View Full Version : What's so Bad About Nazis?

7th April 2014, 03:58 PM

"The question is not rhetorical. Too many people are really, really sure that there's something really bad about being a Nazi, or about being a communist, but they can't actually say WHAT is so bad, and can't even define or describe what those philosophies advocate, or why they are so dangerous."

7th April 2014, 06:54 PM
he only "bad" thing about the Nazis is that they lost the war......they were years more advanced than the rest of the world and the only mistake that they made was fighting to many fronts at the same time, same mistake that we are doing now...............................they lost the war so that they are now the "bad" guys, had they won the war we would be taking vacations on the moon or on Mars.


7th April 2014, 07:10 PM
well after a deep review of the direction the world has embarked upon after WW2, makes nazis look like beginners...

death camps vs polluting earth to death = what is worse?

cannot watch video

8th April 2014, 12:19 AM
well after a deep review of the direction the world has embarked upon after WW2, makes nazis look like beginners...

death camps vs polluting earth to death = what is worse?

cannot watch video
And then there weren't any death camps either. Yes, there were camps where a lot of people died at the end of the war, because the allied bombed German infrastructure into pulp, and thus food medicine etc couldn't reach the camps. Lots of German civilians starved to death as well at the end of war...

8th April 2014, 12:51 AM
Extreme forms of Government control = death

Way its always been, way it will always be.

Why? cause and effect.

No form of government control also = death

Way its always been, way it will always be.

Why? Someone will always seek to enforce extreme control.

Ponce most likely being one of them :)

8th April 2014, 04:53 AM
sure, I am well aware of this - whatever the real cause behind it, way too many people died and more, billions of deaths are in the making if people do not wake up.

I think that as long as people do not start to regard all wars as genocides, history will continue to be manipulated, in the hands of the winners.

But most if not all ideologies involving ruling elites come down to collectivism, and so was nazism... national socialism ??? LOL . Collectivism has nothing to do with Natural Laws but absolute domination. Thats the only way to see if an ideology is worth it

the coercion level is the barometer indicating societies' virtue - or lack thereof .

And then there weren't any death camps either. Yes, there were camps where a lot of people died at the end of the war, because the allied bombed German infrastructure into pulp, and thus food medicine etc couldn't reach the camps. Lots of German civilians starved to death as well at the end of war...

8th April 2014, 06:32 AM

8th April 2014, 08:14 AM
Well Horn, I didn't see the "Nazis" using any nuclear bombs on anyone or invading other countries and killing on a permanent basis as the US is doing.

I could write a lot about what is going with the killing of the Palestinian people but what for?.


8th April 2014, 08:28 AM
Well Horn, I didn't see the "Nazis" using any nuclear bombs on anyone or invading other countries and killing on a permanent basis as the US is doing.

They weren't given enough time to, its when the empire starts to weaken that all competition needs to be removed. Evidence suggests they were already acting as such on their eastern front in Ukraine.

Believing their empire would have been any different than a Soviet or U.S. empire is in my estimation an error.

All empires are Nazi empires.

8th April 2014, 08:58 AM
I think that what's so bad about Nazi's isn't socialism or collectivism or statism or nationalism.....it's Supremacist Authoritarianism. The divine right to rule. The political ideology of a "master race."

8th April 2014, 09:18 AM
The political ideology of a "master race."

Steal all, kill all, burn all. Nazi choice.


8th April 2014, 09:44 AM
Horn? are we any better than them?


8th April 2014, 10:05 AM
Horn? are we any better than them?


Yes, I believe the U.S. Nazi is the most sophisticated nazi on the planet.

8th April 2014, 10:16 AM
I think that what's so bad about Nazi's isn't socialism or collectivism or statism or nationalism.....it's Supremacist Authoritarianism. The divine right to rule. The political ideology of a "master race."
I agree, not much different than Zionism, but Germany had a far better and humane rule in colonial Africa, compared to the English, French and the Belgians. I do think that Germans ruling the world, would be far better than the current Zionist rulers...

8th April 2014, 10:18 AM

8th April 2014, 10:25 AM
We have a Dichotomy.

There are Nazi's, typically used as the primary example of Evil Incarnate.

And then there is WW2 Germany. I admire WW2 Germany.

Paradoxically, WW2 Germany has been portrayed as the model of Evil by the true Devil/ Talmud worshippers, the Jews and their Shabbas Goyim lackeys.

8th April 2014, 10:34 AM
And then there is WW2 Germany. I admire WW2 Germany.

How is it possible to admire a dictatorship, and have any semblance towards free thought?

That would be individual Dichotomy.

Truth is, if people enjoyed living under Hitler's boot so much, they would've continued to do so.

8th April 2014, 10:50 AM
How is it possible to admire a dictatorship, and have any semblance towards free thought?
You could have free thought in a dictatorship too, just as you can have suppression of free thought in a democracy.

8th April 2014, 11:28 AM
You could have free thought in a dictatorship too, just as you can have suppression of free thought in a democracy.

They wouldn't be democracies or dictatorships, if that were the case.

Listen to me, Neuro. :)

8th April 2014, 11:33 AM
They wouldn't be democracies or dictatorships, if that were the case.

Listen to me, Neuro. :)
Aha, the true Scotsman fallacy... :)

8th April 2014, 11:43 AM
NAZIs created 'bamacare.

