View Full Version : Amazing structure of Bacterial Flagellum

1st April 2014, 11:47 PM

2nd April 2014, 12:21 AM
interesting. my first reaction to the diagram without watching the video was.. thats a motor. everything is electric. Electric is the base, gravity is the by product. Not the other way around as einstein would have you believe. I'm watching that Eric Dollard stuff. I came to the conclusion a week or so ago, that einstiens theory had wasted about 100 years of human scientific endeavour and effort and untold wealth, both intellectual and physical. What a waste. Where would we be by now? And to think we are about to slip back in the abys of ignorance.

2nd April 2014, 12:22 AM
What is amazing is in there was no bacteria as it stands , we

as humans would not exist. Our guts all of us hold a load of bacteria that would amaze the uninformed. And that is inside, hundred's if not thousands of species.

Then we have the skin,

This is life , and is what it is.

Edit: for real, our guts have a load of , hehehe shit that is bacteria leavings, for the good for that they that read this. The thing is without the critters that live in our guts, we would die..Let me repeat that that, we would die..

I am and have been heavy into histology and microscopy.. and a huge load of common thoughts
So when u state that they are full of crap,, you have not a clue how real that is

Spent most of my life in school, tho self imosed,

Ganga, (earth) is fixing to ...getting tired..

and most would not understand what I would post anyway..


2nd April 2014, 02:59 AM
Glass, Einstein is perhaps one of the most blatant frauds, but there are many more who didn't even make it to this so-called high level of academic recognition and who have seen their scientific contributions ridiculed, ignored, demonized... what if Tesla's theories had come true on a consumer level?

Yes, because everything is electric, electromagnetism is the blood of the univeserse, without it there is no life. Hence the name of Plasma Theory. I am no scientist it one doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to grasp this. There is a lot of intellectual resistance. Even on here, several weeks ago, I had a hard time explaining this.

There is no waste...iit is happening by design, this is an academic conspiracy to control knowledge, so the NWO can stay 150-200 years ahead and control all outcomes. But the gap is starting to shrink fast, they know it, mainly because of the internet.

interesting. my first reaction to the diagram without watching the video was.. thats a motor. everything is electric. Electric is the base, gravity is the by product. Not the other way around as einstein would have you believe. I'm watching that Eric Dollard stuff. I came to the conclusion a week or so ago, that einstiens theory had wasted about 100 years of human scientific endeavour and effort and untold wealth, both intellectual and physical. What a waste. Where would we be by now? And to think we are about to slip back in the abys of ignorance.

2nd April 2014, 03:23 AM
exactly because the micro and macro are so dependent on one another, the Universe is all One... One in All and All in One.,... this is extremely serious esoteric stuff. Why do you think the NWO is so bend on "divide and conquer". Many would agree that it is the tactic of enslavement but once they hear that "One is All and otherwise", they wont go along with it as they fear that it is either a "collectivist" or a "new age" trap.

Individualism is neither entirely true nor false as a theory, but it surely is a deception by today standards.

What is amazing is in there was no bacteria as it stands , we

as humans would not exist. Our guts all of us hold a load of bacteria that would amaze the uninformed. And that is inside, hundred's if not thousands of species.

Then we have the skin,

This is life , and is what it is.

Edit: for real, our guts have a load of , hehehe shit that is bacteria leavings, for the good for that they that read this. The thing is without the critters that live in our guts, we would die..Let me repeat that that, we would die..

I am and have been heavy into histology and microscopy.. and a huge load of common thoughts
So when u state that they are full of crap,, you have not a clue how real that is

Spent most of my life in school, tho self imosed,

Ganga, (earth) is fixing to ...getting tired..

and most would not understand what I would post anyway..


2nd April 2014, 03:28 AM
all I am seeing here is sacred geometry and fractals... that's awesome!


2nd April 2014, 03:45 AM
Yes, because everything is electric, electromagnetism is the blood of the univeserse

Again this is blantantly incorect and shows your complete lack of understanding of the basic physical forces or fundamental physical interactions of the universe. Electromegentism is but ONE of FOUR, the others being the strong and weak nuclear forces and ofcourse, gravitation. So no, electromagnetism isn't the blood of the universe.

Yet again, another amateur interpretaion of yours ...:rolleyes:

Tesla was an eccentric Serbian bufoon more of an engineer then a scientist, he never discovered anything of subtance about the universe, he just tinkered about.


James Maxwell on the other hand, now theres a mans man... a real scientist who actually discovered and formulated the equations which Tesla tinkered about with...



Where are the TESLA EQUATIONS?

They don't exist, lol. No. competition.

They named a unit after him is all, big fucking deal. You guys have false heros and follow a lot of balloney. If you knew shit from shinola you'd know Maxwell is THE man, not batshit crazy Tesla.

Get with the program.

2nd April 2014, 04:13 AM

HAARP and Tesla are related, why would the NWO uses his theories to kill us all instead of for the benefit of mankind... eccentric Serbian buffoon ??? well there are many Tesla supporters on here, so lets see how they are going to react. Or maybe will they deem that it is not even worth debating this with you, what I think honestly

HAARP - Tesla's Earthquake Machine

If you want a real challengce, plz write a note to the pro-plasma scientific community out there and call them amateurs. This is the theory I choose over any other one, because it is the most plausible in my view. You are confusing byproducts with prime cause: electricity.

Einstein: RIP... your theories have done nothing but delay human's views about the Universe

2nd April 2014, 04:18 AM
Where are the TESLA EQUATIONS?

Thats right there are NONE.

Admit it for fucks sake and don't be pathetic about it. You claim to be genuine all the fucking time but aren't by any menas.

Go on, be honest about it for a change.


2nd April 2014, 04:30 AM
well there are many Tesla supporters on here, so lets see how they are going to react.

How pathetic, looks like you can't stand on your own two feet on this matter,


Don't give us any more gibberish, just show us the equations. SIMPLE

2nd April 2014, 04:31 AM
dig this... then we can discuss

HAARP - Tesla's Earthquake Machine

I am not modifying my posts by much, I just try to phrase better...


2nd April 2014, 04:36 AM
you are pathetic because Tesla has been discussed many times on here and I NEVER saw you go after other poster(s) but me... so you are biased and above all not genuine in your inquiry.

edit: even if I came with the equations and I could, you would trash them since you already think Tesla's theories are bunk. Nothing out there can/wil make you change your mind whatsoever, it is pretty obvious. To each his town then, I have no energy to waste.

How pathetic, looks like you can't stand on your own two feet on this matter,


Don't give us any more gibberish, just show us the equations. SIMPLE

2nd April 2014, 04:41 AM
dig this... then we can discuss

HAARP - Tesla's Earthquake Machine

I am not modifying my posts by much, I just try to phrase better...

I don't dig it, I know about HAARP, and as far as I'm concerned its bullshit.

