View Full Version : Can All Cancer Be Cured in Less Than 12 Weeks?

15th April 2014, 07:54 AM
On a recent interview, Dr. Leonard Coldwell claimed that ‘all cancer’ along with ‘all other kinds of immune diseases’ are based on emotional and mental stress and can be cured in less than 12 weeks through holistic cancer remedies. In addition, Dr. Coldwell names several cancer-curing treatments that are being suppressed by the medical and pharmaceutical industry, including sodium bicarbonate, apricot kernels, oxygen therapy, rife machines and colloidal silver.


link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GDUrVolMmZw

If you are wondering why there is no “official” cure for cancer, then try tracing the revenue cancer takes in each year. Cancer is a $60 billion a year industry, while cancer protection and the early intervention of cancer brings in an additional $162 billion each year.

When you investigate the roots of the medical and pharmaceutical industries, you will find the name of John D. Rockefeller.

Dr. Coldwell stated, “The medical curriculum was created by John D. Rockefeller over 100 years ago when he produced chemicals and didn’t know how to sell those chemicals. He produced sales people and called them MD’s. He produced the entire curriculum for the education of medical doctors. Rockefeller made sure that the medical doctor never learned how to cure. A medical doctor has about 1 hour of education in diet and nutritional health and no knowledge on healing. They study pathology which is the study of decay and death. They study the chemical intervention with symptoms; they don’t study healing, curing or looking for the root cause of disease. The only cause for any kind of disease is the lack of energy and that’s mainly caused by physical or emotional stress.”

“As nature creates a problem, nature creates a solution.” Dr. Leonard Coldwell

Dr. Coldwell added that the medical industry owns the media and partially owns the health insurance industry, as they both work together, hand-in-hand.

In the early 1900’s, Nobel award winners Otto Warburg and Max Planck proved that cancer can only exist in an oxygen-lacking, acidic environment.

Trivia: Max Planck is considered by many to be the founding father of quantum theory.

Typically, a normal pH value is 7 for most people. If your pH is lower than 7, it means that there are too many toxins in your body, which does not allow your body to be in an optimal alkaline state. When you are in an acidic state, your body is lacking oxygen.

Dr. Coldwell stated a case where an oncologist physician in Italy, Dr Tullio Simoncini has cured all types of cancer with pharmaceutical grade sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Dr Simoncini’s is the author of “Cancer is a Fungus” and his research concluded that abnormal cells are held together by a fungus, and the fungus can’t exist in an alkaline environment. Through his sodium bicarbonate treatment, the fungi is attacked and cancer is eliminated.

Dr. Simoncini’s research concluded that the medical profession only has a 2% cancer cure rate.

Dr Coldwell believes that radiation and chemotherapy cause cancer, while surgery spreads the cancer “like an explosion through the entire body.” Dr. Coldwell added, “Cancer is your friend; cancer is there to save your life.”

“When you live in a relationship that you know is toxic and it’s killing you, you need to get out of it or it will literally kill you.” Dr. Leonard Coldwell

The causes of cancer, according to Dr. Coldwell’s research include, living in constant worries, doubts and fears, lack of self-love, Lack of self-respect, lack of hope, lack of hope for the future and the biggest reason, making a constant compromise against yourself.

“That is why when you live in a relationship that you know is toxic and it’s killing you, you need to get out of it or it will literally kill you,” stated Dr. Coldwell. “If you go to a job that you cannot bear anymore, this job will kill you. That’s why most deadly heart attacks on Monday morning between 8 and 9 o’clock AM.” The message, according to Dr. Coldwell, is that they would rather die than going to work one more time.

The following are some cancer statistics and trivia provided by Dr. Coldwell:

86% of all doctor visits and illness, statistically, are all based on stress or are stress related.
Stanford University study: 95% of all illness is stress related.
The medical profession is the #1 cause of death in the Western so-called civilized world.
In the last 20 years, nobody has died of cancer, they have all died from the side effects of the treatment.
Cancer is the biggest money maker in history for the pharmaceutical industry.
There are over 300 to 400 known cancer cures that have virtually no side effects and nearly a 100% cure rate.
The medical profession has a cancer cure rate of 2%. If you do nothing, you have a 27% chance of recovery.
We are all born with cancer and cancerous cells, and our immune system gets rid of it from Day 1.
The only cause for illness is lack of energy.
The main cause for lack of energy is physical and emotional stress.
Bad relationships are the main cause of cancer.

