View Full Version : Ohio Sec of State Husted Admits Election Officials Agree Not to See Election Software

1st May 2014, 09:55 AM
April 29, 2014 NA (Network America) e-wire

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Ohio Sec of State Husted Admits Election Officials Agree Not to See Election Software
Now we get back to what the Network America Ewire usually does – bring you hard to find (often “incredible”) facts and news. And this ewire contains such information. But first –

* * * * * * Network America Ewire is not just info and entertainment, -- we are essentially action oriented.
With the daily push to put on the Radio Ads campaign, and the two hour radio show with former Congressman Traficant this Sunday evening – we have had about 12 “unsubscribes” and about 5 “subscribes.” – That’s OK, if the 12 aren’t interested in an effective action program, then they probably will be annoyed as we go. (Total Network America Ewire list, circa 1700.)
But also, thanks to the 17 generous people who have funded the Radio Ads project to the tune of $1530 so far – with only $470 to go by this weekend to complete this project in a first class manner.
We will reach somewhere between 300,000 and 500,000 people this weekend via major Talk Radio stations with the one minute ads, and probably 5000 locally with the two hour radio show, with many more listening online worldwide. I’ve received emails from the Philippines, Sweden, and Canada supporting this effort..
So, if you are able to help $$ wise, and have been meaning to do so, please go to www.LetFreedomRing2014.com (http://www.LetFreedomRing2014.com) right now, and use the online donation link. About 19 supporters donating $25 would complete the goal. And if you’re one of those financially blessed right now who can contribute $100 to $2500, we will put it to great use between now and November. If that’s not possible for you now (again, I understand) -- might everyone consider saying a prayer that we reach the right people to complete this project effectively. I would greatly appreciate it.
* * * * *

So, in the fall of 2012, a month or so before the Presidential election, Ohio Secretary of State John Husted was the speaker at a Tea Party meeting held at a reception hall in Delhi, a community on the extreme west side of Greater Cincinnati, Ohio.
About 150 people were in attendance. John Husted is a well groomed, all American looking man in his early 40s. He was clearly doing everything he could to minimize the retail vote fraud that a disturbing number of Democratic oriented groups on the left seem to specialize in.

Husted has clearly inherited the rotten secret, computerized system we “vote” under, and his answer to my question showed that he would like to do something about it.

The whole evening was professionally audio-taped, and soon our exchange will be up on YouTube so you can hear it for yourself.
After complimenting him for the efforts he was making, I asked a somewhat complicated question that lasted about 90 seconds to 2 minutes. For the purpose of this Ewire, I will focus on one aspect of the question, and Ohio Secretary of State Husted’s answer.

My question culminated with asking the Ohio Secretary of State if it was true that the Election Officials in each of the 88 counties of Ohio signed a contract with the private vendor that they (the election officials) could NOT look at the computerized election software that was telling the computers what to do on election night.

Mr. Husted agreed in his answer that this was the case, and stated that if someone would file suit maybe they could do something about it.
(I appreciated Mr. Husted’s candor. If he had called me a “conspiracy theorist”, or ridiculed me in front of the crowd, he could have easily dismissed me and avoided the question. But he did not do that – he gave a straight answer.)

Now, understand, this incredible state of affairs prevails not only in Ohio, but in all 49 states, with the only exception I’m aware of in 20% of the state of New Hampshire, where neighborhood citizens still count the paper ballots by hand, in the polling place BEFORE the ballots are taken from public sight. (This would be easily possible in the entire country, which is explained in an article linked on the home page at votefraud.org )

Furthermore, there are only FOUR major vendors, which service about 96% of the counties in the USA. These were ES & S (Election Systems and Software), Hart Civic, Sequoia, and Diebold.
ES & S was trying to buy Diebold a few years ago, and I’m not sure where that stands.
TAKE NOTE: ES & S “counts” 60% of the ballots in the country every election day, primary and general. (All this and much more can be found in veteran reporter Ronnie Dugger’s article, “How They Could Steal the Election This Time”, linked on the right hand column of the home page at votefraud.org ).

Computerized voting began to be used circa 1973, but was consolidated in 49 states and half of New Hampshire by the Presidential Election of 1988.
How did this happen? The crooks behind the National Democratic Committee and the National Republican Party have urged, cajoled, and who-knows-what-elsed the state and local Party leaders to adopt one of these four mega-election vendors in their respective counties. It’s easy! And the private vendors will take care of everything!

And, the 5 major TV networks, AP wire, Clear Channel, the New York Times, and the Washington Post – protect the whole sordid situation by never mentioning. (We’ll go into the roll of the 5 Big TV Networks and AP wire, in a coming Network America e-wire.)

All of the four mega-vendors demand that the local election officials sign a contract which says that they can NOT look at the software which tells the local election computers what to do on election night. And all the election systems for 3131 out of our 3141 counties in the USA --

also demand that the citizens, the candidates, and the local press people are NOT allowed to examine or count any actual ballots on election day, or for about 21 days thereafter (plenty of time for someone to switch, or “doctor”, some or all of the ballots).
Finally, these secretly counted elections are unconstitutional and illegal.

* computer counts violate at least two standing US Supreme Court decisions, namely, US v Mosely, 1915, and Reynolds v Sims, 1964 . . . * In both cases, the US Supreme Court said that our right to vote consists of two parts: a) the right to cast a ballot; b) the right to KNOW that our vote has been counted accurately. When the “count” is conducted in secret (within a computer) powered by secretly programmed software (with source code usually programmed by persons unknown to even the local election officials) – then the second part of our right to vote is being violated and nullified.

You and I, as the voter, are still allowed to cast a ballot, but we have NO WAY to know whether our vote is counted accurately. (Once the ballots are snatched from the people and judges in the local, neighborhood polling places – the chain of evidence is broken, and can never be restored.

* Another US Supreme Court decision, Westbury v. Sanders, 1964, stated that all other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.
Several sources for those who want to see that I’m only scratching the surface here: www.votefraud.org (http://www.votefraud.org) (important short articles linked on the right hand side of the home page -- www.thelandesreport.com (http://www.thelandesreport.com) – www.blackboxvoting.org (http://www.blackboxvoting.org) – which has the book, Black Box Voting, free online – and the original book, “Votescam: The Stealing of America”, by James & Kenneth Collier (1993); -- the HBO documentary, “Hacking Democracy”, starring Bev Harris of BlackBoxVoting.org – and “Hacked! High Tech Election Theft in America” by Vickie Karp – the video documentary, “The Right to Count.” And there’s many, many more sources.

