draw a knife.

The bottom line is that a jury of their peers would have to struggle with the question as to whether or not the group of lawmen should have known that, after discharging a stun-grenade, and release a viscous attack dog, the trespasser would automatically arm himself with something for self defense from the fear of being bitten and mauled by the charging dog.

Were I one the jury, I would have no choice but to find that this group of lawmen either knew, or ought to have known, that the trespasser would almost certainly take steps to protect himself from a charging, viscous, attack dog. Therefore, I would argue with my other jurors that the death of the trespasser, by the lawmen, who collectively controlled the setting that resulted in the trespasser's death, was premeditated on their part under the duty to be reasonable and of ordinary intelligence to anticipate the likely outcome which came to pass.

Given that a finding of premeditation was present, the actual shooting to death of the trespasser is elevated to murder.

If this thinking is not correct, please address the specific issue of premeditation, in which the lawmen, as a group, either knew, or ought to have known, that after using a stun-grenade and releasing a viscous attack dog, that the trespasser would act, without a chance to think about it, so as to defend himself as best he could, and, being a camper, that his defense would most likely be the drawing of a knife to fend off the charging dog. To pretend that these lawmen were surprised by the sequence of events that followed the release of the attack dog is not something a reasonable juror could swallow. A normal jury would conclude that these lawmen are guilty, as a group, of a premeditated killing, which could have been avoided by using overwhelming, but non-lethal force to escort the trespasser off the premises.

Even should the trespasser have exhibit contumacy and disregarded the eviction notice, at first, a display of overwhelming non-lethal force, involving the threat of arrest with hand-cuffs, could serve to convince the trespasser to leave so as to avoid being taken into custody. As a reasonable juror, hearing all this, I would definitely find this group of lawmen guilty of premeditated killing as a group. I understand that the intentional killing with premeditation constitutes murder. Where is my thinking off? I am willing to listen. It doesn't matter if only one of the group of lawmen actual shot the trespasser, if each member of the group should have known the likely outcome and chose to continue as a participant in this action, they would all be equally guilty. After all, any one, or more, of the group of lawmen could have seen what was to come and chose to withdraw from the group - none did, so, they each chose to be as guilty as any or all of the others.

25th March 2014, 06:09 PM
Just so we are all on the same track ... the K9 officer who was threatened was the dog.

Uhh... no. The chief/spokesman said the K9 officer was not armed. He was not talking about the dog. K9 officer is the dog handler.

Now you got Trump using this in his next squirm. Sheesh. There is nothing so foolish as one who loves to fool himself. I have noticed over the last 30 years how arrogant and proud people are who have no basis for their actions. The internet is a great spawning ground for such.

25th March 2014, 06:26 PM
I do but I don't ... cops are traind in martail art's, as am I, why don't they use it?! No harm, my asss if I were a cop I'd be physcially woppin ass all over the fucking place, fucking jew fags, you'll never see a pig around me like a jewish feast, but maybe I'd rather use my gov issued guns, fuck that police are bitches,

I once actually fought a few, drunk, 3 of them, punched one in the face, tryed to take one down, didn't work... pulled out my 9 S&M took it from me, good times... had a few more than that on me...

25th March 2014, 06:36 PM
Uhh... no. The chief/spokesman said the K9 officer was not armed. He was not talking about the dog. K9 officer is the dog handler.

He WAS talking about the dog. What the chief/spokesman was doing was hoping you would misinterpret what he was saying. They view the dog as any other officer. Kill one and you will likely be executed not given a puppy abuse charge.

The guy was killed because the K9 officer needed protecting.

25th March 2014, 06:42 PM
Kill one and you will likely be executed not given a puppy abuse charge.

Again the same does not work in reverse.

The main problem here is that police shouldn't have any weapon available to them that we do not.

Or if it is made available it should require judicial consent they are simply out of control across the boards with everything available to them in one instance.

7th trump
25th March 2014, 06:42 PM
Uhh... no. The chief/spokesman said the K9 officer was not armed. He was not talking about the dog. K9 officer is the dog handler.

Now you got Trump using this in his next squirm. Sheesh. There is nothing so foolish as one who loves to fool himself. I have noticed over the last 30 years how arrogant and proud people are who have no basis for their actions. The internet is a great spawning ground for such.

Who cares if the K9 officer (dog handler) was armed or not....its irrelevant.
The two shooters used lethal force to protect the dog.

And no, I mentioned the shooter opened fire on the transient for the dog's sake at the beginning of my posting in this thread.
Furthermore, police dogs are considered "law enforcement officers".

midnight rambler
25th March 2014, 06:46 PM
Are you a moron?

Rhetorical question. lol

25th March 2014, 06:47 PM
Who cares if the K9 officer (dog handler) was armed or not....its irrelevant.
The two shooters used lethal force to protect the dog.

And no, I mentioned the shooter opened fire on the transient for the dog's sake at the beginning of my posting in this thread.
Furthermore, police dogs are considered "law enforcement officers".

You must be a dog then...

25th March 2014, 06:54 PM
You must be a dog then...

All police are dogs, as below, so above.


25th March 2014, 06:56 PM
All police are dogs, as below, so above.

7th trump
25th March 2014, 07:00 PM
You must be a dog then...

I'm an electrician from Iowa actually....not a police officer...but thanks anyway.

25th March 2014, 07:07 PM
I'm an electrician from Iowa actually....not a police officer...but thanks anyway.

Avatar change required.


7th trump
25th March 2014, 08:57 PM
Avatar change required.


Don't see how that relates to Iowa or being an electrician....but what ever fancy's mentality.

25th March 2014, 09:09 PM
Just keep hanging on to those "short and curlys" there Donald Duck...maybe they'll keep your around to shine their boots?

7th trump
25th March 2014, 09:24 PM
Just keep hanging on to those "short and curlys" there Donald Duck...maybe they'll keep your around to shine their boots?

Naaw...you and I both know I wont be shining any boots.
I'm more intelligent than to allow that to happen.
And to be honest....for you to make comments like you do............really is a compliment.

I'll give it to you that you were smart enough to keep your mouth shut, because if you didn't, you would be eating crow right now.
Being a hillbilly you probably already know what crow tastes like?

You do realize there are different levels of thinking right?

26th March 2014, 01:23 AM
Naaw...you and I both know I wont be shining any boots.
I'm more intelligent than to allow that to happen.
And to be honest....for you to make comments like you do............really is a compliment.

