View Full Version : Did the Negro use the Negress to set-up the Jew ?

28th April 2014, 02:42 PM
He was setup no question about it.
Now a motive pops up.

For all these despicable revelations tumbling out of the hateful heart of Donald Sterling, there promises construction of a roadmap to redemption for the Los Angeles Clippers and the NBA. There's a way out for the most hated man in Los Angeles now, a way out for the commissioner's office and the owners responsible for long legitimizing and harboring a bigot and slumlord.

Magic Johnson and his billionaire backers, the Guggenheim Partners, want a chance to purchase the Los Angeles Clippers, league sources told Yahoo Sports. "Magic's absolutely interested," one source closely connected to Johnson's business interests told Yahoo Sports on Sunday night.


28th April 2014, 03:25 PM
Yes that was what I was thinking - "who wants, what this guy has?"

Twisted Titan
28th April 2014, 04:15 PM
And Majic is still being backed by a bunch of jews to buy it from the Jew for pennies on the shekel.

Uncle Salty
28th April 2014, 05:25 PM
I bet that Magic had nothing to do with it, but his partners? Heck yeah.

And no way can anyone ever mention this is what is really going down.

The Guggenheim partners are some slick guys.

28th April 2014, 05:54 PM
I bet that Magic had nothing to do with it, but his partners? Heck yeah.

Agreed, MJ can't mastermind something like this.

A bit of a side-bar... but I like h. Makow's comment on it.


29th April 2014, 11:43 AM
Banned for life and fined.

Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling will be banned for life and fined $2.5 million for racist comments, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver announced Tuesday.

The move comes after days of outrage at ugly words attributed to Sterling from a taped conversation with an ex-girlfriend.


29th April 2014, 11:45 AM
The Guggenheim partners are some slick guys.
The Matrix might be even deeper.

Read this. I wont give it away.

I'll offer a theory about why the man might be Magic Johnson, who desperately wants Donald Sterling's NBA franchise now that the Buss family says they won't sell his old Lakers. But Magic was the front man in the purchase of the Los Angeles Dodgers two years ago. So it might be Magic's big money backers in Guggenheim Partners.

Or ... And this is really a stretch, but let me toss it out there. There's a financier in L.A. who invests some of his money with Guggenheim Partners who for intelligence and energy and guile makes Mozilo and the other mortgage guys look like smalltimers. You haven't heard much about him since he got out of prison a couple of decades ago. He's legally banned for life from getting anything in return for giving investment advice. But he's still here and he's allowed to manage his own billions. The SEC has been investigating whether the Dodger purchase by Guggenheim was something of a front for him to get back in the game.


Uncle Salty
29th April 2014, 04:59 PM
Pillow talk is now actionable. Just read that somewhere.

It feels good, mob mentality. But at the end of the day, be careful what you wish for.

Many athletes are going to be harmed by this. Lots of women are learning to tape record as we speak.

29th April 2014, 05:04 PM
Pillow talk is now actionable. Just read that somewhere.

It feels good, mob mentality. But at the end of the day, be careful what you wish for.

Many athletes are going to be harmed by this. Lots of women are learning to tape record as we speak. And guess who wins, not the man, babbling his ass off!

29th April 2014, 05:08 PM
And guess who wins, not the man, babbling his ass off!

Next time guys will just take the girl out. She will disappear and end up 6 feet under. Hey, she was hanging around bad boys anyways ...

29th April 2014, 05:15 PM
Next time guys will just take the girl out. She will disappear and end up 6 feet under. Hey, she was hanging around bad boys anyways ...

"I told her not to do it, but she did it anyway. Check the audio recordings."

It's "funny" that all this comes out when the Clippers are getting good, they were shit for a decade or so, then all of a sudden...

29th April 2014, 05:15 PM
Next time guys will just take the girl out. She will disappear and end up 6 feet under. Hey, she was hanging around bad boys anyways ...
Yea right, and submarines like screen doors.

