View Full Version : Elderly Man Calls Ambulance for Wife with Dementia, Cops Show Up and Beat Him

19th April 2014, 03:44 PM

It seems more and more these days that if you think a loved one is in danger in America, calling the cops should be your absolute last possible resort.

Missourian Elbert Breshears recently called for an ambulance because his elderly wife, who suffers dementia, had endured an episode and knocked a window out of their home.

According to ABC affiliate KSPR33 and unfortunately for Breshears, the cops showed up before the ambulance did:

“The wife and I were standing about here, that’s the window she knocked out. I was standing here holding her hand and she was wavering hollering help,” Breshears said.

When police got there,”police car drove up, he bailed out ran over and knocked me down. He told me to get up, I told him I couldn’t,” he explained.

That’s when Breshears says police got aggressive. “First thing, I know they grab me, threw me out there on the gravel. One of them sat down on my back, the other sat down on my head. They were trying to get handcuffs on me. I told them I can’t get my hands up. I have no objection to being handcuffed,” says Breshears.

By then paramedics arrived. Breshears says he and his wife were taken to the hospital. A doctor looked him over. “He dug out the gravel out of my head and sewed my head up,” he says.

Who are these cops? Who do they think they are? Who exactly do they think they’re serving and protecting??

It’s as if they are under the impression that their job on every call is just to show up at an address and either beat up or tase or shoot someone without actually ascertaining what’s even going on first.

Last month I reported on the parents of an Arapaho teen who called the cops because they were afraid their son might harm himself. The police showed up and harmed him instead, shooting him seven times and killing him. That kid wasn’t alone either; a similar story happened earlier this year to the parents of a North Carolina teen. That kid was barely 90 pounds and probably couldn’t have even hurt himself that badly to begin with, let alone hurt the well-armed police officers who showed up and ended his life.

Last year I reported on how an unarmed car wreck survivor was gunned down in the street as he was running to the cops for help.

We live in a country where the police are highly militarized and approximately 500 innocent Americans are killed by them every single year; based on the frequency of these reports, that number is set to rise.

“I don’t hit my wife. I’ve lived with the woman for 47 years. I love the woman. I can’t help what she does,” says Breshears.

Breshears’ wife is in the hands of professional care right now out of Humansville. He is working on getting her help a little closer to home here. He is also working on getting an attorney and plans to press charges. (source)

And you know who ultimately pays the price when all these police brutality lawsuits get filed? The taxpayers who pay these officers’ salaries, that’s who. The officers themselves hardly ever get anywhere close to anything most of us would consider actual punishment.

Case in point?

Deputy Micah McNinch pulled over a man in the middle of the night as he was rushing his sick mother to the hospital. The woman was in the back seat, having trouble breathing.

McNinch pulled over the man for having expired tags. They were a mile from the hospital.

Instead of escorting the man and his mother to the hospital so the woman could receive medical attention right away and sorting out the ticket later, the officer kept them there and continued to write it.

The woman died. Over a ticket for expired tags.

The kicker?

McNinch was punished in only the way cops whose actions lead to an innocent person’s death get punished: one whole day without pay.

It’s as if America has fallen prey to unmitigated thuggery.

Oh wait. It has.


19th April 2014, 05:49 PM
When I encounter the cops like this, they will be very sorry for their rude "service". I am amazed there are not more sad stories of cops having tragic accidents.

19th April 2014, 06:16 PM
When I encounter the cops like this, they will be very sorry for their rude "service". I am amazed there are not more sad stories of cops having tragic accidents.

I think that time is fast approaching. Things are at a boiling point in this country.

mick silver
20th April 2014, 07:21 PM
just how in the fuck do they pigs live with there selfs , something wrong with them when they hurt old men ,glad i was not there because i know i could not live with my self if i didnt do something

20th April 2014, 07:25 PM
Never ever dial 911. Never.

21st April 2014, 10:12 AM
"It’s as if they are under the impression that their job on every call is just to show up at an address and either beat up or tase or shoot someone without actually ascertaining what’s even going on first."


21st April 2014, 05:16 PM
Got a pic of the dude:


21st April 2014, 05:26 PM
Cops like that need to have some nasty things happen in their life's, anyone old enough knows that people or familys that are not liked or hated in a town or city, know there are ways that out of the blue stuff can happen, flat tires, lawn dies, dead smelly stuff and crap left in or on lawn. By smart people that take the measures required to avoid being I'd by and video systems. Ether they get the message or it spins them up to make even bigger mistakes.

Ass hat donut munchers should been if true in the o/p be driven out of town. Many ways to show they are not welcomed neighbors.

Has been done here and has worked.

Edit: Here there have been bad cops and they do not last long along with the chief, my town is still small enough that bad actors get the boot, it may take a few years but they are history.

Berry cooper got his start here, and he and I hated each other, back in the day we danced, he would stop me and later I would go to the p/o and complain to the chief. He never caught me tho I was holding most of the time. Glad to see he saw the light, but at the time when he was working he was a royal ass hat. Unlike what some said he started as a dispatcher but he was on patrol here later in gladewater before he got moved to greener pastures, he got removed because he irritated enough people here. Think sometimes he learned from me on some of his material.


Another home boy, Scott Richardson, he had a big hand in Colorado to bring down a very bad piece of scum, called Thomas Edward Luther serial killer. Scott and I also went head to head in the day, but at least he was fair and not cut from the same cloth of others. There was a book out called "Monster" may or not be still in print.


Some cops are good in the day , but today, ? the ones here in my town are not bad, but can not say the same for other town/city's here. The departments here that have gone militarized are scary, but so far no excess and abuse of authority as we see on u-tube. Probably because here we still have a neighbor attitude, and question , bad actors that wear uniforms will be cut off at the knees quick if any wrong doing is shown.


23rd April 2014, 04:55 PM
I just had someone come around my apartment that I knew from a long time ago, just happened to meet him on the street. Well apparently now hes just a pan-handler, I told him (I live in a small 12 unit "complex") "Never ask my neighbors for money, NEVER. This is MY world, my home, you don't shit where you eat and you definantly don't shit where I eat. Do what you do anywhere else but not here" Well one of my neighbors told me that he asked a few of them for money, sob stories and shit. I told her "You tell everyone else if you see him again call the police, only im not calling the police I'm cracking his fucking head open with my Louisville slugger, THEN you can call the police after my (didnt say this Proof 2012 SAE said shit from my apt.) goes in his pocket with his unconsous finger prints on them, mysteriously." I told him this and never saw him again.

The LAST thing I will do is call the police, or any "authority", I belive that people should handle thier own problems. This case is different though, It was a medical issue. The moral of the story is that the police will ALWAYS get themselves involved and make it their business, and we all know what their business is...

I'm guessing paid leave for the officers.