I’ve been doggedly trodding this road since 1979. The incredible thing is that so many otherwise intelligent people have allowed the USA to be reduced to, in effect, a tin horn dictatorship, or a Communist-style country with regard to elections – where our votes are “counted” in secret, on secret computer programs, by a relative handful of the Ruling Elite. This negligence includes not only the election officials themselves, but all the groups and leaders who participate, or comment on, elections, --- such as the NRA, Right to Life, the Campaign for Liberty, and all of the national Tea Party organizations, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Meet the Press, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Does anyone wonder why I say that the Guardians for Liberty program and the Constitution Party are the only major groups which have a COMPREHENSIVE Action Program? Both are linked at www.LetFreedomRing2014.com (http://www.LetFreedomRing2014.com) --

Communist Dictator Joseph Stalin said, “Those who CAST the votes decide nothing; those who COUNT the votes decide everything.”

Jim Condit Jr.
PO Box 11555
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

Network America

PO Box 11339
Cincinnati, Ohio


1st May 2014, 10:46 AM
Which is why I no longer vote. There's no point in it. It's rigged from the get go, from the candidates they select for you to vote on to the count of the vote. Why even bother voting? This system isn't going to change by the ballot box, it'll be changed by the ammo box unfortunately.

1st May 2014, 12:45 PM
Which is why I no longer vote. There's no point in it. It's rigged from the get go, from the candidates they select for you to vote on to the count of the vote. Why even bother voting? This system isn't going to change by the ballot box, it'll be changed by the ammo box unfortunately.

Your point of view is well taken on my part, as I have been trying to sort out the best course of action to remedy the situation.

That said, I can't really bring myself to give up on the only type of system that can bring about honest govt. There must be a better way and I believe it is talking about it. Educate your fellow citizens who can't believe that the "free press" wouldn't bring this up if it were an issue.

An honest look at history tells us that conspiracies are the norm and most change was wrought by conspiracy.

1st May 2014, 01:14 PM
Your point of view is well taken on my part, as I have been trying to sort out the best course of action to remedy the situation.

That said, I can't really bring myself to give up on the only type of system that can bring about honest govt. There must be a better way and I believe it is talking about it. Educate your fellow citizens who can't believe that the "free press" wouldn't bring this up if it were an issue.

An honest look at history tells us that conspiracies are the norm and most change was wrought by conspiracy.

There have been congressional as well senatorial hearings on the diebold machines. Accomplished nothing. The people in charge don't want change. Control the ballot box, control the money, control the education, control the flow of information, control the media their dominance is damn near complete looking at it with that perspective. Congress has the power to stop funding for the voting machines in a second, or at the very least declaring if the machines are in place that the MD5 hash value better match the source code value of the machine that is placed. What that means is that if they release the source code and the MD5 value matches it means it wasn't altered. Any alterations to the source code changes the MD5 hash value. It's a check on keeping them "honest".

Congress could do that with a stroke of the pen, mandate opening the source code and MD5 hash validation. That is so simplistic that its trivial. It won't happen because the oligarchy likes being in control.

Power only recognizes force, if we want our rights back we have to forcibly take them back.

Twisted Titan
1st May 2014, 06:21 PM
Voting does nothing but validate the abuse of your oppressors.

1st May 2014, 06:28 PM
Voting does nothing but validate the abuse of your oppressors.

But not voting, leaves one off the tally sheets.

Your statement brings to mind, lBJ's silent majority, yes! Silent because one did not vote and let the few that vote rule!


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1st May 2014, 07:45 PM
If you reside in an electronic ballot state, there is little reason to vote. You might vote absentee (paper ballot) which would likely show an extreme contrast, but the jewsmedia would never cover it..
If you don't live in an electronic ballot state there may be a reason, although marginal to vote. I do.

1st May 2014, 07:53 PM
If you reside in an electronic ballot state, there is little reason to vote. You might vote absentee (paper ballot) which would likely show an extreme contrast, but the jewsmedia would never cover it..
If you don't live in an electronic ballot state there may be a reason, although marginal to vote. I do.

Ether one, paper is best! Ether way paper or electronic trumps not doing a dam thing and then bitch.

The ones that do not have no skin in the process!

But they love to complain and bitch!

Imagine that!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

1st May 2014, 07:58 PM
"The people who cast votes decide nothing. The people who count votes decide everything."
-- Josef Stalin

Electronic voting only counts for those who count votes. You're still not doing a damn thing pushing their buttons and you don't lose your right to bitch if you don't.

1st May 2014, 08:06 PM
"The people who cast votes decide nothing. The people who count votes decide everything."
-- Josef Stalin

Electronic voting only counts for those who count votes. You're still not doing a damn thing pushing their buttons and you don't lose your right to bitch if you don't.

I reserve the right to work with the system, by voting,

At least I am trying! Unlike some!

The dreamers that wish for what will never happen in a few lifetimes!

They that do not vote do not carry any water.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

1st May 2014, 08:43 PM
I reserve the right to work with the system, by voting,

At least I am trying! Unlike some!

The dreamers that wish for what will never happen in a few lifetimes!

They that do not vote do not carry any water.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

If voting changed anything they'd make it illegal.

1st May 2014, 08:49 PM
If voting changed anything they'd make it illegal. I question that.. The masses maybe very slow and short minded, but over all voting does work, as long as enough open eyes are watching.

I want to do away with the electoral vote..

But most do not take count and remember all of the foopawas, I think anyone that votes straight tickets should be drawn and quartered.

Blind faith/voting for a party is putting a gun to ones head.

1st May 2014, 09:18 PM
The ONLY votes that 'might' count are local county officials. The rest is left in mud.

1st May 2014, 09:28 PM
The ONLY votes that 'might' count are local county officials. The rest is left in mud. That way of thinking is why we got into this mess.

If one does not vote, the ones that do will win, and that is why we got into this mess in the first place.

1st May 2014, 09:31 PM
I question that.. The masses maybe very slow and short minded, but over all voting does work, as long as enough open eyes are watching.

I want to do away with the electoral vote..

But most do not take count and remember all of the foopawas, I think anyone that votes straight tickets should be drawn and quartered.

Blind faith/voting for a party is putting a gun to ones head.

They changed the rules in 1913 I believe with the number of congressman per population. It's been set in stone since then yet the population has exploded, while just 435 people represent over 300,000,000. The system is broken, voting won't change it. We need a completely new system.

1st May 2014, 09:48 PM
Republican officials can not question the Democratic vote, illegal or not, even with the Ron Paul videos of the changing of the voting box (paper ballots I believe). I Posted the legalities on this a while back.

1st May 2014, 09:50 PM
They changed the rules in 1913 I believe with the number of congressman per population. It's been set in stone since then yet the population has exploded, while just 435 people represent over 300,000,000. The system is broken, voting won't change it. We need a completely new system.

