View Full Version : You might be seeing this on a 15-second delay

9th April 2014, 02:42 AM
I thought this was a very interesting topic. I'm convinced from my own experiences that there are things that surround us that we can't quite detect or bring into our vision. Not a good description so lets call it ethereal. They're just glimpses, wisps, corner of your eye things that you sort of disregard because they "are not really there".

This might explain it to some regard. We filter it out to stop ourselves getting nauseous like a motion sickness kind of thing. 15 seconds is a long time though. Perhaps this time varies person to person.

You might be seeing this on a 15-second delay: study

Our eyes are continuously bombarded by visual information - millions of colours, shapes and ever-changing motion - yet seeing never feels like work.
Researchers have discovered one reason: Our brains perform automatic visual smoothing over time. A new study has found that our visual perception of things is influenced by what we saw up to 15 seconds ago. This helps create a stable environment, despite sacrificing some accuracy.

It also means that what you see around you - that cup of coffee, the face of your co-worker, your computer screen - may be a time-averaged composite of now and the past.

"What you are seeing at the present moment is not a fresh snapshot of the world but rather an average of what you've seen in the past 10 to 15 seconds," said study author Jason Fischer, a neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He showed subjects an image of a black-and-white grating tilted at a random angle for half a second, then asked them to identify the orientation of the grating they just saw. Then a few seconds later, another grating popped up, and they were to identify its angle.

If the subjects saw the gratings completely accurately, their answers would have no dependence on past gratings, since the orientations were random. Instead, their answers showed a strong influence from the angles they saw previously, even up to 15 seconds earlier.

For instance, if the first grating was tilted to the left and the second was vertical, the subject saw the vertical grating as slanted toward the left. The study was published online March 30 in Nature Neuroscience.
Fischer, who did the work as a doctoral student in the lab of visual scientist David Whitney, calls this filter a continuity field. For a real-world example of the phenomenon, think of a road sign on a rainy day. Despite the motion of hundreds of raindrops - and your retinas being flooded with visual fluctuations - you don't have to struggle too hard to read the sign. Your visual system is averaging over what is effectively noise.

"The changes that continuity fields cause us to miss are most often unimportant," Fischer said.
Despite sometimes fooling our eyes, as seen in the study, overall the filter seems to be an advantageous mechanism. Without it, our world would be jittery and overwhelming.

"This is the brain's way of reducing the number of things we have to deal with in the visual environment," said psychologist Aaron Johnson of Concordia University in Montreal, who was not involved in the study. "If we were sensitive to every little change, our brains probably couldn't cope."

Fischer and Whitney also found that the filter seems to come into play only when we need it. Attention matters - past images had an influence if the subjects were paying attention to them, but not if the images or objects were peripheral or in a radically different location. And predictably, the influence of older images lessened the more time passed.

There's more here (http://www.theage.com.au/technology/sci-tech/you-might-be-seeing-this-on-a-15second-delay-study-20140406-zqrfp.html)

I wonder what it would be like if we didn't filter it at all.

9th April 2014, 03:50 AM
I wonder what it would be like if we didn't filter it at all.

Its called GSUS........

9th April 2014, 03:53 AM
Thank goodness for GSUS.

Half Sense
9th April 2014, 07:08 AM
My wife sees all manner of things that I can rarely see - orbs, lights, etc. Occasionally they are strong enough for me to get a glimpse also. When she does see something, she grabs her camera and starts snapping, and almost invariably captures something. We have thousands of pics of orbs of different colors and sizes, and some very strange videos with sights and sounds captured that we did not see or hear at the time the video was taken. Several incidents happened at the time of our cat's death a few years ago. We also have a "portal" of some kind in the house, with increased activity there, our other cat often fighting some entity there, and we sometimes hear things pop through from another dimension.

This is all real. I'm a skeptical SOB but the evidence is overwhelming. My wife fears these things a lot more than I do, because she's been physically visited and even attacked. My interest is scholarly and possibly spiritual. My overall feeling is that we are being threatened in some way, but also protected in some way. My wife feels her maternal grandmother is always close and may be a protector.

9th April 2014, 07:24 AM
Its called GSUS........


Right on!

9th April 2014, 07:45 AM
I wonder what it would be like if we didn't filter it at all.

There are studies which suggest that classic psychedelics (mescaline, psilocybin, etc) do part of their work by limiting the brain's ability to filter what we see, the result either being "hallucinations" or you're actually seeing things that your eyes and brain otherwise would filter out. The reasoning goes that without this ability to filter out extraneous information, we would be constantly overloaded with stimuli that it would be difficult to concentrate or focus on any one thing. I can't speak from experience but I am intrigued by the studies.

9th April 2014, 07:54 AM
There are studies which suggest that classic psychedelics (mescaline, psilocybin, etc) do part of their work by limiting the brain's ability to filter what we see, the result either being "hallucinations" or you're actually seeing things that your eyes and brain otherwise would filter out. The reasoning goes that without this ability to filter out extraneous information, we would be constantly overloaded with stimuli that it would be difficult to concentrate or focus on any one thing. I can't speak from experience but I am intrigued by the studies. I think there is much truth in what you said. Have enjoyed the fruit that mother nature provides to open our minds up. Both taste horrible but without any doubt in my mind mescaline is the best to open the mind to reality as it is and not what we are conditioned to see. The other favorite from the past was psilocybin mushrooms or also known as silly-cybin. Mescaline was first choice when available, always a religious or dam near one trip. The Indians are right.

