View Full Version : Sacred albino moose killed by hunters

15th April 2014, 11:21 PM
Sorry was this posted before?

Sacred albino moose killed by huntersOctober 14, 2013
A rare albino moose, considered a sacred "spirit animal" by Nova Scotia's indigenous Mi’kmaq people, was killed last week by visiting hunters unaware of its spiritual significance. After the hunters posted photos of the kill on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hnatiuks-Hunting-Fishing-Ltd/164122446948620), outrage quickly spread both online and within the local Mi'kmaq community.

http://www.treehugger.com/endangered-species/sacred-white-moose-killed-hunters.html (http://www.treehugger.com/endangered-species/sacred-white-moose-killed-hunters.html)

Twisted Titan
15th April 2014, 11:47 PM
They are going to have bad juju now!

16th April 2014, 04:37 AM
the problem is that only people who have money do hunt. It is for fun first, food is secondary. I watched the hunting channel the other day featuring old footages of safaris in africa, killing of éléphants and other big animals, then the hunters posing arrogantly. I understood why humans still kill each others. No respect for Life. And what we do to the animal realm mirrors our own mentality (but in much worse since we have a conscience). As above, so below.

Any killing in the Universe must be taken seriously and killing animals should be for survival and surely not to over eat, satisfy glutony (capital sin in the bible). Anything that has to do with whatever superficial need comes with a karma attached. Animals do not kill one another unless they *must* eat, and that's why Nature is in balance.

Man should better learn from Nature. Then maybe He would understand why all those factory farms must close down, eat (much) less meat and start buying His meat directly from a dedicated farmer who knows how to raise his livestock without stress. And stop hunting, unless He lives off the grid in the woods in harmony with Nature.

nothing to do with PETA. Voluntaryism starts with the full awareness of Life and Natural Laws.

16th April 2014, 05:17 AM
you should make a master list of what everyone should do and think. you're pretty preachy lately.

16th April 2014, 05:36 AM
just speaking of natural laws.... the NWO knows all this. Either we learn this or the NWO will end up killing millions/billions of us. We choose?

you should make a master list of what everyone should do and think. you're pretty preachy lately.

16th April 2014, 05:40 AM
the problem is that only people who have money do hunt. It is for fun first, food is secondary.

I shoot cow moose, elk and doe deer cause I think they are better eating when I pick young ones. Never have seen a rancher go out and shoot his biggest and oldest bull for meat so I figure they have it figured too. To say it is fun first for everyone is plain and simple a lie.

16th April 2014, 06:03 AM
well I have met a lot of hunters who band together in the fall, and they are ALL very happy with the hunting season... look at the picture of those who killed the moose, they ALL are overweight, They do not need the meat obviously.

Yes, most of the time it is for fun first... most of the time. Killing is fun most of the time... so thinks the NWO which regards us ants.

Dont take it personally... there are exceptions.

If there are many endangered species, hunting records tell the truth... thinking of tigers, whales and pandas for example as I type this.

edit: I have been working on a few farms whose owners always bless the animals before slaughter, simply because they respect Life.

I shoot cow moose, elk and doe deer cause I think they are better eating when I pick young ones. Never have seen a rancher go out and shoot his biggest and oldest bull for meat so I figure they have it figured too. To say it is fun first for everyone is plain and simple a lie.

16th April 2014, 06:40 AM

16th April 2014, 06:58 AM
well I have met a lot of hunters who band together in the fall, and they are ALL very happy with the hunting season... look at the picture of those who killed the moose, they ALL are overweight, They do not need the meat obviously.

Yes, most of the time it is for fun first... most of the time.

Are you sure you are not seeing killing for fun where there actually exists something deeper? Something like joy at reconnecting with nature, reconnecting with ancestral traditions and neccessity. The chance to be a MAN for the one week per year that most modern men are allowed. Yes, it is a cheap imitation of really hunting for survival, but I know of very few hunters who do it just for the killing. In fact all the hunters I know personally would be repulsed by the idea of shooting an animal in a cage. They hunt mainly for the reasons I listed above.