In the United States, a physician can lose his or her license and/or go to jail if he or she does not doesn’t apply chemotherapy, radiation or surgery to their cancer patients. This is part of the scam that has been pulled upon us by the pharmaceutical and medical industries.

Dr. Coldwell suggested talking to a naturopathic physician before going to a medical doctor for any medical issue.

One of Dr. Coldwell’s suggestions was to combine 5 spoons of organic maple syrup with 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, warm it up to make into one mass, and eat it like a candy 3-4x each day. According to Dr. Coldwell, “The cancer cells looks for syrup. You basically get a Trojan horse going into the system. The cancer gets alkalized instantly.”

Another healthful recommendation by Dr. Coldwell is to add ½ teaspoon of sea salt to each gallon of water you consume, adding that the water should be in a glass container versus a plastic bottle that contains cancer causing bisphenol.


link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kS8j_kJejrE


link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=5nDbjqxNHKA

15th April 2014, 07:55 AM
In California, a man was jailed for “curing” cancer with apricot kernels:


link to video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SJAiutL8JyU

Another holistic cancer product you can research is MMS. Jim Humble, founder of the MMS treatment stated “If you take S drops of activated MMS, every hour for 8 hours for 3 days, your HIV or AIDS will be gone.” Humble added, “Everybody that had cancer, it was gone within three weeks. If you have cancer of any kind, I always give you MMS2. So you have the same protocol, but I always add MMS2 to the process.”

What is MMS2?

According to Humble, “MMS2 is this chemical, when you put it in water, it changes into hypochlorus acid. Hypochlorus acid is antacid that the immune system has been using for hundreds of thousands of years to kill all of the things that the immune system needs to be killed. Hypochlorus acid is naturally produced in your body and a lot of people are deficient in hypochlorus acid. Nobody, even though this has been known for years, nobody has ever thought about giving a person hypochlorus acid. I’m the first person to do it.”


link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=i9lkhk4kguA


link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zPgRrlqsTII

15th April 2014, 07:56 AM
Charlotte Gerson, Founder of the Gerson Institute stated, “The normal human body has a powerful defenses to the point of where cancer is impossible. The human body has such powerful defenses that a normal healthy body cannot, will not develop cancer or any other chronic disease for that matter. Not only that but with a good, healthy, normal, rich organic food, you can reverse these diseases.”

According the documentary Food Matters, “It is illegal in most countries around the world to treat cancer patients with nutritional therapy. The only legal treatments in these countries are surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.”

Cancer survival rates have been manipulated to the point where the medical industry has redefined the word “survive” to be only 5 years after the initial treatment. So hypothetically, you could “survive cancer for 5 years, and die the next month and you would be considered “cured” but dead.

Dr. Coldwell is a big fan of juicing and recommends an equal mixture of apple, celery and carrot juice, adding that it may initially give diarrhea. Many internet websites rank the Breville BJE510XL as the top rated juicer.

He also stated that people should research their issues as much as possible, and to study alternative options such as colloidal silver, raw food diet, apricot kernels and sodium bicarbonate, adding that one should try the natural remedies first.

Through my own research, I have found that Amazon has the best prices in holistic products shown below, but feel free to do your own research.

Raw Food: A Complete Guide for Every Meal of the Day (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1602399484/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1602399484&linkCode=as2&tag=wakitime09-20)
Breville BJE510XL Juice Fountain Multi-Speed 900-Watt Juicer (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000QBFFU8/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000QBFFU8&linkCode=as2&tag=wakitime09-20)
Natural Path Silver Wings Dietary Mineral Supplement, Colloidal Silver (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BSZBHS/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000BSZBHS&linkCode=as2&tag=wakitime09-20)
Cancer is a Fungus: A Revolution in Tumor Therapy (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/8887241082/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=8887241082&linkCode=as2&tag=wakitime09-20)
Organic Traditions Organic Kernels, Bitter Apricot (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AVIV4Q0/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00AVIV4Q0&linkCode=as2&tag=wakitime09-20)

One of Dr. Coldwell’s recommendations for cleansing metal from your system is a 100% natural cleanse from helpingamericanow.com, which helps eliminate the toxins from metals found in water, food, vaccines and dental work. He also emphasized the importance of a 21 day cleanse, stating “Every change in the system needs 21 days to happen and to be conditioned.”

