View Full Version : Citizenship test

28th April 2014, 05:46 PM


28th April 2014, 06:40 PM
Send them all back to Cuba...........heyyyyyyyyyyyyy wait for me.


28th April 2014, 10:09 PM
I made 6 of 10 so I pass. I can't believe I didn't know this stuff.

28th April 2014, 10:43 PM
Guess I have to go move to Los Angeles, bitchez.

Celtic Rogue
29th April 2014, 05:49 AM
So is Senior Hernandez saying that their shouldnt be any questions on the test to gain citizenship? Or was his point that Americans in general are idiots? Its sad to see how many people couldnt even come close to answering the questions. I blame the liberal education system where they shun any sense of civic education. However... being born here has its benefits! Screw anyone that tries to steal those benefits and privileges by breaking the law by gaining access to this country like a thief in the night!

29th April 2014, 09:49 AM
Slave test is more like it.

So if you can answer 6 questions correctly, you get to become a slave?

I would have answered every question the exact same: I dont know because i dont follow the ramblings of insane lobotomized monkeys (sometimes called 'politicans'). I own myslef which means i have no moral obligation to obey ANYTHING or ANYONE outside my own conscience.

That especially goes for ANYONE working for the corrupted narcsassistic sociopathic insane irrational death cult called 'Government'.

29th April 2014, 11:25 AM
A lot of those questions are pretty irrelevant to understanding the operation of the country we live in.

More relevant would be:

Who controls the mass media in the US?
How many congressmen are citizens of another country?
Why is flouride in our drinking water?
Who did 9-11?

29th April 2014, 12:31 PM
[QUOTE=iOWNme;707052]Slave test is more like it.

So if you can answer 6 questions correctly, you get to become a slave?

I would have answered every question the exact same: I dont know because i dont follow the ramblings of insane lobotomized monkeys (sometimes called 'politicans'). I own myslef which means i have no moral obligation to obey ANYTHING or ANYONE outside my own conscience.

That especially goes for ANYONE working for the corrupted narcsassistic sociopathic insane irrational death cult called 'Government'.[/QUOTE

Would you marry a woman without knowing anything about her?..... or her you?...........more important then that test is to let everyone know is that if they want to live in the US they then must adapt themselves to the American way of life and laws ..... and that English is the national language.....entendido gringos?



29th April 2014, 12:39 PM

29th April 2014, 01:07 PM
Asking all Omaba voters isn't fair.

29th April 2014, 01:09 PM
[QUOTE=iOWNme;707052]Slave test is more like it.

So if you can answer 6 questions correctly, you get to become a slave?

I would have answered every question the exact same: I dont know because i dont follow the ramblings of insane lobotomized monkeys (sometimes called 'politicans'). I own myslef which means i have no moral obligation to obey ANYTHING or ANYONE outside my own conscience.

That especially goes for ANYONE working for the corrupted narcsassistic sociopathic insane irrational death cult called 'Government'.[/QUOTE

Would you marry a woman without knowing anything about her?..... or her you?...........more important then that test is to let everyone know is that if they want to live in the US they then must adapt themselves to the American way of life and laws ..... and that English is the national language.....entendido gringos?



Do you think the 'politicans' have the right to decide who can walk on this dirt? If you do, i would loike to know where you think they got that Right from.

Notice how there is NOTHING in the 'citizenship test' about morality or right/wrong. They just want you to be a loyal and obedient slave who recites their propaganda at will.

29th April 2014, 01:19 PM

Ahh yes....The pledge of allegience.

Written by a Socialist. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Bellamy)

And it has worked beautifully to absolutely destroy individuals minds and to assimilate them into the hive borg of the 'Republic'. They repeat the lines, verbatim, as if they are somehow empowering themselves while they slowly poison their own minds via this 'patriotic propaganda'. These people speak of 'freedom and justice' when they cant even see their own chains shackled around their ankles.


29th April 2014, 01:28 PM
You can always try and find somewhere you would be welcome, I am reminded of a piss ant pissing upwind into a hurricane. Some are destined to be in the tiny minority that will live their life's in a bitter/hiding way.

Been on this ride/sovereign/republic of Texas/ etc etc for years, it is sorta kool to see that beliefs do get recycled every generation of so.

But talking down/sneering at people is not the way to get a point across.

29th April 2014, 04:26 PM
One way for a foreigner to fail the test for sure........... have an Americano take the test for you hahahahhahahahah.