View Full Version : Cygnus (mind blowing)

15th April 2014, 12:50 AM



As Above, So Below... Unifying Cygnus, Orion, Mayan Calendar and the Dark Rift Debate as Mirrors? (http://lightworkers.org/blog/128850/above-so-below-unifying-cygnus-orion-mayan-calendar-and-dark-rift-debate-mirrors)



15th April 2014, 01:37 PM
not that I go entirely along with the speaker's theory of evolution, I totally believe that cosmic rays alter DNA. Understanding the Nature of Light is key in human's evolution and matter is Light compressed at different levels according to Walter Russels, who is the most revolutionary of physicist-thinker I have come across so far.

ps: only watched the first segment but plan to watch it all this week... the video link on the page was broken so I found this


15th April 2014, 02:18 PM
i love diagrams like in the first post where people draw random dotted lines to "prove" something. absolutely no proof anywhere, ever, that the lines should be where they are, other than that they "prove" something. i also like how they are curved, like they are around a planet or something apparently empty space between stars has curved lines. who would have thought?

15th April 2014, 02:34 PM
not that I go entirely along with the speaker's theory of evolution,

I sense a rift between us



15th April 2014, 02:38 PM
i love diagrams like in the first post where people draw random dotted lines to "prove" something. absolutely no proof anywhere, ever, that the lines should be where they are, other than that they "prove" something. i also like how they are curved, like they are around a planet or something apparently empty space between stars has curved lines. who would have thought?

They are focused exclusively on the region because it is the largest source of xray, gamma, and all those hidden rays we can't see. They emanate from it, so they try to make sense through the dust.


15th April 2014, 03:22 PM
This one is actually linked to NASA's research on trying to picture the milky way.


Link to further reading,


15th April 2014, 03:49 PM
ps. I just like to remind you all that mankind has missed his chance to evolve this time around due to God-gamma blocking chemtrails.

We must wait another 17k yrs. for the next barrel shot, sorry. :)

15th April 2014, 05:34 PM
I sense a rift between us



Irony... I came in an Escort once while being inside a Vega.

15th April 2014, 06:12 PM
Irony... I came in an Escort once while being inside a Vega.

Needs to be summertime also, wishing you one sometime soon.


15th April 2014, 06:27 PM
its an interesting story. The author, from the other thread whos name I can't remember posits that it is the birth canal of life between cynus and earth. It could well be. Perhaps divine inspiration is being hit by one of these particles and one of your DNA gets switched on and bingo, you einstiened or telsa'd something into thought. Both of these guys claim their ideas came from dreams.

I still think he could do with looking into the astrological side of things. He calls on it to begin with in determining that cygnus is important but then moves away from that in his desire, wish for science to come up with the answers to his questions. That is going to take some time.

It could be the source of te life spark but is it the source of power? By power I mean the power base. Used here on earth. I think these two things are different but that doesn't make one more valid than the other. I think it's worth pursing. I think the power comes from both the knowledge of it's existence and the knowledge of how to use it. We're still working on the existence part.

15th April 2014, 06:55 PM
thanks for starting this thread Horn, indeed we only can be mesmerized by the heavens and acknoweledge the Esoteric/God.

I dont think there is a rift between us. The way I see it, is that Light has created this Universe but I also can fathom some non human intervention. I just prefer to leave a door open at this stage. I sincerely think that mainstream academia's missing link (from ape to man) is a lie because our planetary history itself has been concealed to start with.

That doesnt change the Life equation in any way.

ps: Light is masculine, and Matter feminine. That is why the Bible says that Eve was made of an Adam's rib. Only the Aether is the neutral Mind of all that is. So we have our Trinity here which all religions and myths explain in their own fashion.

I sense a rift between us



15th April 2014, 07:07 PM
No doubt, this person does not even know what a star is.
Most people have bought into the twilight zone fantasy that they are "suns" like our sun


What a bunch of idiots. If you ask them for evidence of this ALL they can produce is a blip of light coupled with a wild imagination.
Let's not forget tons of movies like "star trek" to to help reinforce ideas like this.

mick silver
15th April 2014, 07:09 PM
and plus theres no moon

15th April 2014, 07:20 PM
plz see bold and elaborate a bit... no suns like our sun?

No doubt, this person does not even know what a star is.
Most people have bought into the twilight zone fantasy that they are "suns" like our sun

15th April 2014, 07:27 PM
Imagine you're a cave woman and the North star is center cygnus swan...


what more do you need, seriously?

15th April 2014, 07:35 PM
and plus theres no moon

also required, along with summer.