But sure in the hell not to give the firgging up.

1st May 2014, 09:58 PM
Republican officials can not question the Democratic vote, illegal or not, even with the Ron Paul videos of the changing of the voting box (paper ballots I believe). I Posted the legalities on this a while back. The democratic vote is not exclusive.

Republicans and democrat which are the same coin but opposite faces.

When we vote it is under the democratic system,, which has been hijacked by big biz and lobbyists which rep big biz.
There are some very rich people that control this country, and no not all are jews. But I am sure if enough people do vote(which they do not) it the tallys do not add up, believe me I think , there will be a major crap storm, but the numbers that vote as a % of the population is small over all I think less than 50% of any election on a national level of that percentage.

I know I did not get my point across, very hard to express my views..

But If you do not vote, you have no right to complain on how screwed up things are.

because you are part of the problem by not voting.

1st May 2014, 10:11 PM
Voting for the presidency is a pure fallacy. Here the local vote is counted, back in MI it was all DieBold. I did paper ballots. Took like 6 hours to research the candidates. The locals control the next step etc...

How the fuck can you research each candidate in 2 minutes in a booth?

1st May 2014, 10:13 PM
May or not, anything proven?

Still they that vote do have an excuse to bitch..

they that do not vote do not and should just stfu.


2nd May 2014, 03:38 AM
they that do not vote do not and should just stfu.


Those who vote agree to a political contest where the vote determines the outcome. Those who do not vote are saying that it doesn't matter who enters office but rather that whoever is in office is accountable to his oath. Those who voted for or against the one who made it into office have no way to hold the incumbents feet to the fire. They have agreed to a political contract. Those who have no voter registration have agreed to no such political contract and might be able to free themselves from mischief of the majority.

And THAT is the difference.

2nd May 2014, 05:22 AM

2nd May 2014, 05:52 AM

Maybe those who vote should just stfu?

2nd May 2014, 05:52 AM
This Warning Letter to Clear Channel Radio and the FCC give an indication of what it's like to "fight on the front lines" in today's world.

Clear Channel Radio has repeatedly messed with my radio ads and radio programs over the years. Not everytime, but periodically and repeatedly from 2002 to 2012.

My dealings with the FCC indicate that problems may be on the rise there.

This letter will explain "Real World Politics" -- as the precious and few are alert and fighting -- while millions of people on our side allow themselves to be turned into brain-dead drones by False Opposition leaders and movements.

The Warning Letter to Clear Channel Radio and the FCC, which I overnighted to them about 8 hours ago (at 10 PM Thursday nite via Fed EX) - is below in this ewire, and can also be found linked on the Home Page at

www.LetFreedomRing2014.com (http://www.LetFreedomRing2014.com)

right under the Donation Link.

* * * * *

Quick Update, which also appears at the very top of LetFreedomRing2014.com --- we are now 84% of the way to the goal for this project thanks to a few more generous people. $1680 down, $320 to go. Thanks. Keep the prayers up, please.

* * * * *

May Warning Letter to Clear Channel and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC):
Jim Condit For Congress 2014 PO Box 11555 Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 May 1, 2014

* Clear Channel Corporate Headquarters, 200 East Basse Rd., San Antonio, Texas, Attention: Bob Pittman, Chairman & CEO;

* Clear Channel Offices in Cincinnati, Ohio,8044 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45236; Attention: Chuck Fredrick, President;

*with a copy to the Federal Communications Commission (FEC), Media Division / Policy Division / Political Programming Division: Attn: Mary Beth Murphy, Division Chief, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington D.C., 20536

From: Jim Condit Jr., Candidate for the US House of Representatives in the 8th District of Ohio, PO Box 11555, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45211. (Running on the Constitution Party line Against US Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Oh)

Re: Intention to file with the FCC for WKRC-AM’s (550 AM) station license, and follow up with a lawsuit if need be with a jury demand for the license of WKRC-AM radio (550 AM), a Clear Channel Radio Station, if there is any further obstruction to the radio ads and political programming that I pay for as a federal candidate under the Reasonable Access Law, and the related body of law, which requires that any federal candidate who suffers systematic obstruction for Reasonable and Fair access to air time be awarded the station license of the offending FCC-licensed radio or TV station.

To whom it may concern at each establishment:

Over the last 12 years, my candidacy has suffered what Thomas Jefferson might have called a “long train of abuses” at WLW (700 AM) and WKRC (550 AM) in Cincinnati, Ohio with regard to political advertising I have purchased. And these types of abuses only happen to me, no other political candidate, and I would guess no other business who advertises with Clear Channel. I’m willing to bet that these abuses don’t happen to any other federal candidate in the United States.

This is remarkable, since I generally spend only a few thousand dollars per election cycle. Apparently, someone or someones are afraid of a few minutes to a few hours of an alternative view, which I express, versus the programming which fills 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year with the “mainstream” opinions on these same subjects which are universally and uniformly held by ALL on-air personalities on Clear Channel Radio across the USA, at all 1200+ stations.

Before I list three of these abuses as examples, let me take the mystery out of it: I have publicly criticized in my political ads and programs the organized Jewish lobby (such as AIPAC, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, and the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith). I have also criticized the some of the actions of the government of the state (is it our 51st state?) of Israel.

Now – if I had called for the nuclear bombing of Arab countries (as Talk Show Host Bill Cunningham of Cincinnati, Ohio has done, or as Talk Show Host Michael Savage of San Francisco, California has done, both of whom are carried, or have been carried for years on Clear Channel Radio stations), I feel certain that I would not have been subjected to any abuses or sabotage at all, but maybe would have been given my own talk show on Clear Channel radio somewhere!

Also before listing three of these abuses, as examples, let me state that the salesmen and saleswomen, the programmers, and the producers I have dealt with (when I’ve bought an hour or two hour radio show on Sundays near the primary or general election) have been A-1 first class individuals in all regards, and have always treated me extremely fairly. It is always someone in the background who attempts or succeeds in obstructing my ads and programming.

First Example:

In the 2002 congressional campaign in the first district of Ohio: A former employee of Clear Channel in Cincinnati named Bill Reinberger (who now works for the Cincinnati Reds) went into the studio of WLW and told the on-air producer (on the first day I was running radio ads) to quit running my ads. I found this out because we always monitor and tape the radio stations to make sure that are ads are run. When they stopped running that day 12 years ago, I called the on-air producer and he told me he had been ordered to stop running my ads by Bill Reinberger, and to stop running only my radio ads.