I'll give it to you that you were smart enough to keep your mouth shut, because if you didn't, you would be eating crow right now.
Being a hillbilly you probably already know what crow tastes like?

You do realize there are different levels of thinking right?

What ever you say shoeshine boy!

7th trump
26th March 2014, 05:20 AM
What ever you say shoeshine boy!

What ever.......I wouldn't go around thinking you're anything special......the world is packed full of people with your mental capacity.

All I did was point out the obvious and replied accordingly, unbiased......some people, like yourself, just don't like the truth no matter how it tastes....including presentation.
The truth will go down sweet as honey, but comes up bitter.....some cant handle it.
I can only imagine they cant handle it because of some form of guilt or a degree of egotistic's.
And look at you shine with your egotistical comments like a flash light in the dark.

26th March 2014, 06:16 AM
Who cares if the K9 officer (dog handler) was armed or not....its irrelevant.
The two shooters used lethal force to protect the dog.

And no, I mentioned the shooter opened fire on the transient for the dog's sake at the beginning of my posting in this thread.
Furthermore, police dogs are considered "law enforcement officers".

Still can't answer the simple question, eh?

You want to divert into this nonsense disagreement about whether the dog was unarmed or the dog handler was unarmed. How about answering the simple question: who did the "transient" harm by "camping" (living) on that hillside for a temporary stay?

If you are homeless, you carry everything you own on your back. By definition, then, anywhere you stop can be called a "camp site". Stop walking in a city to take a rest and you can be called "loitering". We can apply many worldly names to behaviour and make someone a "law-breaker" by the stroke of a pen and the say-so of a cop.

When you are thrown out of your house, everywhere you go will be loitering or camping. I have an interest in protecting the rights of all, and I bristle at the infringement of those rights by bullies. Give those bullies weapons and let them use deadly force without consequences, and you are establishing an evil gang.

You, Trump, have shown that you support the devils. I will not compromise on principles. You will.

7th trump
26th March 2014, 06:54 AM
Still can't answer the simple question, eh?

You want to divert into this nonsense disagreement about whether the dog was unarmed or the dog handler was unarmed. How about answering the simple question: who did the "transient" harm by "camping" (living) on that hillside for a temporary stay?

If you are homeless, you carry everything you own on your back. By definition, then, anywhere you stop can be called a "camp site". Stop walking in a city to take a rest and you can be called "loitering". We can apply many worldly names to behaviour and make someone a "law-breaker" by the stroke of a pen and the say-so of a cop.

When you are thrown out of your house, everywhere you go will be loitering or camping. I have an interest in protecting the rights of all, and I bristle at the infringement of those rights by bullies. Give those bullies weapons and let them use deadly force without consequences, and you are establishing an evil gang.

You, Trump, have shown that you support the devils. I will not compromise on principles. You will.
I'm not diverting into anything.....I'm stating the facts.....the dog handler being armed or not is irrevelent because the police opened fire on the transient


Principals have nothing to do with the reason the police shot this guy.
The transient was told to leave....he didnt....it takes a while to get a judge to sign a vacate order so the transient had plenty of time to leave and yet he still refused to leave. They just dont gather up an armed posse for an immediate eviction.
Now I dont give a rats ass about what land it was as that is just a semantic game your playing.
If you know what kind of land it was then fucking say what kind of land it is so we all know instead of playing your stupid little games. I'll garrantee knowing what kind of land it was isnt going to make any difference...hence why I didnt respond to such an idiot question. Explain why it matters in the first place what kind of land it was.
Look spec they tell you right up front in the video the two shooters used lethal force to protect the dog...............


26th March 2014, 07:00 AM
I got another one for my moron list.

So Trump says it matters not if the "transient" did any harm. Orders is orders.

Guess what - he was not a "transient". He was a human being with a soul. He was not target practice. I have a little more compassion for people who are unable to take care of themselves. You side with the cops who thought it best to execute the man. Nice going Trump. You need a rubber nose.

26th March 2014, 07:47 AM
I'm curious, does a cop dog swear and oath to uphold the law?
does he/she swear an oath to defend the constitution?
If he bites someone, is it the same as a human cop biting someone?
Theis whole idea of a dog being a "cop" is a friggin joke as it would be if gerbils and cats were deputized into being cops as well

26th March 2014, 07:58 AM
I'm curious, does a cop dog swear and oath to uphold the law?
No. But his principle does. You have to go to the sheriff for the oath. That goes for the deputies as well. They hold the same status as the dog. These are nothing but agents and it is the sheriff who is responsible for their acts. In this case these are most probably police officers from Albuquerque and not deputy sheriffs though.

If he bites someone, is it the same as a human cop biting someone? The dogs bite is probably healthier.

Theis whole idea of a dog being a "cop" is a friggin joke as it would be if gerbils and cats were deputized into being cops as well Read the following passage from the law of the forest. This goes back about a millenia.

63. But yet, in some cases, a purlieu man may lawfully pursue his chase, and hunt and kill a deer in the forest for if he find such deer in his purlieu, and, in hunting it towards the forest, the dogs fasten on it before ‘tis within the bounds thereof, and the dogs still hanging on, are drawn by the force of the deer into the forest, and ‘is killed there; in this case, by reason of the first property which he had, ratione soli, and also by the pursuit and possession thereof by his dogs, before the deer entered the forest, he may lawfully follow his chase there, and take and carry away the deer, because he was actually possessed thereof by his dogs (which are his servants) before it entered the forest.

midnight rambler
26th March 2014, 10:36 AM
What we have here is an apologist for the king's men who have as their duty keeping the riff-raff out of the king's woods.

26th March 2014, 10:46 AM
What we have here is an apologist for the king's men who have as their duty keeping the riff-raff out of the king's woods.

Just illustrating the principal-agent relation where the dog is the agent.