8th April 2014, 11:46 AM
Aha, the true Scotsman fallacy... :)

We were talking about admiration here.

I will tell that I am able to shoot lightning bolts out of my arse, so the rest of your time will be spent wondering exactly how I do that.

The republic is the only system that should gain admiration of the evolved.

Hatha Sunahara
8th April 2014, 11:50 AM
Larken Rose needs to address at least one other question: Why do the wealthy people always support a collectivist demagogue? Why did Hitler tell the big German corporations to ignore his rhetoric to the people? Why did Wall Street finance Lenin's hijacking of the Russian revolution to install a communist government in Russia? The collectivist demagogues don't succeed in their quest for power unless they are backed by the wealthy elites. Larken Rose seems to be working under the impression that these demagogues only need the adoration and support of the masses. Hitler had to do some voting fraud to win an election in Germany. Stalin is famous for saying that it's the people who count the vote that matter, not the voters. These demagogues don't stay in power unless the wealthy elite want them to stay in power. Why is that Mr. Larken Rose?

It's because the wealthy elite use these collectivist demagogues to enslave the masses. And the appearance is that the masses love them for it. The collectivist demagogues have all been puppets of the real evil forces on the planet--the usurers who own all the wealth. I applaud Larken Rose for trying to educate the masses, but he's offering a limited education--against government. I doubt however that he understands the mechanisms that effectively control the masses--money and social engineering. When he uses the Rothschilds and Hitler, or Wall Street and the Bolsheviks in the same sentence, I think he will be offering a higher education on collectivist demagogues. Right now he is more interested in selling anarchism than in giving people a real education.


8th April 2014, 11:58 AM
I will tell that I am able to shoot lightning bolts out of my arse, so the rest of your time will be spent wondering exactly how I do that.

Actually most of the time I wonder what you actually mean... :)

8th April 2014, 12:11 PM
Actually most of the time I wonder what you actually mean... :)

I can see that you are a gluten for dictatorial punishment.

Perhaps we should digress into your only true success, the empowerment of English and setting up the state of Israel.

8th April 2014, 12:17 PM
Larken Rose needs to address at least one other question: Why do the wealthy people always support a collectivist demagogue? Why did Hitler tell the big German corporations to ignore his rhetoric to the people? Why did Wall Street finance Lenin's hijacking of the Russian revolution to install a communist government in Russia? The collectivist demagogues don't succeed in their quest for power unless they are backed by the wealthy elites. Larken Rose seems to be working under the impression that these demagogues only need the adoration and support of the masses. Hitler had to do some voting fraud to win an election in Germany. Stalin is famous for saying that it's the people who count the vote that matter, not the voters. These demagogues don't stay in power unless the wealthy elite want them to stay in power. Why is that Mr. Larken Rose?

It's because the wealthy elite use these collectivist demagogues to enslave the masses. And the appearance is that the masses love them for it. The collectivist demagogues have all been puppets of the real evil forces on the planet--the usurers who own all the wealth. I applaud Larken Rose for trying to educate the masses, but he's offering a limited education--against government. I doubt however that he understands the mechanisms that effectively control the masses--money and social engineering. When he uses the Rothschilds and Hitler, or Wall Street and the Bolsheviks in the same sentence, I think he will be offering a higher education on collectivist demagogues. Right now he is more interested in selling anarchism than in giving people a real education.


What concerns me about this recent media push for "anarchism" is that it smells just like the "deregulation" push by the "libertarian" neocons of the latter 20th century,
as well as the slogan of, "government should be run by successful business men" (Multinational Corporate Tycoons) which preceded deregulation. We can see where that got us.

In other words, political jargon such as "anarchism" always sounds good and righteous, but never really lives up to anything but its diametric opposite.

8th April 2014, 12:24 PM
What concerns me about this recent media push for "anarchism" is that it smells just like the "deregulation" push by the "libertarian" neocons of the latter 20th century

If working it would place blame squarely on the local jurisdictions to produce gold out of mudcakes.

The detached central head would still remain to settle disputes, like a floating eye above a pyramid.

I believe, that is the brand of "anarchy" that will evolve out of this initial offering.

8th April 2014, 12:55 PM
What concerns me about this recent media push for "anarchism" is that it smells just like the "deregulation" push by the "libertarian" neocons of the latter 20th century,
as well as the slogan of, "government should be run by successful business men" (Multinational Corporate Tycoons) which preceded deregulation. We can see where that got us.

In other words, political jargon such as "anarchism" always sounds good and righteous, but never really lives up to anything but its diametric opposite.
That is a great insight! And you are probably correct in your analysis.

Hatha Sunahara
8th April 2014, 01:24 PM
What concerns me about this recent media push for "anarchism" is that it smells just like the "deregulation" push by the "libertarian" neocons of the latter 20th century,
as well as the slogan of, "government should be run by successful business men" (Multinational Corporate Tycoons) which preceded deregulation. We can see where that got us.

In other words, political jargon such as "anarchism" always sounds good and righteous, but never really lives up to anything but its diametric opposite.