Pillow talk has been around as long as humanity has and will continue until humanity is dust!

Shorty your statement needs to be revamped unless you like killing.

29th April 2014, 06:40 PM
Its a good question. Seems he's out of the NBA from now.

Sterling banned for life by the NBA

NEW YORK (AP) — NBA Commissioner Adam Silver delivered the swiftest, strongest penalty he could, then called on NBA owners to force Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling to sell the team for making racist comments that hurt the league.
Almost unanimously, owners supported the commissioner Tuesday, as he handed down one of the harshest penalties in the history of U.S. sports.
"We stand together in condemning Mr. Sterling's views. They simply have no place in the NBA," Silver said at a news conference.
Sterling, 80, is banned for life from any association with the league or the Clippers, and fined $2.5 million — the maximum allowable under the NBA constitution. If three-fourths of the other 29 owners agree to Silver's recommendation, Sterling will be forced to sell the team he has owned since 1981.
A message left seeking comment at Sterling's business office hadn't been returned Tuesday afternoon. Team spokesman Seth Burton said in an email that the Clippers had no plans to issue a statement from Sterling on Tuesday. Players and others cheered Silver's quick action, with union officials saying that if the league's punishment hadn't included a mandate for Sterling to sell the team, players were considering boycotting playoff games, including Tuesday's Golden State Warriors-Clippers matchup, the team's first home game since the scandal erupted.
"We wanted to be a part of this decision, and we wanted Adam Silver to know where we stood. And we were very clear that anything other than Sterling selling his team was not going to be enough for us," said Roger Mason Jr., the first vice president of the players' union.
Sterling's comments — which were recorded by his girlfriend and released by TMZ on Saturday — harmed the league, Silver said. Sponsors were threatening to abandon the NBA, and criticism was coming from fans on social media and even the White House.
Sterling criticized V. Stiviano — purportedly the female voice on the tapes — for posting pictures of her with black athletes Magic Johnson and Matt Kemp.

It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you're associating with black people. Do you have to?" Sterling asks the woman on the tape. "Sentiments of this kind are contrary to the principles of inclusion and respect that form the foundation of our diverse, multicultural and multiethnic league," Silver said.
The NBA's longest-tenured owner keeps his team for now — and Silver said he didn't know if Sterling would fight to do so permanently.
But he can't attend games or practices, can't be involved in any personnel decisions or participate in board of governors meetings.

I'm guessing he will get pennies on the dollar or nothing. If it were me, I'd just shut the club down. stop paying anyone and not show up to rostered games. No one's paying for airfares no players are going to get there.


29th April 2014, 06:48 PM
He is out of there, may fight but at his age, he is history.

And the worm turns!

Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th April 2014, 07:45 PM
Now the media has an evil whitey story to plaster all over the news for the next month. Sterling could just be a pawn meant to fulfill the protocols.

29th April 2014, 07:54 PM
Do not think so, tho my views are more in the pragmatic seeing on how the world is changing. Rest assured bigots are still safe, as long as you do not make national news.

29th April 2014, 11:52 PM
Sterling's actual last name... wait for it ...


Probably Amish!

30th April 2014, 04:31 AM
Why are Jews Crucifying NBA Jew Donald Sterling?
APRIL 30, 2014

Jews are generally known for looking out for each other. So the fact the Jewish forces of the Sports media and News media worlds have so viciously turned on one of their own, Los Angeles Clippers' owner Donald Sterling, is therefore a bit of a mystery.

Over the past week, we have seen the Jewish owned LA Times (Zell) and NY Times (Sulzberger) blasting Sterling on their front pages and editorial sections as viciously and as often as they have Vladimir Putin! We see the Sports media and "Neo-Con' Talk Radio following their lead. Even Obongo has chimed in.

Now comes word that NBA Commissioner Adam Silver (who recently suceeded Jewish NBA Commissioner David Stern) has banned Sterling for life and fined him 2.5 million dollars. Lining up to support Silver's harsh ruling are the numerous Jewish owners and General Managers of NBA teams.

