View Full Version : Fifty Years of the Deep State, The Cabal, Coup of 63' - Read some real history

14th April 2014, 05:42 PM

Fifty Years of the Deep State
The Cabal
Coup of 63 50th Anniversary E-mail Draft


"Kp Note: 3 Documents You May Want to Read… from “The Astounding Conspiracy Theories of Wall Street Genius Mark Gorton”
Posted on 2014/04/13 by kauilapele

mark_gortonI’m not going to say “must read”. But I’ve just been reading the first one, and it is absolutely riveting (for me, at least). I could not sleep, so I got up, downloaded these three, and have just started reading the first (listed below). I knew I had to get these out, NOW.

These are important for humanity… at least for the folks who live in the U.S.

So here is the article posted at AK’s blog:

The Astounding Conspiracy Theories of Wall Street Genius Mark Gorton

Here are the three documents (stored at my own web locker):

Fifty Years of the Deep State
The Cabal
Coup of 63 50th Anniversary E-mail Draft

Go to the website above and click on each article and you can download the pdf file.


Cant' wait to read and discuss these.

Also Dr. Keven Barrett wrote about these three documents


‘MH370 call exposing 9/11 cover-up?’

15th April 2014, 05:30 AM

Seems the link I gave you to access these 3 docuements no longer works.

This one should work


15th April 2014, 06:49 AM
White wash for Jews, is what I read in these pages. One would never know there even exists such a thing as a banking cartel with total Jewish control.

Summary: bunch of angry old white conservatives are all the bad guys in the world, round them up and we will all live in peace. Or I say some truth here with most of the pieces of the puzzle left in the background.

15th April 2014, 07:14 AM
Thanks for that summary. I was going to start reading the 45 page one today. But if there is no mention of the banking cartel, this would be garbage. I think I will still read it, at least skim it, to glean whatever truth may be in it.

Dr. Kevin Barrett and other liberals are pushing this. One thing for sure, the Left and the Right are not going to ever give us the straight skinny. Press TV always publishes articles by the establishment Lefties because they are Pro-Palestinians, which I am too. The establishment Lefties handle their coverage of Israel / Zionist / Jewish matters very "gingerly", that is, they handle it very subtly in order not to offend the political Leftie establishment. Dr. Barret is somewhat the exception in that regard, but nevertheless is in that general camp. Webster Tarpley is an establishment Leftie who never says a word negative about the Israel / Zionism and he gets featured on Press TV fairly regularly.

As you have done, always look for what elephants in the living room that the article says absolutely nothing about.