View Full Version : Divershitty High School - Vice Documentary

5th April 2014, 12:36 PM

5th April 2014, 08:27 PM
Hell monster running loose in the world.

5th April 2014, 08:56 PM
Also shared on a social network near me, I'm sure I will get no replies... just feeding them.

5th April 2014, 09:10 PM
I have the top rated comment currently. Pretty funny.

6th April 2014, 06:02 AM
That is not a school. It is a holding pen for miscreants and growing savages. The inability of teachers to do anything about the bad behavior is a symptom of a sick system. When they will not conform to the simple rules of the system, they should be thrown out. This would make the schools a safer place.

Worried about the savages not getting an education? They aren't now! Get them out and let them eat dirt on the streets until they get themselves killed. It will clean up the gene pool nicely.

7th trump
6th April 2014, 08:06 AM
That is not a school. It is a holding pen for miscreants and growing savages. The inability of teachers to do anything about the bad behavior is a symptom of a sick system. When they will not conform to the simple rules of the system, they should be thrown out. This would make the schools a safer place.

Worried about the savages not getting an education? They aren't now! Get them out and let them eat dirt on the streets until they get themselves killed. It will clean up the gene pool nicely.
Am I getting this straight about you Spectrism?
In one thread you condem the killing of a person whos "just living a free life" after the moron transient pulls out weapons on police who have drawn weapons on the criminal trespasser and now in this thread you want other criminals dead who haven't drawn any weapons on anybody....but just have a bad attitude.

Wow....just wow!
To you its a crime to kill someone who pulled out weapons at police and a blessing to wish people dead, by murdering themselves, for merely having a bad attitude.

You're hate is unbelievable...and totally backwards!

6th April 2014, 11:03 AM
Am I getting this straight about you Spectrism?
In one thread you condem the killing of a person whos "just living a free life" after the moron transient pulls out weapons on police who have drawn weapons on the criminal trespasser and now in this thread you want other criminals dead who haven't drawn any weapons on anybody....but just have a bad attitude.

Wow....just wow!
To you its a crime to kill someone who pulled out weapons at police and a blessing to wish people dead, by murdering themselves, for merely having a bad attitude.

You're hate is unbelievable...and totally backwards!

Trump, why do you keep trying to make yourself look stupid? Did you ever answer in the other thread how you are anti-bible? You deny what is clearly written in the bible.

Here, you show no vision for the written words. In a school situation, you have many children. I played the role of teacher for a short while in an inner city hell hole. Did you ever do that? When the animals disrupt the classes, they destroy the education for all the others.

In this thread, I clearly stated that such troublemakers should be expelled from school. State laws require the schools to house these animals. State laws are wrong.

Look clown, if you want to pick a fight with me I will take the gloves off and pluck ever stinkin turkey feather out of you. You are stepping into an arena where battles of the wits occur and you are defenseless. For a long time I have overlooked your idiocies. I tend to overlook many stupid things until some clown decides to be the "expert" who insists that his/her "teaching" is the end all for all. And if I am not experienced in a particular aspect of that discussion, I will leave it alone and learn. But when someone wants to attack me for what I am rock solid sure about... bring it on. Give it your best shot.

7th trump
6th April 2014, 12:35 PM
Trump, why do you keep trying to make yourself look stupid? Did you ever answer in the other thread how you are anti-bible? You deny what is clearly written in the bible.

Here, you show no vision for the written words. In a school situation, you have many children. I played the role of teacher for a short while in an inner city hell hole. Did you ever do that? When the animals disrupt the classes, they destroy the education for all the others.

In this thread, I clearly stated that such troublemakers should be expelled from school. State laws require the schools to house these animals. State laws are wrong.

Look clown, if you want to pick a fight with me I will take the gloves off and pluck ever stinkin turkey feather out of you. You are stepping into an arena where battles of the wits occur and you are defenseless. For a long time I have overlooked your idiocies. I tend to overlook many stupid things until some clown decides to be the "expert" who insists that his/her "teaching" is the end all for all. And if I am not experienced in a particular aspect of that discussion, I will leave it alone and learn. But when someone wants to attack me for what I am rock solid sure about... bring it on. Give it your best shot.

Ohhh.... look at you go!
Don't like the idea that you are exposed as a hypocrite....huh?
You clearly are thinking on a lower level....almost barbaric!

Your standard and measures are corrupt.
I'm merely pointing out you prefer to allow others to murder themselves out of existence (completely ok with you...advocating murder) while crying its murder for others to use lethal force in defense when lethal force was displayed in the form of knives.
(you claim you went through the conceal carry course...highly doubtful as if you did you'd understand the position of the police or anyone in that position to use lethal force)
The law is the law is the law....you cant pick and choose what you want from the law and apply it when ever it suits your mentality....what ever that is!
One instance murder is ok with you and in another thread you called "defense" a murder when it actually wasn't murder at all.