16th April 2014, 07:28 AM
bold: reconnecting with nature... when one does not really need the meat is a fake impression. I agree with you. when there is a lack of authenticity, the experience is voided.

edit: i am exiting this thread, I shared my 2 cents. If we are serious about defeating the NWO, respect for Life - and Natural Laws - as a whole needs to become a primary concern.

Are you sure you are not seeing killing for fun where there actually exists something deeper? Something like joy at reconnecting with nature, reconnecting with ancestral traditions and neccessity. The chance to be a MAN for the one week per year that most modern men are allowed. Yes, it is a cheap imitation of really hunting for survival, but I know of very few hunters who do it just for the killing. In fact all the hunters I know personally would be repulsed by the idea of shooting an animal in a cage. They hunt mainly for the reasons I listed above.

16th April 2014, 07:33 AM
you should make a master list of what everyone should do and think. you're pretty preachy lately.

I tried, honestly. But its a losing battle.

Her narrow minded views and pontificating are so entrenched there's no chance she will concede any ground on what are absurd beliefs. Her minion of feel good cheer leaders hasn't helped. They don't really care what beliefs each other holds or even if they're different, just so long as they emotionally pump up each other's tires.

She thinks they've won some kind of battle, hence the pontificating, truth is because of the way they view the world, they ironically lost the battle before it even began.

16th April 2014, 07:33 AM
well I have met a lot of hunters who band together in the fall, and they are ALL very happy with the hunting season... look at the picture of those who killed the moose, they ALL are overweight, They do not need the meat obviously.

Yes, most of the time it is for fun first... most of the time. Killing is fun most of the time... so thinks the NWO which regards us ants.

Dont take it personally... there are exceptions.

If there are many endangered species, hunting records tell the truth... thinking of tigers, whales and pandas for example as I type this.

edit: I have been working on a few farms whose owners always bless the animals before slaughter, simply because they respect Life.

I as well have been around many hunters and I respect some and loathe others. Using terms that say "All" is just plain wrong and that is my complaint. I also kill coyotes by the truck load but I sell their hides and run free ranging fowl and calves. Killing animals is as much part of my life as breathing as we produce our own food and it's easier to kill them before we try cooking them.

A few years ago we had a Mule doe have twin albino bambi's and the community watched them grow up to yearlings when some guy from out of area shot one. The other disappeared and we don't know if it was shot or what. A white critter stands out and is at a disadvantage from the get go. It's only humans who put a religious font on them as a predator just looks upon them as a non hiding meal. If hunters don't kill a good number of critters they will then explode in numbers to where someone will ask the government to cull them costing me/us a bunch more money. As it is the hunters pay some fees to do the same thing.
Having enough critters in the yard to do this can make one want to see a few more dead.

Elk tracks headed for the winter food supply.

With this many on your crop it is a good bet that you would want some dead.

There isn't a one fix solution to problems.

16th April 2014, 07:57 AM
With this many on your crop it is a good bet that you would want some dead

wait or maybe is the core issue is that monoculture is itself a problem/fallacy.... I am into permaculture for a reason, monoculture has brought about so many ills and those birds are only a symptom.

we have to restart everything from scratch

Farming With Nature - Permaculture with Sepp Holzer


more vids on permaculture on page


16th April 2014, 08:45 AM
...when one does not really need the meat ...

You've used this line twice in this thread, And I'm still not sure what you mean by it.

If you mean that eating domestic animals is preferable to eating game, morally or otherwise, I would disagree.

If you mean that humans shouldn't eat meat at all, then it's clear you have chosen pseudoscience and propaganda over real science and millenia of experience.

16th April 2014, 08:46 AM
You can't just restart everything from scratch. You may affect change over time. Not all areas are the same so trying to do the same across all the world will not work.