I think anarchism is a great and noble ideal that can be hijacked by people who understand the masses better than the anarchists do. Through an intensive and prolonged process of conditioning, the masses have been social engineered into a gigantic flock of sheep. They have to be led around and told what to do, and they expect that from their 'leaders'. The media fills that need. The push for 'anarchism' is an attempt to round up all the non-sheep--the 'thinking herd' who admire 'successful' people. Problem is, that success can only be had if it is handed to you by the owners of everything. There is no way, in this system, that you can be independently successful. That would explain why our leaders are all puppets. Even Hitler, Stalin, Mao and the other collectivist demagogues were puppets of the owners of everything. There is even a place in this system for 'anarchists' so long as they conform and obey. Kinda ironic, isn't it?


8th April 2014, 01:36 PM
Horn? if you could... " shoot lightning bolts out of your arse"......I would have a great admiration for you......but instead........you shoot crap out of your mouth.......oh well........no one is perfect.


8th April 2014, 01:46 PM
Horn? if you could... " shoot lightning bolts out of your arse"......I would have a great admiration for you......but instead........you shoot crap out of your mouth.......oh well........no one is perfect.


Oh go on, Ponce.

We've already heard your plans for the perfect off the grid co-op complete with hierarchy uniformed gentlemen with special right... You've stated yourself you'd turn into Hitler given the opportunity. Complete with plans for a special remote state for jews to be sent to.

Silver Island police state who'd a thunk it? <- lightning bolts from the arse!

Hatha Sunahara
8th April 2014, 02:34 PM
Larken Rose gives an excellent demonstration of the essence of collectivism. In his video, we see this quote:

We need to stop worrying about the rights of the individual and start worrying about what is best for society.

Hillary Clinton

I would suggest to Hillary that 'respect for the rights of the individual is precisely what is best for society.' If you do not do that, no individual in his right mind would want to be a part of that society. And there would be no society. Only a pretense of it.


8th April 2014, 02:38 PM
... there would be no society. Only a pretense of it.

Eggs must be opened from
1) the small end
2) the large end
3) the middle

We will protect the right of the individual to make the right choice that we choose for him.

8th April 2014, 03:37 PM
I think that what's so bad about Nazi's isn't socialism or collectivism or statism or nationalism.....it's Supremacist Authoritarianism. The divine right to rule. The political ideology of a "master race."

Santa it appears you (and Hatha) are the only people who actually watched the video. Let me ask you this:

Is it more of a problem that there are a small amount of Evil people who think they are some 'Master Race', or is the real problem the millions upon millions of good natured well meaning individuals who throw away their own free will and conscience; while they do things they know are wrong; because they IMAGINE a moral obligation to obey 'Authority'?

8th April 2014, 03:42 PM
Larken Rose needs to address at least one other question: Why do the wealthy people always support a collectivist demagogue? Why did Hitler tell the big German corporations to ignore his rhetoric to the people? Why did Wall Street finance Lenin's hijacking of the Russian revolution to install a communist government in Russia? The collectivist demagogues don't succeed in their quest for power unless they are backed by the wealthy elites. Larken Rose seems to be working under the impression that these demagogues only need the adoration and support of the masses. Hitler had to do some voting fraud to win an election in Germany. Stalin is famous for saying that it's the people who count the vote that matter, not the voters. These demagogues don't stay in power unless the wealthy elite want them to stay in power. Why is that Mr. Larken Rose?

Hitler and Stalin were democratically elected by their own people because they promised to 'fix' the problems. It wasnt until after they were elected, that the masses got to see just how they were going to fix it. Then they try and vote them out, then the voting fraud comes into play.

It's because the wealthy elite use these collectivist demagogues to enslave the masses. And the appearance is that the masses love them for it. The collectivist demagogues have all been puppets of the real evil forces on the planet--the usurers who own all the wealth. I applaud Larken Rose for trying to educate the masses, but he's offering a limited education--against government. I doubt however that he understands the mechanisms that effectively control the masses--money and social engineering. When he uses the Rothschilds and Hitler, or Wall Street and the Bolsheviks in the same sentence, I think he will be offering a higher education on collectivist demagogues. Right now he is more interested in selling anarchism than in giving people a real education.[/quote]

I dont see how using a name to connect the dots has any merit whatsover when we are discussing morality. How did the Rothschilds make all of their money they used to fund the Evil regimes?

Larken is hacking at the root, not some little insignificant branch.


8th April 2014, 04:03 PM
Santa it appears you (and Hatha) are the only people who actually watched the video. Let me ask you this:

Careful with your answers guys, if it doesn't line up exactly with the zero sum game of applying anarchy ideologies.

You may also get asked to stop replying to threads.

8th April 2014, 05:12 PM
Santa it appears you (and Hatha) are the only people who actually watched the video. Let me ask you this:

Is it more of a problem that there are a small amount of Evil people who think they are some 'Master Race', or is the real problem the millions upon millions of good natured well meaning individuals who throw away their own free will and conscience; while they do things they know are wrong; because they IMAGINE a moral obligation to obey 'Authority'?

To date, no one has ever solved either of those problems. Not even a great flood was able to wash those problems away.

8th April 2014, 05:25 PM
To date, no one has ever solved either of those problems. Not even a great flood was able to wash those problems away.Well said, and cuts to the chase.

8th April 2014, 05:27 PM
Oh go on, Ponce.