I remember posting something on the topic of aghenhine as well. Under old custom after a guest extends his stay then the master of the house becomes responsible for his conduct. This does not work well where your guest is a bank robber.

mick silver
26th March 2014, 10:57 AM
Just wait till they start killing people who live under bridges in city then go after one's in parks and lots then they come to your home because you are having cookout and did not call them . Just how do you live with one's self after killing a man with nothing but a bag to live out of . My dad his dad would not know this country . Why did the cop's not ask the man can we take you to a homeless shetler so you can eat an sleep ? I would hate to have to look over my shoulders every time i went out side . And yet there is not one fucking news show showing this . If the internet was not here for all us to see this crap going on none of us would know about it . And now i can see why the have to take control on the net , IT'S COMING JUST WAIT AN SEE they cant have that . Because people may just be waking up more an more everyday . I would hate to think that anyone of us here could be in that man shoes if we lose what we have . Think about that . Just remember anyone of us could be this MAN ... Now slap away 7 . And remember it a cop job to help you not kill you

midnight rambler
26th March 2014, 11:24 AM
it a cop job to help you not kill you

A 'cop' has NO duty to do ANYTHING for your benefit or interests nor for any other living soul, they are STRICTLY there to protect the interests of the state.

midnight rambler
26th March 2014, 11:25 AM
Just illustrating the principal-agent relation where the dog is the agent.

Were you mistakenly thinking my comment was directed toward you??

mick silver
26th March 2014, 11:38 AM
i know what your saying midnight but they do take a oath.......... Police Officer's Oath

The widely used oath embraced by the International Association of Chiefs of Police reads, "On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the Constitution, my community, and the agency I serve." the whole oath .... I DO SOLEMNLY DECLARE UPON MY HONOUR AND CONSCIENCE THAT I WILL ACT AT ALL TIMES TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY AND KNOWLEDGE IN A MANNER BEFITTING A POLICE OFFICER








26th March 2014, 12:07 PM
What we have here is an apologist for the king's men who have as their duty keeping the riff-raff out of the king's woods.

Thats is exactly it, spot on! Thanks Midnight Rambler

midnight rambler
26th March 2014, 12:11 PM
i know what your saying midnight but they do take a oath.......... Police Officer's Oath

The widely used oath embraced by the International Association of Chiefs of Police reads, "On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the Constitution, my community, and the agency I serve." the whole oath .... I DO SOLEMNLY DECLARE UPON MY HONOUR AND CONSCIENCE THAT I WILL ACT AT ALL TIMES TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY AND KNOWLEDGE IN A MANNER BEFITTING A POLICE OFFICER








The word 'public' means the state, and 'public safety' means the safety of the state. And with respect to the 'oath' you posted, the perception of reality is more important than reality itself.

On my honor, I will never betray (my duty to the state)...


I WILL FAITHFULLY OBEY THE ORDERS OF MY SUPERIORS (i.e. the administrators for the corporate state)

And there you have it. No where in that oath is there any mention that the 'police officer' is subservient to THE PEOPLE.

mick silver
26th March 2014, 12:16 PM
i know midnight but when i was younger it stand for something to be a cop . my uncle was a cop in a small town he help when he could if he was able i have seen him take food to people in need . when people talk about him now it like being back in mayberry with Andy Griffith . i know we have lost that and we as the people will have to right this ship are it all over

midnight rambler
26th March 2014, 12:20 PM
i know midnight but when i was younger it stand for something to be a cop . my uncle was a cop in a small town he help when he could . when people talk about him now it like being back in mayberry with Andy Griffith . i know we have lost that and we as the people will have right this ship are it all over

As you posted earlier mick, your pa and grandpa would not recognize this country, Hell's belles I'm thinking I woke up in the Twilight Zone myself 'cause I definitely don't recognize it. A script for this nightmare would top ANY Twilight Zone episode.

7th trump
26th March 2014, 06:31 PM
I got another one for my moron list.

So Trump says it matters not if the "transient" did any harm. Orders is orders.

Guess what - he was not a "transient". He was a human being with a soul. He was not target practice. I have a little more compassion for people who are unable to take care of themselves. You side with the cops who thought it best to execute the man. Nice going Trump. You need a rubber nose.
No, I never sided with the police who thought it best to execute a transient for illegally camping...that's you saying I do.
Why do you twist things around?
I sided with the reason the transient was killed (not murdered) because he posed an immediate threat.

So you have no problem with other people camping in your yard and using your car, taking a shower in your home and using your facilities to cook your food and eat it?

Do you know how much of a hypocrite you are?

I didn't know you, spec, were a closet liberal masquerading as a Christian.

26th March 2014, 06:41 PM
I knew the police were fucked when back in early highschool, a friend and I took my mothers car while she was out on a date it broke down, in front of the Blockbuster up the street. Saw a cop and asked him for help, if he knew anything about cars and the such. He said "That's not my responcibility, better get that car off of the public parking..." Something wrong with the starter we eventually got it running, never talked to a cop again.

To serve and protect, my ass, mother fuckers

7th trump
26th March 2014, 06:43 PM
So Spectrism believes its ok for a transient to over do his welcome in a camp ground and pose a lethal threat to an officer of the law or anyone for that matter who threatens the transient.

I pose you, Spectrism, Midnight Rambler and Hillbilly a question.
You have a transient who decided to camp in your back yard.....what will you do?

A. Allow the transient to remain on your property or-
B. Kick the transient off your property?
C. Call the sheriff to get him removed?

Now remember boys, the transient is just trying to live his life as free as possible...he's not bothering anybody (as far as you care anyway) by sleeping in your back yard. And hes not hurting anything by using your water to take a make shift shower in your back yard. And nothing is really being hurt by the transient starting a fire in your grill to cook some food...after all hes starving and cold!

Ohhhh....I almost forgot....he has two knifes...and a backpack that you being all nice don't care to see what he has in it.
And you don't know a damn ting about the guy living in your back yard...no history on this guy one bit whats so ever.

26th March 2014, 06:46 PM
So Spectrism believes its ok for a transient to over do his welcome in a camp ground and pose a lethal threat to an officer of the law or anyone for that matter who threatens the transient.

I pose you, Spectrism, Midnight Rambler and Hillbilly a question.
You have a transient who decided to camp in your back yard.....what will you do?

A. Allow the transient to remain on your property or-
B. Kick the transient off your property?

Now remember boys, the transient is just trying to live his life as free as possible...he's not bothering anybody by sleeping in your back yard. And hes not hurting anything by using your water to take a make shift shower in your back yard. And nothing is really being hurt by the transient starting a fire in your grill to cook some food...after all hes starving and cold!

I would probably offer to drink with him, maybe smoke an L. We are all humans here, some of us have more humanity than others...

7th trump
26th March 2014, 06:58 PM
I would probably offer to drink with him, maybe smoke an L. We are all humans here, some of us have more humanity than others...
Doesn't surprise me none the least coming from a guy who refers to himself as a false god.

26th March 2014, 07:01 PM
Doesn't surprise me none the least coming from a guy who refers to himself as a false god.