You're confused...and possibly dazed!

midnight rambler
6th April 2014, 12:57 PM
Hey Donald DUMP I've taken you off ignore strictly for the pure entertainment value and you certainly don't disappoint. Many thanks for the yuks!

Whenever I'm in need of a reality check all I need do is to read one of your posts and then flip every last word 180 degrees to achieve absolute perfection! lol


6th April 2014, 02:10 PM
As I said, my friend, this is a battle of the wits and you are coming to a fight unarmed. Let us take each point unemotionally and factually.

Ohhh.... look at you go!
Don't like the idea that you are exposed as a hypocrite....huh?
You clearly are thinking on a lower level....almost barbaric!

Your standard and measures are corrupt.
I'm merely pointing out you prefer to allow others to murder themselves out of existence (completely ok with you...advocating murder) while crying its murder for others to use lethal force in defense when lethal force was displayed in the form of knives.

By this, you are referring to my remark about removing the trash from the schools so that normal children can learn. It is not the responsibility of the state (read: everybody else) to care for and raise up the ghetto children with Shaniqua popping out more welfare babies and Darnell out impregnating dozens of these leg-spreaders. Housing the savages in the schools makes the schools unsafe and unproductive jungle zones where souls are crushed and many more lives lost.

Schools have been turned into prisons for juvenile delinquents and they are cross-contaminating ALL the children in these hell hole state & local funded death camps. Yes- I would rather get the animals out on the street and let them be dealt with severely.

(you claim you went through the conceal carry course...highly doubtful as if you did you'd understand the position of the police or anyone in that position to use lethal force)

Let me see how many calibers & weapons systems I have been trained on and used.

.22 (and I was on the West Point triathlon team- running, swimming, shooting)
.38 special
.357 magnum
.45 pistol & grease gun
7.62 rifle & machine guns including M1, M14, M60, M240
.50 machine gun- M2, M85
Howitzers- 105mm, 155mm & 8in
Main battle tank- 105mm
LAW, Dragon & TOW antitank weapons
claymore mines, det cord, C4 explosives- demolitions
anti-personnel & anti-tank mines
hand grenades
Stinger anti-air missiles
Vulcan anti-air 20mm cannon

I played army for years. And I did have a carry permit (yes- SFB, after having gone through the "training" and paper work)... but now it doesn't matter to have a carry permit when everything I would carry is a felony.

You think a concealed carry course is something big? LOL... it tells me you are a chump.

The law is the law is the law....you cant pick and choose what you want from the law and apply it when ever it suits your mentality....what ever that is!

Why not? Obama does. The cops do. And they are all in violation of the supreme law. So when the low level human law violates God's law, you be a good little tool boy and obey man because you show no respect for God.

One instance murder is ok with you and in another thread you called "defense" a murder when it actually wasn't murder at all.

You're confused...and possibly dazed!

Which murder did I say was good? Post my exact quote.

7th trump
7th April 2014, 02:35 PM
As I said, my friend, this is a battle of the wits and you are coming to a fight unarmed. Let us take each point unemotionally and factually.

By this, you are referring to my remark about removing the trash from the schools so that normal children can learn. It is not the responsibility of the state (read: everybody else) to care for and raise up the ghetto children with Shaniqua popping out more welfare babies and Darnell out impregnating dozens of these leg-spreaders. Housing the savages in the schools makes the schools unsafe and unproductive jungle zones where souls are crushed and many more lives lost.

Schools have been turned into prisons for juvenile delinquents and they are cross-contaminating ALL the children in these hell hole state & local funded death camps. Yes- I would rather get the animals out on the street and let them be dealt with severely.

Let me see how many calibers & weapons systems I have been trained on and used.

.22 (and I was on the West Point triathlon team- running, swimming, shooting)
.38 special
.357 magnum
.45 pistol & grease gun
7.62 rifle & machine guns including M1, M14, M60, M240
.50 machine gun- M2, M85
Howitzers- 105mm, 155mm & 8in
Main battle tank- 105mm
LAW, Dragon & TOW antitank weapons
claymore mines, det cord, C4 explosives- demolitions
anti-personnel & anti-tank mines
hand grenades
Stinger anti-air missiles
Vulcan anti-air 20mm cannon

I played army for years. And I did have a carry permit (yes- SFB, after having gone through the "training" and paper work)... but now it doesn't matter to have a carry permit when everything I would carry is a felony.