Although it is only the third brightest X-ray source in the constellation Cygnus, after the more famous Cygnus X-1, it is located about 37,000 light-years away. It is heavily obscured by intervening interstellar gas and dust near the galactic plane, and fainter than 23rd magnitude in the optical, but is easily observable in the J, H, & K near-infrared bands.Taking its distance and extinction into account, it appears to be one of the two or three most intrinsically luminousobjects in the Galaxy.

Cygnus X-3 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cygnus_X-3) has distinguished itself by its intense X-ray emissions and by ultra-high energy cosmic rays. It also made astronomical headlines by a radio frequency outburst in September 1972 which increased its radio frequency emissions a thousandfold. Since then it has had periodic radio outbursts with a regular period of 367 days. These flares are of unknown origin, but they are exceedingly violent events. Naval Research Laboratory observations in October 1982 using the Very Large Array detected the shock wave from a flare; it was expanding at roughly one-third the speed of light

15th April 2014, 09:31 PM
We must wait another 17k yrs. for the next barrel shot, sorry. :)

Strike that, Astro Bob says we're good to go again about 10k A.D.

Greetings from July 12, 10,000 A.D. (http://astrobob.areavoices.com/2008/07/12/greetings-from-july-12-10-000-ad/)


15th April 2014, 10:10 PM
Where the polestar Deneb or Vega would have laid over back in the day.

Giza caves.



18th May 2014, 12:27 PM

Milagro Yields the Unexpected

From 2000 to 2008, Milagro detected over 200 billion showers from both gamma rays and cosmic rays, collected at the rate of 1,700 showers per second. Each was recorded electronically, analyzed on the spot, and characterized by statistical features that were saved for further analysis.
The analysis produced the most-sensitive survey of the TeV sky to date and led to several surprises. First were the five bright sources of TeV gamma rays (in the figure above, the sources with dark centers), with average gamma-ray energies of 12 TeV, standing out loud and clear above the uniform background of cosmic rays, and four less-prominent candidates.
Several of these sources overlapped the much lower energy gamma-ray sources that were discovered 5 to 10 years earlier by satellite-borne gamma-ray detectors. Ground-based atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes had not seen them, despite having searched for TeV gamma rays in the directions of these known sources.
One explanation was that some Milagro sources are spatially extended, up to a few degrees in diameter, making them difficult to detect with narrow-view telescopes. Of these, some turned out to be nearby pulsar wind nebulae, exotic nebulae left over from supernovae that have at their center a neutron star pulsar creating a wind of high-energy particles (see opening illustration showing the Crab Nebula).
A follow-up search with longer observation times by the HESS atmospheric Cherenkov telescope array in Namibia resulted in detection of one of Milagro's sources. The HESS result not only confirmed Milagro's measurement of the total flux of TeV gamma rays but also determined that this source was unusually bright at the very highest energies at which Milagro has its greatest sensitivity.
Another major Milagro discovery was a surprisingly large number of TeV gamma rays coming from an extended region of the Milky Way known as Cygnus. The expected number is calculated by assuming the gamma rays are produced by the uniform background of cosmic rays impinging on the interstellar matter and radiation in the Cygnus region. However, Cygnus contains an unusually high number of objects (supernova remnants, young stellar clusters, and stars called Wolf-Rayet stars that emit large winds) that could be cosmic-ray sources. "The excess of gamma rays detected by Milagro could be the smoking gun for a recent cosmic-ray source, an explosion of a star within the region in the past 10,000 years," explains Sinnis.
Milagro has taught us to "expect the unexpected" says Dingus. "When we open a new window on the universe, the biggest discoveries are not the ones predicted."


18th May 2014, 12:35 PM

18th May 2014, 02:29 PM
ps. I just like to remind you all that mankind has missed his chance to evolve this time around due to God-gamma blocking chemtrails.

We must wait another 17k yrs. for the next barrel shot, sorry. :)

LOL... but by then the gene pool will be so degenerated that alligators will bypass us as the next great intellects in our galaxy.

19th May 2014, 04:26 AM
ultimately, everything is curved in the universe because the spin motion, from galaxies to atoms... and is the spin motion that is curving space between stars and atoms alike


it is our solar system in motion... but the sun doesnt move straight, it is an optical illusion, as the arms of the galaxy are curved.

now this said, this image gives a second meaning to the serpent found in the so many myths. DNA représentations also show curves. So maybe, the serpent means just Life. Indeed what was the serpent doing in the Three of Knowledge in the Eden tale? That Eve was tempted into knowing, regardless of the dangers? That Knowledge is evil? With knowing comes the choice between good and evil? Makes sense to me that the serpent gets a bad rap :) Look at what the elites are doing using the knowledge of the DNA serpent... this knowledge doesnt come from cavemen!

apparently empty space between stars has curved lines. who would have thought?