We've already heard your plans for the perfect off the grid co-op complete with hierarchy uniformed gentlemen with special right... You've stated yourself you'd turn into Hitler given the opportunity. Complete with plans for a special remote state for jews to be sent to.

Silver Island police state who'd a thunk it? <- lightning bolts from the arse!

Hahahahah, remember that my middle initial is R E L T I H , can it get any better than that?


8th April 2014, 06:00 PM
Hahahahah, remember that my middle initial is R E L T I H , can it get any better than that?


Now tell us the real reason you left Cuba,

because if it was going down that way you wanted to be in charge, not some other guy.

You and Neuro would probably make great running candidates in the all fascist Italian primaries.

8th April 2014, 06:07 PM
Now tell us the real reason you left Cuba,

because if it was going down that way you wanted to be in charge, not some other guy.

You and Neuro would probably make great running candidates in the all fascist Italian primaries.



8th April 2014, 07:52 PM
Well, something that I don't mind saying now.......I was really born here in the states on April 2 where my dad was going to Georgia Tech...however, he didn't wanted me to be a gringo, soooooooo he took me to Cuba where he told them that I was born on June 2......and that's why I have two birthdays...............didn't do him any good because my mom was a Georgia peach.......Irish-American...... Ponce<----------25% Gringo.

And the name of Reltih?..... from a German Capt., sent to Cuba by the Nazi propaganda minester, and was a great friend of my grand father....for "Just in case Herr Hitler takes over the world"...............this Capt. later on, I believe that it was in 1944, became a Col. and known as "The Conductor".....I don't know why that name.

As far as "leaving" Cuba?......all my life I have been traveling back and forward........twice I did try to go back but because of my job with the US government Castro didn't let me because I was "To Americanise".......I don't blame him.........I could say a lot more about some of the old US government people and what they did and about what I did....but,
I am not ready to die yet hahahahahahaha.


8th April 2014, 07:56 PM
Well, something that I don't mind saying now.......I was really born here in the states on April 2 where my dad was going to Georgia Tech...however, he didn't wanted me to be a gringo, soooooooo he took me to Cuba where he told them that I was born on June 2......and that's why I have two birthdays...............didn't do him any good because my mom was a Georgia peach.......Irish-American...... Ponce<----------25% Gringo.

And the name of Reltih?..... from a German Capt. send to Cuba by the propaganda minester and was a great friend of my grand father....for "Just in case Herr Hitler takes over the world"...............this Capt. later on, I believe that it was in 1944, became a Col. and known as "The Conductor".....I don't know why that name.

As far as "leaving" Cuba?......all my life I have been traveling back and forward........twice I did try to go back but because of my job with the US government Castro didn't let me because I was "To Americanise".......I don't blame him.........I could say a lot more about some of the old US government people and what they did and about what I did....but,
I am not ready to die yet hahahahahahaha.


Keep up the fight my Puerto Rican friend, do not pay any attention to these puntas..


8th April 2014, 07:59 PM
And the name of Reltih?..... from a German Capt., sent to Cuba by the Nazi propaganda minester, and was a great friend of my grand father....for "Just in case Herr Hitler takes over the world"...............this Capt. later on, I believe that it was in 1944, became a Col. and known as "The Conductor".....I don't know why that name.

Ponce for U.S. President,

He has a fascist baby feet prints, but we still love him! :)

9th April 2014, 10:23 AM
Careful with your answers guys, if it doesn't line up exactly with the zero sum game of applying anarchy ideologies.

You may also get asked to stop replying to threads.

I have never asked you to stop replying to my threads. I asked you to STOP TROLLING THEM.

Do you know the difference?

Horn you have threads that i think are totally worthless and idiotic, yet you dont see me posting in them. Why do you think that is?

I think its fuuny to because i see your posts in many threads and you sound like a total anarchist, until another anarchist tries to call you one. I can go back 6 months and see where you have totally changed your tune, yet your just to scared to admit it. LOL

Its ok, your not the only one around here whoi is changing their perspective. Dont fight it, its just natural law rearing its truthful head.

9th April 2014, 11:50 AM
he only "bad" thing about the Nazis is that they lost the war......they were years more advanced than the rest of the world and the only mistake that they made was fighting to many fronts at the same time, same mistake that we are doing now...............................they lost the war so that they are now the "bad" guys, had they won the war we would be taking vacations on the moon or on Mars.

They didn't have a choice. GB & France declared war on Germany, not the other way around. Attacking the USSR was a pre-preemptive strike. They weren't planning on going further than Poland.

They learned not to have a two front war during WW1 and tried to avoid it at all costs.

9th April 2014, 11:57 AM
I have never asked you to stop replying to my threads. I asked you to STOP TROLLING THEM.

Constitutionalism, is by all appearances very close to anarchy in this day and age. This particular thread title is asking a question about Nazis, which I also oppose as against the spirit of the constitution. Or probes the same area.

My discussing with you the setbacks or fleetness with which your brand of anarchy could have presence could be viewed and discussed differently, , but as with all discussions they take a life of their own based on replies. Absolute and pure fantasy will most often be met with ridicule, how the ridicule is handled in response, or if fantasy could be more realized would also change its direction.

Your typical anarchy thread ends unresolved in most cases, because it (anarchy) is unresolved.

