View Full Version : Holy Shit Michael C Ruppert Dead.

old steel
14th April 2014, 10:50 PM
Self inflicted gunshot wound right after his broadcast on the Lifeboat hour April 13th 2014.


In early 2014, Michael C Ruppert moved back to California to be with friends, conduct speaking tours and interviews, and recover from a severe winter time depression he suffered in Colorado. However, he committed suicide by gunshot on the 13 April, 2014, shortly after his Lifeboat Hour broadcast.


His last broadcast.


14th April 2014, 11:57 PM
Don't see much info out on it yet. Double gunshot wound to the top of the head suicide?

15th April 2014, 02:25 AM
Looks legit. I guess it was a real suicide:

Mike Ruppert
Today I received from Carolyn Baker the sad and shocking news that Mike Ruppert, after completing his show on PRN ended his own life.

I am still processing this, but no doubt will be writing my own appreciation of Mike's life

Michael C Ruppert

IN MEMORIAM MICHAEL C. RUPPERT, February 3, 1951--April 13, 2014.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1-L93d4ow7M/U0zKnRXaIxI/AAAAAAABNy4/wTOecLvsGoM/s1600/Mike+Ruppert+3.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1-L93d4ow7M/U0zKnRXaIxI/AAAAAAABNy4/wTOecLvsGoM/s1600/Mike+Ruppert+3.jpg)

Sunday night following Mike's Lifeboat Hour radio show, he was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. This was not a "fake" suicide. It was very well planned by Mike who gave us few clues but elaborate instructions for how to proceed without him. His wishes were to be cremated, and as of this moment, there are no plans for a memorial service. However, I will be taking his show this coming Sunday night, April 20, and the entire show will be an In Memoriam show for Mike with opportunities for listeners to call in.

It was my privilege to have known Mike for 14 years, to have worked with him, to have been mentored by him, and to have supported him in some of his darkest hours, including the more recent ones. I am posting this announcement with the blessing of his partner Jesse Re and his landlord, Jack Martin.

Thank you Mike for all of the truth you courageously exposed and for the legacy of truth-telling you left us. Goodbye my friend. Your memory will live in hour hearts forever.

I have no more details to share than I am posting here. We should have much more information by Sunday night

Carolyn Baker

Twisted Titan
15th April 2014, 04:23 AM
If you are going to take your life.

Make sure you take assholes with you.

15th April 2014, 08:15 AM
If you are going to take your life.

Make sure you take assholes with you.
Yes there should be some Zionist prick you can't stand to bring along...

19th April 2014, 10:08 PM
I just found out about MCRs suicide yesterday, watching this KBarrett & Jim Fetzer youtube, where they spend about the first 5-10 mins on it:

Thurs 04/17/2014 Dynamic Duo Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer (http://noliesradio.org/archives/80852)


Really tragic. Esp in the mid '00s I was a huge fan, From The Wilderness subscriber; and I devoured his Rubican book in '04. But I've more/less lost interest in the recent several years, as he was becoming increasingly new agey, and I found his Lifeboat Hour podcasts depressing.

I saw an article about MCR about 6 months ago, website I'd never heard of and not sure where to find it again, but it had a video of him in colorado, and he looked awful-- flushed cheeks, watery eyes, looked like he'd been crying, & talking about the imminent doom around the corner. I figured he'd fallen off the wagon, as he's been open in the past about being a recovering alkee (quit in mid '90s). And the text part of the article mentioned he was planning to move to the CO mountains, and kill himself! But I believe it went on to say he's changed his mind on that, and was embarking on some new project. So yes he did give warning, and I believe it was most likely a real suicide. Barrett/Fetzer mentioned he believed he was being targeted by microwave weapons, which I do recall him saying about his old LA FTW office.

There's 3-4 MCR memorial articles in the banner at the top of his site, http://www.collapsenet.com/

edit: Here's the video where MCR looks terrible:


So yes, RIP Mike!

20th April 2014, 06:10 AM
The guy was clearly delusional sucked into this new age version of "old age" "native American" religion. When you deface yourself to be a pollution and blight on the earth "that you love" then the only answer is to off yourself.

He spouts bullshit in his final wisdom. Real sad. Instead of seeing the devils for what they are and having true light in his mind, he harbored a small candle that flickered deception and death.

Uncle Salty
20th April 2014, 02:38 PM
Just more proof that none of us really matter in the grand scheme of things.