People can believe what they want to believe, that I have no problem with. The problem I have is when they come out and emphatically state that its proven scientifically and anybody else that questions it is wrong.

Where is the science? Show me the papers and the peer review, because thats how REAL science works. If it doesn't work that way its BOGUS.

Don't throw the "academics don't know shit" at me because at least these guys are prepared to put their theories up for scrutiny unlike you. You posted a link and claim it a s FACT, I don't want that, I want to know how it has arrived at being FACT. Thats how science fucking works OK. So try to stick with it, it ain't touchy feey bullshit, its hard FACTS.


2nd April 2014, 04:46 AM
I NEVER saw you go after other poster(s) but me... so you are biased and above all not genuine in your inquiry.

edit: even if I came with the equations and I could, you would trash them since you already think Tesla's theories are bunk. Nothing out there can/wil make you change your mind whatsoever, it is pretty obvious. To each his town then, I have no energy to waste.

Your right, I am biased because your the ONE poster who continuously posts this sh!t. TIME after fucking TIME, and I get shit sick of it

You could come up with the equations, well come on then?

How fuckibg dare you say you won't because I might review it and disagree with it. Thats the most fucking pathetic excuse I have ever heard, and you wonder wny I'm biased against you, its the underhanded way you go about the whole subject, all the while proclaiming to be a paragon of fucking virtue, you have a hide


Just post the equations already...

2nd April 2014, 04:48 AM
Haarp, bs ???

Start your own about Tesla?HAARP and I am sure it will be one of the most successful on USGS ever.

i don't dig it, i know about haarp, and as far as i'm concerned its bullshit.

People can believe what they want to believe, that i have no problem with. The problem i have is when they come out and emphatically state that its proven scientifically and anybody else that questions it is wrong.

Where is the science? Show me the papers and the peer review, because thats how real science works. If it doesn't work that way its bogus.

Don't throw the "academics don't know shit" at me because at least these guys are prepared to put their theories up for scrutiny unlike you. You posted a link and claim it a s fact, i don't want that, i want to know how it has arrived at being fact. Thats how science fucking works ok. So try to stick with it, it ain't touchy feey bullshit, its hard facts.

how did haarp become scientific fact, where is the paper and peer review?

2nd April 2014, 04:52 AM
The incredible complexity that specific cells appears to be 'constructed' with, such as this bacterium makes it very unlikely to my mind, that evolution alone has a hand in. Sure I can see that evolution could lead to specialization and over time to different species, and even refinement of molecular "machinery", but I can't see how it would evolve the molecular machinery to begin with, and until all protein structures start working together as a unit to do a specific task it would just be waste of space, energy and resources, and if evolution theory is correct, organisms that are spending eons evolving yet incomplete mechanisms wasting energy would be selected against towards extinction...

2nd April 2014, 05:13 AM
The incredible complexity that specific cells appears to be 'constructed' with, such as this bacterium makes it very unlikely to my mind, that evolution alone has a hand in. Sure I can see that evolution could lead to specialization and over time to different species, and even refinement of molecular "machinery", but I can't see how it would evolve the molecular machinery to begin with, and until all protein structures start working together as a unit to do a specific task it would just be waste of space, energy and resources, and if evolution theory is correct, organisms that are spending eons evolving yet incomplete mechanisms wasting energy would be selected against towards extinction...

I'm glad you thought enough to post this Neuro, because to me its no mystery. The goal of 'life' or even 'matter' is simply just arrangements that reduce entropy.

As humans thats our whole pupose, to procreate, pass on successful genes to our offsring and thus, create order (reduce entropy).

And its the same for mineral structures. There are mineral structures that are more entropically favoured than others, take for expample hexagonal closet packing of certain atoms, this is the most favoured and efficient packing structure that exist. Relating this to minerals and then evolution, it would seem there are minerals (certain aluminosilicates for example) that have three importasnt and entropically favoured properties.

1) Lattice like structures that form very fines grained sheets and can crystalise out more similar lattice like structures with reduced entropy
2) Easy dispersal via vectors like wind and water
3) Affinity to form complexes with organic based molecules (C,N,H,O,S etc)

It is a combination of these things that led to mineral surfaces which allowed organic molecules like simple peptides and amino acids to form in the first place. Eventually a favourable configuration is reached where the 'organic' molecule itslef is self replicating without the help of a mineral surface and is again, another reduction in entropy (ordered state) in and of its own accord.

Once the self replicating molecule is configured it will eventually find other states that are degrees of order higher (more entropically favoured) than their predecessor and on and on the process goes...leading to the flagellum you see today. It wasn't a stright line, it was billions of years of constant permutations and combinations some successful, most not so much, that lead to life as we know today.

Its not a mystery, its all about entropy...;)

2nd April 2014, 05:17 AM
Haarp, bs ???

Start your own about Tesla?HAARP and I am sure it will be one of the most successful on USGS ever.

Here we go again, you brought it up but you want me to do the hard graft...get off the grass!

I've given you some pointers, off you go and reinvent the wheel and tell the rest of the scientific community how wrong they are, even when they've been at it for most of their life and you are simply a rank amateur that has trouble with simple math.

2nd April 2014, 05:17 AM
Tesla has been discussed for more than a century by many people from all around the world, there are countless organizations supporting his work, YET, because this is what I choose to believe, you accuse me of posting sh*t?

seems like you're sinking into the depth of irrationality, sorry, as you discard the NWO financiers factor in Tesla's life. The same that are behind the so many mainstream fallacies/hoaxes/deceptions today.

tesla équations/images... https://www.google.com/search?q=tesla+equations&rlz=1T4AURU_enUS528US577&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Cv87U573G8Lr2AWij4G4DA&ved=0CCcQsAQ they may not be all about tesla, just look for when stipulated. I dont sweat though coz I am sure you are going to debunk them all anyway.

one of them...


Your right, I am biased because your the ONE poster who continuously posts this sh!t. TIME after fucking TIME, and I get shit sick of it..

2nd April 2014, 05:43 AM
You are not after a genuine exchange but me for whatever reason. If you really were looking for valuable insight, you would ask the whole pro-tesla community on here.

However I am not a scientist, like many on here I have informed myself and can only agree with what I think to be valuable and according to my own evolution... that's why they are so many different points of views.

Tesla's theories are REAL... there are many applications in our today world, the mainstream will never acknowledge it and this seems to be shaping your opinion about many other things. Not just Tesla.

Here we go again, you brought it up but you want me to do the hard graft...get off the grass!