L.M.A.O. Fuck you Donald Duck.

7th trump
26th March 2014, 07:05 PM
L.M.A.O. Fuck you Donald Duck.

Wow....you laugh as if I'm a joke....then curse at me.
Any mental history in your family?

Last time someone did that she was banned for three days and hasn't been heard of since.
Me thinks my gut instinct about her was spot on!

26th March 2014, 07:07 PM
Wow....you laugh as if I'm a joke....then curse at me.
Any mental history in your family?

Last time someone did that she was banned for three days and hasn't been heard of since.
Me thinks my gut instinct about her was spot on!

Your ex-wife?

midnight rambler
26th March 2014, 07:13 PM
he's not bothering anybody by sleeping in your back yard.

The fact is that the fellow murdered/executed by the king's men wasn't in someone's backyard, he was in 'the king's woods'. Get a clue.

26th March 2014, 07:15 PM
Doesn't surprise me none the least coming from a guy who refers to himself as a false god.

May I ask, who is your "real" God?

mick silver
26th March 2014, 07:22 PM
i bet if they had brought a bag with a hamburger some cheap fries with them the guy would be a live for 3 bucks a man could be alive . dam be nice it works

26th March 2014, 07:28 PM
i bet if they had brought a bag with a hamburger some cheap fries with them the guy would be a live for 3 bucks a man could be alive . dam be nice it works

I feel that sentiment... I used to be the meanest person that I knew of when I was younger, just be nice, give people the benifit of the doubt, you'll be surprised.

midnight rambler
26th March 2014, 07:36 PM
I feel that sentiment... I used to be the meanest person that I knew of when I was younger, just be nice, give people the benifit of the doubt, you'll be surprised.

One child of God to another.


26th March 2014, 07:41 PM
One child of God to another.


Nice! I love the piano, espesially with a female vocal over the top. I was a music major in a past life, hands were/are too small to play piano seriosly.

"I saw the bombers riding shotgun in the SKKYYYYYY"

mick silver
26th March 2014, 07:47 PM
buddha there was no one meaner the me when i was younger i lived to fight , the bader the guy the more i would fuck him up . i live like that for over 15 years till it got real loss some buds after that nothing was right it took years before i live again . been to bad places seen people die then being bad was not the same

7th trump
26th March 2014, 08:25 PM
The fact is that the fellow murdered/executed by the king's men wasn't in someone's backyard, he was in 'the king's woods'. Get a clue.

Really....deflecting are you midnight?
Are you refusing to pick one of three answers?
Do you think it matters who owns what parcel of land?
I don't...so would you keep him or kick him out or call the police to physically remove him.
Or are you gonna go the way of iOWNme and not answer the question?

This transient homeless guy may not be in a back yard but this transient was in a public camp ground where young children are present.
Are you saying its SAFE for a transient to live freely next to little children, not knowing who he is or his criminal background?
Do you think transient homeless people are the trusting and successful type?
If so, why didn't he have a camper or vehicle (we both don't know if this camp ground allows tents or not). Some camp grounds only allow tents if you have a camper and are registered at the office.
I've never met a wealthy transient homeless guy...have you?
Around here a few years ago the channel 4 ran a spot on the 10 o'clock news about complaints being filed on two guys sitting on the off ramps holding signs begging for money....turns out the investigation by the local news station found out these two guys were registered child molesters and one having a serious drug conviction history.
Why wouldn't this guys family take him in if hes just innocently living his as freely as he can

He was obviously hiding in the hills.....why?
He was told to leave..........why?

Lets look at the legal aspect of this.
What would have happened if this transient was allowed to camp in the facility and one day a young 13 year old girl comes up missing?
Now the state or city (the tax payers) is in a position to get sued...and sued dearly!

All because a liberal minded individual such as yourself felt the poor guy was trying his best....now a little girl is dead.

Thank You for telling me it ok for the public to deal with transients..............but not you.
Nice double standards there comrade....spoken like a true communist!

26th March 2014, 09:05 PM
buddha there was no one meaner the me when i was younger i lived to fight , the bader the guy the more i would fuck him up . i live like that for over 15 years till it got real loss some buds after that nothing was right it took years before i live again . been to bad places seen people die then being bad was not the same

With age comes wisdom. Wisdom burns. A fire that burns your soul and makes you both less and more than you once were. Wisdom is the kingdom of the very young and those who've seen too much. It is mostly through loss that we come to see what is important.

26th March 2014, 09:12 PM
With age comes wisdom. Wisdom burns. A fire that burns your soul and makes you both less and more than you once were. Wisdom is the kingdom of the very young and those who've seen too much. It is mostly through loss that we come to see what is important. One mark of wisdom is , that one realizes that the more they know, the more ignorant they understand they are! For every question answered, multiple questions open up that needs answered. Anoter one is to be able to learn from their pasts, experiences and or the times lived.

But the first is huge and a first step!

So Q.E.D !

The smarter you become you also become dumber!


Huge grin..!

Unless the mind is closed, then may the god's help you!

27th March 2014, 10:59 AM
DOJ sends officers' names to criminal division in Boyd shooting

By Laura Thoren, General Assignment Reporter
Published On: Mar 26 2014 05:07:11 PM MDT
Updated On: Mar 26 2014 10:24:31 PM MDT

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - The U.S. Justice Department is sending the names of the two Albuquerque police officers involved in the fatal shooting of a homeless man in the foothills to its criminal division.

James Boyd was shot and killed by an Albuquerque police officer Sunday, March 16. Keith Sandy and Dominique Perez were placed on leave after the incident.

The DOJ actions come after a Wednesday meeting with community leaders surrounding an ongoing probe into the use of excessive force by Albuquerque police officers. The meeting was held less than two weeks after Boyd's fatal shooting.

Community leaders told Action 7 News the DOJ intimated it plans to release a letter with its findings soon. The report will be the culmination of months of interviews with witnesses and victims in police-involved shootings.

Kenneth Ellis, whose son was shot and killed by officers in 2010, said change needs to come now.

"We are at a crisis in our city. Our police department is out of control. They need help with their tactics," Ellis said. "We have a list of demands we're going to bring to city council on April 7. We need our police oversight task force to be adopted without change."

VIDEO: DOJ sends officers' names to criminal division in Boyd shooting
The DOJ's inquiry into APD started at the end of 2012. Officials have never given a firm date as to when they will release their findings.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Center, which asked for Wednesday's meeting, is calling for 14 changes to APD that will be presented at the next city council meeting. The demands include a call for an immediate takeover of APD by the DOJ, while another calls for verified citizen oversight of the department with the power to hire and fire officers.