20th April 2014, 02:45 PM
Just more proof that none of us really matter in the grand scheme of things.

gee, how unispiring.

Uncle Salty
20th April 2014, 02:46 PM
The guy was clearly delusional sucked into this new age version of "old age" "native American" religion. When you deface yourself to be a pollution and blight on the earth "that you love" then the only answer is to off yourself.

He spouts bullshit in his final wisdom. Real sad. Instead of seeing the devils for what they are and having true light in his mind, he harbored a small candle that flickered deception and death.

Yeah, he ended up a pathetic whiner.

20th April 2014, 06:32 PM
Really tragic. Esp in the mid '00s I was a huge fan, From The Wilderness subscriber; and I devoured his Rubican book in '04. But I've more/less lost interest in the recent several years, as he was becoming increasingly new agey, and I found his Lifeboat Hour podcasts depressing.

I saw an article about MCR about 6 months ago, website I'd never heard of and not sure where to find it again, but it had a video of him in colorado, and he looked awful-- flushed cheeks, watery eyes, looked like he'd been crying, & talking about the imminent doom around the corner. I figured he'd fallen off the wagon, as he's been open in the past about being a recovering alkee (quit in mid '90s). And the text part of the article mentioned he was planning to move to the CO mountains, and kill himself! But I believe it went on to say he's changed his mind on that, and was embarking on some new project. So yes he did give warning, and I believe it was most likely a real suicide. Barrett/Fetzer mentioned he believed he was being targeted by microwave weapons, which I do recall him saying about his old LA FTW office.

There's 3-4 MCR memorial articles in the banner at the top of his site, http://www.collapsenet.com/


So yes, RIP Mike!

I listened to this 2 hr podcast, 3 ladies (Carolyn Baker the only one I'd heard of) who knew MCR reflecting on his life & death.

CBaker confirmed (little after top of 2nd hour IIRC) that MCR was an alkee, & dropped out of AA in '06, same year he folded FTW & fled to Venezueala for about 1/2 year. He ended up returning, to Canada then NY where he was an inpatient in a psych ward for a couple months. Also smoked, & had PTSD, and "suicide idealization". They mentioned this little known video interview from Mar '12 where his appearance and demeanor were disturbing. I didn't know of it before; looks like he's on the sauce but lucid,



CBaker is currently doing a Lifeboat Hour show (6-7 PM PT) commemorating MCR. Click the red "LISTEN" button at the top of http://prn.fm - otherwise it'll be archived after.

Also see this 4/20 essay from Jenna Orkin,
Mike's Story, Part 2 - by Jenna Orkin (http://www.collapsenet.com/free-resources/collapsenet-public-access/news-alerts/item/12463-mikes-story-part-2-by-jenna-orkin)

21st April 2014, 08:37 PM
I listened to this 2 hr podcast, 3 ladies (Carolyn Baker the only one I'd heard of) who knew MCR reflecting on his life & death.

CBaker confirmed (little after top of 2nd hour IIRC) that MCR was an alkee, & dropped out of AA in '06, same year he folded FTW & fled to Venezueala for about 1/2 year. He ended up returning, to Canada then NY where he was an inpatient in a psych ward for a couple months. Also smoked, & had PTSD, and "suicide idealization". They mentioned this little known video interview from Mar '12 where his appearance and demeanor were disturbing. I didn't know of it before; looks like he's on the sauce but lucid,


CBaker is currently doing a Lifeboat Hour show (6-7 PM PT) commemorating MCR. Click the red "LISTEN" button at the top of http://prn.fm (http://prn.fm) - otherwise it'll be archived after.

Also see this 4/20 essay from Jenna Orkin,
Mike's Story, Part 2 - by Jenna Orkin (http://www.collapsenet.com/free-resources/collapsenet-public-access/news-alerts/item/12463-mikes-story-part-2-by-jenna-orkin)

Here's the archive of that 55 min show; 1st half is best, Baker recaps MCR's life, Cynthia McKinney speaks a bit. 2nd half are unknown callers breaking into tears whilst babbling. The Lifeboat Hour - Carolyn Bakerfor & Mimi German - 04/13/14 - PRN.fm (http://prn.fm/lifeboat-hour-carolyn-bakerfor-mimi-german-041314/)

The 2 hour show with 3 women I linked above was most insightful.