Silver (left) dropped the hammer on Sterling.

Given Sterling's Jewishness and huge donations to Left Wing groups and the Democrat Party, one would think that his rather mild "racist" comments, made to his mistress in a private phone call, would be conveniently ignored in the same way Israel's carpet bombing of Palestinian children is ignored, or the currency manipulations of the Jew George Soros are ignored, or the pedophilia of Jewish Hollywood moguls is ignored.

Not so for poor Donald Sterling. So, what's really behind this latest media freak show of the perpetual circus known as America? The Anti-New York Times has a theory.


In the pantheon of Jewish giants of the 19th & 20th century, few names loom larger than that of Guggenheim. The Guggenheim Dynasty began with Meyer Guggenheim, who arrived in America in 1847. The family achieved enormous success in mining and smelting (including the American Smelting and Refining Company). By the close of the 19th century, the Guggenheims posessed one of the largest fortunes in the world.

Solomon and his hideous museum.

Meyer had 8 sons and 3 daughters; best known of which was Solomon. Meyer's son Solomon became a "philantopist"; best known for establishing the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City. Solomon married Irene Rothschild, of the Rothschild Dynasty of all Dynasties.

One of the daughters, Cora, also married a Rothschild, Louis Rothschild.

Guggenheim's ugly "Modern Art" museums defile New York and Bilbao, Portugal.

The insides of Guggenheim's Houses of Horrors are just as hideous.

Fast forward to 2014, we see that Guggenheim descendants and their Jewish associates are still big money players. Guggenheim Partners is a privately held global financial services firm with more than $200 Billion in assets under management. The firm was founded by Peter Lawson-Johnston II, a great grandson of Solomon Guggenheim (and Irene Rothschild).

In June 2009, the firm hired former Bear Stearns CEO Alan Schwartz as Executive Chairman to "focus on transforming Guggenheim into a full-service investment banking enterprise".

In September 2009, Guggenheim hired former Goldman Sachs partner Peter Comisar as Vice Chairman and Head of West Coast Investment Banking.

In October 2009, Guggenheim hired former J.P. Morgan head of Media Investment Banking Mark Van Lith as Senior Managing Director and Head of Investment Banking.

In January 2013, Guggenheim named former Yahoo! interim CEO Ross Levinsohn as CEO of private equity unit Guggenheim Digital Media.

In May & June 2013, the firm also hired Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s co-head of U.S. leveraged finance capital markets Tom Stein.

Rothschild, Guggenheim, Goldman Sachs, Yahoo!, JP Morgan - yes indeed, it doesn't get any more "connected", or kosher, than Guggenheim Partners.

To draw the attention of big investors, Guggenheim Partners partnered with Black front man and ex-NBA superstar Magic Johnson to purchase the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team in 2012. Much of the general "sports fan" public remains under the impression that Magic Johnson and "some partners" purchased the Dodgers for a whopping $2 Billion. In reality, Johnson was only the famous front man. Fortune Magazine reveals that Guggenheim Partners was: "the main force in the deal, and the eye-popping Dodgers acquisition has been only one of a handful drawing ever more attention to the firm."

Magic Johnson and some other junior partners of baseball fame fronted for Guggeheim Partners.

In the wake of the Donald Sterling "racism" scandal, Yahoo News, which has connections to Guggenheim Partners, became the first to suggest a "solution" to the phony crisis. The media drumbeat has already begun for the "racist" Sterling to redeem himself by selling his team to a Black man - one Magic Johnson!

Johnson, as wealthy as he is, could never afford to buy Los Angeles sports franchises like the Dodgers and the Clippers. Could the invisible hand of the all mighty Guggenheim Partners be behind behind the plot to force out a "lesser Jew" Donald Sterling? Was Sterling set up?

Sterling's players protest by throwing their warm up tops on the floor.