2nd April 2014, 05:52 AM
and what is the prime cause of entropy? :)

No mystery ??? well anybody willing to look into entropy will have to admit the mystery behind it at some point. Just as no one can explain Life, we can observe its consequences: entropy

: a measure of the unavailable energy in a closed thermodynamic system that is also usually considered to be a measure of the system's disorder, that is a property of the system's state, and that varies directly with any reversible change in heat in the system and inversely with the temperature of the system; broadly : the degree of disorder or uncertainty in a system


a : the degradation of the matter and energy in the universe to an ultimate state of inert uniformity

b : a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder

Its not a mystery, its all about entropy...;)

2nd April 2014, 05:56 AM
Tesla has been discussed for more than a century by many people from all around the world, there are countless organizations supporting his work, YET, because this is what I choose to believe, you accuse me of posting sh*t?

seems like you're sinking into the depth of irrationality, sorry, as you discard the NWO financiers factor in Tesla's life. The same that are behind the so many mainstream fallacies/hoaxes/deceptions today.

tesla équations/images... they may not be all about tesla, just look for when stipulated. I dont sweat though coz I am sure you are going to debunk them all anyway.


one of them...


Again, you are think you are on to something here, but you are a complete novice.

I won't debunk these equations, because they mostly look solid (and I only work in metric anyhow, imperial is cumbersome) But they have NOTHING to do with TESLAS great work.

Induction IS the very essence of wireless power transmission, TESLA did not invent this, nor did he even fucking discover it, thats why there are NO TESLA EQUATIONS, you need to understnad why this is so...you brush off Maxwell at your peril, he put all the pieces together that Faraday et al could not and ALLOWED Tesla to have a fuking clue in the first place, without Maxwell, there would have been no Tesla, because Tesla would have been simply wandering around the dark if he hadn't joined the cirus in the first place, lol

Wireless power trnasmission is REAL, we've know this for 150 years for fucks sake, is it practical to power whole cities or houses for that matter from the ionoshpere? NO FUCKING WAY! Do you believe that mobile phoes cause cancer, or even how about this, that there are cancer clusters found around power transmission towers and lines. This is a serious question? Do you?

Do you believe that high levels of EM radiation can cause congenital defects, geneteic mutations or cancer? I bet you do. What do you think would happen if we wirelessly transmitted enough power for a small city?

Here is good primer:

Many Tesla fans claim a conspiracy theory stopped Tesla from making "free" electric power distribution wirelessly. First of all infrastructure is still needed and there is no way power will ever be "free". Wireless power distribution is not practical since it is extremely inefficient with huge losses over even a short distance. The final killer of Tesla's idea is the enormous danger of wireless power transmission for wildlife (birds) and damage to humans. Given the big debate on danger of cellphones to humans, and cellphones contain very low power levels, you can only imagine the danger of high powered wireless transmission.

So in that light, lets debunk all the myths about Tesla right here right now...

Debunking the Tesla Myth:
False facts about Tesla giving him more credit than he deserves.

In today's world of infotainment, web pages and documentaries have popped up proclaiming Nikola (Nicola) Tesla of being the inventor of practically everything. The more sites that pop up, the more reinforced false facts become. This is wrong because it denies respect for the true inventors of the technology, as well as over simplifies history. Just as people incorrectly understood what Edison actually did and believed in a simplified idolization, Tesla seems to have taken his populist place in the 21st century. Tesla suffered from narcissism through much of his life, and this throws many of his claims of being "the first" into question. We can only believe patent information, court transcripts and proven written records.

Didn't your mother tell you not to believe everything you read on the internet? So before you go back to the Tesla mania pages we suggest you go to a library and dig up some facts from books and patent applications, just as real historians have.

Sorry to debunk your inner conspiracy theorist yearnings, but here are the facts:

Myth 1: Tesla invented polyphase AC power: FALSE. First there was a hand-cranked AC generator developed by Hippolyte Pixii in 1832. Single phase AC power was being used more in Europe by many inventors in the early 1880s. As early as the late 1870's Germany had developed a 2 phase AC generator. In New York City Tesla had approached investors in 1886 with his AC system and did not have success. So in the United States in New York there was little confidence in AC power systems. From a world wide perspective there was many working on AC systems. August Haselwander and C.S. Bradley(a former Edison employee) created the first 3 phase AC generators(1887). Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovsky built the first full 3 phase AC generation and distribution system in the 1888-1891 period. Tesla continued to be stuck in his two-phase system which proved to be less effective than three.

Myth 2: Tesla invented the transformer: FALSE. The Ganz company in Budapest was the first to create and use transformers in AC systems in the late 1870s. Tesla was still in school then and hadn't even began his first job in the field of telephony. His first job was in Budapest in 1880, this is where he possibly observed/stole ideas, and was convinced by the Hungarians that AC was viable and worth pursuing while the west was still 5 years behind. William Stanley invented the first modern transformer in 1885. His design was based Gaulard and Gibbs design. Gaulard had used his transformer in the 1884 Lanzo to Turin AC power demonstration. Also credit goes to the Z.B.D Transformer in Hungary The Z.B.D. Transformer was not practical in the system that Stanley set up in Great Barrington, MA so he designed his own. This is backed up by information at the Smithsonian and IEEE. It was in 1885 that Tesla actually joined the minority of inventors working with AC in trying to pitch his system. There is no proof that Tesla had any mature AC systems designed and ready before then. (Tesla claims to have envisioned his own full AC system in 1882 but there are no written documents of any kind to prove this)

Károly Zipernowsky, Miksa Déri and Ottó Bláthy invented the first transformer. William Stanley perfected the transformer in monocyclic and 3 phase AC systems. Tesla and his Westinghouse coworker Oliver Shallenberger developed the transformer to work work with his 2 phase AC systems. Due to Tesla's egomania you will never hear him thank Shallenberger or cohorts. It was clear he was not a team player and it is no surprise Westinghouse didn't want him around for long. His technical contributions were appreciated and Tesla was generously paid by Westinghouse for his work.

Myth 3: Tesla invented the induction coil: FALSE. Absolutely false... Induction was discovered by Michael Faraday, and the induction coil was invented by Nicholas Callan in 1836, long before Tesla was born.

Myth 4: Tesla invented the loudspeaker: FALSE. The loudspeaker as we know it was invented by C.W. Rice and Edward Kellogg with a working prototype in 1921, and patent in 1925. Decades before this final success, Werner Von Siemens had toyed with the idea of a magnetically controlled speaker while Tesla was in grade school.

Myth 5: Tesla invented radar in 1917: FALSE. This one is a real can of worms, radar was made possible due to the work of Christian Hulsmeyer (German)1903, Lee De Forest 1918, Edwin Armstrong 1918, Ernst Alexanderson, Marconi, Albert Hull, Edward Victor Appleton, and Russians who developed a radar system to detect German planes in 1934. Sir Robert Watson-Watt demonstrated the first HF radar system in 1935 which operated at 6 MHz and had a range of 8 miles. There are many books on this subject.