21st April 2014, 11:30 PM
Cross-posting from my:
Thread: Abby Martin, RT, Ukraine, 911 Truth (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?77109-Abby-Martin-RT-Ukraine-911-Truth)

2 days after Ruppert's suicide:

Abby Martin's Personal Tribute to Investigative Journalist Michael C. Ruppert (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWXbKOAHANQ)


Tellingly, gatekeeper site 911blogger didn't "Front Page" the MCR suicide news (their default homepage & thus most highly traffiked "news" tab), but rather "blogs" paged it, posting a note from Wes Miller (http://911blogger.com/news/2014-04-15/michael-c-ruppert-feb-3-1951-april-13-2014), MCR's attorney & biz partner in Collapsenet.com (http://collapsenet.com/). Odd choice really, as MCR's 911 work, incl his 2004 "Crossing the Rubicon (http://www.amazon.com/Crossing-Rubicon-Decline-American-Empire/dp/0865715408)", was really sort of LIHOPey (the corral which 911b seeks to gatekeep their flock into, and FAR AWAY from the hate-filt & anti-Shlomoic "Israel Did 911 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread)"). Then MCR vocally declared in '05 (http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/011905_university_washington.shtml) that he was done with pursuing 911T altogether, and didn't write or speak about it any further; after which Peak Oil theory & "Collapse" became his nearly sole focus.

An Abby/MCR interview from ~6 months ago; again MCR looks "miserable/pained" similar to his "Crumbs" interview 2 replies up (although he seems sober in this one)-- he can only flash a quick (fake) pleasant/smiley face for a second or 2, then instantly reverts back to his true misery emotional condition:
Collapse of the Industrial Civilization | Interview with Michael Ruppert (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPt3uuWf-Zc)


22nd April 2014, 12:17 AM
Anybody can be easily proven to be nuts, Pat. We are all nuts. Please don't discredit this guys work on the basis that he had personal problems. We all have personal problems. When it comes down to it, you can be proven to be anything they want: cat burglar, turd burglar, PTSD stress case, alky, druggy, it's all just a ruse. You must know this.

Nothing is as it seems in the fake world where every keystroke is monitored. (here). I have slow internet. I can see the monitor.

I can see it bitchez.

We are all bait.

22nd April 2014, 01:14 AM


Israel pushes the button first? Hmmm, typically they find someone shoot them first.

Dude didn't have much rope left.

22nd April 2014, 01:28 AM
Anybody can be easily proven to be nuts, Pat. We are all nuts. Please don't discredit this guys work on the basis that he had personal problems. We all have personal problems. When it comes down to it, you can be proven to be anything they want: cat burglar, turd burglar, PTSD stress case, alky, druggy, it's all just a ruse. You must know this.

Nothing is as it seems in the fake world where every keystroke is monitored. (here). I have slow internet. I can see the monitor.

I can see it bitchez.

We are all bait.

Not my intention to "discredit" MCR's or his work whatsoever. And I definitely don't think he was nuts in the least. He made a huge impact on me since '04, and I was proud to meet him in '09 at a screening in San Francisco of his new docu "Collapse". I'm just trying to keep it real, balanced.

MCR was suffering greatly, emotionally tortured, and had been for... hmmm, most of his life I assume. He was born 2 months premature, and docs thought he was a still-birth; but as they were carrying him to the hospital morgue, he began crying! He was self-medicating with the bottle, relapsing after a dozen or so years sobriety*. He graduated from the esteemed UCLA with honors, and was valedictorian of his LAPD Academy class. He was obviously highly intelligent & a high achiever, and was pained over "how the world really works, and where we're going." Hell, so am I! He's credited with (setting in motion the chain of events) which brought down former CIA director John Deutch (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Deutch#CIA_career) (hear C. McKinney beginning 22:00 in the Lifeboat podcast linked 3 replies up):

Michael Ruppert confronts CIA director about Drug Laundering (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t3pl5Wxgyg)


From ziopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Deutch#CIA_career):

On November 15, 1996, Deutch was at Locke High School in Los Angeles at a town hall meeting on the topic of drug dealing. He was visibly taken aback by the confrontational testimony from an LAPD narcotics officer, Michael Ruppert (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Ruppert), that he had seen evidence of CIA complicity in drug dealing for a long time.[6] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Deutch#cite_note-6)

Mike worked with the late Gary Webb in the 90s, culminating in Webb's San Jose Mercury News "Dark Alliance" series (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Webb) exposing CIA drug trafficking. So Mike was an amazing, incorruptibly justice-minded & empathetic man. I'm only trying to understand the big picture of his life; as surely as I've spent the past couple days lapping up all the news & views I could find... several finds which I've posted above.