You think a concealed carry course is something big? LOL... it tells me you are a chump.

Why not? Obama does. The cops do. And they are all in violation of the supreme law. So when the low level human law violates God's law, you be a good little tool boy and obey man because you show no respect for God.

Which murder did I say was good? Post my exact quote.

So your in agreement with removing the trash from the school system and let nature take its course but yet you don't think the police should take a defensive stance to use lethal force when a threat pops up from trash that was told to leave the park and didn't.
My problem with you is I don't see a difference between the trash in the camp ground and the trash in the schools system.
You say let the negroes murder themselves and say its murder when the cops used lethal force to deal with a threat.
I see a contradiction and an injustice about you....an inability to stay focused on righteousness.
In one scenario you agree with the negroes to commit murder against each other and in another you're all up in arms about the trash in the park being put down for the threat he invoked.
You're a fence rider for a lack of a better word....biblically speaking ....you're a heathen (neither hot or cold).
And no...a heathen isn't the colored races....the colored races are the "gentiles".

7th April 2014, 04:10 PM
Would you like to take a walk in my backyard? I have beautiful old oak trees to see.

So your in agreement with removing the trash from the school system and let nature take its course but yet you don't think the police should take a defensive stance to use lethal force when a threat pops up from trash that was told to leave the park and didn't.

6 cops armed with auto & semi-auto assault weapons, grenades, tazers and an attack dog, confront a peaceful man with multiple guns pointed at him. You call that "a threat pops up"? For the cops?

My problem with you is I don't see a difference between the trash in the camp ground and the trash in the schools system.

What was the name of that camp ground? You keep saying that but I have heard nothing about a campground and children... except from you. You are willfully blind and ignorant.

You say let the negroes murder themselves and say its murder when the cops used lethal force to deal with a threat.

Nope. I told you to provide my exact quote. You need to get some remedial reading & comprehension training.

I see a contradiction and an injustice about you....an inability to stay focused on righteousness.
In one scenario you agree with the negroes to commit murder against each other and in another you're all up in arms about the trash in the park being put down for the threat he invoked.

Have you been diagnosed with a mental illness. I am not kidding and I don't mean that as an insult. I really get the sense that you are not functioning on a full set.

You're a fence rider for a lack of a better word....biblically speaking ....you're a heathen (neither hot or cold).
And no...a heathen isn't the colored races....the colored races are the "gentiles".

I am the fence rider? Because I believe the bible where it clearly states that there are demons and you deny that? In psychopathic studies there is a term "projection" to describe what you are doing.

willie pete
7th April 2014, 04:27 PM
negroes should be segregated out of society, would that result in a eutopia? Nope, of course not, but I'd almost guarantee a dramatic reduction in violent crime and a greater reduction in true dollar costs to society as a whole

7th trump
7th April 2014, 04:30 PM
Would you like to take a walk in my backyard? I have beautiful old oak trees to see.

6 cops armed with auto & semi-auto assault weapons, grenades, tazers and an attack dog, confront a peaceful man with multiple guns pointed at him. You call that "a threat pops up"? For the cops?

What was the name of that camp ground? You keep saying that but I have heard nothing about a campground and children... except from you. You are willfully blind and ignorant.

Nope. I told you to provide my exact quote. You need to get some remedial reading & comprehension training.

Have you been diagnosed with a mental illness. I am not kidding and I don't mean that as an insult. I really get the sense that you are not functioning on a full set.

I am the fence rider? Because I believe the bible where it clearly states that there are demons and you deny that? In psychopathic studies there is a term "projection" to describe what you are doing.

After 4 times you still deflect from my question that the cops (including civilians) have a right to use lethal force in defense.
And 4 times you continue to act like this guy was innocent...he wasn't.
No responding law enforcement anywhere is going to give this guy anymore chances to comply after disobeying a judges order to vacate. It takes a few attempts to talk with this guy before a judge orders to vacate....the idiot is clearly a criminal trespasser.
Just look at your racists bullshit about the negroes in the school systems needing to leave because they are trouble makers.
This transient criminal trespasser is no different ...except for the setting....both are trouble makers.
Both the negro and transient are living their lives as they wish....freely doing as they wish....so whats the fucking difference Spectrism?
The transient pulled a weapon on the armed cops... and you cry foul.
The negroes aren't even armed, never pulled a knife, and you cry....burn the witches!
You play the same semantic games as palani does....... and you deflect as palani does.
I wouldn't (and neither would you) respond without pointing a gun at any person not wanting to leave if it was my land after making many attempts to get him to vacate.

You're not honest Spectrism.

midnight rambler
7th April 2014, 04:35 PM

18th April 2014, 06:28 PM