Needless to say, this is a total violation of the Reasonable Access body of laws, and is EXACTLY why the US Congress passed that law in the 1970s, and why a Federal Appeals Court right under the US Supreme Court, I believe the District of Columbia Circuit, upheld the law with a vengeance in Becker v. FCC in 1996. In that case, filed in 1992, about 350 FCC licensed radio and tv stations joined with the FCC against the lone congressional candidate, Dan Becker of Georgia. But the Federal Appeals Court upheld freedom of speech and the Reasonable Access Law exactly to prevent pinheads and political adversaries at radio and tv stations from CENSORING the free speech of federal candidates, AND THEREBY CENSORING the free speech of all of those US citizens who contribute to help put the such radio ads of a federal candidate on the air on FCC licensed radio or tv stations.

In the first days of 2008 (I believe it was that year because the ads were addressing computer votefraud concerns involving sabotage against the Ron Paul Presidential Campaign, but I haven’t located my file on that instance), a “Thank God It’s Friday” type radio station manager in New Hampshire decided to refuse all of my radio ads because he didn’t like them. Unfortunately, after a three way call, an official at the FCC, upheld the decision of this radio station manager to refuse my radio ads, -- because I wasn’t running for Congress in that area. (The radio station manager sent me my money back, and didn’t run any of my ads.)

Of course, there is no provision in the law itself or in the federal court decision upholding the idea which restricts what radio stations a federal candidate can run ads on, any more than there are laws restricting what areas in the USA a federal candidate can mail to, or email to. Every fair minded person realizes that this is a decision of the CANDIDATE, not the often shallow and alcohol-friendly station managers at radio stations, run for profit.

And in 2005, when I put on some radio ads in Chicago at WLS-AM (a Cumulus station) defending freelance reporter, Christopher Bollyn, who was tasered for absolutely nothing in the legal realm, but no doubt for the articles he was writing about Michael Chertoff, 9-11, and computer vote fraud. Bollyn was tasered by local police, who had recently been trained by Homeland Security, -- tasered on his own front lawn in front of his wife and kids. The story is more sordid and ominous than that (on the part of the local police and local courts), but let that suffice for now.

These same radio ads were also highly critical of Homeland Security Chief (at that time), Michael Chertoff. In that instance, the station manager of WLS, a Mr. Chuck Kelley, called me near the end of the first day of the running of my ads (Wednesday before election day in 2005) and told me frankly he had a team of lawyers working on how to get my ads off the air, because the response and calls to the station were making it hard to run the station.

The malefactor afternoon radio host on WLS-AM, who uses the “stage name” of Roe Conn, announced on that Wednesday or Thursday that he would get my ads thrown off the air on WLS (the ads were already paid for on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Monday before the election day). Roe Conn is so proud of his part in the eventual censorship of my ads that he mentions this incident and myself in his Wikipedia entry.

Well, in this case it was Media Division Assistant Chief, Mr. Bobby Baker, who intervened to give WLS the green light to stop running my ads after Thursday of that week, and instead return $2000+ dollars for the ads I had paid for on the coming Friday and Monday.

In one of our conversations, Mr. Baker told me “this is not going to end well for you.” And in another he had a lawyer in his office from the FCC who informed me that I had no right as a federal candidate to run ads outside of my “Contoured coverage area” (or some jargon phrase like that), which apparently was the coverage of stations that actually could be heard in my area. (Never mind that WLS-AM DID reach and could be heard in Cincinnati, Ohio at night!) When I asked this lawyer for his name in case there were any follow-up conversations – he refused to give me his name!!!!!!! (Of course, I might refuse to give my name too if I was violating the rights of a federal candidate and all his supporters by giving false advice and opinions. This is a very specific violation of my rights as a federal candidate and the rights of my supporters, and an abuse of one holding a government office.)

In a subsequent conversation shortly after that phone meeting, Mr. Baker conceded that the literal reading of the law seemed to favor my position (that I as a federal candidate could advertise anywhere in the US under the Reasonable Access Law) but that bureaucrats (my word) at the FCC had made some rulings in recent years, blah, blah, blah. So maybe this issue is something that needs to be litigated at some point, maybe the next time I see a need to advertise in another city or state, and am refused by the station.

Mr. Chuck Kelly of WLS, the station manager, who I felt was a stand up guy, told me in another conversation after he had been given the green light to refuse the Monday and Tuesday ads and instead return my campaign’s money, that he was glad my ads were removed from his station after only two days because of all the calls coming into the station, but that he would want to get involved if I ever litigated the issue – because he had never heard of the phrase “contour broadcast area” in over 20 years of being in management of radio stations, and he would like to see these things settled exactly by the courts.

I received an overnight returning my campaign’s $2000+ the next day from WLS-AM.

Second Example:

In 2008, during one of my 1 hour radio programs, the broadcast over the internet at www.55krc.com (http://www.55krc.com) did not carry the first 20 minutes of my political radio program, but instead carried TWENTY SOLID MINUTES of one minute business ad. (Who else does this happen to, I would like to know?)

We had advertised all over the internet via email as well as via conference calls to supporters that interested citizens could listen anywhere worldwide on the internet. This tactic is obviously to make those who tune in think that my campaign had goofed up and given the wrong time, and quit listening (but a number of my supporters, who are willing to testify and give affidavits if and when this issue is ever litigated, immediately recognized this as deliberate sabotage by someone, somewhere at Clear Channel – to censor my free speech and message, as well as that of all my supporters. By the way, since the Supreme Court has ruled since these problems arose that “money is speech”, this puts myself and other federal candidates in an even stronger position, if that be possible.)

I was told by the then program manager at WKRC that this was an innocent mistake (HA!) and that FCC licensed stations didn’t have to simulcast over the internet. Oh, really? Well this sounds like another issue that may need to be litigated if such antics happen again. The Reasonable Access law says that the FCC licensed station must give equal and reasonable access to all federal candidates on par with what is accorded to businesses. When all other programming is simulcast on the internet throughout the other 364 days, and 21 to23 hours of the year, including all paid business programs,
including all paid religious programs, including all political interviews, and I believe including all political ads – then what is the justification to obstruct my one hour radio show alone on the internet simulcast of WKRC?

After all, the station would not be enjoying such prestige to attract listeners worldwide if it did not have its FCC license through which it benefits from participating in carrying big name radio hosts, such as Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity, as is the case with WKRC-AM.

Third Example:

In 2012, two Sundays before the Election, we had advertised a few thousand dollars worth of radio ads the week before to advertise the Sunday night 1 hour radio program. BUT – when the program began, a PRE-RECORDED voice came on informing the listening audience that WKRC was going to run a RE-BROADCAST of an hour of the George Noury “Coast to Coast” program. (This, such a re-broadcast of Coast to Coast AM in any other slot than midnight to 5 AM has never happened on WKRC-AM.)