If the set and setting is right.

9th April 2014, 08:09 AM
There's more here (http://www.theage.com.au/technology/sci-tech/you-might-be-seeing-this-on-a-15second-delay-study-20140406-zqrfp.html)

I wonder what it would be like if we didn't filter it at all.

We would cry like babies.

9th April 2014, 12:29 PM
My wife sees all manner of things that I can rarely see - orbs, lights, etc. Occasionally they are strong enough for me to get a glimpse also. When she does see something, she grabs her camera and starts snapping, and almost invariably captures something. We have thousands of pics of orbs of different colors and sizes, and some very strange videos with sights and sounds captured that we did not see or hear at the time the video was taken. Several incidents happened at the time of our cat's death a few years ago. We also have a "portal" of some kind in the house, with increased activity there, our other cat often fighting some entity there, and we sometimes hear things pop through from another dimension.

This is all real. I'm a skeptical SOB but the evidence is overwhelming. My wife fears these things a lot more than I do, because she's been physically visited and even attacked. My interest is scholarly and possibly spiritual. My overall feeling is that we are being threatened in some way, but also protected in some way. My wife feels her maternal grandmother is always close and may be a protector.

thank you for sharing this. I know where your wife is coming from. I have said before that I don't have dreams but mares. I don't sleep much more than a few hours per day and mostly in day light. It's calmer. I have found that some things can help suppress the brain or whatever it is and make it/me less receptive but it came at a cost. I have been working on other things more spiritual which have made a difference. I have started having dreams again. They are less like mares but still along the lines of what they have always been. There is less despair in them than before. Thats a good thing. there is hope but the task is still significant and daunting. I don't know what this task is. It seems one foot after the other will get me there and I might know when I get there, but there is constant urging to go forward. We will see how it goes.

Can I ask, has there ever been something that appears to be like smoke, a cloud or something woolly in those pictures that your wife takes? Probably more likely to be an indoors picture, possibly of other people, a group/family gathering?

9th April 2014, 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by madfranks http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=702932#post702932) There are studies which suggest that classic psychedelics (mescaline, psilocybin, etc) do part of their work by limiting the brain's ability to filter what we see, the result either being "hallucinations" or you're actually seeing things that your eyes and brain otherwise would filter out. The reasoning goes that without this ability to filter out extraneous information, we would be constantly overloaded with stimuli that it would be difficult to concentrate or focus on any one thing. I can't speak from experience but I am intrigued by the studies.

I think there is much truth in what you said. Have enjoyed the fruit that mother nature provides to open our minds up. Both taste horrible but without any doubt in my mind mescaline is the best to open the mind to reality as it is and not what we are conditioned to see. The other favorite from the past was psilocybin mushrooms or also known as silly-cybin. Mescaline was first choice when available, always a religious or dam near one trip. The Indians are right.

If the set and setting is right.

John Lennon had some interesting comments to make about Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. He thanked the Military for inventing it. He seemed to think they made a bit of a goof giving it to the world in that it brought an enlightenment of some sort. You really need someone to watch out for you in the physical world when that stuff is involved.

9th April 2014, 12:47 PM
John Lennon had some interesting comments to make about Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. He thanked the Military for inventing it. He seemed to think they made a bit of a goof giving it to the world in that it brought an enlightenment of some sort. You really need someone to watch out for you in the physical world when that stuff is involved.

In the day it was always good to have someone who minded the ones exploring inter space!

Very bad to fly alone!

What did the military invent?

The only one they played with was LSD, that I am aware of , and that was from bad grain , ergot from rye, which was and is natural. then it was synthesized in the 30's. I have met Timothy Leary, in 1977 in Cali, back in the day and can say it was a trip meeting him.

Many songs about tripping.. Most of the magical mystery tour album was centered on the theme. Amongst many other artists recordings of the time.

My all time favorite.



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9th April 2014, 01:45 PM
I believe this, I think that there is ALOT more out there then we can percive, as humans, with our fucking eyes.

thank you for sharing this. I know where your wife is coming from. I have said before that I don't have dreams but mares. I don't sleep much more than a few hours per day and mostly in day light. It's calmer. I have found that some things can help suppress the brain or whatever it is and make it/me less receptive but it came at a cost. I have been working on other things more spiritual which have made a difference. I have started having dreams again. They are less like mares but still along the lines of what they have always been. There is less despair in them than before. Thats a good thing. there is hope but the task is still significant and daunting. I don't know what this task is. It seems one foot after the other will get me there and I might know when I get there, but there is constant urging to go forward. We will see how it goes.