Myth 6: Tesla invented the fluorescent lamp: FALSE. Alexandre E. Becquerel first examined the phenomena of fluorescence in 1857. Some say Edison invented the lamps. Others say George Inman developed the modern fluorescent lamp in 1934. It is tough to say who was first since there was a legal dispute. There is a possibility that the German Edmund Germer preceded both of them. Many people worked on the concept, Inman deserve the credit for building the first successful and practical design. Even if Telsa had played with the theories, he was not alone at any time, and didn't do squat compared to others who had actually worked out the difficulties into a real working product. Daniel McFarlan Moore developed the Moore Tube which was the first commercial ancestor of the fluorescent lamp.

Above graphic: just some of the inventors of the standard fluorescent light. Missing from this graphic is Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla who both contributed but were not key contributors. Tesla was more important in promotion and development of the of the induction lamp which also used fluorescence. Johann Wilhelm Hittorf, J. J. Thomson, Nikola Tesla, Peter Cooper Hewitt and John Anderson were the top 5 contributors making the induction lamp possible.

Myth 7: Tesla invented microwave transmitters: FALSE. Albert W. Hull invented a type of magnetron which lead to many inventions, including today's microwave oven, the microwave communications link, and radar. You can dig deeper on this and find many early pioneers even before Albert Hull.

Myth 8: The 1895 Niagara Falls Hydropower Plant was the first commercial AC hydro power plant: FALSE. This is absolutely false. AC power sites were developed first in Europe from 1878-1885. After 1885 Westinghouse hired Stanley, Oliver Shallenberger, Benjamin Lamme, and others to build AC power systems in North America. Tesla didn't join Westinghouse until 1888. See our list of early AC power sites here.

The Redlands Power Plant build in 1893 was the first 3 phase AC power plant built for commercial purposes in North America. Elihu Thomson, Almirian Decker and Dr. ,Louis Bell worked together to design this site a few years before in Lynn, Massachusetts. Dobrovsky had build the first full hydroelectric three phase AC power system at Frankfurt in 1891. Also, at the time Charles P. Steinmetz was the only one to understand the concept of hysteresis and related physics concepts that helped run the AC generator. Steinmetz was a humble man, and like many technical men, loved teaching and connecting to other humans just as much as the technology. People with a teaching spirit have often let others take the fame and patents. Fame and business success are the focus of only a percentage of engineers. The love of the craft is common among all of them.

Myth 9: Tesla was the underdog who did not promote himself: FALSE.
If you begin to read at all about history of technology at the time you will find that inventions and ideas spread like wildfire from as far east as Hungary and Moscow, to the U.S. For someone like Edison or Tesla it was important to keep up the show and wizardry to captivate the public. And they both did that very well. In the ruthlessly competitive environment of New York City the game was, (and still is) about fame/success at any cost. Tesla, when living on Fifth Avenue was at the epicenter of this pressure. Tesla was business natured, he understood he had to relentlessly promote himself to become like the more successful Edison. Most inventors at the time did not have the relentless need for attention that both of them had.

Myth 10: Back in the late 1800's the conflict for AC vs. DC was Tesla vs. Edison, or Westinghouse vs. General Electric: FALSE.
General Electric was formed in 1892 and by that time Thomas Edison had a minimal role in the workings of the company. While Edison promoted DC power from his home down in New Jersey/New York City area, Elihu Thomson, William Stanley, and C.P. Steinmetz promoted AC as the future. The company was not "for DC". Tesla and Edison did not get along, that's true... but of course! Popular media likes to promote the AC vs. DC conflict in a simple easy-to-digest package simply because all the Mass Communication majors and journalists have been taught that the public loves to watch and read about conflict. One page reads: "Edison also hated Tesla because Tesla invented..." and so on, the quote highlights once again the conflict aspect. If conflict and drama is your focus of interest, than study the World Wrestling Federation, not engineering.

More Controversy: Who invented the polyphase electric motor?: Tesla was first to patent the 3 phase AC motor in the USA 1888, but read on: Galileo Ferraris had come up with the same design months before in Italy. Ferraris was a university professor with no interest in making money from the invention. We know that Tesla was extremely intelligent and was able to memorize entire books after reading them. It is entirely possible that Tesla had obtained a copy of Ferraris's publication to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Turin and was able to understand Ferraris's design. He would be able to copy and clarify the design on paper and submit that to the patent office with the help of Tesla's well-paid team of lawyers. If this was the case than it is just another case of how businessmen with their well paid lawyers have crushed an academic person's claim on being the first. History was almost rewritten here but documents have proven Galileo's claim. Tesla had no evidence to support his self-made claim that he envisioned the motor in 1882. In addition to this Mr. Ferraris had a track record of being an innovator in the greatest events of European AC development in the early 1880's. Tesla had limited experience in AC and was not picked up by Westinghouse until 1888, after his claim of inventing a three phase motor. Read more on the trial here.

Free Electric Power:

Many Tesla fans claim a conspiracy theory stopped Tesla from making "free" electric power distribution wirelessly. First of all infrastructure is still needed and there is no way power will ever be "free". Wireless power distribution is not practical since it is extremely inefficient with huge losses over even a short distance. The final killer of Tesla's idea is the enormous danger of wireless power transmission for wildlife (birds) and damage to humans. Given the big debate on danger of cellphones to humans, and cellphones contain very low power levels, you can only imagine the danger of high powered wireless transmission.

Tesla vs. Edison - An attractive human story, but this isn't engineering.

Tesla left Thomas Edison's company frustrated and short changed. This is a popular story, but Tesla wasn't the only one who left Edison the same way.
Edison the Stubborn:
As the Tesla popular myth states: Tesla had approached Edison with the idea of trying AC development, and Tesla was the lone visionary, however Edison scoffed and said AC would never amount to anything. The truth is he wasn't alone. Others approached Edison and got the same results. C. S. Bradley had worked for Edison, he was convinced about AC's future, he left and invented the three-phase generator in 1887. Otto Blathy who invented the ZBD Transformer in Hungary came on a business trip to meet Edison in 1886. He tried to sell his patent to Edison, again, Edison scoffed at him. This was clearly a poor business decision because by this point Westinghouse had already built and demonstrated a working AC system at Great Barrington, Mass. Elihu Thomson of Thomson-Houston in Massachusetts was already trying to build his own transformer.