The DOJ's investigation into APD was launched after several officer-involved shootings.

mick silver
27th March 2014, 12:39 PM
back up ........ hope they go to jail an buck gets him some ass from they boys

2nd April 2014, 02:31 PM
With age comes wisdom. Wisdom burns. A fire that burns your soul and makes you both less and more than you once were. Wisdom is the kingdom of the very young and those who've seen too much. It is mostly through loss that we come to see what is important.

That it does, I've watched most of my family die and I'm an only child. It forces upon you a different perspective, that at the same time life is nothing, and it will end in painful death. But at the same time, it's everything, you need to make the most of it, live it up and let no one fuck with you, and try to do good works. Life is so... it is at once fragile and unbreakable at the same time. It all depends on your soul...

And heart for that matter, I've been told by various women, and some friends that I have a big heart, too big. It's like I see in black and white now, 99% of the time I'm cool, but cross the line of either stupidity or disrespect and I see red, big time.

2nd April 2014, 02:51 PM
Really....deflecting are you midnight?
Are you refusing to pick one of three answers?
Do you think it matters who owns what parcel of land?
I don't...so would you keep him or kick him out or call the police to physically remove him.
Or are you gonna go the way of iOWNme and not answer the question?

This transient homeless guy may not be in a back yard but this transient was in a public camp ground where young children are present.
Are you saying its SAFE for a transient to live freely next to little children, not knowing who he is or his criminal background?
Do you think transient homeless people are the trusting and successful type?
If so, why didn't he have a camper or vehicle (we both don't know if this camp ground allows tents or not). Some camp grounds only allow tents if you have a camper and are registered at the office.
I've never met a wealthy transient homeless guy...have you?
Around here a few years ago the channel 4 ran a spot on the 10 o'clock news about complaints being filed on two guys sitting on the off ramps holding signs begging for money....turns out the investigation by the local news station found out these two guys were registered child molesters and one having a serious drug conviction history.
Why wouldn't this guys family take him in if hes just innocently living his as freely as he can

He was obviously hiding in the hills.....why?
He was told to leave..........why?

Lets look at the legal aspect of this.
What would have happened if this transient was allowed to camp in the facility and one day a young 13 year old girl comes up missing?
Now the state or city (the tax payers) is in a position to get sued...and sued dearly!

All because a liberal minded individual such as yourself felt the poor guy was trying his best....now a little girl is dead.

Thank You for telling me it ok for the public to deal with transients..............but not you.
Nice double standards there comrade....spoken like a true communist!

You sound like the most massive statist that i have ever heard in my short, hard, miserable life.

"This transient homeless guy may not be in a back yard but this transient was in a public camp ground" Do you know the definition of public?

"Some camp grounds only allow tents if you have a camper and are registered at the office.
I've never met a wealthy transient homeless guy...have you?"

No I have not, but money makes it ok? Buying in to the evil system of Shatan makes it ok? Gotta register at the office... You go ahead and do that Donald Duck. You make me physically sick.

"Why wouldn't this guys family take him in if hes just innocently living his as freely as he can"

I'm 28 and the vast majority of my family is dead, only child. I can see this. If you have no one then you have no one to go to. I'd live in the hills too.

"Lets look at the legal aspect of this."

Now this is asinine , why are you even here?

7th trump
2nd April 2014, 03:50 PM
You sound like the most massive statist that i have ever heard in my short, hard, miserable life.

"This transient homeless guy may not be in a back yard but this transient was in a public camp ground" Do you know the definition of public?

"Some camp grounds only allow tents if you have a camper and are registered at the office.
I've never met a wealthy transient homeless guy...have you?"

No I have not, but money makes it ok? Buying in to the evil system of Shatan makes it ok? Gotta register at the office... You go ahead and do that Donald Duck. You make me physically sick.

"Why wouldn't this guys family take him in if hes just innocently living his as freely as he can"

I'm 28 and the vast majority of my family is dead, only child. I can see this. If you have no one then you have no one to go to. I'd live in the hills too.

"Lets look at the legal aspect of this."

Now this is asinine , why are you even here?

You have to look at it in all angles.
The city isn't going to take any chances this guy is a child molester...its a camp ground where children play.
I for one wouldn't want this transient or any other transient around my kids or snoopy around my property in the middle of the night.

According to the law the cops can use lethal force to protect when a weapon is displayed in such a manner.
You take away that from the cops then they take it away from you as well. This (gun laws) goes both ways so be careful what you say and how you say it as it effects you the same.
If you, as a conceal carry...or not, disagree with being able to defend yourself with a gun when a weapon is displayed, as these two shooters did, to do bodily harm then you disagree with defending yourself with a gun in like manner.
Now you can take the side of these who call me a statist...but be careful of them as they do not know much about proper use of a gun which midnight rambler has never taken the gun course to know what hes even looking at (legal wise) when viewing the video
Midnight rambler is good at cutting his nose off to spite his face and he doesn't even realize it.

2nd April 2014, 04:18 PM
Even Florida with their STAND YOUR GROUND law is discussing making it legal to fire a warning shot first.

2nd April 2014, 04:29 PM
You have to look at it in all angles.
The city isn't going to take any chances this guy is a child molester...its a camp ground where children play.
I for one wouldn't want this transient or any other transient around my kids or snoopy around my property in the middle of the night.

According to the law the cops can use lethal force to protect when a weapon is displayed in such a manner.
You take away that from the cops then they take it away from you as well. This (gun laws) goes both ways so be careful what you say and how you say it as it effects you the same.
If you, as a conceal carry...or not, disagree with being able to defend yourself with a gun when a weapon is displayed, as these two shooters did, to do bodily harm then you disagree with defending yourself with a gun in like manner.
Now you can take the side of these who call me a statist...but be careful of them as they do not know much about proper use of a gun which midnight rambler has never taken the gun course to know what hes even looking at (legal wise) when viewing the video
Midnight rambler is good at cutting his nose off to spite his face and he doesn't even realize it.

How do you know he was a child molester? Did I miss something?

I hate to say it, but I'd pull out knives too if someone threw a fucking flash bang at me then sicked a German Shepard on me. I guess I'm just as stupid as he was, good thing I don't get in to these situations, because the only way to win is by not getting into them.