16th April 2014, 09:06 AM
I would take serious deliberation over shooting an albino moose, even if I were starving.

Maybe follow him to see if he lead me to a feast somewhere else. :)

mick silver
16th April 2014, 09:09 AM
i hunt deer for the meat it's part of my life to hunt and set back and think and enjoy the people around me

16th April 2014, 12:37 PM
A travesty, look at the old man... guy looks as though he can barley form a cohearant thought. I have no problem with hunting, but it should be for food, if you NEED it. Like Singular says it's for fun first and for most, the sustainance is an after thought, and it's not needed. Hell go buy some chicken at the store, no reason to take a wild animals life, that would not have been taken otherwise by such means. All by some wealthy asshole too, who like I said has no need to do it other than "sport".

I've hunted deer before killed a couple and ate the meat for a while afterwards, but now I just don't see the need for it. I would go out with my uncle and his friend when I was younger, drink beers, bullshit, and kill things... that's all it is, we could have went to the local diner and done the same thing minus the killing.

But I'm a city boy, what do I know?

mick silver
16th April 2014, 01:32 PM
it's about what the meat doesnt have in it to what you buy in the store , most city people will not make it if something bad was to happen a body cannot live on vegs alone if one has to work hard all day lone for what he has ... a little fat help alot . i raise my own hogs for my family they are NOT the same as you buy in the store theirs some fat on my little piggys . people need to learn how to kill and animal and how to fix it for the freeze . killing and animal put you closer to what your eating

16th April 2014, 01:36 PM
it's about what the meat doesnt have in it to what you buy in the store , most city people will not make it if something bad was to happen a body cannot live on vegs alone if one has to work hard all day lone for what he has ... a little fat help alot . i raise my own hogs for my family they are NOT the same as you buy in the store theirs some fat on my little piggys

I agree with this, I was thinking the same thing as I was typing. One can always buy organic meat from a trusted store, but who the fuck knows what's really in it, unless you kill the animal yourself in the wild. I guess I'm kind of in the middle on the whole thing. I'd rather not kill other living things, but the Gov is doing just that to us with shit in our food (among other things), so... Eh

16th April 2014, 01:48 PM
Of course, a wild animal wanders all over creation eating from fields that have just been srayed with who knows what. From a health standpoint, I don't know that you can say definitively that they are better than factory farmed. They eat a lot of the same things, but they don't have a reentry restriction after pesticides like domestic animals are supposed to.

we could have went to the local diner and done the same thing minus the killing.

An animal would have died and you would have eaten it either way. At the diner you wouldn't have watched it die, so you would feel better about yourself I suppose.

16th April 2014, 02:02 PM
Of course, a wild animal wanders all over creation eating from fields that have just been srayed with who knows what. From a health standpoint, I don't know that you can say definitively that they are better than factory farmed. They eat a lot of the same things, but they don't have a reentry restriction after pesticides like domestic animals are supposed to.

I just happen to be a licensed pesticide applicator and have made a living for the past 20 years doing this. I live in an agriculture area[dry land farming/ranching] and witness meat production on a daily basis. One of the reasons I raise our own poultry, dairy, beef and pork. The feedlots make money on beef that gets ready for market quickest and that means the use of hormones and a lot of other medications I don't use. Pork is just not the same from a barn to outside raised on a diet of mixed food. Poultry raised in a barn has the same consistency to me as a box of mashed potatoes. I think one of the funnier things I witnessed was pulling into a Hutterite colony with the boss of them driving and there was like 300 geese, 500,ducks, 1,000 chickens and a bunch of turkeys out in the corral/feedyard free ranging and right next is a barn big enough for 200,000 birds. I asked Mike what the [L] are the ones outside for. He answered,"Them's the ones we eat".

old steel
16th April 2014, 02:07 PM
I would take serious deliberation over shooting an albino moose, even if I were starving.