Another element in the Tesla vs. Edison debate which Tesla fanatics use to energize support for their "cause" is the electrocution of Topsy the elephant in 1903. Thomas Edison or his PR team, working independently of General Electric wanted to show the dangers of AC power by killing this innocent animal. Tesla is unlikely to have done the same to his credit, but most people in the population at the time had little regard for the fair treatment of animals. It is unlikely Edison stood out from other innovators who used animals to test medical treatments or conduct painful experiments. It was clearly a dark time for animals in industry. In 1903 General Electric had already been making revolutionary new AC power systems for 18 years and had some of the world's best engineers working on AC. Tesla fanatics are more known for their passion than their "historian" side, they fail to have the slightest understanding of the business atmosphere at the time or the wealth of OTHER great minds working on AC. While Edison was living in the past in 1903 promoting DC, the company he created which had led to the formation of General Electric (1892) was already a leader in AC power. The board of directors cast off Edison as a "non team player" and nut just as Tesla was cast off by Westinghouse as "unpredictable" and a nut who would sink the company financially with non-practical pursuits. So who cares if Edison the nut was still promoting DC in 1903? Siemens-Halske, General Electric, Oerlikon, Westinghouse had already moved on into an AC world. There was no War of Currents in 1903. That war had ended in 1891.

Tesla was no "lone visionary" of AC power, he was simply smart enough to keep his eye on great developments of AC in Europe during the early-mid 1880s. He was one of a small group (the minority) of engineers working on AC in America in the mid 1880s. Tesla's first opportunity to work for a real company on AC power came after he "stole" or simultaneously invented the polyphase electric motor in 1888. At a public presentation Elihu Thomson and Westinghouse both thought that Tesla had potential. Thomson (later became GE) offered him a lower position to start. Tesla's ego lead him to decline the opportunity. Lucky for him later on Westinghouse offered him a position with his already established team of engineers working on AC. Westinghouse then got control of Tesla's induction motor patent which helped make them hundreds of millions of dollars. When the induction motor patent was contested in 1905 Westinghouse put it's best lawyers to work defending this cash maker. Let the induction motor fall into public domain and make Tesla loose credibility? The corporate might of Westinghouse would never let this happen!


I could go on listing all of the false attributions and conspiracy theories regarding Tesla, but this would be a waste of time. The important thing is painting a true picture of ALL the wonderful and amazing personalities of technology in our history. Nikola Tesla was an inventor, and did share a love of engineering and science. And for this he deserves to be honored, but don't fall for the populist rhetoric. I'd recommend visiting the Deutsches Museum in Munich where many of the original first motors and dynamos are on display with accurate listings of attributions.

2nd April 2014, 06:08 AM
Nikola Tesla was an inventor, and did share a love of engineering and science.

Telsa was a tinkerer, plain and simple. He is not some fucking free enrgy guru. You are so gullible you believe anything.

Aliens, Altlantis, lost technology, free energy, telpathy, telekinesis blah blah blah...your like a fucking walking talking add for Nexus magazine for christs sake.

How about you try and have one single ORIGINAL idea that has merit, then you might garner my respect.

Honestly all you seem to do is run around covering your ears and screaming incomprnehesably like rain man.

2nd April 2014, 06:08 AM
since you do not even recognize the existence of HAARP, you call it BS, what should I go along with what you say?

'You proved my point, regardless of where I'd find tesla's equations you will debubunk them because you already have made up your mind. You are not genuine in your inquiry... trashing and harrassing is your motive as far as I am concerned.

so my turn now: if there is no mystery: what is the prime cause of entropy... and life by the same token?? :)

2nd April 2014, 06:24 AM
one thing Aeondaze, the last thing I want is to garner the respect anyone who has has to resort to insults to make a point. It tells a lot about one's "self-appreciation" values. There is surely room for personal growth there. Sorry... maybe in another life. :)

How about you try and have one single ORIGINAL idea that has merit, then you might garner my respect.

Honestly all you seem to do is run around covering your ears and screaming incomprnehesably like rain man.

2nd April 2014, 06:37 AM
since you do not even recognize the existence of HAARP, you call it BS, what should I go along with what you say?

'You proved my point, regardless of where I'd find tesla's equation you will debubunk them because you already have made up your mind. You are not genuine in your inquiry... trashing is your motive.

so my turn now: if there is no mystery: what is the prime cause of entropy... and life by the same token?? :)

Ok, looks like we've skipped past third grade, then the eight grade and now were at the year 12 level. I just don;t think you can handle it to be honest, you've shown you level of proficiency and it falls well below this leve, hence your need to ask.

Q: What is the prime cause of entropy?

Entropy is not caused by a magical hand because it is not an actual entity in and of itself like you want it to be in your little head. It is simply a measure of a system.

What does it measure would be a better question.

Its the measure of the number of ways a particular system can be arranged and also a measure of how a system drives toward equlibria. Isolated systems (like our universe for that matter, regardless of what you might think, it existis in isolation) NEVER DECREASES, because they spontaneoudsly tend towards a thermodynamic equilibrium which is know as the state of maximum entropy.

Life as we know it, goes against this universal trend. DONT GET ALL EXCITED HERE... read on...

But it can NEVER continusly and indefinatley follow that trend until the universe has reached an entropic minima, this will NEVER EVER happen.
Life on plant earth will be long gone before the universe reaches its entropic maximum (which is where it is heading).

Thats just life, enjoy it, marvel at it by all means but don't think we humans have some dibs on a god like eternal existance. Everything that we have discovered in the past 5000 years has consistantly been teeling us otherwise. Our desire for some eternal condition is just our DNA expressing an inhereant desire to increase order in the face of the ovewrwhelming obstacles the universe has in store for us puny little humans.

By the way, your welcome:D

2nd April 2014, 06:43 AM
one thing Aeondaze, the last thing I want is to garner the respect anyone who has has to resort to insults to make a point. It tells a lot about one's "self-appreciation" values. There is surely room for personal growth there. Sorry... maybe in another life. :)

See there you go again, you start making little snide remarks. You are the one who is really posting insults, I am simply defending the way the universe actually is, and I gotta say its fucking frustrating.

There is no 'other life' it defies the very laws of nature and the universe, just as I've pointed out above!


3rd April 2014, 12:35 AM
I have to say the first half of these myths are new to me. I have not heard them before. The second half I have. The last portion is pure speculation. yes there are cheer squads for the different sides. There are other players that don't get a mention. Eric Dollard gives some lengthy presentations, one of which starts with some in depth info regarding some of the players mentioned here and others not mentioned here.

I think the wireless transmission of energy is a misrepresentation of what Tesla was onto/into. It was not so much the transmission but the generation of.

I think the current conundrums that physicists are dealing with are pretty telling. Big Bang. Missing matter - aka dark matter. Expansion rate of the universe - being revised right now to include the concept of "inflation" to try and explain a range of things they cannot resolve including size of the universe, space in between and again.. this missing matter/mass which thjey explain by saying, well it's there but you just can't see it. Seems many doctrines are depending on faith these days.

3rd April 2014, 04:59 AM
I have to say the first half of these myths are new to me. I have not heard them before. The second half I have. The last portion is pure speculation. yes there are cheer squads for the different sides. There are other players that don't get a mention. Eric Dollard gives some lengthy presentations, one of which starts with some in depth info regarding some of the players mentioned here and others not mentioned here.