* On the alcohol addiction, I think it was '11 or '12 sometime, I listened to one of his Lifeboat Hour podcasts, and Mike reflected on his alcoholism for several minutes, which was the first I'd heard of his problem/recovery/(relapse) with it. He said he was progressively abusing it beginning in the '80s, as he was in his own wilderness in the wake of his firing from LAPD in '78. Said he joined AA in... I'll say '94 but don't quote me as I don't exactly recall any more; but he said when he finished writing the last chapter in his Rubicon book (http://www.amazon.com/Crossing-Rubicon-Decline-American-Empire/dp/0865715408) in '04, which he likened to having delivered the baby of decades of accumulated knowledge about corruption, a baby he'd been pregnant with & carried all those years; that he treated himself to a glass of red wine. He didn't go on to say what happened since (recall CBaker said he left the AA fellowship in '06); he only reflected on the spirituality which AA & his sponsor had instilled in him. I'd guess now that the problem "gradually progressed" again beginning with his breaking the ~10 year seal on his sobriety in '04, and judging from his appearance in the past ~year's video interviews in my replies above, his addiction was real bad again since at least last year.

22nd April 2014, 06:37 AM
I guess Jenna Orkin is gonna post these as she writes them? Oldest to newest:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
A Brief Comment on the Death of Mike Ruppert by Self-inflicted Gunshot Wound: (http://www.mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2014/04/a-brief-comment-on-death-of-mike.html)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Mike's Suicidal Tendencies (http://www.mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2014/04/mikes-suicidal-tendencies.html)

Friday, April 18, 2014
Mike's Story (http://www.mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2014/04/mikes-story.html)

Sunday, April 20, 2014
Mike's Story - Part 2 (http://www.mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2014/04/mikes-story-part-2.html)

Monday, April 21, 2014
Mike's Story Part 3: Dad (http://www.mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2014/04/mikes-story-part-3-dad.html)

I wasn't aware that the "Apocalypse Man" video in my reply #6 above, continued with parts 2 - 6! I haven't watched any of the following yet...

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 2) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWWdeTERAsc)

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 3) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvRJN2rblp4)

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 4) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCz_xEp_4yA)

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 5) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRPmxQqn3tg)

Apocalypse, Man: Michael C. Ruppert on World's End (Part 6) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBwH0_EP5zo)

Lastly, latest from blogger Cheri, one of the ladies in the 2 hour podcast in my reply 11 above,

http://cherispeak.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/michael-ruppert-death-suicide-ca.jpg?w=275&h=183&crop=1 (http://cherispeak.wordpress.com/2014/04/21/michael-c-ruppert-said-you-dont-read/)

Michael C. Ruppert Said “YOU Don’t Read” (http://cherispeak.wordpress.com/2014/04/21/michael-c-ruppert-said-you-dont-read/) The piece that most of you are waiting for is already being written. This article will include the details and a time-line of Mike’s last day along with more pieces … Continue reading → (http://cherispeak.wordpress.com/2014/04/21/michael-c-ruppert-said-you-dont-read/)

22nd April 2014, 11:20 AM
It is good for him to have exposed the corruption of things. The problem he faced in all of this is he had no anchor in reality and no strength of spirit to carry him through. He latched onto the "native American" spiritism crap which leads to destruction as surely as the other human evils that he exposed.

In one of those videos he talks about two choices- don't play the victim but fight... or just lay down and die. He said he was not planning to lay down and die. He stared into the beast and had nothing stronger. None of us alone is strong enough to withstand the beast. But we do have a friend who has beaten the beast... if we so choose.

22nd April 2014, 11:20 PM
^ Yes Spec the "hypocracy" or perhaps just "irony" of MCR's preaching about surviving collapse, then his 4/13 suicide, hasn't been lost on any of his followers. But again, MCR had his own demons... and I think (& judging by many of the recent vids above) that day to day living just wasn't pleasurable any more for him, if it ever was. He has no kids, though I guess his mother is still alive.