A 36 year old 'groupie' whore who goes by the name of 'V. Stiviano' weasels her way into becoming the 81 year old Sterling's Mistress. She accepts a fancy apartment, jewelry, a Ferrari and 2 Bentleys from her sugar daddy.

Stiviano secretly records her phone calls with Sterling; taping him as he asks her to stop being photographed in public with Black men and to not bring them to the Clippers' games. Sterling mentions that he doesn't mind her sleeping with them, but asks that she not publicly embarass him. Never once did he use a racial epithet. He specifically mentions Magic Johnson, whom Stiviano had recently been photographed with.

The homewrecking little slut poses with Magic Johnson.

Stiviano makes the tape public. The ensuing firestorm forces Sterling out of the NBA. In the Jew hierarchy, the connections of Guggenheim / Goldman Sachs trump those of Donald Sterling.

The little predator played Sterling for a fool. The question is, why? If someone put her up to it, who?

The final proof will be "in the pudding". Let us wait and see who purchase the Clippers. Should it turn out to be "the Magic Johnson Group", you will know what happened.

30th April 2014, 04:34 AM
Now the media has an evil whitey story to plaster all over the news for the next month. Sterling could just be a pawn meant to fulfill the protocols.

What is the whitey story?...I must have missed it?

30th April 2014, 05:14 AM
Do not think so, tho my views are more in the pragmatic seeing on how the world is changing. Rest assured bigots are still safe, as long as you do not make national news.

I think most Jews are bigots, especially when it comes to blacks. Jews look down on other Jews for publicly having relations with blacks...nevermind that behind closed doors, Jews will fuck anything, male or female.
I think his request was reasonable for her to exercise a little decorum considering he purchased her services.
The Jewish media whipped this whole story up into more then it was. It is obviously a concerted attack by other Jews.

30th April 2014, 05:59 AM
The Jewish media whipped this whole story up into more then it was. It is obviously a concerted attack by other Jews.

This is theater all the way.

I wouldn't go as far as to say somebody is behind it, but rather everybody is in on it.

30th April 2014, 06:03 AM
By Fining and Banning-for-Life the Owner of LA Clippers, the NBA may have violated the law
Tuesday, 29 April 2014 14:19

April 29, 2014 -- (TRN) -- Commissioner Adam Silver of the National Basketball Association (NBA) has fined LA Clippers Owner Donald Sterling $2.5 Million and Ordered he be Banned-for-Life from the NBA over remarks secretly recorded via telephone by Sterling's girlfriend. Those recordings were made public by the web site TMZ. In doing so, both Commissioner Silver and TMZ may have violated California Penal Code Section 631 because they "used" the recording; the girlfriend may have violated California Penal Code Section 632 by "making" the recording. As the now-victim of potentially two crimes, LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling can sue all of them.

Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling was banned for life and fined $2.5 million today by the NBA after he was recorded making racist comments about African-Americans.

"Effective immediately, I am banning Mr. Sterling for life from any association with the Clippers organization or the NBA," said NBA Commissioner Adam Silver during a news conference in New York.

Silver also said he would immediately recommend to the NBA Board of Governors that they force a sale of the Clippers and that he would do "everything in [his] power to ensure that happens."

NBA players and officials -- including Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Steve Nash, and Players Association president Kevin Johnson -- applauded the decision from Los Angeles. Their joy at punishing a man for his opinion may be very short-lived.

California Penal Law is very clear about this type of conduct; it makes clear that recordings cannot be made without the consent of all parties to a conversation and, more importantly, such recordings cannot be "used" by anyone "for any purpose."