I think the wireless transmission of energy is a misrepresentation of what Tesla was onto/into. It was not so much the transmission but the generation of.

I think the current conundrums that physicists are dealing with are pretty telling. Big Bang. Missing matter - aka dark matter. Expansion rate of the universe - being revised right now to include the concept of "inflation" to try and explain a range of things they cannot resolve including size of the universe, space in between and again.. this missing matter/mass which thjey explain by saying, well it's there but you just can't see it. Seems many doctrines are depending on faith these days.

There are only two ways electricity is generated, chemically and inductively, if you think you know a third way Glass then I'm all ears.

There are lots of detractors of the modern theories on the universe, none of them have an equally plausible alternate theory

Sience doesn't have all the answers, it strives to find them with the best tools it has available, is their another way you know of Glass?

3rd April 2014, 05:54 AM
There are only two ways electricity is generated, chemically and inductively, if you think you know a third way Glass then I'm all ears.

There are lots of detractors of the modern theories on the universe, none of them have an equally plausible alternate theory

Sience doesn't have all the answers, it strives to find them with the best tools it has available, is their another way you know of Glass?
How about the photoelectric effect? I wasn't sure if it could be seen as a type of induction, so I looked it up on google but I couldn't find any on it making that connection at a quick search...

3rd April 2014, 06:13 AM
How about the photoelectric effect? I wasn't sure if it could be seen as a type of induction, so I looked it up on google but I couldn't find any on it making that connection at a quick search...

Yeah sure, traditionally however photons of very high energy are required and the metals need to have high atomic numbers, when you compare the amount of work required to emite electrons its like building a body of water the size of lake victoria just so you can get a glass of water. Doped silicon is obviosly the prefered way...so yeah there is a third. But thats it. Glass was alluding to the fact that Tesla was onto something new, thats not the case. But I'm prepared to listen to him if he thinks there is another way?

3rd April 2014, 06:22 AM
Science doesn't have all the answers and the era of all these people, Westinghouse, Farrad, Aphere, Watt, Marconi, Edison etc. It was a golden age, it was exciting. People were into it everywhere and many were having a go.

Science is about observations and recording, documenting and theorizing about what had been seen. But not everyone is paid for their scientific activities. Some do it on an amateur basis. It doesn't mean they are not participating in science. It just means they are not professional scientists. So long as they utilise scientific principles their investigations have value in the pool of knowledge.

I suspect that induction could be better termed invocation. I repeat I suspect. My experiences have shown me there is something else there. Singular calls it esoteric. I think this is a close description. Scientists are trying to find a massive amount of matter. It seems they think it is either matter or energy that they should see. To balance their books on the measurement of the universe. Their books, not mine. I think they are right in expecting there to be more matter or energy but I think their expectations of where it should be needs work. I think it's there but I think we, the universe we see are out of phase with it.

Dont you marvel at this tiny organism that has an electric outboard motor. I guess it is an inductive device? I'd like to see the energy inputs required to run it. It wasn't an April fool was it?

3rd April 2014, 06:40 AM
From my understanding on what I read about Tesla's so called hidden invention re free energy, it is a type of induction coil based device that is able to tap into energy from the ether, and there have been people who have claimed they invented such devices, and asked the public to buy into the development of their inventions and then you hear nothing more about it.

My best guess at this point would be that they are charlatans, and that Tesla never invented such a device either, but that he may very well have claimed he did to promote himself. Sure I can see that the established energy interests and others have an interest in suppressing energy independence for the average person. But from what I have seen the "inventors" of these devices have been more of garage tinkerers than rocket scientists, so the solution if real can't be too complicated in terms of physics and uquipment, if possible. Considering there are many millions of garage tinkerers this would be unsuppressable if true.

The most logical conclusion is that it isn't true, especially since there is no physical evidence of any ethereal energy around us...

3rd April 2014, 06:43 AM
Science doesn't have all the answers and the era of all these people, Westinghouse, Farrad, Aphere, Watt, Marconi, Edison etc. It was a golden age, it was exciting. People were into it everywhere and many were having a go.

Science is about observations and recording, documenting and theorizing about what had been seen. But not everyone is paid for their scientific activities. Some do it on an amateur basis. It doesn't mean they are not participating in science. It just means they are not professional scientists. So long as they utilise scientific principles their investigations have value in the pool of knowledge.

I suspect that induction could be better termed invocation. I repeat I suspect. My experiences have shown me there is something else there. Singular calls it esoteric. I think this is a close description. Scientists are trying to find a massive amount of matter. It seems they think it is either matter or energy that they should see. To balance their books on the measurement of the universe. Their books, not mine. I think they are right in expecting there to be more matter or energy but I think their expectations of where it should be needs work. I think it's there but I think we, the universe we see are out of phase with it.

Dont you marvel at this tiny organism that has an electric outboard motor. I guess it is an inductive device? I'd like to see the energy inputs required to run it. It wasn't an April fool was it?

I agree with everything you have said. The problem is people think that science represents a cold unyielding monolith of rightoeusness and its not anything like that. It may appear that way to the untrained, intimidated observer, but ultimately its the most fluid of disciplines. If something is proved wrong, or there is a better theory that replaces outdated ones then on the whole, the scientific community will jump on board with it. I say on the whole because scientitst are people too with egos and expectations just like everybody else and this often gets in the way of establishing the facts. For the most part however, the community will embrace the new and agree to move forward. I don't see any of that with people who have ideas like goldie.

For what its worth, I marvel at nature almost daily and for that matter the achievements of mankind.

3rd April 2014, 09:14 AM
I'm glad you thought enough to post this Neuro, because to me its no mystery. The goal of 'life' or even 'matter' is simply just arrangements that reduce entropy.

As humans thats our whole pupose, to procreate, pass on successful genes to our offsring and thus, create order (reduce entropy).

And its the same for mineral structures. There are mineral structures that are more entropically favoured than others, take for expample hexagonal closet packing of certain atoms, this is the most favoured and efficient packing structure that exist. Relating this to minerals and then evolution, it would seem there are minerals (certain aluminosilicates for example) that have three importasnt and entropically favoured properties.

1) Lattice like structures that form very fines grained sheets and can crystalise out more similar lattice like structures with reduced entropy
2) Easy dispersal via vectors like wind and water
3) Affinity to form complexes with organic based molecules (C,N,H,O,S etc)

It is a combination of these things that led to mineral surfaces which allowed organic molecules like simple peptides and amino acids to form in the first place. Eventually a favourable configuration is reached where the 'organic' molecule itslef is self replicating without the help of a mineral surface and is again, another reduction in entropy (ordered state) in and of its own accord.