9th April 2014, 12:32 PM
Her Hitler didn't invaded Russia because of the people but because of the Zionist, wanna be Jews, who were controlling the government and getting ready to invade Germany......there is a lot more to this.


9th April 2014, 01:03 PM
there are different ways to say the same thing. A master race will do everything to crush those that are deemed aliens to its ideology.

the coercion level is the barometer indicating societies' virtue - or lack thereof .

The divine right to rule. The political ideology of a "master race."

9th April 2014, 01:08 PM
problems will keep coming up as nothing can be resolved in the Great Scheme Of All Things, there will always be a dot of ignorance or/and fear lurking that make us go in the wrong direction.... issues only morph and evade us as soon as we try to contain them... just like happiness which stops as soon as we wish it to continue. Everything is elusive and we'd better get use to this ASAP, because thats how the NWO keeps enchained to the promise of materialism, hence this prison that is so vast that its bars are invisible.

that only makes the case for volunatryism... there are no rules, all are meant to be broken depending on the circumstances.

Your typical anarchy thread ends unresolved in most cases, because it (anarchy) is unresolved.

9th April 2014, 01:13 PM
problems will keep coming up as nothing can be resolved in the Great Scheme Of All Things, there will always be a dot of ignorance or/and fear lurking that make us go in the wrong direction.... issues only morph and evade us as soon as we try to contain them... just like happiness which stops as soon as we wish it to continue.

that only makes the case for volunatryismLiving and life is in general, is putting up with ton's of crap, with brief moments of happiness sprinkled between. Happiness is elusive for any long run, best to enjoy when it is there, because something is/will shit on your parade sooner than later!


9th April 2014, 01:30 PM
that only makes the case for volunatryism... there are no rules, all are meant to be broken depending on the circumstances.

Spaces between us again... say if we were to string a tight rope between you and me made workable for our future thoroughfare. The tightrope has specific load bearing properties, and installation specifications as law. Yes, it will get old and weak eventually, while each of us get fatter and strain its limits then our maintenance required.

Voluntaryism is me stringing a thread out there and hoping you're skinny enough to make it. lol!

9th April 2014, 02:13 PM
They killed 6 million jews, what else is there?

9th April 2014, 02:32 PM
because of the elusiveness of everything, those who live in the **now** are the least disappointed in life... and it is a Buddhist tenet. Elites would vanish if we didnt try to finance our future by whatever means - but they know better, hence hold us with the carrot and the stick... it is a total illusion that is sold for/by the PTBs

EDIT: every day I shake my head in disbelief, that it actually is an illusion (with real side effects, see the Mind is over Matter duality here) that is destroying mankind and earth

Living and life is in general, is putting up with ton's of crap, with brief moments of happiness sprinkled between. Happiness is elusive for any long run, best to enjoy when it is there, because something is/will shit on your parade sooner than later!


9th April 2014, 02:35 PM
because of the elusiveness of everything, those who live in the now are the least disappointed in life... and it is a Buddhist tenet.
Will agree with you on this one!

But still hold to living and life in general!

From my personal viewpoint, which is not necessarily the same for others.


9th April 2014, 03:54 PM
Horn, I think we agree more than we defer, it just is that i thrown in the **mind over matter component** into anything I say... :)

Spaces between us again... say if we were to string a tight rope between you and me made workable for our future thoroughfare. The tightrope has specific load bearing properties, and installation specifications as law. Yes, it will get old and weak eventually, while each of us get fatter and strain its limits then our maintenance required.

Voluntaryism is me stringing a thread out there and hoping you're skinny enough to make it. lol!

9th April 2014, 04:16 PM
They killed 6 million jews, what else is there?

Can you prove it? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......even at this one camp where the original number was 3.7 then 2.6 then 1.4 and then they stopped posting the lower numbers.......or the diary written by this girl that at the end "she" used a ball point pen when there was no such a pen in the market...or the "gas chambers" when no such chambers were found but for the ones build the Russians in 1947.
And go back in time and you will see that the number of 6'000,000 is a holy number for those people that they use more than once. But, why go on? to much evidence about the so called SIX MILIONS.


9th April 2014, 04:29 PM
Horn, I think we agree more than we defer, it just is that i thrown in the **mind over matter component** into anything I say... :)

Maybe Hitler was just acting crazy?


10th April 2014, 05:50 AM
advance to 7:00 to skip fat boweey's useless intro,



10th April 2014, 05:59 AM
Constitutionalism, is by all appearances very close to anarchy in this day and age. This particular thread title is asking a question about Nazis, which I also oppose as against the spirit of the constitution.

Can you articulate to me the moral principle which separates the Nazi's and the Constitution?

7th trump
10th April 2014, 07:05 AM
Can you articulate to me the moral principle which separates the Nazi's and the Constitution?

Easy....and I'm surprised you cant see it.

The Constitution is a document that ensures "individual" freedoms if socialism is embraced at the same time.
The Nazi's were national socialists.
Socialism is just that........rules and regulations pertaining to people in groups while "individualism" isnt rules and regs of any groups, but the individual himself.

10th April 2014, 08:19 AM
Easy....and I'm surprised you cant see it. The Constitution is a document that ensures "individual" freedoms if socialism is embraced at the same time. The Nazi's were national socialists. Socialism is just that........rules and regulations pertaining to people in groups while "individualism" isnt rules and regs of any groups, but the individual himself.