I still haven't watched the rest of that "Apocalypse Man" docu, but I read a comment at one of the various MCR blogs, that through the series MCR ref's "suicide" 3 times. I gather that docu was filmed in CO last Summer or Fall; as he was living at 8K feet elevation, and it's good weather, no snow anywhere. Then it was edited through last Fall, coz the first segment was uploaded to YT by the producer this Jan '14.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Mike's Story Part 4; Friends (http://www.mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2014/04/mikes-story-part-4-friends.html)

One really good comment in Cheri's Rags the dog blog (http://cherispeak.wordpress.com/2014/04/19/michael-c-rupperts-death-and-rags-the-dog/), I think everyone here can relate to:

Tres Bien (https://plus.google.com/102649548040993945041) April 20, 2014
Sound The Alarm

Part of the story with Mike Ruppert – or so I will take the unsanctioned liberty to proclaim – as a doomer that many of us fellow doomers could identify with, was the incessant, from the beginning proclamations from the great and mighty Oz that as the tiniest of minorities, the doomers were full of shit and crazy to boot.

He believed in his vision of the doomed world and tried to sound the alarm in hopes of maybe saving the world or a part of it, all to his own detriment most of the time. Man, that hurts!

The doomer just wants to warn everyone so that we might head off the impending disaster, but nobody wants to hear it.

One notion that has helped me a bit – but not as much as it should have – was a tremendous insight that Perry Arnett happened onto and shared with us all many years ago. It was, “It will be in no one’s best interest to factually report the reality of the decline of fossil fuels once it begins in earnest.”

Mike like most of the rest of us in the doomer troop just couldn’t seem to get it that 1) virtually nobody is physically able to hear “The End”, 2) believing all of this doomer shit would destroy most people which makes informing them an act of cruelty, and 3) like Perry says, widespread understanding of the world situation would only make things worse.
As it turns out, the doomer does not want simply to warn everyone – the doomer also needs validation and needs to be believed in a world that is not able to provide these. I believe that this was a particularly painful and damaging aspect of being a doomer for Mike.

And in the end, after all these years of trying to get people’s attention so that we might turn this shit around, the data begin to strongly suggest that there is no hope for the human species regardless of any possible actions we might take. Well, fuck that! There is no hope. There’s no damn point.

Actually, for at least a couple of reasons, there is – just ask a baby, knowing nothing with an overwhelming will to live, if there is a point. So, just do whatever you have to do to keep the endorphins flowing, short of causing damage, and try to enjoy the ride. And skip the sad songs. Allocate your attention to those things that put a smile on your face. And exercise

************************************************** ***********************************************

And in the complete nonsense department, in the movie, “The Matrix”, Neo was offered two choices, the blue pill or the red pill. Ha! Well, that’s just silly. There are, in fact, not simply two choices here but four – 1) the blue pill, 2) the red pill, 3) no pill, and 4) both pills, the red pill and the blue pill, the purple pill if you will. I’m choosing the purple pill. That ought to be trippy.


23rd April 2014, 08:35 PM
Orkin again, I'll paste the whole thing, no comments now but check the link, possible some ppl will comment.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mike's Story Part 5: Jobs (http://www.mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2014/04/mikes-story-part-5-jobs.html)

By Jenna Orkin (http://www.amazon.com/The-Morons-Guide-Global-Collapse/dp/1469965399/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1397987231&sr=8-1&keywords=moron%27s+guide+to+global+collapse)

When Mike first arrived in Brooklyn from Canada, he was still shell-shocked by the death of Fromthewilderness and by his failure to obtain asylum in Venezuela (http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/110706_mcr_evolution.shtml). He was physically unhealthy and, as he had been for several months, obsessed with thoughts of suicide.

Sensing that he needed a break from this endless cycle of horror but that he'd be unwilling to venture too far from familiar territory, one day I asked him about his childhood; specifically, what he'd wanted to be when he grew up.

"'Til I was twelve and found out how bad my eyes were," he said, "I wanted to be an airline pilot." That was what Dad had been and what accounted for his war-hero stature. "But I didn't have any depth perception."

(Eyes were still a source of some anxiety; he needed treatment for a cataract, which he got and loved. He couldn't comprehend why I wore glasses of lesser strength than the doctor prescribed [because I didn't want my eyes to get lazy] and he couldn't stand it if they had smudges on them.

"But what if you have to drive?" he exclaimed.

"I don't have to drive; I take the subway."

When he couldn't take it anymore, my glasses received a polish worthy of the Hubble telescope.)

"After that, I didn't know," he went on, "except that I didn't want to be a businessman. Law? Nah.

'Then when I was seventeen, a captain came to my high school and talked about police science."

"You mean fingerprints? Things like that?" I asked guilelessly.