Maybe follow him to see if he lead me to a feast somewhere else. :)


old steel
16th April 2014, 02:13 PM
I just happen to be a licensed pesticide applicator and have made a living for the past 20 years doing this. I live in an agriculture area[dry land farming/ranching] and witness meat production on a daily basis. One of the reasons I raise our own poultry, dairy, beef and pork. The feedlots make money on beef that gets ready for market quickest and that means the use of hormones and a lot of other medications I don't use. Pork is just not the same from a barn to outside raised on a diet of mixed food. Poultry raised in a barn has the same consistency to me as a box of mashed potatoes. I think one of the funnier things I witnessed was pulling into a Hutterite colony with the boss of them driving and there was like 300 geese, 500,ducks, 1,000 chickens and a bunch of turkeys out in the corral/feedyard free ranging and right next is a barn big enough for 200,000 birds. I asked Mike what the [L] are the ones outside for. He answered,"Them's the ones we eat".

Far out.

16th April 2014, 02:43 PM
Of course, a wild animal wanders all over creation eating from fields that have just been srayed with who knows what. From a health standpoint, I don't know that you can say definitively that they are better than factory farmed. They eat a lot of the same things, but they don't have a reentry restriction after pesticides like domestic animals are supposed to.

An animal would have died and you would have eaten it either way. At the diner you wouldn't have watched it die, so you would feel better about yourself I suppose.

Don't get me wrong horseshoe... I'm not one these self-righteous ones. I'm just saying that it would have been something that was already killed and packaged, it's a product. But I actually was going out and killing deer that would have been alive otherwise, a wild animal that would have been alive unless someone like me came along and shot it in the head. Don't get sarcastic with me. Damn I was like 16 years old and good with a rifle.. wish I still was.

I'm just thinking out loud so to speak, that went though my mind too, it seems as though the deck is stacked against us.

Edit to add: Where I hunted, down on a family hand built cabin, there were no pesticides, it was a get away so to speak, basics, no electric, fucking heat from a wall mounted polite light thing, (was my dead father's, I wish my Mom hadn't sold it after he died, I'd live there, and spend my free time upgrading it) Then maybe I would be hunting... I'm just saying that if you have the means, then go get your meat else ware, if not then by all means hunt and kill. I would have loved to live off of the land. Unfortunately he died when I was 12, and she sold it when I was about 16, I wasn't awake yet. I would kill a man to live there now, I cant remember how many acres it was, just a small cabin in the middle of a good amount of land.

Like I said, I'm a city boy, but have experience in the rural areas too... just a Jack of all trades, but master of none. That's the first time I shot a shot gun, I was.. 10 years old? 10 gauge, blew me back, like "oh shit"

16th April 2014, 03:18 PM
...kiling an animal when one does not really need the meat, for the trophy, the sport, should never be an option.

well I made the point earlier that factory farms should be ended because they have to promote overconsumption to stay in business. Grass fed cattle and free range poultry is by far preferable to consume - as long as the animals have a decent life and are free of pesticides and antibiotics, thats fine. Hunting is fine if living off the grid with the philosophy that supports it. Unfortunately most hunters are amateurs seeking for a thrill. I say "most of them".

I never made the argument for meat-less diets. Tell me where? Hence, your pseudoscience conclusion is baseless, sorry.

ps: I was an intern on that one off the grid farm whose owner killed an elk, and did help to clean up the meat and package it. The owner stored the meat in a freezer and had enough of meat for a whole year. I do not see anything wrong with it.

If those shopping in supermakets had to slaughter animals to eat, meat over consumption would simply be over, because they would see the other side of the coin and start respecting life. Killing has to be necessary (for survival) not when one wishes to indulge. It is the indugence factor that we have to look at to determine whether killing an animal is right or wrong. And those hunters who killed the moose didnt need the meat as they all are overweight to start with. Maybe did they sell most of the moose meat at a high price... for profits, if so that is wrong. We need a balanced behavior as Nature gives us everything free of charge. That is mainly way the run up for profits is going to jeopardize Humanity at some point, sooner than later. Mastering Natural Laws is essential if we ever wish our species to make it and get rid of the NWO. I am not much of a bible believer, but there is a reason why glutony is a capital sin.