This “Coast to Coast” rebroadcast went on for seven or eight minutes, as listeners who had tuned in locally and nationwide SPECIFICALLY to hear my program, left the program, as some of my good friends told me that even they did.

This tactic, again obviously to drive listeners away from listening to my program, also destroys the value of the advertising dollars we put into advertising the program the week before. It is just like stealing from my supporters. Mr. Chuck Fredrick, the President of the Cincinnati, Ohio Clear Channel office, never responded to me directly or took one of my calls – but put his excellent salesmen in the middle to tell me that Fredrick decreed to make up the hour the next Sunday by letting us broadcast from 10 PM to midnight instead of 10 PM to 11 PM, to make up the hour sabotaged the Sunday before.
This is a repeated tactic I have faced in many years where the ads are not played in a timely manner, and then when we call the station on it – our ads are played bunched up in a small window, thus destroying the spaced repeat value of radio ads, or “Fair rotation”, as I believe you in the radio business call it.

(I want to be fair, since 2010, when I guess computers took over all programming – those doing programming and the “Fair Rotation” for my radio ads have given me fair and excellent times and fair rotation when it comes to the one minute radio ads.)

* * * * *

This Sunday night, May 4th, 2014, two days before the Ohio May Primary, my guest in studio will be the former Congressman, the Hon. Jim Traficant, -- who was thrown in jail for absolutely nothing (see book by Michael Collins Piper,

“Target Traficant”) because he had spearheaded and engineered the passing of a bill that made the IRS go to court to seize a family home (10,500+ homes were seized by the IRS in 1997 when they didn’t have to go to court, right before this Traficant law was passed and signed by Clinton; 59 homes were seized in 1998, when the IRS had to go to court to take a family home.) And because Traficant had defeated part of our federal government and the state of Israel when he proved from US State Department documents that John Demjanjuk was NOT Ivan the Terrible, for which frame up Demjanjuk was headed for the electric chair - before Congressman Traficant intervened (Demjanjuk was in Traficant’s congressional district).

So this Sunday my supporters and I are DOUBLY offending both “political correctness” AND the Ruling Elite, both international, national and local.

Therefore, IF ANYTHING happens that messes with my Sunday night show on May 4th, 2014, or any other radio program I might be able to purchase – or with my radio ads from now to the November election, then, within a few days I will file for the license of WKRC-AM with the FCC, and follow up with a lawsuit before a jury if the FCC doesn’t immediately award me, the federal candidate persecuted, WKRC’s radio license, which is what the Reasonable Access law requires when a radio station systematically denies a federal candidate Reasonable and Fair Access to their airwaves.

This would be unfortunate from one perspective: it is probably someone ABOVE those at WKRC-AM (i.e., someone at the national level) who has been messing with my programming these last few years.

For instance, the program director for my first one hour radio show in 2012 told me that he didn’t know where the “Coast to Coast” programming was coming from, and it took him a full seven or eight minutes to figure out how to stop it, with the help of some people within Clear Channel who he called for help during those minutes.

But, as far as I’m concerned, we now are at the point of “zero tolerance”, as the trendies like to say, on WLW and WKRC messing up the ads and radio programs I pay for over these last 12 years. It is IMPOSSIBLE that Clear Channel and its two Cincinnati radio stations repeatedly have a massive “I.Q.” drop when my paid programming is on the air – but never have such similar glitches, even slightly, during the other 350 to 360 days a year when everybody else is on the air, both on-air personalities and paid ads by businesses and candidates of any kind.

Finally, this letter will be posted on my website (www.LetFreedomRing2014.com (http://www.LetFreedomRing2014.com)) by the time you receive this hard copy, and will be forwarded all over the internet by my supporters to concerned citizens via my email list, other email lists, Facebook, Twitter, etc. etc. etc.
Jim Condit Jr. Congressional Candidate for the 8th District of Ohio

votefraud@fuse.net (votefraud@fuse.net)

Jim Condit Jr. For Congress
PO Box 11555
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

www.LetFreedomRing2014.com (http://www.LetFreedomRing2014.com)

P.S. I am not referring in this letter to the minor adjustments that have to be made, especially near the end of a political season, when many orders are flooding in at once with a few days to go, and times have to be adjusted by an hour or so, or maybe 2 spots are played in, say Rush Limbaugh’s slot one day, and 4 the next – instead of the 3 each day that had been ordered. That type of adjustment is understandable, and I am very reasonable to get along with as long as what is done is in the ballpark of fair. What I am referring to, which happened to me in the past (over 6 years ago), is the failure to play ads in ordered time slots for a few days, or weird “hit and miss” playing of ads to where we have to put a full time watch dog listening to our tapings -- and finding out exactly what has been done so we can try to restore some normalcy to the original order we placed.

End of the Letter to Clear Channel and the FCC.

End of this Network America Ewire

Jim Condit Jr.

Twisted Titan
2nd May 2014, 09:53 AM
But not voting, leaves one off the tally sheets.

Your statement brings to mind, lBJ's silent majority, yes! Silent because one did not vote and let the few that vote rule!


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

I would like to offer a minor correction.

Voting beyond the most basic level upon which the elected can still be held to personal account by his constitutents is a waste of time.

There may be some reach at the mayor or city council level but beyond that you are dreaming if you believe anything coming out their mouth is notjing but a lie.

Hatha Sunahara
2nd May 2014, 10:58 AM
I start with the assumption that anyone 'running' for office--i.e. those on the ballot, are there because they have been chosen by the people who own all the money and control the political process. It is therefore my role, if I choose to 'act it out' to validate the choice of the real rulers of the country. None of the people 'running' for office gives a tinker's damn about me or what I want, or even care if I exist. As far as I am concerned, they are all equally crooked and the only distinction among them is the degree of evil they are willing to engage in, so my validation of the choices of the real rulers boils down to the 'lesser of the evils'. Now, what kind of choice is that? It really doesn't matter who holds the elected office, they are all beholden to parties other than the voters, so the whole process is a sham--a fraud--a travesty. So, the way I see it, it is not democracy, and participating in it (by voting) is a demonstration that I have been fooled--deceived--into supporting this sham. By refusing to participate in this sham, by not voting, I am casting my vote against the whole process. I would like to see how much legitimacy the people who own all the money can claim for their selected office holders if nobody votes in any of their fraudulent elections. My goal therefore, in any election is to persuade my cohorts to exercise their right to withhold support for this fraud by not voting. Just temporarily--until the system collapses, and when it is replaced by something with more integrity, something that is honest, then voting will once again be a great thing.


midnight rambler
2nd May 2014, 11:21 AM
Maybe those who vote should just stfu?