In this writer’s opinion, one should make an educated decision by researching all options available. While I cannot make any personal recommendations, I hope this article helps in leading in your path of research. Ultimately, the decision is yours to make.


Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DgbdNNfotwM


Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ImBMjjyy9FY


Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=m8lIUtQrfNM

15th April 2014, 07:57 AM

Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mZtGbY0i_9E

The Global Information Network and Dr. Coldwell

More about the Global Information Network and Dr. Leonard Coldwell can be found here, where this article was originally published: http://holisticcancerresearch.com/dr-coldwell-all-cancer-can-be-cured-in-less-than-12-weeks.html


15th April 2014, 05:28 PM
Dr. Loraine Day, an orthopaedic surgeon cured herself of breast cancer without surgery, chemo or radiation. Her program takes a person of strong will but she had a huge tumor and at one point was not thought to live through the night.

She has a couple of great websites.

She also is on Radio Liberty GCN show fairly regularly and the archives are here. Just search her name to hear her talk about her program.


She was on today, 4-15, but it will be a day or two before the free archive is up but it is well worth a listen.

Getting rid of stress and trusting in God and forgiving others is a big part of her program.

Uncle Salty
15th April 2014, 06:01 PM
Go work at Fukushima, get cancer, and then naturally cure yourself. It ain't gonna happen.

Some cancers, yes. Many cancers, no.

mick silver
15th April 2014, 07:25 PM
guys like soros an other never die of cancer what do they have that we will never have

15th April 2014, 07:29 PM
Typically, a normal pH value is 7 for most people. If your pH is lower than 7, it means that there are too many toxins in your body, which does not allow your body to be in an optimal alkaline state. When you are in an acidic state, your body is lacking oxygen.

It isn't that simple. 7 is neutral, not acidic and not alkaline.

Different organs have different pH levels. Skin varies from 5-7, with 5-5.5 believed to be best. Blood is 7.35 - 7.45 and you will die if it is off by 1/100. Stomach pH can go as low as 2 and is ok during meals to be between 2 and 4.

Urine fluctuates between 6 and 8.5.

Go work at Fukushima, get cancer, and then naturally cure yourself. It ain't gonna happen.

Some cancers, yes. Many cancers, no.

Of course if you get seriously exposed you'd be dead quick and not from cancer. There are numerous evidence, however, of people surviving various nuclear accidents, such as Chernobyl. In Chernobyl , various crews were surviving on iodine and strong alcohol - as an example, by the way, that it isn't chemo therapy that they needed.

15th April 2014, 09:44 PM
Rockafeller got his Jew fucker to do this to us and we are paying to this day

Morris Fishbein
Leader of the AMA

By Bob Wallace


Dr. Morris Fishbein (1889-1976) originally studied to be a clown. Realizing he could make more money as a doctor, he entered medical school (where he failed anatomy), then barely graduated. He never treated a patient in his life. Why is he so important? Because he became head of the AMA, a position that he used to enrich himself and crush legitimate therapies out of existence. He appeared to be motivated solely by money and power.


As head of the AMA (and editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association from 1924-1949), he decided which drugs could be sold to the public based only how much advertising money he could extort from drug manufacturers, whom he required to place expensive ads in the JAMA. There were no drug-testing agencies, only Fishbein. It was irrelevant if the drugs worked.

http://jama.jamanetwork.com/data/journals/jama/926917/s_cover_jcv050813.png (http://jama.jamanetwork.com/issue.aspx?journalid=0&issueid=926917&direction=P)

Fishbein was a shakedown artist. Yet, today, there is a Morris Fishbein Center for the History of Science and Medicine at the University of Chicago. The AMA, a State-backed guild which today has a near-stranglehold on the medical profession, was founded in 1847 merely as a social and scientific organization. Its original purpose was totally appropriate. It was in their private (and the public's) interest for practitioners to get together to trade knowledge, and, for all the outward seriousness of the organization, to have some fun. The original purpose always seems to get lost, though. Some members always want to use the State to reduce the supply of practitioners (which increases income) and eliminate competition (which also increases income, and, much more seriously, reduces innovation). This happened with he AMA, which is why it is now a danger to the health of the American people. In 1900, while attending the annual AMA convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, three doctors came up with the always-destructive but all-too-human idea of using the AMA as a front, in order to form a closed corporation for their financial benefit. A constitution, bylaws and a charter were created which appeared to give the members of the AMA a say in the activities of the corporation, whereas in reality the three directors had complete control. These three formed smaller political machines in every state, which they controlled through the main corporation. In 1924, not surprisingly (perhaps inevitably) one of the directors became involved in a scandal and had to resign. He appointed Fishbein to take his place. Fishbein ultimately took control of the AMA, and by 1934 owned all of the stock. In his new position he was able to assume dictatorial control of the state licensing boards and made it as difficult as he could for any doctor who did not join. He, and the three doctors who formed the corporation, were little more than extortionists, ones who made millions by using the power of the State. The AMA, which started out as a legitimate organization, rapidly became crooked. And Fishbein was the main cause.