You've used this line twice in this thread, And I'm still not sure what you mean by it.

If you mean that eating domestic animals is preferable to eating game, morally or otherwise, I would disagree.

If you mean that humans shouldn't eat meat at all, then it's clear you have chosen pseudoscience and propaganda over real science and millenia of experience.

mick silver
16th April 2014, 03:25 PM
i like it when a deer jump in the front seat of a car then people have the nerve we need to kill more deer and plus if you didnt take deer and other animals how do you think the food would run out for them , if you never seen that then you need to

old steel
16th April 2014, 03:26 PM
A cabin in the woods like that today?


16th April 2014, 03:28 PM
A cabin in the woods like that today?

I know... It pains me to think about it, I was too young and had no say, I didn't care at the time... Would have been perfect... Apparently pops knew what he was doing.

16th April 2014, 03:37 PM
I concur, Mike... :)

it's about what the meat doesnt have in it to what you buy in the store , most city people will not make it if something bad was to happen a body cannot live on vegs alone if one has to work hard all day lone for what he has ... a little fat help alot . i raise my own hogs for my family they are NOT the same as you buy in the store theirs some fat on my little piggys . people need to learn how to kill and animal and how to fix it for the freeze . killing and animal put you closer to what your eating

16th April 2014, 04:10 PM
Aeondaze, I have been merely advocating for mastering Laws that can either be or cannot be changed.

And all the systems so far, have just created more Laws to address the side of effects of things - social behaviors - that will never change, instead adapting themselves to the very prime cause. That is simply why everythng is corrupt. And because everything is corrupt, the human mind too is.

So people who do not see where the faulty reasoning lies, will just end up embracing laws to protect themselves from the evil human nature... it is a game that can never be won. The NWO knows and tricks us at every street corner - this and that is why we have so many ideologies that bring about nothing but add more chaos to the Matrix.

If people could identify the prime cause, 85-90% of the laws we currently have in place would just be put to rest - forever.

The dilemma while very complex, has a very simple solution. It is all about how far we can stretch it. People who were taught that earth was flat couldnt conceive traveling much farther than the horizon.The stakes have not changed because the NWO/elites controls education.


I tried, honestly. But its a losing battle.

Her narrow minded views and pontificating are so entrenched there's no chance she will concede any ground on what are absurd beliefs. Her minion of feel good cheer leaders hasn't helped. They don't really care what beliefs each other holds or even if they're different, just so long as they emotionally pump up each other's tires.

She thinks they've won some kind of battle, hence the pontificating, truth is because of the way they view the world, they ironically lost the battle before it even began.

16th April 2014, 04:16 PM
killing and animal put you closer to what your eating

It seems you and I are kinda/sorta on the same page but this one baffles me. I thought it was the fork that put me closer to what I am eating. Watching the light go out in the eyes of an animal I just killed is never easy but I know I like to eat meat and if I'm gonna eat good meat then I must do what I must in order to obtain it. I got's a notion we eat better than any king has here at my home and I know when I eat sausage that I ain't eating aholes and someones snot. That stuff I leave for the birds and coyotes to pick over. A slaughter house makes money by selling as many pounds of the animal as they can so their wastage is way down from mine but I'll live with that.

16th April 2014, 04:24 PM
the problem is that only people who have money do hunt. It is for fun first, food is secondary. I watched the hunting channel the other day featuring old footages of safaris in africa, killing of éléphants and other big animals, then the hunters posing arrogantly.

Those hunters are not posing arrogantly, they are posing because it's a huge accomplishment to hunt and kill an elephant.