That's stating the obvious since by 'voting' they've sanctioned WHATEVER nonsense follows that 'election'. However some prefer to maintain their dear, cherished delusions via willful ignorance.

Hatha Sunahara
2nd May 2014, 11:46 AM
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.


midnight rambler
2nd May 2014, 11:53 AM
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.



4th May 2014, 02:47 AM


Hatha Sunahara
4th May 2014, 10:22 AM
Busting voter fraud is a noble ambition, but I'm afraid the guy in your video may not have any answers for how to unseat the influence of money, which corrupts the political process irreparably, so that it will still be rotten, even if voter fraud is completely eliminated. I'd like to ask this cowboy how he would level the playing field so that the people who own all the money can't dominate the political process by choosing who gets to run? Can you legislate honesty? Or fairness? As long as rotten, evil, or incompetent people dominate the political process, we will have a kakistocracy. The only way to get rid of them legitimately (short of killing them) is to completely and utterly discredit them. And to do that, you need the power of media--which they own. The people own something bigger called the internet, but don't use it effectively for advantage.


4th May 2014, 12:50 PM
^^ it seems that librul hatin' all 'murkan "wild bill" is dumber than a box of rocks, :D



as to the thread topic, see my siggy!! :cool:

4th May 2014, 03:43 PM
May 03, 2014 NA (Network America) e-wire

***** (To Subscribe to the Network America Ewire, go to LetFreedomRing2014.com -- go to top of left hand column, click and follow simple instructions -- punch in your email, -- wait for confirmation email and respond to it -- then you are subscribed) *****
* * * * * www.youtube.com/jimconditjr (http://www.youtube.com/jimconditjr) www.twitter.com/jimconditjr (http://www.twitter.com/jimconditjr)

Astounding Eye Witness Report on How Computerized Elections Are Stolen

The following is an oldie but goodie: an EYE-WITNESS report by intrepid reporter Christopher Bollyn, written in 2004, about what he saw in Cook County, Illinois on the Presidential Election night in November of that year.

I’m going to intersperse my comments into the article in parentheses and behind five stars (*****), just to make sure the significance of what Christopher Bollyn saw is not lost on anyone.

This is how the Ruling Elite powers behind the FED, Goldman-Sachs the IMF, etc. – i.e. the International Banksters – are stealing the nation and the world via easily rigged computerized elections.

Begin Article:

By Christopher Bollyn American Free Press

When the polls closed in Chicago, American Free Press was at the Cook County clerk’s office to see how the secretive private company that operates the voting machines in America’s third largest city actually controls the counting of the votes.

CHICAGO, Illinois: The morning after Election Day, the Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards promised the nation that the Democrats would "make sure that every vote counts, and that every vote is counted."

(***** My Comment: In this sense the corrupt and despicable John Edwards was naive and not clued in that no politician at any level is supposed to say things that get people thinking about the election process. Edwards was vigorously urging Kerry to challenge the Presidential election results. The super-ambitious Edwards saw the vice-presidency almost within his grasp, but didn’t understand the “rules of the game” at that level. This is perhaps the main reason he was eventually shuffled off the national stage. *****)

Later in the day, as the Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. John Kerry, conceded defeat to George W. Bush, his 9th cousin and fellow “Bonesman” from Yale’s elite secret society, The Order of the Skull & Bones, he said: “In America, it is vital that every vote count.”

Kerry and Edwards, however, conceded defeat before some 170,000 to 250,000 provisional ballots from the state of Ohio, which could have changed the outcome of the election, had been counted.

(***** My Comment: Kerry, like Romney, McCain, Dole and Gore, understands that if you’re allowed to contend for Head Puppet of the Ruling Elite, then you must be a good member of the “family” and go along with whatever the Ruling Elite’s easily rigged computers say the “results” are on election night.)

As the public has been led to believe, the final tally came down to a near 50-50 split and it was the “swing state” of Ohio that made the difference.

But how were the votes actually counted across the nation on November 2?


On Election Day, voters in Cook County (Illinois) were among the 60 million Americans who voted with machines made by Election Systems & Software, a secretive and private company based in Omaha, Nebraska.

ES&S, as it’s known, calls itself “the world's largest and most experienced provider of total election management solutions.” According to the company’s own figures, 42 percent of all registered voters in the United States voted on ES&S equipment on Election Day.

(***** My Comment: In the 2004 “Nation” article written by Ronnie Dugger, “How They Could Steal the Election this Time”, Dugger states that ES&S counts a full 60% of the ballots in the USA on election day. Both the Dugger article and this Bollyn article are linked on the right side of the home page at our votefraud.org *****)

ES&S sells its “end-to-end election management suite of solutions” to replace traditional voting methods -- and election officials -- with what it calls “one-stop-shop” full service election coordination from start to finish.

What this means on Election Day is that ES&S, a private company, manages everything about the voting, from voter registration, the printing of ballots, the programming of the voting machines, the counting and tabulation of the votes, and the final reporting of the results for 60 million Americans in 47 states.

(***** My Comment: Dugger also writes in his “Nation” article that the four major election mega-vendors – ES&S, Diebold, Hart Civic, and Sequoia – count a full 96% per cent of the American vote on election night. (!!!!!) My feeling is that all four of these companies are actually managed in the background by the dark side of the CIA and Mossad (Israeli’s CIA) – so they are, in effect, one company. Same goes for the Republican and Democratic parties at the national level in relation to the International Banksters, one party masquerading as two parties. *****)

Four years after first revealing the flaws inherent in the insecure ES&S electronic voting machines used in Cook County, American Free Press went to the county clerk’s office to observe how ES&S controls the counting of the votes for America’s third largest city, Chicago, and the suburban area around it.

Scott Burnham, spokesman for the county clerk, had informed me that the vote count is open to the public and that press credentials would not be required. Shortly after arriving, I ran into Burnham and David Orr, the county clerk, in the hallway.

(***** Comment: What local election officials mean when they say the “vote count” is open to the public – is that anyone is free to come to a public room and watch “election results” on a TV screen by the election vendors in the highly secretive and barricaded computer room, as those nameless people controlling the software can alter the real results into blatant falsifications of the real results which then are thrown up on the TV screen for citizens to see in the public room. What the public and press are allowed to see is TOTALLY worthless. There is no count of ballots that the public can observe or in which the voters can participate in any way on election day. 3131 out of our 3141 counties across the USA are run EXACTLY like Cook County. The other ten counties in part of New Hampshire count the votes properly. *****)

Although I had arrived just shortly before the polls closed at 7 p.m., I was the only member of the public or the press around except for a couple Associated Press (AP) reporters in the far corner of the room. They were busy setting up their laptop to the ES&S computer in the backroom, which provided them with “direct feed” of the results.