I agree with being able to shoot someone who draws a weapon on you (not after you attack them first), but it's relative. Guy had knives, the police had assualt rifles, pistols, tazers, dogs, probably body armor, and martial arts training. They call that "shock and awe" I'm not saying that they had to fight the guy one on one/ one at a time like a martial arts movie, but come on now. They didn't have to kill him.

midnight rambler
2nd April 2014, 04:50 PM
How do you know he was a child molester? Did I miss something?

I hate to say it, but I'd pull out knives too if someone threw a fucking flash bang at me then sicked a German Shepard on me. I guess I'm just as stupid as he was, good thing I don't get in to these situations, because the only way to win is by not getting into them.

I agree with being able to shoot someone who draws a weapon on you (not after you attack them first), but it's relative. Guy had knives, the police had assualt rifles, pistols, tazers, dogs, probably body armor, and martial arts training. They call that "shock and awe" I'm not saying that they had to fight the guy one on one/ one at a time like a martial arts movie, but come on now. They didn't have to kill him.

When I was doing ride-alongs, the first cop buddy I was riding with (who ultimately moved up the ranks to Asst. Chief of Po-Po) explained the situation plainly and clearly to me like this (as he was trying to recruit me into a career as a donut muncher with a gun* lol): "The job of the military is to KILL; the job of the police is to APPREHEND/CAPTURE - THERE IS A VERY CLEAR DISTINCTION NEVER TO BE CONFUSED." (his emphasis) This was about 1983-84.

*I advised my cop buddy at that point I wouldn't make a very good donut muncher as I would be predisposed to meting out summary punishment as the circumstances called for. I'm thinking this sort of attitude would not only be totally acceptable in today's environment, it would be ENCOURAGED.

2nd April 2014, 04:52 PM
When I was doing ride-alongs, the first cop buddy I was riding with (who ultimately moved up the ranks to Asst. Chief of Po-Po) explained the situation plainly and clearly to me like this (as he was trying to recruit me into a donut munching career lol): "The job of the military is to KILL; the job of the police is to APPREHEND/CAPTURE - THERE IS A VERY CLEAR DISTINCTION NEVER TO BE CONFUSED."

I guess that's why so many of the police force are ex-military :/

7th trump
2nd April 2014, 08:39 PM
How do you know he was a child molester? Did I miss something?

I hate to say it, but I'd pull out knives too if someone threw a fucking flash bang at me then sicked a German Shepard on me. I guess I'm just as stupid as he was, good thing I don't get in to these situations, because the only way to win is by not getting into them.

I agree with being able to shoot someone who draws a weapon on you (not after you attack them first), but it's relative. Guy had knives, the police had assualt rifles, pistols, tazers, dogs, probably body armor, and martial arts training. They call that "shock and awe" I'm not saying that they had to fight the guy one on one/ one at a time like a martial arts movie, but come on now. They didn't have to kill him.

If you'd pull knifes out like that then, yes....no doubt in my mind, you'd be the recipient of the Darwin award by the police.
Yes, they didn't have to kill him and thats why I say there should be manslaughter charges brought against the shooters......over a freaken dog......come on!
As far as the law goes I do believe the cops were following procedure as far as the law is written...the same law as permissible armed concealed citizens (or not within your home) we have to obey....if you charge murder charges on the cops for acting within the law then every civilian who used lethal force within the law in self protection are "murderers" by the same definition.
If you take the law away from the cops to use lethal force in protection that same law (right) is taken away from us civilians.

Like I say there are people on this forum who say I'm a statist or apologist when actually what they are judging me by is a more thorough intellect. A higher level of understanding than what they're accustomed to and you'll see their emotions come forward before any reasoning settles in.
I think things through for every possible angle to get at the truth...sometimes it isn't always what they want to hear.

midnight rambler
2nd April 2014, 10:33 PM
It appears what we have here is a case of anti-social personality disorder.

7th trump
3rd April 2014, 05:21 AM
It appears what we have here is a case of anti-social personality disorder.

Now that's some funny shit right there.

Antisocial personality disorder is a type of chronic mental condition in which a person's ways of thinking, perceiving situations and relating to others are dysfunctional — and destructive. People with antisocial personality disorder typically have no regard for right and wrong and often disregard the rights, wishes and feelings of others.

My way of thinking is not a disorder....you called this murder it wasn't... I was the only one who called it for what it should be....manslaughter. Murder is something totally different.
The transient pulled two knifes while the cops were pointing guns at him for being a "criminal trespasser".
Dysfunctional would be you midnight rambler for not clearly recognizing the situation.
You continue to look the other way (wrong) when "right" is staring you in the face.
By your childish definition every judge in the world would seem to you as having "anti-social personality disorder".

I choose to use what judges use and not get emotional when discerning a situation (impartial) because it helps in keeping a clear mind in making rational decisions.
Rational decision making is a survival tool.
You?...well you throw rocks while taking cover in the bushes and pop out being a cheer leader for the worlds most "anti-social personality" governments............."communism".

3rd April 2014, 05:40 AM
You have to look at it in all angles.
The city isn't going to take any chances this guy is a child molester...its a camp ground where children play.

The city isn't going to take any chances? You really believe that? Shoot ANYONE because they might be dangerous.... we must not take any chances. That is such stupidity and evil intent that it is beyond grasping. You belong in Albuquerque, where cops shoot anyone because they won't take any chances.

Who did he molest? What is the name of that camp ground where the police "deemed" camping was illegal?

I for one wouldn't want this transient or any other transient around my kids or snoopy around my property in the middle of the night.

I guess you will start shooting all people because you must not take any chances.

According to the law the cops can use lethal force to protect when a weapon is displayed in such a manner.

6 cops with automatic weapons drawn and pointed at this guy. THEY committed assault and displayed weapons in a hostile manner. He was displaying his backpack peaceably.

You take away that from the cops then they take it away from you as well. This (gun laws) goes both ways so be careful what you say and how you say it as it effects you the same.
If you, as a conceal carry...or not, disagree with being able to defend yourself with a gun when a weapon is displayed, as these two shooters did, to do bodily harm then you disagree with defending yourself with a gun in like manner.

The cops were not defending themselves. They were a heavily armed hunting party holding execution switches in their hands and provoked a small move that defied their god-hood. If I pull a gun on someone I will be arrested for assault. I am not allowed by state laws to even have weapons like these cops.