The Constitution is a document that designates the type and form of our government and enumerates the powers. The BILL OF RIGHTS is a document that protects individual and states rights

Sent from my iPad using Forum Runner

10th April 2014, 08:21 AM
Can you articulate to me the moral principle which separates the Nazi's and the Constitution?

Constitutionalism should separate the powers of governance to check each other, while ensuring individual liberty.

The Nazi ideal seeks to unify powers of governance, the individual is a cog in a machine to that end.

Hatha Sunahara
10th April 2014, 08:52 AM
Easy....and I'm surprised you cant see it.

The Constitution is a document that ensures "individual" freedoms if socialism is embraced at the same time.
The Nazi's were national socialists.
Socialism is just that........rules and regulations pertaining to people in groups while "individualism" isnt rules and regs of any groups, but the individual himself.

The constitution sets up a government that guarantees individual rights, while the Nazis used the German government to enforce their collectivist basis for government. The collectivists in the United States, like Hillary Clinton have trashed the Constitution.

I think however that isn't what IOwndMe was looking for. He's looking for a rationale for having any kind of government at all, while this explanation describes the differences between two types of government. From this perspective, the differences between the Nazi government and constitutional US government are miniscule, if not relevant at all.


10th April 2014, 08:56 AM
Pain makes a distinction between society and government which he writes are often confused.

Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.


10th April 2014, 03:44 PM
Constitutionalism should separate the powers of governance to check each other, while ensuring individual liberty.

The Nazi ideal seeks to unify powers of governance, the individual is a cog in a machine to that end.

I dont see a clear distinction in the moral principles of either of these 'Republics' in your reply.

This was a trick question, and more than a few members actually thought there was an answer to it: And that that answer was 'their' team was better. LOL

You seem to be telling me what each one was supposed to be. Im more interested in the moral principles behind each of the ideologies. I think you will find, just as Hatha has pointed out, that when using morals as a guide, there is absolutely NO difference between the two.

Why dont you ask a black man how well his 'individual liberties' were protected under the CONstitution? Or ask a homosexual how well their 'individual liberties' were protected under the Nazi regime. How about we ask a Native American about his 'individual liberties' while he was defending his own property from the invading foreigners?

Do 'individual liberties' exist or not? Are they arbitrary? Do you think you have some rights that others dont because they live behind a different IMAGINARY border than you?

The 'Founders' claimed 'individual liberties' existed while they simultaneously owned slaves. (people locked in cages)

'Governments' ALWAYS have to have a 'bad guy' to point to in order for the other slaves to feel like they are good and noble and on the winning team.

10th April 2014, 04:01 PM
I dont see a clear distinction in the moral principles of either of these 'Republics' in your reply.

If you can't see the difference between an individual's liberty , and an individual being a cog in a machine.

Then there is nothing more these boards or thread discussions can do for you, as you're oblivious to society's necessity for governance.

10th April 2014, 05:12 PM
Jesus H. Ponce........you guys are wayyyyyyyyy out of my league.......I think in simple terms, it is either good for myself and everyone else or is bad for everyone................once you start adding this and that to the equation then what is is no longer what is but what you want it to be, or try to make it be.


10th April 2014, 05:32 PM
Ponce sees a thousand points of light, and they all have his same middle name. :)

10th April 2014, 06:29 PM
Well, as I see it I have no "formal" education...formal being the key word meaning that you know what you have being shown and not what you should have learn on your own.......and to learn their way only means a diploma and a hell of a learning bill.

I'd rather have no education and be intelligent than to be educated and stupid........


10th April 2014, 06:41 PM
should separate the powers of governance to check each other?

what I dont like in the sentence "checking each other", it is corruptible.


Constitutionalism should separate the powers of governance to check each other, while ensuring individual liberty.

The Nazi ideal seeks to unify powers of governance, the individual is a cog in a machine to that end.

10th April 2014, 07:16 PM
Well, as I see it I have no "formal" education...formal being the key word meaning that you know what you have being shown and not what you should have learn on your own.......and to learn their way only means a diploma and a hell of a learning bill.

I'd rather have no education and be intelligent than to be educated and stupid........


I'll bet you voted for Bush


10th April 2014, 08:22 PM
U.S.A. Boston Nazis


10th April 2014, 09:03 PM
True knowledge is not what you know but rather what you do with what you know.....you can only know 10% of something and use 9% or know 100% and only use 7%......who is smarter? .........take Horn, for example.......he, anyway, you already know about him.


10th April 2014, 10:37 PM
The 'Founders' claimed 'individual liberties' existed while they simultaneously owned slaves. (people locked in cages) What they meant was that gentlemen had individual liberties that a king person should not come in and disturb. In WE the PEOPLE you exclude Irish, negroes, women, destitutes, transients, injuns and King George III and the French and Spanish royalty...So that EVERYONE can have individual liberties!

10th April 2014, 11:28 PM
True knowledge is not what you know but rather what you do with what you know.....you can only know 10% of something and use 9% or know 100% and only use 7%......who is smarter? .........take Horn, for example.......he, anyway, you already know about him.


Can the silver island fascist please reword this to be more socially acceptable?

lol! :)

and NO! you couldn't even stay in Poland for 5 years straight, what makes you think you'd be living on Mars?