(***** Comment: Whoops! I hope you caught that! The Election officials allow the major TV Networks and AP wire to hook their computers directly into the mainframe election computer!

***** The laptops than are connected by satellite or cell phone technology to the sinister organization, National Election Pool (NEP), in New York City, which company can then monitor and change the election results in real time throughout the night. ALL websites of all major electronic media and all major Big City newspapers with regard to election results – is controlled on election night by NEP.

***** When NEP stole 33,000 votes from me 20 minutes AFTER the final count was published on all major media websites at 11:30 PM CST in my 2010 election race against John Boehner – “moving” me from 2nd place to last place – ALL the major media websites reflected this absurd theft of my votes AT THE EXACT SAME MOMENT. Thank you NEP! Near the lower middle of the home page at LetFreedomRing2104.com – you can see a link to the screen shots we captured in real time that night, showing the vote theft.

***** The four major election vendors are obviously cooperating with NEP to make sure that all major elections at the national, state, AND local levels come out as pre-determined by the Ruling Elite, if such results can be made to look believable to the public.

***** AND WHO OWNS THE PRIVATE CORPORATION NEP? Why, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, and AP wire. And that’s why you’ve never heard of NEP – because it implicates the 5 BIG TV networks and related big media in the computerized votescam criminal syndicate – up to their necks.

***** In 1985 in Cincinnati, local Xavier University expert Robert Strunk, operating under a court order from Common Pleas Judge Richard Neihaus, found that the election computers were connected to outside places unknown by a hardwire connection – so this computerized votescam has been going on for all the years back to 1973.

***** NEP used to be Voter News Service (VNS) from about 1964 to 2004, when the name Voter News Service was getting too stinky. So the name was changed to NEP – but everything else, and I mean EVERYTHING else, remained exactly the same. This is how the Computer Votefraud Crime Syndicate operates across the Board. Election System and Software (ES&S) was Business Records Corporation (BRC) in Texas in the late 1980s and early 1990s after it had been Computer Election Services (CES) in California in the 1970s and 1980s. The name changes, but nothing else. *****)

I was surprised to see so few people attending such an important event. In France, scores of citizens watch the vote count in each polling station.

(***** Comment: Of course, in France, Canada, India, and other countries which hand count ballots --- there is something to watch, namely, the ballots being counted by real people in the open for witnesses to observe. When there is a computer operating behind thick walls in a barricaded room, there is nothing for anyone in the public room to watch or monitor as far as the ballot count goes. Even if the computer was in the public room, there would still be nothing to watch. No one can see what’s happening inside a computer. *****_

While the results were coming in, the AP “reporter” read a novel while her laptop did the communicating.

(***** Comment: The AP “reporter’s” computer did the communicating between the mainframe computer in Cook County and the evil info-gurus back in New York City, that is. *****)

When I went to talk to the AP reporter, Burnham quickly appeared and told me to leave. “You should talk to AP,” he said.
“She is AP,” I replied.
“She just works for AP,” he said.

Clearly the subject of AP having direct data feed from the mainframe computer was something Burnham did not want me to discuss.

Dane Placko, a local reporter for the Fox News network, told AFP that, “Fox gets direct feed.”

Any actual counting of the votes by citizens is very rare in the United States except for a few counties in Montana and other states where paper ballots are still hand-counted. In most counties the ballots are treated as input data to be processed through computer systems controlled by private companies like ES&S.

(***** Comment: I have heard that paper ballots are hand-counted in a few Montana counties and a few counties in west Texas in addition to the ten counties in New Hampshire – but I have never been able to verify this. *****)

In Cook County the ballot is inevitably a cluttered punch card with nearly 100 votes. After voting for the president and vice-president, a senator, and a Congressman, the voter has to wade through pages of choices to vote for some 80 local officials from the sanitation board to the state’s general assembly. Every voter had to vote on nearly 80 judges.

As I voted, every ballot that was fed into the ES&S machine registered as an “undervote,” as did mine.

(***** Comment: “Undervote” means various things under various circumstances, but it almost always means the ballot is disqualified. In 2004, a thorough study of the 2000 Presidential Election, published as a thick booklet, by MIT and the University of Southern California – found that 6 million of the 100 million votes cast in that year were disqualified !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *****)

Rather than holding separate elections for national and local officials, as is done in most countries, the Cook County ballot is extremely long and complicated. Officials who support electronic voting systems give the complexity of the ballot as the main reason why voting machines are necessary -- because it would take too much time to count the votes manually.

(***** Comment: The last statement pushed by Election Officials, that hand counting of ballots would take too much time -- is totally false, as explained above. And certainly the national offices of President, US Senate, and US Congress, and maybe any Governor races going on, -- should be voted upon on a separate day here in the USA also. This would make it very easy for citizens in each neighborhood precinct to hand-count the ballots for those high offices which have so much power over our country and our lives. *****)

After calling and personally visiting ES&S headquarters in Omaha and Chicago, I can say it is the most secretive company I have ever come across. In August, I visited ES&S company headquarters on John Galt Blvd. in Omaha.

Although the company says it is the largest voting machine company in the United States, they were unable to provide any information about their company or their products. The ownership of the company is a closely-guarded secret. I asked to meet with Todd Urosevich, one of the two brothers that founded the company.

Bob and Todd Urosevich started ES&S as a company called Data Mark in the early 1980s. Today, Bob Urosevich heads Ohio-based Diebold Election Systems, a competitor of ES&S and the second largest U.S. manufacturer of electronic voting machines.

Together, the computerized ballot scanners and touch-screen voting machine systems made by ES&S and Diebold recorded some 80 percent of all votes cast in the recent U.S. presidential election.

As ES&S had no media relations person available and Todd Urosevich was not willing to be interviewed, the company’s chief financial officer Tom O’Brien finally appeared. O’Brien, clearly displeased with my visit and questions, refused to provide any information about the company.

Although I was ill on Election Day, I knew I had to go to the county clerk’s office to observe the “counting” of the vote. It is, after all, the only “counting” open to the public. What I saw in Chicago, however, only made me more nauseous.

The only “vote count” the press or public can observe in Chicago is what is projected on screens. The opening screen read: ES&S Automatic Election Returns, Release 35, Under License to the City of Chicago, Serial No. 0004, Copyright 1987.