I'm the opposite, I mean I can sleep anytime anywhere, but if I sleep during the day I wake up very depressed. It's best when I fall to sleep late at night, 1 or 2 am. I sleep like a dead man and have several dreams a night. Most seem to re-cap my life in some way... Most take place in the house I lived in as a child till about 16,, always involving ex-gfs, friends, and family members who are dead. Not to kid, but some times I'm leading them through a zombie appocolipse, other times I'm in the the house alone and have to BBQ, fucking steak, chicken, ribs, sides, everything for a party and it's just me. Then the dog gets away and runs away up the street... and the such.

9th April 2014, 01:54 PM
I believe this, I think that there is ALOT more out there then we can percive, as humans, with our fucking eyes. Truth!

Watch dogs and especially cats, they see/sense crap we can not!

We are conditioned from birth, to see what everyone else sees, to conform with what is considered the 'norm' at the time.

9th April 2014, 01:55 PM
My wife sees all manner of things that I can rarely see - orbs, lights, etc. Occasionally they are strong enough for me to get a glimpse also. When she does see something, she grabs her camera and starts snapping, and almost invariably captures something. We have thousands of pics of orbs of different colors and sizes, and some very strange videos with sights and sounds captured that we did not see or hear at the time the video was taken. Several incidents happened at the time of our cat's death a few years ago. We also have a "portal" of some kind in the house, with increased activity there, our other cat often fighting some entity there, and we sometimes hear things pop through from another dimension.

This is all real. I'm a skeptical SOB but the evidence is overwhelming. My wife fears these things a lot more than I do, because she's been physically visited and even attacked. My interest is scholarly and possibly spiritual. My overall feeling is that we are being threatened in some way, but also protected in some way. My wife feels her maternal grandmother is always close and may be a protector.

You described my house. Everyone who has stayed here has had an experience. There were three here in the house but the two that used to fuck with me are gone. I called them The Twisted Sisters. Now it's just the playful one. I've seen it all here.

9th April 2014, 03:01 PM

9th April 2014, 03:02 PM

9th April 2014, 03:56 PM
My wife sees all manner of things that I can rarely see - orbs, lights, etc. Occasionally they are strong enough for me to get a glimpse also. When she does see something, she grabs her camera and starts snapping, and almost invariably captures something. We have thousands of pics of orbs of different colors and sizes, and some very strange videos with sights and sounds captured that we did not see or hear at the time the video was taken. Several incidents happened at the time of our cat's death a few years ago. We also have a "portal" of some kind in the house, with increased activity there, our other cat often fighting some entity there, and we sometimes hear things pop through from another dimension.

This is all real. I'm a skeptical SOB but the evidence is overwhelming. My wife fears these things a lot more than I do, because she's been physically visited and even attacked. My interest is scholarly and possibly spiritual. My overall feeling is that we are being threatened in some way, but also protected in some way. My wife feels her maternal grandmother is always close and may be a protector.

Those orbs as demonic, I can understand being afraid of them, you should be.
It sounds like your wife has spiritual sensitivity. What she needs to do is get saved.
Those "orbs" and the rest of this negative spiritual activity will go away.

9th April 2014, 04:13 PM
thank you for sharing this. I know where your wife is coming from. I have said before that I don't have dreams but mares. I don't sleep much more than a few hours per day and mostly in day light. It's calmer. I have found that some things can help suppress the brain or whatever it is and make it/me less receptive but it came at a cost. I have been working on other things more spiritual which have made a difference. I have started having dreams again. They are less like mares but still along the lines of what they have always been. There is less despair in them than before. Thats a good thing. there is hope but the task is still significant and daunting. I don't know what this task is. It seems one foot after the other will get me there and I might know when I get there, but there is constant urging to go forward. We will see how it goes.

Can I ask, has there ever been something that appears to be like smoke, a cloud or something woolly in those pictures that your wife takes? Probably more likely to be an indoors picture, possibly of other people, a group/family gathering?

This explains a lot.

Melatonin is a fascinating human hormone, produced in the pineal gland of the brain. It affects the body’s circadian rhythm and sleep patterns, and endocrine (hormone) secretions. Synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, it becomes serotonin as an intermediate product. Its production is inversely related to the amount of light a person gets, varies with age, and may be increased by meditation or music therapy. It is rapidly inactivated, so that with lower doses (3 mg or less by mouth) one can drive or use machinery 4-5 hours afterward. Use has been reported or studied in 30 conditions, ranging from sleep disorders and disruptions, depression, seizures and other brain conditions, to cancer and sunburn.

In over 55's its production decreases too. Maybe all your so called 'supernatural' experiences are really just down to the fact that your an old fart who has terrible sleep patterns, declining melatonin produciton and subsequent extemely poor mental function.

Why not try a supplement?


The advice is free Glass, just so you know what a bang up guy I am...:p

9th April 2014, 08:05 PM
What did the military invent?

The only one they played with was LSD, that I am aware of , and that was from bad grain , ergot from rye, which was and is natural. then it was synthesized in the 30's. I have met Timothy Leary, in 1977 in Cali, back in the day and can say it was a trip meeting him.

I'm just going by a quote I heard someone reading they said was from JL. Never really looked into it myself. I think I've seen some video that was of soldiers on acid as part of some tests.