Fishbein's steadily aggrandizing powers at the AMA were veiled by the fact that he never had any title there except "editor." He maintained absolute control over all the publications of the AMA, and thus gained his total power over the organization. No one who disagreed with him had any opportunity to voice any discontent.

He also maintained absolute control over the selection of the personnel of the various committees of the AMA, so that no one was ever in a position to attack him. The Committee on Food and the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry were his particular preserves, because of the great power they had over manufacturers and advertisers.

The Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry had been set up in 1905, at the same time that the Food and Drug Act had been passed by congress; the two groups always worked together very closely.

As advertising revenues increased each year, Fishbein steadfastly denied that any profits were being made by the AMA. He was quoted in Review of Reviews, 1926, "Far from being the ‘corporation not for profit' which the statutes list it, the American Medical Association has been exceedingly profitable to the public, both in dollars and in lives." Thus Fishbein adeptly turned aside growing criticism of the income of the AMA by his claim that it was profitable to the public at large.

The Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry was the key to the big money. A drug company could make one hundred million dollars on a new product, if it were to be released under the proper auspices; the most vital, of course, was the AMA Seal of Acceptance. The opportunities for large scale bribery, conspiracy and corruption were too prevalent to be ignored. One physician who was very conscious of this was Dr. Emanuel Josephson of New York. Heir to a large fortune, Dr. Josephson resided in a multi-million dollar townhouse in the city's most expensive area, just around the corner from Nelson Rockefeller on the fashionable Upper East Side. Josephson was unable to conceal his contempt for Fishbein and his money-grubbing activities. On January 2, 1932, he officially resigned from the AMA's New York City Medical Society; the AMA chose to ignore his letter of resignation until 1938, when Fishbein released a letter claiming that the AMA "had severed connections with him." In 1939, Dr. Josephson submitted the important record of his ground breaking research to Science Magazine, "Vitamin E Therapy of Myasthenia Gravis," which they refused to print. Dr. Josephson later pointed out that the AMA had deliberately concealed the benefits of Vitamin E therapy for more than twenty-five years. This was only one instance of hundreds in which the AMA withheld life-saving information from the public. The benefits of Vitamin E therapy are now generally recognized by the medical profession.

The AMA technique for controlling all new products was revealed by a United Press dispatch January 20, 1940, that the AMA had a well-defined newspaper policy "never to call anything a cure, or in fact give publicity to any remedy of any description, without a thorough investigation." The organization usually recommended that any report of a remedy should be referred to the New York branch of the AMA for investigation. As Dr. Josephson testified, he had tried for years to get the New York chapter of the AMA to investigate his findings, but they always refused.

The AMA Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry had effectively solidified its control by amending the official AMA Code of Ethics to prohibit individual physicians from giving any testimonials in favor of any drug; this amendment protected the valuable monopoly of AMA headquarters in Chicago. A distinguished scientist and teacher, Dr. Frank G. Lydston, published a booklet, "Why the AMA is Going Backward," in which he stated, "The achievement of what the oligarchy of the AMA has boasted most vociferously has been its belated war on proprietaries, quack medical manufacturers and unproved products. When I recall the nauseous array of proprietary fakes on the advertisements on which the oligarchy built its financial prosperity, its ‘holier than thou' pose is sickening. It was fitting to its psychic constitution that after the AMA has for years done its level best to promulgate the interests, and to fatten upon, fake manufacturers and professional poisoners of the innocent, it should bite the hand that fed it. Despotic powers such as the oligarchy wields over the food and drug manufacturers is dangerous, and human nature being what it is, that power might be expected to sooner or later to be abused."

