View Full Version : top people at the SEC were protecting the banks

12th April 2014, 04:04 PM
because ‘they were more focused on getting high-paying jobs after their government service than on bringing cases.’....

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

“In other words, he said the top people at the SEC were protecting the banks from the SEC prosecutors in order to get big positions in the banks when they left the government service. Well, this shows total corruption (laughter ensues) of all the regulatory agencies. I’m sure it’s like that in every regulatory agency.

So this is a tremendous blow to a government that bases its credibility on claims that it’s against corruption, it’s for democracy, human rights, justice, etc., when you have the prosecuting attorney saying they don’t let us bring cases against criminals because they are counting on being paid off. The implications of this are tremendous.

Of course the other bad hit has come from all of the really reckless propaganda that has come out of Washington about Ukraine. First they said, ‘Russia had invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea.’ Well, the whole world found out rather quickly that was just another lie.

Then they said the Russians were ‘massing troops on the Ukrainian border,’ and they showed these photographs of all these Russians massed on the Ukraine border. It turns out these were photographs taken from last year’s military maneuvers and that the military maneuvers included units of the Ukrainian Army because at the time Ukraine and Russia were hand-in-hand. So there were caught in that lie.

... And the Russians, under the threat of sanctions, have said, ‘We’re tired of this bullying. We’re just removing ourselves from the system. We’re not going to play with them anymore.’ (Laughter ensues) So there you have a major blow to the petrodollar.

... So, yes, this is likely to be a year of tremendous problems for Washington. The only people who can bail Washington out are the Russians and Chinese. If Washington survives all the crises that it has created for itself, it will simply be due to the mercy of the Russians and the Chinese, who refuse to exploit the advantages that Washington has so foolishly given them.

Now can a government that stupid deal with the kinds of crises or potential crises that we’ve outlined in this interview? I don’t think it can.”


12th April 2014, 07:20 PM
This is in the game, part of it at least. The propaganda and trolls make things hard to figure out. Sometimes I just want to say shut up and not look but for me... even after a couple dozen beers I am still interested in this shit. Most the time I am probably useless but other times I think I see shit others don't so I post..


Edit: Blah blah blah