The media does some massive brainwashing regarding this issue. First off, elephants while amazing creatures can easily become over populated and they absolutely destroy the habitat they graze in. It's a path of destruction with them, plus, being one of the "big six" dangerous game, they kill innocent villagers, people as well.

So, Africa manages the population. They issue a certain number of tags, which cost rich hunters like $60,000 for the hunt. It is a big deal, and a big deal for the local population, for the tourism. So, the hunters pay a big price, they come and visit and pay guides, local lodges, scouts, a bunch of locals get jobs from this....then, when the hunt is successful. All the meat, the whole elephant, goes to feed an entire village.

The village has a huge celebration, and nothing goes to waste. A huge elephant can feed a lot of folks. They celebrate because they were given, free, tons of food, and a dangerous animal which could harm them is now gone.

Elephants are not endangered. The population needs to be controlled. Rich Americans and Europeans are the ones who can afford to do so, and the local population celebrates them.

16th April 2014, 04:38 PM
...kiling an animal when one does not really need the meat, for the trophy, the sport, should never be an option.

why? i have 200+ deer on my land. many of which are 5-6 years old and are going to die because they are the end of their life cycle. why is it bad for me to shoot them for a trophy mount? why is letting them fall in the creek of old age and die preferable?

16th April 2014, 04:44 PM
it all dépends on one values one's own "self-Worth"... those killings are perpetrated by humans that have a poor self-esteem, power greedy. Hence the killing for ivory which is said to give higher powers.

Nature manages herself very well... before humans started to see everything for profits

Those hunters are not posing arrogantly, they are posing because it's a huge accomplishment to hunt and kill an elephant.... It is a big deal, and a big deal for the local population, for the tourism

16th April 2014, 04:46 PM
...kiling an animal when one does not really need the meat, for the trophy, the sport, should never be an option.

why? i have 200+ deer on my land. many of which are 5-6 years old and are going to die because they are the end of their life cycle. why is it bad for me to shoot them for a trophy mount? why is letting them fall in the creek of old age and die preferable?

Personally, I don't agree with "trophy" hunting, but, to each its own. What I have an issue with is the lack of common sense by those "hunters" not to see the rare beauty in that animal and just admire it and then let it go on its merry way. There are plenty of other "trophies" out there.......

16th April 2014, 04:51 PM
the end justifies the means... just ask the NWO, they know better. We are cattle to them... as above so below, so indeed, we do not any deserve better than what they have for us in the store ???

...kiling an animal when one does not really need the meat, for the trophy, the sport, should never be an option.

why? i have 200+ deer on my land. many of which are 5-6 years old and are going to die because they are the end of their life cycle. why is it bad for me to shoot them for a trophy mount? why is letting them fall in the creek of old age and die preferable?

16th April 2014, 04:52 PM
it all dépends on one's value one's own "self-Worth"... those killings are perpetrated by humans that have a poor self-esteem, power greedy. Hence the killing for ivory which is said to give higher powers.

The ivory is killed by poachers, not hunting folks who help maintain a healthy population, and feed local villages. Hunters who are legal, help everyone, help the local population, help feed poor people.

The problem is the ivory. I don't see anyone posting in this thread condoning poaching. People eat meat, and that means hunting.

16th April 2014, 04:56 PM
Don't get me wrong horseshoe... I'm not one these self-righteous ones. I'm just saying that it would have been something that was already killed and packaged, it's a product. But I actually was going out and killing deer that would have been alive otherwise, a wild animal that would have been alive unless someone like me came along and shot it in the head. Don't get sarcastic with me. Damn I was like 16 years old and good with a rifle.. wish I still was.

I'm just thinking out loud so to speak, that went though my mind too, it seems as though the deck is stacked against us.