Once the self replicating molecule is configured it will eventually find other states that are degrees of order higher (more entropically favoured) than their predecessor and on and on the process goes...leading to the flagellum you see today. It wasn't a stright line, it was billions of years of constant permutations and combinations some successful, most not so much, that lead to life as we know today.

Its not a mystery, its all about entropy...;)
I have a background both in mechanical engineering and I studied microbiology in first year chiropractic college. I do understand how an engine work and I understand how proteins are coded for in DNA, how it is manufactured by RNA transcriptase, this tiny bacterium has a bio-electrical engine, consisting of several parts working together in amazing harmony, if you only had one part of the engine, that didn't work or was absent, the engine wouldn't work, and the bacterium from an evolutionary standpoint would be de-selected against, since it was wasting energy constructing a boat engine without let's say an electric cable going to the spark plug, such a boat engine would not be of benefit to the boat owner, the boat owner would be better off not having the engine on his boat, even though the promise is that 1000 generations down the line his offspring would get the upgraded version of the electric cable going to the spark plug making it functional, he still would be at a disadvantage vs other boat owners who didn't waste resources buying an incomplete boat engine, and could catch at least as much fish... My point is that random mutations can't create something this complex. Just like a meteor impact on Mars could never create a simple radio, nor anywhere else ever...

3rd April 2014, 09:38 AM
Its funny how the posters here seem to want to offer up as proof of a pet theory only the MOST controversial subjects of which this flagellum is one of them.

There are plenty of good examples of where evolution has worked or even is working this very second, too many to make note of. But what we get as proof its all wrong is one single example. ONE EXAMPLE. I'll admit it, its prety fucking amazing. There I've said, and I also want it known that not once in this whole thread (or threads for that matter) have I been flipant about how awesome and amazing life is in general, because it is. So its got nothing to with my lack of awe. I too am awestruck, the difference between us is i'm not befuddled. I'm not insecure enough on the whole theory of evolution to throw the baby out with the bath water just because of one single fllagellum. A fleggelum I might add that shares, the vast majority of its genetic code with all the other flagellum, and even a large propertion with OURSELVES. FACT.

In essence its all about throwing shit in the face of the scientific community, which frankly I don't really care, but what I do care about and am interersted in is the desire for that behaviour and who these people actually are deep down. Thats what really interests me.

The flagellum is a no brainer, plenty of scientists have pointed out that there are many flagellum that have similar attributes to this, not all the same, but the foundations were (are) there. To me a symetrical motor is no where near as astounding as say the complexity with which proteins fold, or the subatomic behaviour of atoms.

Life is full of interesting things, so go on kids knock yoursleves out! Just don't throw the baby out with the bath water just because one little puzzle throws a spanner in the works and don't make every fucking little interesting thing a fight to the death about god or aliens 'cause they both don't give a shit, trust me...lol

3rd April 2014, 11:59 AM
Aeondaze, my post was not intended to throw shit in the face of the scientific community. I am merely suggesting that the theory of evolution is probably not sufficient in explaining how this flagellum got its inboard engine. However it is entirely possible that evolution geared up the engine from a lets say slow 10 rpm to 100,000 rpm's. There certainly is plenty of evidence that evolution is an important mechanism in adapting life forms to the changing dynamic environment they are in. But maybe god just made this tiny little propelling speck of life to test the faith of the Darwinists? Or maybe there is another explanation for it. But while studying biochemistry, physiology and microbiology ages ago I found myself awestruck by the fantastic mechanisms and structures life has developed to make life possible...

8th April 2014, 11:47 PM
I've been watching a lot of the Eric Dollard videos. Someone posted a link to one of his YT videos. He is one of the people who has been studying some of the theories of Tesla. Yes he is dedicated but he is also knowledgeable on the history of the other players of the era. As I have commented, the period concerned was a golden age. Many of the people getting involved were using scientific principles but may not have been paid by scientific institutions. However this does not mean they are not scientists or scientific. I think it takes a fair bit of hubbris and ego to claim superiority because you are a paid or tenured researcher.

Anyway Eric was such a paid person for many years. He has several videos either from his own page or his YT. I would recommend viewing the videos he has here on his home page in the order they are presented. You will need some hours to view them.

I think the best way to start is to watch this video

Then at least the first section of this video to get the history of the players.

But this video demonstrates what Tesla was about. He was not about radiating wireless energy (transverse) /electricity. As some here have claimed he was about spraying out electricity in all directions which they claim would be bad for human health. Not the case and displays a lack of understanding of what he weas working on. He was not working on radiation waves of electricity that dissipate over distance. He was in fact working on the longitudinal form of electricity which is wireless but is point to point. It is also instantaneous and it does not fall in power over the distance but it increases in power or efficiency over the distance of transmission.

This old video taken when he still had is official lab is insightful of this principle. This one is the most important. YOui could start here and work back if you are time constrained: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BnCUBKgnnc


9th April 2014, 12:29 AM
I think it takes a fair bit of hubbris and ego to claim superiority because you are a paid or tenured researcher.

On the contrary, the real hubris comes form those who claim that the current scientific model is a scam without any proof whatsoever.

He was not working on radiation waves of electricity that dissipate over distance. He was in fact working on the longitudinal form of electricity which is wireless but is point to point. It is also instantaneous and it does not fall in power over the distance but it increases in power or efficiency over the distance of transmission.

A great quote in relation to Dollards 'funding':

For $25, you get a thank-you. At higher levels you start getting books and "training kits." Then at the highest level, $1000, you're back to getting the dude's eternal gratitude.

9th April 2014, 01:57 PM
the mainstream academia is as much of a scam as the monetary system... everything mainstream IS a scam... they tell that the DNA is everything, not true, the RNA is... the RNA is encoding the DNA... environments and emotions can alter the DNA, which is the proof that the RNA is key.

Look up for Bruce Lipton PhD in stem cell research exposing on youtube the DNA hoax...


Glass, let it go, as to wonder why Aeondaze... is posing on conspiracy oriented website like GSUS ???

On the contrary, the real hubris comes form those who claim that the current scientific model is a scam without any proof whatsoever.

9th April 2014, 02:21 PM
the mainstream academia is as much of a scam as the monetary system... everything mainstream IS a scam... they tell that the DNA is everything, not true, the RNA is... the RNA is encoding the DNA... environments and emotions can alter the DNA, which is the proof that the RNA is key.

Look up for Bruce Lipton PhD in stem cell research exposing on youtube the DNA hoax...

I have seen Bruce Lipton in the 90's he was involved in chiropractic research esp re neurophysiology. As far as I am concerned DNA gives us the limit of our development, the framework if you like, you would never expect a human being to be able to fly, simply because we don't have the genetics for it... Apart from that experience has showed us that we have an amazing ability to adjust to the environment we grow up in... And you will even inherit that ability. Not only were those children being born during the Dutch famine in 1944-45 smaller than their genetic peers, also their children were...

