View Full Version : ALWAYS bring a gun to a knife fight

midnight rambler
30th April 2014, 12:34 PM
And don't be stupid in general -


30th April 2014, 01:05 PM
So the guy wasn't even armed but chased down an armed robber? I get the guy's virtue, but it's not a good idea to back a guy into a corner when he has a knife and all you have are your fists.

30th April 2014, 01:50 PM
I'm always armed and if someone wants to knife fight with me this is how I will respond.


30th April 2014, 03:39 PM
I was going to chalk it up to being "young and dumb" but the dude was 47! next time just help the victim and be a good witness if you are not packing and even if you are probably should do the same.

30th April 2014, 05:23 PM
If you live by the sword, you'll probably die by the gun. I guess also if you live by your fists you'll die by the knife... It was stupid of him with a wife and child to do this, by trying to do that, he caused much more harm. Now there is a widow and a child with no father, what an idiot.

Twisted Titan
1st May 2014, 04:48 AM
And the goon is gonna do less then 5 years for manslaugther because a greaseball lawyer will argue he was acting in self defense

1st May 2014, 05:58 AM
Always thought when going to a knife fight it was good to bring a machine gun.

A while back a couple was walking down the street having an argument. The woman was raising hell at the man and then started to punch/slap/beat the hell out of him on his head and face. He pushed her off a couple times, but she kept coming at him. He finally reached back and slapped the hell out of her which got her attention and she quit hitting him. Some young military guy saw this and went over to beat the hell out of the guy. The guy pulled out a pistol and shot the military guy dead right there on the sidewalk. I don't approve of hitting women either, but sometimes it pays to mind your own business.