Edit to add: Where I hunted, down on a family hand built cabin, there were no pesticides, it was a get away so to speak, basics, no electric, fucking heat from a wall mounted polite light thing, (was my dead father's, I wish my Mom hadn't sold it after he died, I'd live there, and spend my free time upgrading it) Then maybe I would be hunting... I'm just saying that if you have the means, then go get your meat else ware, if not then by all means hunt and kill. I would have loved to live off of the land. Unfortunately he died when I was 12, and she sold it when I was about 16, I wasn't awake yet. I would kill a man to live there now, I cant remember how many acres it was, just a small cabin in the middle of a good amount of land.

Like I said, I'm a city boy, but have experience in the rural areas too... just a Jack of all trades, but master of none. That's the first time I shot a shot gun, I was.. 10 years old? 10 gauge, blew me back, like "oh shit"

I wasn't being sarcastic and I'm sorry if it sounded that way. It's an argument I've heard many times before and I really don't understand it. If you are going to eat meat, then it's a zero sum whether you kill it yourself or hire a butcher to do it for you. It reminds me of all these Mennonites in my area who refuse to own a gun because of their commitment to non violence. But if someone breaks into their house, they have no problem calling the police to come and do violence on their behalf.

16th April 2014, 05:01 PM
...kiling an animal when one does not really need the meat, for the trophy, the sport, should never be an option.

I will agree with one change. "when one does not USE the meat." Whether one needs the meat or not is not for you or me to decide. If he does not let it go to waste, then he has satisfied his duty.

I never made the argument for meat-less diets. Tell me where? Hence, your pseudoscience conclusion is baseless, sorry.

I didn't say you did. I listed it as one possible option. Apparently it is not the correct option.

16th April 2014, 05:04 PM
Personally, I don't agree with "trophy" hunting, but, to each its own. What I have an issue with is the lack of common sense by those "hunters" not to see the rare beauty in that animal and just admire it and then let it go on its merry way. There are plenty of other "trophies" out there.......

Yeah, like flyfishing. When I bait casted, I kept all the fish I caught. When I started flyfishing, I released most, but kept one on occasion for dinner. The fish became beautiful to me, when catching them on a fly. It made it hard to keep one after that.

16th April 2014, 05:14 PM
add airfare ... most of the carcasses rot in the sun and feed the vultures anyway

2012 Elephant Bull Safari - $38,500
14 days inclusive of trophy fee, transportation into camp, all government licenses and permit fees - no hidden fees or extra costs!

how about donating the $$ directly to the locals which must be bored with eating the same meat every day

no comment :(




Black rhino hunting permit auctioned for $350,000 - Yahoo

follow the money trail. Hunting is a BIG business for the state.

The ivory is killed by poachers, not hunting folks who help maintain a healthy population, and feed local villages. Hunters who are legal, help everyone, help the local population, help feed poor people.

The problem is the ivory. I don't see anyone posting in this thread condoning poaching. People eat meat, and that means hunting.

16th April 2014, 05:16 PM
I don't get the thrill of standing afar and taking down these majestic creatures "just cuz". Food yes, this, insanity run amok.......

16th April 2014, 05:21 PM
I don't get the thrill of standing afar and taking down these majestic creatures "just cuz". Food yes, this, insanity run amok.......

Not all killing is done for the thrill. It is the the way to an end.

16th April 2014, 05:26 PM
how about donating the $$ directly to the locals which must be bored with eating the same meat every day

Singular, I've got to disagree with you on this one...

First off, I love animals. I would only take what I could eat, and say a prayer for what was needed. But there's massive amount of disinformation out there regarding some of these hunts. I've already laid out some of the details on that. There's a lot of programming and shaming in play, I think you have bought into it.

These animals DO NOT GO TO WASTE. They feed the locals who can't hunt them themselves. They can't afford the price of a 'tag' or a $10,000 gun. Yes, most guns that hunt elephants are that expensive. It's a tourist income to them.

I'm not saying I agree 100% with the way that it is, but for the most part, the locals are benefiting from these hunts.

16th April 2014, 06:09 PM
why? i have 200+ deer on my land.