"No. You're being a girl. About being a cop. The badge and the gun. The camaraderie. The humor. I knew that was what I wanted to be."

Ah... Friends at last; even a fraternity.

His years at LAPD have been written about extensively but some events are not so well known. He never killed anyone, he said, even when, on one occasion, doing so would have earned him a commendation. (The perpetrator turned out to be more crazy or high on PCP than criminal.) But he did once break a prisoner's skull when the guy, also high on PCP and being carried on a stretcher, bit Mike on the testicle.

After leaving LAPD, he had a series of low-level positions: Selling guns (he loved guns but not the job;) putting together amplifiers; working a UPS route where he met a man who became his hypno-therapist.

"I don't like thinking about my past except for the years of FTW, LAPD. The rest was just so much loneliness and poverty."
He also acted as a security guard at the Oscars, escorting Vanessa Redgrave the night she gave her controversial acceptance speech for Julia.

When he recounted that episode, I mentioned that she was doing a one-woman show on Broadway, in Joan Didion's "The Year of Magical Thinking." We bought tickets and Mike left a copy of Rubicon for her at the stage door with an inscription saying how they had met and how her speech that night had given him courage to write the book.

Her assistant called the next day to say that Ms. Redgrave thanked him and would definitely like to meet. But we never heard further.


old steel
23rd April 2014, 09:04 PM
Anybody can be easily proven to be nuts, Pat. We are all nuts. Please don't discredit this guys work on the basis that he had personal problems. We all have personal problems. When it comes down to it, you can be proven to be anything they want: cat burglar, turd burglar, PTSD stress case, alky, druggy, it's all just a ruse. You must know this.

Nothing is as it seems in the fake world where every keystroke is monitored. (here). I have slow internet. I can see the monitor.

I can see it bitchez.

We are all bait.

Awesome post Mouse.

5th May 2014, 08:46 PM
An ambitious, book-like (19 chapters) offering from blogger CherrySpeak- appears to have been published 5/2 (hate when the only clue of publication date is reader comments!), very interesting:

http://cherispeak.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/michael-c-ruppert-final-resting-place-suicide.jpg?w=350&h=248&crop=1 (http://cherispeak.wordpress.com/2014/05/01/from-the-wilderness-forward-what-really-happened-to-michael-c-ruppert/)

From the Wilderness Forward, What Really Happened to Michael C. Ruppert (http://cherispeak.wordpress.com/2014/05/01/from-the-wilderness-forward-what-really-happened-to-michael-c-ruppert/)

6th May 2014, 03:11 AM
this video is linked in the large, comprehensive article in the reply above.

The Death of Michael C. Ruppert - Video Narrated by Jack Martin: UPDATE 05-01-2014 - Coroner's Report Published (http://www.collapsenet.com/free-resources/collapsenet-public-access/news-alerts/item/12473-the-death-of-michael-c-ruppert-video-narrated-by-jack-martin)

Jack Martin gives a one-take walk-through of Michael C. Ruppert's suicide and last day (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydNqFyvisCo&feature=youtu.be). This film was taken by Wesley T. Miller, Mike's co-founder in CollapseNet.com.

Jack tells the story and gives a heart-felt tribute to Mike that written words just cannot capture. This is the official story of Mike's last day on Earth. The notes to which Jack refers are re-published below.

Please distribute this video far and wide.

In the coming days, I will be publishing follow-up articles discussing why Mike did it, and the future of CollapseNet. Please stay tuned...we have much to talk about.


PS: I'll post the coroner's report here when received. Our original reports and updates can be found here. (https://www.collapsenet.com/free-resources/collapsenet-public-access/news-alerts/item/12454-collapsenets-founder-michael-c-ruppert-has-committed-suicide)



6th May 2014, 08:23 AM
i think his work when FTW was in LA was impeccable.

he didn't get a chance to get much work done after they moved to Ashland.

after that, he was pretty much emotionally & mentally eviscerated.

his continual admonition to ignore the physical evidence of 9-11 - the building collapse - contradicts his earlier work.

if he was on a police case, and the physical evidence (e.g. bullets) pointed to a Jewish perp - i don't think he would have backed down.

because he was killed by, among other things, stress, his death reinforces the perhaps obvious.

that the door to being a successful whistleblower starts with outstanding health and stress management habits.

if that is your thing, the door to being a whistleblower starts at the door of a good yoga studio. (where good means, it kicks your ass, makes you sweat, and helps you deal with the stress that comes with the territory.)