With regard to making the recording, Donald Sterling's girlfriend,V. Stiviano, appears to have violated California Penal Code Section 632 which reads as follows:

632. (a) Every person who, intentionally and without the consent of
all parties to a confidential communication, by means of any
electronic amplifying or recording device, eavesdrops upon or records
the confidential communication, whether the communication is carried
on among the parties in the presence of one another or by means of a
telegraph, telephone, or other device, except a radio, shall be
punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars
($2,500), or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year,
or in the state prison, or by both that fine and imprisonment. If the
person has previously been convicted of a violation of this section
or Section 631, 632.5, 632.6, 632.7, or 636, the person shall be
punished by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), by
imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or in the
state prison, or by both that fine and imprisonment.
(b) The term "person" includes an individual, business
association, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or
other legal entity, and an individual acting or purporting to act for
or on behalf of any government or subdivision thereof, whether
federal, state, or local, but excludes an individual known by all
parties to a confidential communication to be overhearing or
recording the communication.
(c) The term "confidential communication" includes any
communication carried on in circumstances as may reasonably indicate
that any party to the communication desires it to be confined to the
parties thereto, but excludes a communication made in a public
gathering or in any legislative, judicial, executive or
administrative proceeding open to the public, or in any other
circumstance in which the parties to the communication may reasonably
expect that the communication may be overheard or recorded.
(d) Except as proof in an action or prosecution for violation of
this section, no evidence obtained as a result of eavesdropping upon
or recording a confidential communication in violation of this
section shall be admissible in any judicial, administrative,
legislative, or other proceeding.

With regard to the web site TMZ revealing the recordings and the NBA "using" those revealed recordings to punish Donald Sterling, the actions by TMZ and the NBA appear to violated California Penal Code Section 631, which reads as follows

631. (a) Any person who, by means of any machine, instrument, or
contrivance, or in any other manner, intentionally taps, or makes any
unauthorized connection, whether physically, electrically,
acoustically, inductively, or otherwise, with any telegraph or
telephone wire, line, cable, or instrument, including the wire, line,
cable, or instrument of any internal telephonic communication
system, or who willfully and without the consent of all parties to
the communication, or in any unauthorized manner, reads, or attempts
to read, or to learn the contents or meaning of any message, report,
or communication while the same is in transit or passing over any
wire, line, or cable, or is being sent from, or received at any place
within this state; or who uses, or attempts to use, in any manner,
or for any purpose, or to communicate in any way, any information so
obtained, or who aids, agrees with, employs, or conspires with any
person or persons to unlawfully do, or permit, or cause to be done
any of the acts or things mentioned above in this section, is
punishable by a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars
($2,500), or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one
year, or by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170,
or by both a fine and imprisonment in the county jail or pursuant to
subdivision (h) of Section 1170. If the person has previously been
convicted of a violation of this section or Section 632, 632.5,
632.6, 632.7, or 636, he or she is punishable by a fine not exceeding
ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by imprisonment in the county
jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment pursuant to
subdivision (h) of Section 1170, or by both that fine and
imprisonment.(b) This section shall not apply (1) to any public utility engaged
in the business of providing communications services and facilities,
or to the officers, employees or agents thereof, where the acts
otherwise prohibited herein are for the purpose of construction,
maintenance, conduct or operation of the services and facilities of
the public utility, or (2) to the use of any instrument, equipment,
facility, or service furnished and used pursuant to the tariffs of a
public utility, or (3) to any telephonic communication system used
for communication exclusively within a state, county, city and
county, or city correctional facility.
(c) Except as proof in an action or prosecution for violation of
this section, no evidence obtained in violation of this section shall
be admissible in any judicial, administrative, legislative, or other
(d) This section shall become operative on January 1, 1994.
While the web site TMZ seems to have violated Section 631 only once, an argument can be made that each time someone listened to the recording from their site constituted another, separate, violation. Given its millions of visitors, TMZ could be wiped-out if fines were computed that way. Given its penchant for doing this type of thing in the past, some believe it is long overdue that sites like TMZ face the law and be stopped from this privacy-busting behavior.

The NBA appears to be in even more trouble from the same Section 631. Commissioner Silver took several actions against Donald Sterling over the illegally-recorded phone call: "As part of the lifetime ban, Mr. Sterling may not attend any NBA games or practices, be present at any Clippers office or facility, or participate in any business or player personnel decisions involving the team. He will also be barred from attending NBA Board of Governors meetings and participating in any other league activity," said Silver.