You've been granted Obamacare exclusion.

Please don't slay the albinos.

16th April 2014, 06:13 PM
...kiling an animal when one does not really need the meat, for the trophy, the sport, should never be an option.

why? i have 200+ deer on my land. many of which are 5-6 years old and are going to die because they are the end of their life cycle. why is it bad for me to shoot them for a trophy mount? why is letting them fall in the creek of old age and die preferable?

Because it is of their own accord, natural death. What if you were 50 or 60 years old so I shoot you in the face? You're going to die anyway.... and yes I'd eat you too, prodably have good meat.

16th April 2014, 06:20 PM
i love how a bunch of you are fighting the system and tptb, but when it comes to shooting animals "you know better." just like them, apparently.

16th April 2014, 06:39 PM
i love how a bunch of you are fighting the system and tptb, but when it comes to shooting animals "you know better." just like them, apparently.

Looks like you are on the same level that they are... Might makes right I guess. Can you not see the hypocrisy?

16th April 2014, 06:42 PM
i love how a bunch of you are fighting the system and tptb, but when it comes to shooting animals "you know better." just like them, apparently.

Dude, if you go surfing and you get chomped on by a shark, it was nature..food chain, you fed the fishes, it was your own fault, the shark was just being a shark...natural selection, etc..etc.

If you are a man and you shoot a deer for dinner, you are evil.

Go figure.

16th April 2014, 06:45 PM
Looks like you are on the same level that they are... Might makes right I guess. Can you not see the hypocrisy?

there's lots of " I am smarter than you" in this thread. disgusting.

16th April 2014, 06:52 PM
there's lots of " I am smarter than you" in this thread. disgusting.

Might not have be smarter than you (if that is what you are implying) but I probably have more humanity than you do.

16th April 2014, 06:58 PM
there's lots of " I am smarter than you" in this thread. disgusting.

Where's my wine, Chad?

and don't tell me to follow the albino moose to it.

16th April 2014, 07:02 PM
actually I agree with that

the NWO/PTBs do not care about Life, they trash it

i love how a bunch of you are fighting the system and tptb, but when it comes to shooting animals "you know better." just like them, apparently.

16th April 2014, 07:11 PM
the NOW/PTBs do not care about Life, they trash it

its the magic in extending their own.

Persecution of people with albinism may occur for different reasons. One is based on the belief that certain body parts ofalbinistic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albinism) people can transmit magical powers. Such superstition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superstition) is present in some parts of the African Great Lakes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Great_Lakes) region, it has been promulgated and exploited by witch doctors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witch_doctor) and others who use such body parts as ingredients in rituals, concoctions and potions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potions) with the claim that their magic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witchcraft) will bring prosperity to the user ("muti (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muti)" or medicine murder (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicine_murder))


16th April 2014, 07:15 PM
there's lots of " I am smarter than you" in this thread. disgusting.

It's just wrong in regards to "sport". The only "sport" in this is hitting a target that is slowly moving... fucking sickening. So if some gangbanger sits on a roof and shoots people walking by it's OK because it was a "sport".

Same is same.

16th April 2014, 07:16 PM
there's lots of " I am smarter than you" in this thread. disgusting.

Its not about "smarter", its about using your grey. Indians hunt/worship and use all the bits they can from the kill. So do many indigenous peoples around the world. Its those "common sense" moments where it matters. And yes, I do fight the system and hate those f*cker PTB because they are evil. Animals are not, big difference, but I'm sure you've already figured that on your own. Your just stirring sh*t.......

17th April 2014, 06:06 AM
It's just wrong in regards to "sport". The only "sport" in this is hitting a target that is slowly moving... fucking sickening. So if some gangbanger sits on a roof and shoots people walking by it's OK because it was a "sport".

Same is same.

Only if he eats them. :)

17th April 2014, 07:09 AM
no matter what the race or culture, white is ALWAYS considered sacred....hmmmm