Now you can take the side of these who call me a statist...but be careful of them as they do not know much about proper use of a gun which midnight rambler has never taken the gun course to know what hes even looking at (legal wise) when viewing the video

You are a statist tool. You show disregard for the life of one clearly executed by evil cops.
Gun course? Hey shitforbrains, I am a West Point grad who has spent more time around guns and shooting all sizes of weapons than you can dream of. I know how to use deadly force and I know how to control it. A gun course makes you feel superior? Your diaper is dirty and you stink.

Midnight rambler is good at cutting his nose off to spite his face and he doesn't even realize it.

Actually, I have to agree with him. Those who cannot value every human life and perceive evil when it is walking in broad daylight have some severe delusional problems.

midnight rambler
3rd April 2014, 11:06 AM
Salivating like Pavlov's dog. lol

ding ding

7th trump
3rd April 2014, 03:49 PM
The city isn't going to take any chances? You really believe that? Shoot ANYONE because they might be dangerous.... we must not take any chances. That is such stupidity and evil intent that it is beyond grasping. You belong in Albuquerque, where cops shoot anyone because they won't take any chances.

Who did he molest? What is the name of that camp ground where the police "deemed" camping was illegal?

I guess you will start shooting all people because you must not take any chances.

6 cops with automatic weapons drawn and pointed at this guy. THEY committed assault and displayed weapons in a hostile manner. He was displaying his backpack peaceably.

The cops were not defending themselves. They were a heavily armed hunting party holding execution switches in their hands and provoked a small move that defied their god-hood. If I pull a gun on someone I will be arrested for assault. I am not allowed by state laws to even have weapons like these cops.

You are a statist tool. You show disregard for the life of one clearly executed by evil cops.
Gun course? Hey shitforbrains, I am a West Point grad who has spent more time around guns and shooting all sizes of weapons than you can dream of. I know how to use deadly force and I know how to control it. A gun course makes you feel superior? Your diaper is dirty and you stink.

Actually, I have to agree with him. Those who cannot value every human life and perceive evil when it is walking in broad daylight have some severe delusional problems.

Why do you convolute everything spec?
In the video when did the cops open fire spec?

A. Immediately upon pointing guns at transient or-
B. When the transient pulled out two knifes while having guns pointed at him for being a "criminal trespasser"?

And tell the truth...otherwise shut your pie hole.

West Point......huh?
And ...your point about going to West Point means exactly what?

A. You're some sort of an expert at something or-
B. Patting yourself on your back in self gratitude (as if west point is something "noble"...Ha!)?

I do show absolute regard for human life....but not for any stupidity to pull out knifes whiles cops are pointing gun at you because your considered a criminal.
Pulling weapons on cops who happen to be pointing guns at you and getting shot for it isn't murder.

Oh.........so know the Ar15 is an evil bad gun because you cant have one?
Hahahahahaha....you now sound exactly like Feinstein!

It wouldn't have made NO difference if the cops had 38 revolvers or 22 peashooters or even a sling shot...they still would have exercised lethal force in protection of the officer K9 dog WHEN THE TRANSIENT PULLED THE KNIVES.

You crack me up!
Hey......where is all this biblical prediction you said was going to happen?

3rd April 2014, 04:40 PM
Why do you convolute everything spec?
In the video when did the cops open fire spec?

It's amazing you admit the cops opened fire. At least we have a starting point. It was the cops who opened fire. How many shouts did Mr. Boyd shoot?

A. Immediately upon pointing guns at transient or-
B. When the transient pulled out two knifes while having guns pointed at him for being a "criminal trespasser"?

He was a flesh and blood human being, not a "transient". Does it make you feel better calling him that? I am transient in this world and so are you. Think on that a while dopey.

And tell the truth...otherwise shut your pie hole.

You wouldn't know the truth if it wore a nametag and a white hat. Right now I am eating pizza pie so I won't shut my pie hole. Your juvenile style makes me think you are very young. You really need to learn respect for your elders.

West Point......huh?
And ...your point about going to West Point means exactly what?

Oh, it means alot of things. For one, I hade the aptitude to get in the place. Next I had the physical and mental capacity to graduate. But that is not the point of my comment. You kept on trumpeting the "gun course" crap as if that made you a real man and nobody else here did that great fete. I am here to tell you that a "gun course" ain't shit. It is like the little neighborhood boy telling all his friends how brave and smart he is after the first day of school.... in the first grade.

A. You're some sort of an expert at something or-
B. Patting yourself on your back in self gratitude (as if west point is something "noble"...Ha!)?

I won't claim to be an expert at anything as I am sure there will always be someone better. One thing I am also sure about, is that you ain't that person. Someone who trumpets the need for a gun course on a thread like this is scratching in the dirt pretending to fly.

I do show absolute regard for human life....but not for any stupidity to pull out knifes whiles cops are pointing gun at you because your considered a criminal.
Pulling weapons on cops who happen to be pointing guns at you and getting shot for it isn't murder.

My suspicion, and not even having been there to get more clues, was that the man had mental or emotional problems. When I travel for work, I meet these kinds of people in the cities and spend time talking with them. I find them easier to talk with than the cops. As an example, I was in Baltimore and talked with half a dozen homeless people. I know their games better than they do. I also talked with military people travelling through and a cop in a Dunkin Donuts. I joked with the cop about his donut munching and he was ready to pull a gun on me. I put him back in his place using simple speech, humor and intelligent reasoning. You see, I was smarter than the cop and he learned that real quick. He was the big shot with the gun but I had power over him.

Same with the military people. They wanted to shut me up but they could not intimidate me although they outnumbered me 10:1.

But when cops are on the hunt as was the case of this thread, they are not there to reason, joke, solve problems or help anybody. Those bastards were hunting. I know hunting and will know it again. If you cannot spot a hunter, you can take every damned gun course there is but stupidity will prevail.

So these hunters should have approached the man with kindness and treated him as a fellow human being. Nope. They hunted him and pushed his buttons to make him bumble in bravado. That fellow did not have the means or knowledge to hunt a hunter. He displayed self-defense posture as if he was being attacked under a bridge by a group of thugs. It is like a dog growling at a pack of wolves. That human pack could very easily have backed off and one lone man could have approached with a cup of coffee to talk with a fellow human being.

Oh.........so know the Ar15 is an evil bad gun because you cant have one?
Hahahahahaha....you now sound exactly like Feinstein!

