View Full Version : Experts: Civilians not ready for EMP-caused blackout

old steel
22nd April 2014, 09:31 AM
I would counter that no one is ready for an EMP caused blackout.


Uncle Salty
22nd April 2014, 09:49 AM
What, the industrialized first world countries aren't prepared to live in the 19th century? What a surprise.

mick silver
22nd April 2014, 09:56 AM
people lived for many many years without all the junk we have now and they can live again without all the stuff we have around us now , most will have to get off there asses to live after this was to happen . just a thought

23rd April 2014, 07:36 PM
Got candles?

23rd April 2014, 08:04 PM
There's something I say to people who bitch to me about insignificant things:

First world problems.

Twisted Titan
24th April 2014, 08:42 AM
I just had a experience where i had my power dissconected.

Let me tell you from personal experience.

City folk will go absolutely apeshit in less then 48 hours.

What was spooky was i Had the option to fire up the genny and use a flashlights.

I just elected to wait it out till service got reconnected.

Sitting in a cold house as the last rays sunlight dim and you have a small child in tow.

Its does something to you.

My level of agitation was at hair trigger levels.....it didt take much to get me barking.

I absolutely shudder at what a wide swath of people in that mindset would do in a very short time frame in urban areas

24th April 2014, 08:46 AM
TT, people do crazy shit when the heat is out as well. Flowerpots on stoves, etc. Might be a good idea to have a few extra fire extinguishers handy if you have neighbors close.

24th April 2014, 08:53 AM
emps/elctrcial grid is the major reason i moved 10 miles from town out in to the country. i can't imagine being in a city if that were to happen.

24th April 2014, 09:02 AM
people lived for many many years without all the junk we have now and they can live again without all the stuff we have around us now , most will have to get off there asses to live after this was to happen . just a thought

One difference is that modern technology, welfare, medicine, etc. is keeping many people alive who otherwise wouldn't be. If the grid blows out, in the famous words of Ponce, "many will die."

24th April 2014, 09:46 AM
Second time maybe the charm..

Find and read a copy of the book "One second after" by William R. Forstchen.

That book describes an emp attack about as real as it can get. It is a very good read.

Many will die!

Uncle Salty
24th April 2014, 09:53 AM
people lived for many many years without all the junk we have now and they can live again without all the stuff we have around us now , most will have to get off there asses to live after this was to happen . just a thought

For sure. But how do you feed a city of ten million and provide them with drinking water when there is no electricity. That is the problem.

old steel
24th April 2014, 10:35 AM
For sure. But how do you feed a city of ten million and provide them with drinking water when there is no electricity. That is the problem.

Give it a month, it won't be a problem anymore.

Twisted Titan
25th April 2014, 10:26 AM
Give it a month, it won't be a problem anymore.

I say a week and a half tops.

Between schock of a new paradigm and the apeshit factors death will spread at a pace that makes the black death look like a mild cases of the sniffless.

I shudder at the thought of hearing the cries of the unprepared meeting a grisly death without a shred of humanity.

7th trump
25th April 2014, 10:42 AM
I say a week and a half tops.

Between schock of a new paradigm and the apeshit factors death will spread at a pace that makes the black death look like a mild cases of the sniffless.

I shudder at the thought of hearing the cries of the unprepared meeting a grisly death without a shred of humanity.

Its just a stage show for the fake Christ to show his face on earth.
Everything will be just fine.....mark my words......the worlds problems will come to a head and its all done intentionally to bring in the fake Christ to fool as many as he can into hopping into his red wagan of beleiving hes the messiah.
Satan appears peacefully and prosperously....your debts will be forgiven and a chicken in every pot if you give allegience to the fake christ (good times are here again)...........and so the earth will be fooled.
Dont kid yourself....the fooled will be working on being humanitary to each other (it will be peaceful)......after all they beleive the messiah has returned.

There wont be any global mass death as satan needs as many living and breathing as he can get into his red wagon of deception....the dead cant be fooled as they already know what the living dont....so the dead dont benefit satan......he needs them all alive to be fooled.