11th April 2014, 05:01 AM
*I check your back, you check mine* doesnt and cannot work.... eventually "separe powers of governance " will band together: one only needs a 1 bad apple to spoil the whole basket.

Most laws are useless because crimes can only be caught AFTER the fact. Laws are not déterrent, today everybody participates in an unpredecented monetary crime, and 80% are not even aware of it.

The best prevention is to teach kids Trivium and Quatrivium Methods to avoid disfinfo and uncoercive ethics 101. There lies the utopia because if this could be done, voluntaryism would become people's first choice.

So the real issue is not voluntyaryism/anarchy BUT the radical reform of education, which comes first. (edit): It is because people can't fathom this really well that the idea of a gov makes sense to them. Reforming education is scary to many coz they are afraid to lose their cultiural identity. FEAR... while in fact, the real bottom line is that people cant imagine to live without nemeses, which they can blame for their ills - beware of the power of thoughts that make them alive (look at our current global situation). So, if cultures must be the result of such a world paranoia, then lets flush them all into the toilet.... OR lets just learn to live and let live. (end edit)

The issue is really daunting because it will demand to overcome millennia of social (cultural) fragmentation by the PTBs. And this fragmentation is so deeply rooted into the minds that people cannot even imagine a world without ruling powers. Managing/ensuring individual liberties is an oxymoron.

until people realize that utopia (ie: unexperienced model) is the **only** way out, governments will continue their genocides and economic slavery, PMs or not.

government (govern = control / ment = mental/mind)

should separate the powers of governance to check each other?

what I dont like in the sentence "checking each other", it is corruptible.


Constitutionalism should separate the powers of governance to check each other, while ensuring individual liberty.

The Nazi ideal seeks to unify powers of governance, the individual is a cog in a machine to that end.

11th April 2014, 06:04 AM
If you can't see the difference between an individual's liberty , and an individual being a cog in a machine.

Then there is nothing more these boards or thread discussions can do for you, as you're oblivious to society's necessity for governance.

Your right. I am oblivious to the IMAGINED need for a parasitic ruling class to boss me around and steal my money, in order to protect me from some bad guys who may try to boss me around and steal my money.

11th April 2014, 06:15 AM
Your right. I am oblivious to the IMAGINED need for a parasitic ruling class to boss me around and steal my money, in order to protect me from some bad guys who may try to boss me around and steal my money.
Nicely put! Unfortunately most people aren't...

11th April 2014, 08:15 AM
“The government you elect is government you deserve.” T.J.


11th April 2014, 08:47 AM
*I check your back, you check mine* doesnt and cannot work.... eventually "separe powers of governance " will band together: one only needs a 1 bad apple to spoil the whole basket.

"Checking" as in chess, where the object is to capture a king. Separation of powers is the best system offered thus far in the modern gunpowder era to keep a government in check. Yes perhaps it is on a 100 year lease until corruption takes hold, but then again all government is corrupt at its core though still a necessity. The U.S. is and has been a target since its inception from the rest of the known world to corrupt, perhaps why that eventuality has been sped up.

Voluntaryism/Anarchy is a bad apple from the get go as it is unresolved, take for instance the suggestion of Security agency #1 checking Security agency #2 in the obviousness of anarchy video. What exactly prevents #1 from removing #2 all together and setting up its own court?


11th April 2014, 09:05 AM

11th April 2014, 09:44 AM
You have no idea the amount of fascist pricks I have to put up with on a daily basis. Its as if the only way for anyone to operate these days is to control the ball to spin back in their favor, in lieu of enjoying a good game pool while it lasts.

How is it possible not to join them by wearing only black?


11th April 2014, 07:08 PM
nice to talk to you in full circle, horn

11th April 2014, 08:37 PM
advance to 7:00 to skip fat boweey's useless intro,



Oh Bolony!

"the germans never once rebelled against Hitler"

as if they ever would've been given a choice to while everyone is working and carrying around bars on their lapel.

What we are dealing with today is a commune style democracy for the people, and fascist/nazi style corporate executive order enforcement. Hitler provided the example for all modern day political machine psychotic heads.

12th April 2014, 02:46 AM
Yes perhaps it is on a 100 year lease until corruption takes hold, but then again all government is corrupt at its core though still a necessity.

ps: not replying to Horn, just a statement that throws me off.

thats why we got into this world mess and that govs, banks and corporations have become the monsters they are, because people can't seem to find a way to handle the 'necessary evil" and are brainwashed into believing that money/consumerism lead to happiness. By accepting so much necessary evil, humans become fearful and xenophobic, they lose trust in the human nature, hence think they need MORE government to protect them from... what as ignorance makes threats of all kinds just grow bigger? There lies the false logic/justification of any government.

it all starts in elementary schools. And when/once this is fixed... maybe chickens will have teeth when that happens, right. It all starts with at cells' level. If the cells do not get proper encoding, atoms cannot function properly. Governments are like allopathy, they only address the symptoms. And now the whole planet is cancerous.

But saying that we need a "life managers, rulers" is like placing the cart before the horse. This is an impass.. Either we decide to unlearn and address the core issue: education... or we'll go extinct, and we can trust the NWO to help us with that.