9th April 2014, 02:42 PM
sure but what I mean is that it is the RNA that rewrites the DNA, hence the DNA is not set in stone, proteins hold the key to tell the DNA what to remember.

I have seen Bruce Lipton in the 90's he was involved in chiropractic research esp re neurophysiology. As far as I am concerned DNA gives us the limit of our development, the framework if you like, you would never expect a human being to be able to fly, simply because we don't have the genetics for it... Apart from that experience has showed us that we have an amazing ability to adjust to the environment we grow up in... And you will even inherit that ability. Not only were those children being born during the Dutch famine in 1944-45 smaller than their genetic peers, also their children were...

9th April 2014, 02:56 PM
sure but what I mean is that it is the RNA that rewrites the DNA, hence the DNA is not set in stone, proteins hold the key to tell the DNA what to remember. Within RNA and DNA there is so much what was at one time considered 'Junk' in the genetic makeup but that junk is being found not to be so junky. Most is from the past, and doing nothing now (turned off as most think) but who really knows? some is active and can be traced to what it does.

We have only have scratched the surface of what the chromosomes in both DNA and RNA really does and the understanding that can and will come about when we do.

Strange that all life on this mud ball shares huge amounts of both and are common to all life plant and animal.

9th April 2014, 03:05 PM
as to wonder why Aeondaze... is posing on conspiracy oriented website like GSUS ???

See this is exactly what I'm talking about goldie. You distort everything beyond recognition.

LOOK AT THE NAME OF THE FORUM - gold-silver.us

Does it say conspiracies-r-us.com - NO.

Does it contain an element that reject manistream plotical views and the system of western powers? YES.

Does this then mean that everybody HAS to believe that the pyramids are 10,000 years old, aliens live among us, free energy machines are plausible and that modern science is a scam? Of course not.

And you wonder why I use such colorful language, its because your assertions are so narrow minded. Your blinded by your own propositions.

Besides who do you think you are to second guess where I chose to post? You got some nerve.

This post was worth at least 3 fucks i'd say, but I feel sorry for Serpo with her delicate sensibilities and all, lol.:D

9th April 2014, 04:03 PM
Bruce lipton makes it clear that Junk DNA is what *they* cannot make sense of... Junk DNA= a psychic/spiritual/emtional component, which is systematically discarted by sciences as the mainstream academics will only deal with what is deemed "rational"...

but lets start a trhread about Rationality. Ratiobnaly is only based on the Known at any given time, hence its ever faulty outcomes, and the need to come up with new theories... academia is guilty to death, anyone getting a degree from mainstream academia has mastered junk knowledge.

Mainstream knowledge is only good to tell us where the hoaxes lies, I am afraid. Look at Keneysian theories for example :)

Within RNA and DNA there is so much what was at one time considered 'Junk' in the genetic makeup but that junk is being found not to be so junky. Most is from the past, and doing nothing now (turned off as most think) but who really knows? some is active and can be traced to what it does.

We have only have scratched the surface of what the chromosomes in both DNA and RNA really does and the understanding that can and will come about when we do.

Strange that all life on this mud ball shares huge amounts of both and are common to all life plant and animal.

9th April 2014, 04:15 PM
Aeondaze, I have had my days in the religious forum, and I had to let it go, to my regret ... if one accepts that the financial system is a total fraud, then one'd be able to see that everything is suited to sustain that very fraud. Follow the money trail...

I am sorry, Aeondaze, but your realm and mine are far apart - but I do appreciate you, more than you'd think :) I have developed a virtual attachment to Book... and you, really.

where is Book by the way?

See this is exactly what I'm talking about goldie. You distort everything beyond recognition.

LOOK AT THE NAME OF THE FORUM - gold-silver.us

Does it say conspiracies-r-us.com - NO.

Does it contain an element that reject manistream plotical views and the system of western powers? YES.

Does this then mean that everybody HAS to believe that the pyramids are 10,000 years old, aliens live among us, free energy machines are plausible and that modern science is a scam? Of course not.

And you wonder why I use such colorful language, its because your assertions are so narrow minded. Your blinded by your own propositions.

Besides who do you think you are to second guess where I chose to post? You got some nerve.

This post was worth at least 3 fucks i'd say, but I feel sorry for Serpo with her delicate sensibilities and all, lol.:D

9th April 2014, 04:30 PM
Aeondaze, I have had my days in the religious forum, and I had to let it go, to my regret ... if one accepts that the financial system is a total fraud, then one'd be able to see that everything is suited to sustain that very fraud. Follow the money trail...

No that is not correct by any means. Each and every thing should be judged on its own merits and it is foolish to do otherwise.

Just because these psycopaths micro manage every detail of our lives and basically turn our societal structure into one great big giant straight jacket doesn't mean they can mess with the archaeological record or the foundations of the physics of the universe, thats outrageous.

You make the poinst that its financial gain, well holy smokes what financial gain are they hoping to cash in on by ommiting things from the archaeological record? It really is absurd, and I might add you have no proof of this.

We have pelntly of proof that a high level conspiracy exists to control humanity, but they can't mess with the archaeological record or for that matter the immutable physical laws of the universe. Its my firm belief that these misconceptions are spread to discredit the global conspiracy crowd by poisening the well.

You give us all a bad name.

While a heck of a lot of people are prepared to admit that our politicians are beholdeant to a secretive cabal of elite bankers, they positively balk at the notion that aliens are our ancestry or that they built the pyramids, or that free energy exists and the corporations are keeping it from the public.

Poisening the well is about the only function your theories seem to serve IMHO.

9th April 2014, 05:49 PM
Tesla on Voltaire

``I had a veritable mania for finishing whatever I began, which often got me into difficulties. On one occasion I started to read the works of Voltaire when I learned, to my dismay, that there were close on one hundred large volumes in small print which that monster had written while drinking seventy-two cups of black coffee per diem. It had to be done, but when I laid aside the last book I was very glad, and said, "Never more!"''

Nikola Tesla, "My Inventions: the autobiography of Nikola Tesla", Hart Bros., 1982. Originally appeared in the Electrical experimenter magazine in 1919.

And he was honored on fiat currency.


9th April 2014, 05:54 PM
You make the poinst that its financial gain, well holy smokes what financial gain are they hoping to cash in on by ommiting things from the archaeological record? It really is absurd, and I might add you have no proof of this.

If all life did not start in Africa, where (far away with much coin) would the semi-elite send there sons and daughters to dig in the dirt?

So that the elite could remain above the semi-elite?

9th April 2014, 06:11 PM


enough said - Or that says it all, LG :)

Nikola Tesla, "My Inventions: the autobiography of Nikola Tesla", Hart Bros., 1982. Originally appeared in the Electrical experimenter magazine in 1919...... And he was honored on fiat currency.
