View Full Version : Police can stop vehicles now, based upon anonymous tips

23rd April 2014, 09:53 PM
This is such Bullshit and a huge attack on our 4th amendment rights. What part of "unreasonable" search and seizure do these goons not understand?


WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court has upheld the authority of police officers to stop cars and question their drivers based on an anonymous tip to a hot line.

In a 5-4 decision written by Justice Clarence Thomas, the justices ruled that such stops do not amount to an unreasonable search or seizure, even if the arresting officer did not observe the vehicle speeding or swaying while driving down the highway.

The decision affirmed a ruling of the California courts.

In August 2008, a 911 dispatch team in Mendocino County received a report that a pickup truck had run another vehicle off the road. The caller did not identify himself, but the report included a detailed description of the truck, including its license plate number.

Responding to the call, an officer saw a truck which fit the description. After stopping it, he found 30 pounds of marijuana in the truck bed. Two men, Lorenzo and Jose Navarette, were arrested and later convicted of trafficking marijuana.

They appealed and argued the stop and subsequent search had violated their rights under the 4th Amendment, which prohibits "unreasonable" searches and seizures.

In the past, the court had said police officers may not rely on an anonymous tip to stop and search a pedestrian. In that case, the justices had worried that anonymous callers could unfairly target people for embarrassing searches.

But in Tuesday’s decision in Navarette vs. California, the court majority agreed that police have “reasonable suspicion” to stop a vehicle if they receive a report that it was speeding, swerving, or, as in this case, forcing another car off the road.

The case split the court along the usual ideological lines, but with two significant switches. Justice Stephen Breyer, usually part of the court's liberal minority, joined Thomas' majority. Justice Antonin Scalia, who sides with Thomas in the vast majority of cases, dissented.


23rd April 2014, 10:31 PM
Really, Mendocino County? The Golden triangle... where the sheriff grows it? Make sure you don't deliver your own to the medical MJ dispensers .

23rd April 2014, 10:46 PM
here if the cops decide to check you out they can without any justification , they will walk up and ask who you are and if you refuse to id yourself, well then the dance begins they will get your name and run you .

23rd April 2014, 11:38 PM
Dogman and Zap, this is different. Cops have always used the 'gray' area of the law to skirt around the constitution.

This sets a precedent, that 4th amendment rights can be tossed aside because of a tip from a neighbor. Remember the report others agenda by big .gov? This is it playing out right in front of us, and nobody seems to notice or care.

Our constitution is getting shit on, right now, by the supreme court.

Nobody cares...

24th April 2014, 12:10 AM
Dogman and Zap, this is different. Cops have always used the 'gray' area of the law to skirt around the constitution.

This sets a precedent, that 4th amendment rights can be tossed aside because of a tip from a neighbor. Remember the report others agenda by big .gov? This is it playing out right in front of us, and nobody seems to notice or care.

Our constitution is getting shit on, right now, by the supreme court.

Nobody cares...
Oh I have noticed and I do care, but there is not a dam thing I can do about it, If I was a millionaire to hire lawyers and such, but that is what it would take. So the donut munchers can get away using the gray ares.

They can invent any reason to stop you, or question you and there is not a dam thing anyone can do about it. You try and resist id'ing to them. you will be detained or worse, until they find out who you are and then run you for warrants.

24th April 2014, 07:27 AM
This is just completely ridiculous. They can just make up the "anonymous tip". They can say someone called from a pay phone and say "such and such is transporting marijuana." Pull you over whenever they damn well please, and say well we got a tip from an anonymous source...

You know, that's not a bad idea... Find a cops personal car, report the make and model with the license plate of them trying to sell cocaine by the gas station. Or you can say you see the car weaving in and out of traffic recklessly. Can do it from a payphone, or just get a throw away cell phone to report them.

Kind of like in the phreaking (phone hacking) world, they call it "Swatting" where if they get in a grudge match with someone. Call 911 making it look like they called from the persons house saying men with guns are holding the family hostage. Cops come in, in full riot gear, tear gas, flash bangs etc into the unsuspecting home. Start using the states manpower, resources and tactics against itself.

Twisted Titan
24th April 2014, 07:36 AM
Just one more line that got crossed and it will culminate in regular folk going absolutely ballistic.

I am always paranoid when I pass them and this further justifies my utmost disdain for them.

24th April 2014, 07:52 AM
Here's the big difference. We all know a cop can stop you at any time, take a look at the vehicle code book, it's huge. There's thousands of small infractions. But anyway, say a cop stops you and conducts an illegal search, per the 4th amendment, and finds something and arrests you for it.

A good lawyer will get the charges dropped. The DA probably won't even try to pursue the charges in fact, citing 4th amendment.

Not anymore...

A precedent has been set now. Anyone call report a tip, "I think I saw gun", and you are detained, your car searched, and it's all legal now. If they find something, say a small bag of weed, the DA can now pursue these cases, and you better have a damn good lawyer.

Folks, this is a very serious attack on the constitution.

24th April 2014, 07:52 AM
Someone should call and tip off police with this license plate.