Dr. Josephson also observed that "The history of the AMA's Seal of Acceptance is replete with betrayals of professional and public trust. Drug products of the highest value have been rejected or their acceptance unwarrantedly delayed. Worthless, dangerous or deadly food and drugs have been hastily accepted."

On April 20, 1936, Time magazine reported that the American Medical Association was then worth $3,800,000, of which two million was in government bonds, one million in cash, with an $800,000 headquarters building in Chicago. Time also mentioned another little known aspect of the AMA medical monopoly, "Shoes designed to correct foot trouble must be approved by AMA before a conscientious physician may prescribe them." Just how the AMA had set up this shoe monopoly was not clear.

On July 7, 1961, Time reported that the AMA Journal now had a circulation of 180,000, with income of 16 million dollars a year, "the bulk from ads in its publications mainly by drug and appliance makers." The AMA Constitution states that it was organized "to promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health." Yet the history of the AMA was replete with events which contradicted this goal. Literary Digest reported on June 11, 1927, the AMA had adopted a resolution that alcohol had no scientific place in medicine. In all fairness, it should be reported that the 1917 resolution had probably been passed at the behest of the Rockefeller interests, which, for their own hidden purposes, were strongly supporting passage of prohibition at that time.

On February 9, 1977, the Federal Trade Commission issued an order against the AMA because it had barred certain drug advertisements. Throughout the 25-year reign of Morris Fishbein at the AMA, the organization repeatedly made bewildering about face recommendations on certain products, the reason for such reversals being known only by Fishbein himself. The situation also offered impressive profits to be made by investing in the stock of a certain drug firm just before it received the coveted AMA Seal of Acceptance for a new product. After such an announcement, it was not unusual for the stock of the drug firm to double in price. Only Dr. Fishbein knew when such an approval would be released.

One of the more reprehensible decisions made by Dr. Fishbein during his long reign at the AMA was his move to hush up a dangerous outbreak of amoebic dysentery in Chicago at the height of the World's Fair observance in 1933. Although the cause of the outbreak was traced to faulty plumbing at the Congress Hotel, Fishbein met with a group of Chicago business leaders and pledged the cooperation of the AMA in holding back any warnings until the Fair had ended its season. Hundreds of unsuspecting tourists who visited the World's Fair returned to their home towns infected with the terrible illness, which often lingers for years, and is very difficult to treat or to cure.

The list of dangerous drugs approved by Fishbein during his tenure as public spokesman for the AMA is lengthy and terrifying. Fishbein hastened to approve the notorious diet drug, dinetrophenol, despite laboratory records that it was dangerous to health. Another drug, tryparsamide, manufactured by Merck under license from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, was a dangerous arsenical drug. Used to counter the effects of syphilis, it was abandoned by its discoverer, Paul Ehrlich, when he found that it caused blindness by atrophying the optic nerve. Ehrlich's warnings did not prevent the AMA, Merck or the Rockefeller Institute from continuing to distribute this drug.

One of the more reprehensible episodes in Fishbein's long career was his denial of the Seal of Acceptance of the AMA to sulfanilamide, although it had been saving lives in Europe for several years. Because its producers had failed to negotiate a satisfactory deal with Fishbein, numerous persons in the United States continued to die of septicemia, or blood poisoning. The dam finally broke when a member of the Roosevelt family, in dire need of immediate treatment with sulfanilimide, had his physician obtain a special supply. Shortly thereafter the AMA Council was forced to "accept" it. In 1935 and 1936, the Council accepted and advertised in the Journal a heart stimulant, Digitol, at the very time that government agencies were seizing and condemning interstate shipments of this drug as a substance dangerous to life. Another product, Ergot Aseptic, was accepted by the Council, and advertisements for this product prominently featured in the Journal, at the same time that government agencies were seizing and condemning its shipments because of adulterants and misbranding.

Fishbein found a home at the AMA in 1913. He did not leave until 1949, when he was literally kicked out.

During Fishbein's tenure, the American Medical Association was firmly in the hands of the nation's two most aggressive quacks, Simmons, who had practiced medicine for years, unembarrassed by the fact that he had no medical degree which would hold up under the light of day, and Fishbein, who admitted under oath in 1938 that he had never practiced medicine a day in his life.

Content copyright 2014. The Bris Milah Anti-Defamation League. All rights reserved.

Content copyright 2014. The Bris Milah Anti-Defamation League. All rights reserved.