The NWO is the mere materialization of our avoidance to UNlearn, a fear of losing our cherished délusions, hence empowers govs as a solution. This is the drama of our own making... and we'd better resolve this equation/illusion very fast now.

the govs argument can only be sustained when masses are being dumbed down. Once people begin to see through the fog of disinfo, one thing they dont want is being told what to do with their lives.

12th April 2014, 03:33 AM
The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2014.04.11

http://www.barnesreview.org/images/HitlersRevolution.jpg (http://www.barnesreview.org/images/HitlersRevolution.jpg)

Investigating Hitler’s Revolution

Author Richard Tedor joins Kyle to discuss Hitler’s Revolution (http://www.amazon.com/Hitlers-revolution-Richard-Tedor/dp/0988368226/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8), a fascinating book that details the Third Reich’s ideology, social programs, and foreign affairs. Of particular interest tonight will be the treasonous activities of some of the military’s top brass.

^mp3 2h 48m

12th April 2014, 09:57 AM
ps: not replying to Horn, just a statement that throws me off...

But saying that we need a "life managers, rulers" is like placing the cart before the horse.

Society needs managers, we as people don't. School is probably the wrong place to learn children about the necessary evil of government.

Its probably cellular as you mention and should be learn by parental example. Of course there are parents who are doormats to society and they are mostly the ones governance is there to protect, so you're only going to so far there. A child rebelling against society will be hard pressed to be viewed as a positive, when it should be.

I believe much of it has to do with privacy rights, some societies do this well, but then again also go too deep in the public realm in response.

Germans are much like that by nature, seeking to create a perfectly presentable engine, society being anything but..

12th April 2014, 01:00 PM
Investigating Hitler’s Revolution

Empire Reich.

Real profits were seen by the people, so to also by the government. And where were they vested, as is was typical for any European entity in empire colonialism. Fact is any wildly successful government will most always result in expansionary tactics to feed enforcing its will.

Again Hitler's revolution was most successful inevitably of providing the resultant example of how to make your patriotic jackboots feel apart of something larger in expansionary right while treading gingerly on the heads of the rest of the populace.

He taught every modern day politician how to whip his subjects into a fleeting froth of national nonsense. Fascistic trains can only seek every port, they aren't happy running only encircle. The stupidity of Hitler is that he made government a well oil machine, a necessary evil made flesh.

25th August 2016, 10:11 AM
was looking for a thread and ran into an old one that I thought deserves a bump...

once upon a time, this forum was a lot more diversified.

25th August 2016, 12:10 PM
Today we would have order an would be on Mars......his bigger crime was to loose the war.....he fought in to many fronts at the same time.


25th August 2016, 07:03 PM
Today we would have order an would be on Mars......his bigger crime was to loose the war.....he fought in to many fronts at the same time.


Im reaching for something to relate there Ponce, Lets have a war for order on all fronts?

dont think that sounds too orderly a plan.

a firm believer here that dictatorship in action is the quickest route to failure

28th August 2016, 10:27 AM
yeah, the world will be a much better place when "some races aka useless eaters" will have been genocided completely... err = 75-80% of world population. I am sure a majority of chinese too dream of getting rid of many races.

Most people have no idea that it is precisely the same mental construct that legitimized the masonic zionist NWO and their order followers.

Zbigniew Brzezinski It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control them



29th August 2016, 12:42 AM
was looking for a thread and ran into an old one that I thought deserves a bump...

once upon a time, this forum was a lot more diversified.
So what's so bad about Nazi's?

29th August 2016, 10:09 AM
So what's so bad about Nazi's?

They're disorderly

29th August 2016, 10:28 AM
They're disjewworldorderlyYou are correct, but what is bad about that?

30th August 2016, 10:12 AM
You are correct, but what is bad about that?

Only an aetheist Zionist syth would place nation before God and independence. :)

30th August 2016, 11:49 AM
So what's so bad about Nazi's?

lets see: necessity to save my ideas, political orientation, hence must have a system enforcing all that?


the problem is that all man's made laws are deeply flawed. The problem is that even God's Natural Laws cannot even be enforced since it depends on a personal realization, but one thing is certain, coercion/force deters from the latter

30th August 2016, 01:20 PM
Only an aetheist Zionist syth would place nation before God and independence. :)

No they (atheist Zionist syths) are against nation states, they are the Jew World Order.

30th August 2016, 01:29 PM
lets see: necessity to save my ideas, political orientation, hence must have a system enforcing all that?


the problem is that all man's made laws are deeply flawed. The problem is that even God's Natural Laws cannot even be enforced since it depends on a personal realization, but one thing is certain, coercion/force deters from the latter

What Euripides said is true. That is why the Jews control media (public opinion) money creation and the judicial system (prosecution). So people are their slaves. So why are Nazi's so bad?

30th August 2016, 02:08 PM
No they (atheist Zionist syths) are against nation states, they are the Jew World Order.

fo sure and u were offspring of Aunt Jemima.

30th August 2016, 02:22 PM
'Governments' ALWAYS have to have a 'bad guy' to point to in order for the other slaves to feel like they are good and noble and on the winning team.


The current designated "bad guy" is Pepe.

30th August 2016, 03:04 PM

The current designated "bad guy" is Pepe.

Unser deutschen Frösche, Sieg Heil!