It might be legally arguable that the NBA thus committed multiple counts of illegally "using" the recording by:

Count 1: Fined Sterling $2.5 Million Dollars

Count 2: Banned Sterling from Attending NBA Games (A public accommodation)

Count 3: Banned Sterling from attending practices

Count 4: Banned Sterling from being present at any Clipper' office or facility (Deprivation of property rights?)

Count 5: Banned Sterling from participation in and business or player personnel decisions involving the team (Deprivation of property rights?)

Count 6: Barred from attending NBA Board of Governors meetings (Tortuous interference in business affairs?)

Count 7: Barred from participating in any other league activity.

It should be interesting to see if the local District Attorney in Los Angeles, with these crimes being perpetrated so publicly within his jurisdiction, moves to enforce the law against V. Stiviano for illegally making the recording, TMZ for illegally "using" the recording to make it public and the NBA for "using" the illegal recording to retaliate against Donald Sterling.

For his part, Donald Sterling should go the the local police station and ask to sign complaints, then sue V. Stiviano, for making the recording then sue TMZ and the NBA for "using" it. When those entities get walloped with a huge civil judgment for punishing an old man over his opinions, the practice will stop.

mick silver
30th April 2014, 12:10 PM
why would he give it away when he can give it to his kids to run ... just a thought . more then one way to skin a rat

30th April 2014, 05:43 PM
Also the problem with all this is that the vast majority of people do not understand that he is Jewish, and not White. They just think that it's some old rich white guy who owns a team of blacks but hates them. Pile on the whitey, it's ok to be racist, just as long as it's only against Caucasians.

30th April 2014, 06:20 PM
Also the problem with all this is that the vast majority of people do not understand that he is Jewish, and not White. They just think that it's some old rich white guy who owns a team of blacks but hates them. Pile on the whitey, it's ok to be racist, just as long as it's only against Caucasians.

Like the Jew (Fonz) that jumped the shark said "correctamundo!" Funny how so many people think Jews are white, when in reality they are about as white as Obama.

Jews are not White, gene research and confession
Posted on 2 April, 2013 Jewish Post & Opinion, June 28, 1968. Jews are not White

BOSTON A political scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who has been speaking to Jewish conventions over the past few months, told the Reform Rabbi’s meeting here that jews ARE NOT white. Speaking on the jewish academician, Prof. Leonard J. Fein, explained that “We are not white symbolically, and we are not white literally.”

He then added that “We should not permit ourselves to be lumped together with White America, for that is not where we belong.” Contuinuing he explained that, “We are to much an oppressed people, still, and too much a rejected people, even in this country, to accept the designation ‘white.’ And to count ourselves as white, moreover, is to deny our brotherhood with the Yemenites and the Kurdistanis in Israeli, with the B’nei Yisrael from India, and the Black jews (Falasha) of New York.”

In his new book, “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People,” Harry Ostrer, a medical geneticist and professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, claims that Jews are different, and the differences are not just skin deep. Jews exhibit, he writes, a distinctive genetic signature.

“Who is a Jew?” has been a poignant question for Jews throughout our history. It evokes a complex tapestry of Jewish identity made up of different strains of religious beliefs, cultural practices and blood ties to ancient Palestine and modern Israel. But the question, with its echoes of genetic determinism, also has a dark side.

Geneticists have long been aware that certain diseases, from breast cancer to Tay-Sachs, disproportionately affect Jews. Ostrer, who is also director of genetic and genomic testing at Montefiore Medical Center, goes further, maintaining that Jews are a homogeneous group with all the scientific trappings of what we used to call a “race.”

For most of the 3,000-year history of the Jewish people, the notion of what came to be known as “Jewish exceptionalism” was hardly controversial. Because of our history of inmarriage and cultural isolation, imposed or self-selected, Jews were considered by gentiles (and usually referred to themselves) as a “race.” Scholars from Josephus to Disraeli proudly proclaimed their membership in “the tribe.”