6th May 2014, 10:36 AM
re the alcoholism angle again, some interesting reader comments to cherryspeaks' big essay a few replies up, including that last one below which is from an AA member for whom Mike was his first sponsor:

Alex Smith (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000110576591) May 3, 2014
http://i0.wp.com/graph.facebook.com/100000110576591/picture?q=type%3Dlarge%26_md5%3De069272e7d96a42722 3756d650edbd1a&resize=55%2C55

I think this report is excellent, but lacks Mike’s struggles with substance abuse. His alcoholism was a large part of his life, as he told us on The Lifeboat Hour. He did not tell us, and you do not tell us, that he was drinking again.

Also, his experience with peyote was not a good trip. He told us that others had to help him through extreme panic. This matters, because in his last show he spoke of seeing frightening visions at the foot of his bed each morning, that made him fear to wake up. These could be continuing from the drug he took.

Mind-altering drugs were a part of his later life, as his admiration for Terrance McKenna showed. Mike talked about them often. I’m not blaming his suicide on drugs, but saying these were not good for an older person already unstable, and a known alcohol addict. They may have been a factor, which should in my opinion be included in this story, even in a small way.

As someone who lost a loved one to suicide, and was left to live with that all my life, I sympathize also for those close to Mike (although it sounds like few were).

I just spoke with Richard Heinberg about Mike’s death. Richard knew Mike for years. My question: was Mike’s death a kind of “leader burn-out”, related to knowing too much about the troubles of the world?

Richard replied he thought it was more a personal decision, rather than a reflection on any movement as a whole. That’s important for people to know, those of us who continue to struggle with many of the issues Mike raised.

Alex Smith
Radio Ecoshock

Cheri (http://cherispeak.wordpress.com)

May 3, 2014

http://2.gravatar.com/avatar/8746f794cc8f8ee6a5eca6cc539a2443?s=55&d=http%3A%2F%2F2.gravatar.com%2Favatar%2Fad516503a 11cd5ca435acc9bb6523536%3Fs%3D55&r=PG

Hi and thank you very much. You are correct. Here is why I have little on that in this piece…No one I spoke with really wanted to talk much about it as far as any confirmation of last/current usages. Mike was himself on the record to his last and latest fans on his show about experimenting, but that doesn’t ell me when was the last time and if he was done with that..yanno? I say merely in this piece that he had addictions that he could not deal with or control. In the video Jack Martin and Wes made, you can clearly see the alcohol bottle in the background on the shelf. Alcohol and many other drugs and even medications interact horribly with Bipolar as well, which obviously I want to address however; the toxicology report wont be out for a bit. When it does, I can better address those things. I AM curious what it will reveal. My own assumptions is they will find alcohol and marijuana, but I have been wondering if he “took a trip” at the end as well or had it in his system showing more current use. I know he used a lot while in CO, but it is uncertain about CA.

planettrout (http://planettrout.wordpress.com/) May 3, 2014
http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/97fc7b91143773a5cafa8d8adf1e53d6?s=55&d=http%3A%2F%2F0.gravatar.com%2Favatar%2Fad516503a 11cd5ca435acc9bb6523536%3Fs%3D55&r=PG


Mike was my first sponsor in AA. I had known him since 1993, when we both worked at the same gun emporium in North Hollywood, CA. He moved to Washington D.C, in 1994, when he got married, and sent me the first draft of a newsletter called FTW, before returning to Los Angeles after the marriage dissolved.He told me that this fixation with suicide had been with him since he got sober in 1983.

Mike was a member of AA until April 2004. I was with him for a big 9-11 event in San Francisco in March of that year and remember walking with him to our respective hotels and Mike pointing towards at least three bars and exclaiming, “I could go in there and have a drink!”. Finally, I asked him, “What the hell are you romancing?”

It was evident to those of us that knew him that he was already on his way – out the door. He had changed sponsors, stopped going to meetings, sponsoring newcomers and being of service. In my experience, I am still sober, that thing he claimed to have had ,called alcoholism, was out in the parking lot doing push-ups… just waiting. He no longer had a support system and was accountable to no one.

That thing, between Mike’s ears,was out to make him miserable,angry,lonely,depressed, irritable, controlling, manipulative, self-serving and irrational…it robbed him of his once strong spiritual connection and finally – it killed him…

Seen it – way too many times.

Tim B./Planettrout