Nobody can be this stupid. Are you on drugs? I said it is illegal for me to have weapons the police can have. It is illegal form be to drive 90 miles per hour yet I get passed all the time by cops ending their shift and shooting down the highway. By their laws I am a felon and a "transient". You be sure to point me out to them like a good little nazi boy.

It wouldn't have made NO difference if the cops had 38 revolvers or 22 peashooters or even a sling shot...they still would have exercised lethal force in protection of the officer K9 dog WHEN THE TRANSIENT PULLED THE KNIVES.

And that just cheers you right up. POS.

You crack me up!
Hey......where is all this biblical prediction you said was going to happen?

Which? You mean like the fascist state and push for global governance. You mean like the disarming of Amerika and the great delusion upon those who are not lovers of the truth. I am seeing it happen fast now.

You are a pretend christian who does not love the truth.

midnight rambler
3rd April 2014, 06:05 PM
What I find so incredibly fascinating is someone who LOUDLY proclaims to embrace The Word in truth vigorously enables those in rebellion against God.

ding ding

7th trump
3rd April 2014, 07:53 PM
It's amazing you admit the cops opened fire. At least we have a starting point. It was the cops who opened fire. How many shouts did Mr. Boyd shoot?

He was a flesh and blood human being, not a "transient". Does it make you feel better calling him that? I am transient in this world and so are you. Think on that a while dopey.

You wouldn't know the truth if it wore a nametag and a white hat. Right now I am eating pizza pie so I won't shut my pie hole. Your juvenile style makes me think you are very young. You really need to learn respect for your elders.

Oh, it means alot of things. For one, I hade the aptitude to get in the place. Next I had the physical and mental capacity to graduate. But that is not the point of my comment. You kept on trumpeting the "gun course" crap as if that made you a real man and nobody else here did that great fete. I am here to tell you that a "gun course" ain't shit. It is like the little neighborhood boy telling all his friends how brave and smart he is after the first day of school.... in the first grade.

I won't claim to be an expert at anything as I am sure there will always be someone better. One thing I am also sure about, is that you ain't that person. Someone who trumpets the need for a gun course on a thread like this is scratching in the dirt pretending to fly.

My suspicion, and not even having been there to get more clues, was that the man had mental or emotional problems. When I travel for work, I meet these kinds of people in the cities and spend time talking with them. I find them easier to talk with than the cops. As an example, I was in Baltimore and talked with half a dozen homeless people. I know their games better than they do. I also talked with military people travelling through and a cop in a Dunkin Donuts. I joked with the cop about his donut munching and he was ready to pull a gun on me. I put him back in his place using simple speech, humor and intelligent reasoning. You see, I was smarter than the cop and he learned that real quick. He was the big shot with the gun but I had power over him.

Same with the military people. They wanted to shut me up but they could not intimidate me although they outnumbered me 10:1.

But when cops are on the hunt as was the case of this thread, they are not there to reason, joke, solve problems or help anybody. Those bastards were hunting. I know hunting and will know it again. If you cannot spot a hunter, you can take every damned gun course there is but stupidity will prevail.

So these hunters should have approached the man with kindness and treated him as a fellow human being. Nope. They hunted him and pushed his buttons to make him bumble in bravado. That fellow did not have the means or knowledge to hunt a hunter. He displayed self-defense posture as if he was being attacked under a bridge by a group of thugs. It is like a dog growling at a pack of wolves. That human pack could very easily have backed off and one lone man could have approached with a cup of coffee to talk with a fellow human being.

Nobody can be this stupid. Are you on drugs? I said it is illegal for me to have weapons the police can have. It is illegal form be to drive 90 miles per hour yet I get passed all the time by cops ending their shift and shooting down the highway. By their laws I am a felon and a "transient". You be sure to point me out to them like a good little nazi boy.

And that just cheers you right up. POS.

Which? You mean like the fascist state and push for global governance. You mean like the disarming of Amerika and the great delusion upon those who are not lovers of the truth. I am seeing it happen fast now.

You are a pretend christian who does not love the truth.
Yeah...I didn't think you were honest enough to answer my simple question. You avoid it at all costs.
The one answer that will put you in your place ...you avoid.
So since you aren't going to answer the question then its true....the cops didn't open fire on the guy until he brandished two weapons which the law allows, not only cops to use lethal force, but us civilians as well.

Not one bit of honesty in you spec.

And by the way...since you cant read...I'm not advocating for the police....I specifically stated, MANY TIMES, the cops should be charged for man-slaughter but that's not good enough for you. Doesn't surprise me....you're not honest.
Its not murder...murder is laying in wait to take a life...these cops weren't waiting to kill the guy (nothing premeditated about this)....they DIDNT OPEN FIRE UNTIL THE TRANSIENT CRIMINAL TRESPASSER BRANDISHED, NOT ONE, BUT TWO WEAPONS, WHILE APPROACHING THE OFFICER DOG AND ADVANCING!
That's is clearly within the rules to use lethal force.

Ye without sin cast the first stone....SPECTRISM...go ahead and cast that first stone!
We all know you wouldn't allow any homeless free person live in your back yard, who's not hurting you, and which you have no idea the criminal or legal background the person has.
You would have the homeless person removed from your property and if that person pulled a knife on you try to vacate him....please tell me you wouldn't shoot him...please please please tell me you wouldn't shoot him in self defense....but give him a cup of coffee....Hahahahahaha!!.....wheres your red rubber nose at Spec?



3rd April 2014, 08:25 PM
If those cops were charged with murder and I was on the jury I'd find them guilty of murder.

7th trump
3rd April 2014, 09:35 PM
If those cops were charged with murder and I was on the jury I'd find them guilty of murder.

I highly doubt murder charges will be filed as they were within the law to use lethal force...the dumbass did pull out two weapons.
Any charges will more likely be dropped.

Theres a reason why God said to be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove.....this guy wasn't wise or gentle...but stupid!

4th April 2014, 05:31 AM
Ok Trump... answer honestly, and I know that will be tough for you because you are SFB.

Did the "transient" "brandish knives" before or after he was assaulted by the cops with a grenade and an attack dog?

Also, who pointed loaded automatic firearms at whom first?

These cops had weapons levelled on Boyd as they approached him. Their intent was clear. That is MURDER.

midnight rambler
4th April 2014, 07:07 AM
It's pointless to engage someone who lacks any empathy whatsoever (i.e. a sociopath) in a conversation about the wicked and murderous actions of other sociopaths (who felt entitled, another characteristic of sociopaths and psychopaths).

ding ding