“On the one hand, the study of Jewish genetics might be viewed as an elitist effort, promoting a certain genetic view of Jewish superiority,” he writes. “On the other, it might provide fodder for anti-Semitism by providing evidence of a genetic basis for undesirable traits that are present among some Jews. These issues will newly challenge the liberal view that humans are created equal but with genetic liabilities.”

1st May 2014, 01:42 AM
missing link.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
1st May 2014, 05:10 AM
What is the whitey story?...I must have missed it?

You and I know it's not whitey but perception is reality.


2nd May 2014, 06:00 AM
What is the whitey story?...I must have missed it?
Sterling, he must be a WASP no? :)

2nd May 2014, 07:40 AM
I think most Jews are bigots, especially when it comes to blacks. Jews look down on other Jews for publicly having relations with blacks...nevermind that behind closed doors, Jews will fuck anything, male or female.
I think his request was reasonable for her to exercise a little decorum considering he purchased her services.
The Jewish media whipped this whole story up into more then it was. It is obviously a concerted attack by other Jews.

I used to think that, too, until I started paying better attention and getting out and started interacting with J's more often.

It is considered "good liberal behavior" for them to interact with black and brown folks. They have them over to their house
for dinner, etc. (I am talking about CRYPTOS too here.)

That said, the ones closer to the top of the pyramid are absolutely using race as a divisive tool for the rest of us.

2nd May 2014, 07:43 AM
Like the Jew (Fonz) that jumped the shark said "correctamundo!" Funny how so many people think Jews are white, when in reality they are about as white as Obama.

Jews are not White, gene research and confession
Posted on 2 April, 2013 Jewish Post & Opinion, June 28, 1968. Jews are not White

BOSTON A political scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who has been speaking to Jewish conventions over the past few months, told the Reform Rabbi’s meeting here that jews ARE NOT white. Speaking on the jewish academician, Prof. Leonard J. Fein, explained that “We are not white symbolically, and we are not white literally.” <snipped>

That is absolute TRUTH, borne out by DNA studies.

That said, there is MUCH MORE to this story than just this. This is just
scratching the surface. ;)

2nd May 2014, 07:46 AM
I used to think that, too, until I started paying better attention and getting out and started interacting with J's more often.

It is considered "good liberal behavior" for them to interact with black and brown folks. They have them over to their house
for dinner, etc. (I am talking about CRYPTOS too here.)

That said, the ones closer to the top of the pyramid are absolutely using race as a divisive tool for the rest of us.
Are you a 'schwartze'? :)

2nd May 2014, 08:39 AM
That is absolute TRUTH, borne out by DNA studies.

That said, there is MUCH MORE to this story than just this. This is just
scratching the surface. ;)

I'll say. The question of racial differences is and has been jumbled up beyond belief.
The so-called "official" scientific community are relentlessly promoting the view that
"race" is not biological, but is merely a "social construct".
What they're telling us is "don't believe your own lying eyes".

For instance... and these quotes are NOT MY VIEW, just typical representations of what the "educated" public are expected to regurgitate.

What is Race?

What is Race? When some people use the word “race” they attach a biological meaning, still others use “race” as a socially constructed concept. It is clear that even though race does not have a biological meaning, it does have a social meaning which has been legally constructed.

Attempts to define racial categories by physical attributes ultimately failed. By 1871, some leading intellectuals had recognized that even using the word “race” “was virtually a confession of ignorance or evil intent.

The rejection of race in science is now almost complete.

Here's a real doozy...

“Anyone who continues to believe in race as a physical attribute of individuals, despite the now commonplace disclaimers of biologists and geneticists, might as well also believe that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy are real, and that the earth stands still while the sun moves.”

But the amazing thing is, the above examples are endemic in the official academic science community. It's an INDOCTRINATION PROCESS that turns science upside down and bassackwards.

2nd May 2014, 09:21 AM
uhhh ... is this about Obama or Sterling or Oprah ... or all 3 ?