Carl Zimmerman, technical supervisor for the clerk’s office, said that the computer that ran the system was in the back, “in the ES&S room,” he said.
At 7 p.m., Jonathan Lin, a worker on the county clerk’s computer staff, came out and turned on the monitors on the 6th floor, where the City of Chicago alleged tallies were displayed. Behind him was Rick Thurman, an ES&S technician, checking the first results, or “results.”
Thurman seemed surprised when I asked him if he worked for ES&S. He said that the company had about 6 engineers running the computer in the back room. He then checked himself, saying he had said too much.
Later I asked Lin who was actually operating the computer that was generating the results being shown on the monitors. “ES&S is running the mainframe for all of this,” Lin said pointing to the television displays.

(***** Comment: This accurately reveals the situation across the country. The sin of the local officials is that they step aside and let these four Ruling Elite-front mega-vendors run the entire “election”, and then sign the “results” as a blind act of faith. All this amounts to a de facto TOTAL dereliction of duty on the part of such local election officials. Those behind the four major vendors would NEVER trust letting all the locals in on the actual fixing – because some of the locals would eventually have qualms of conscience and spill the beans. *****)

In the press room in the back I noticed stacks of boxes containing “Votamatic” voting machines and “pre-punched” ballots printed by ES&S of Addison, Texas, for the different precincts in Cook County. In the rear hallway behind the press room was the ES&S room. Only ES&S personnel were allowed into the room.

When I poked around in the hallway and peeked into the ES&S room an armed marshal and ES&S employee quickly appeared. In no condition for a confrontation, I made myself scarce.

(***** Comment: Yes. That’s right. Armed guards and policemen are utilized across the nation to make sure that no citizens or local press people are allowed to see anything on Election night except the useless monitor in the public room. Thus, US citizens have allowed themselves to be reduced to the status of subjects of Tin Horn Dictators and/or Communist slaves -- when it comes to our “elections.” Remember what Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin said, “Those who CAST the votes decide nothing. Those who COUNT the votes decide everything.” And, yes, Communist Russia under Stalin held regular elections – just like we do. I have film footage taped off of the History Channel showing Stalin dropping a paper ballot into a box during an “election” in Communist Russia. Get the point? *****)

I met a couple reporters from CLTV, a local cable channel of WGN. One of the reporters asked about my interest in the Chicago tallies. I said I was interested to see how a private company runs the elections in Chicago.

Seemingly unaware of how ES&S operates elections in Cook County, I explained the basics. “I’ve observed elections across Europe,” I added, “from France and Germany to Serbia and Holland. Everywhere in Europe voting is done on paper ballots that are counted by the citizens -- except Holland.”

Obviously uncomfortable with this discussion the reporter responded, “I’m glad I’m not in Serbia. I don’t mind if a machine counts the votes.”

END OF ARTICLE by Christopher Bollyn

(Last Comment: The Computer votefraud Crime Syndicate consists of:

-- The RNC and DNC which cajole, push, incentivize, whatever – the state and local elections officials to hire one of thess totally secretive mega-election vendors.

-- The four mega-companies – ES&S, Diebold, Hart Civic, Sequoia – control elections in the USA, thanks to the reality that the election officials in 99% of our nation’s 3100+ counties have hired them to do so.

-- National Election Pool (NEP) is the private company which controls the websites of all the major media players on election night with regards to election results, and exclusively determines what results are announced over the major media on election night. Again, NEP is jointly owned by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, and AP wire. NEP works hand in glove with not only its owners, the Big TV Networks, but also with the four private mega-vendors which actually control the election process in each county, as revealed in the above Christopher Bollyn eye-witness report.

-- And the 5 major TV Networks and related Big Media, which spin the yarn presented to the public on election night, shield all the key players in the Computer Votefraud Crime Syndicate from public scrutiny, or even awareness. (Please note: the very holding of elections counted in secret, on secret computer software – is unconstitutional and illegal according to two Supreme Court decisions, , namely, US v Mosely, 1915, and Reynolds v Sims, 1964. Another US Supreme Court decision, Westbury v. Sanders, 1964, stated that all other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.

More could be said about how the current “computerized election” process works to undermine America and the world, but that’s more than enough for this ewire. *****)

* * * * *
On the “Radio Ads Campaign” front – we’re 84% of the way to the goal, with only $320 to go. If you want to help us cross the finish line on this first project of my 2014 campaign, you can hear the ad that’s running on WLW and WKRC radio at www.LetFreedomRing2014.com (http://www.LetFreedomRing2014.com) – and find the Online Donation link right below the link to the radio ad.

The two hour radio show from 10 PM to midnight this Sunday night, May 4, 2014 on WKRC (550 AM) – which show our radio ads are advertising

– can also be heard live worldwide on the internet at www.55krc.com (http://www.55krc.com)

Former U of Pitt Quarterback, Sheriff, and US Congressman Jim Traficant will be my guest for the full two hour radio broadcast.


Jim Condit Jr.
PO Box 11555
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

Network America

PO Box 11339
Cincinnati, Ohio

4th May 2014, 04:20 PM
May 04, 2014 NA (Network America) e-wire

***** (To Subscribe to the Network America Ewire, go to LetFreedomRing2014.com -- go to top of left hand column, click and follow simple instructions -- punch in your email, -- wait for confirmation email and respond to it -- then you are subscribed) *****

* * * * * www.youtube.com/jimconditjr (http://www.youtube.com/jimconditjr) & www.twitter.com/jimconditjr (http://www.twitter.com/jimconditjr)

* * * * * Radio Show Tonight with Traficant, worldwide 55krc.com, and 550 AM

Thanks to all who contributed and prayed to get tonight’s program on the air worldwide at www.55krc.com (http://www.55krc.com) – and in the Midwest at 550 AM.

The program runs tonight, Sunday, May 4, 2014 -- from 10 PM to 12 midnight EST.

The show is sponsored by Jim Condit Jr. for Congress 2014. Since I am a candidate for Congress – a federal candidate – FCC licensed radio and TV stations must carry my paid ads and programs, giving myself and all other federal candidates “Reasonable and Fair Access” just as is accorded to businesses who advertise.

Former Sheriff and Congressman, Jim Traficant is the guest – the most interesting and entertaining interview in the nation right now, yet he has been banned from all major TV networks and major radio stations since 2011.

All the 1-minute radio ads but one have aired from Thursday to Sunday this week. The last one will air this Sunday evening. We reached probably upwards of 500,000 who head the ad at least once. YOU CAN STILL HEAR the 1 minute radio ad at www.LetFreedomRing2014.com (http://www.LetFreedomRing2014.com) – and all details are listed there as well. If I do say so myself, it was the best produced and most interesting 1 minute radio ad in this region, for sure.

I hope to open up the phones between 10:45 PM and 11 PM est, and the call in number is 513-749-5500.
Hope you can join us, and if anyone can – spread the word about tonight’s radio program on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Jim Condit Jr.
PO Box 11555
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

Network America

PO Box 11339
Cincinnati, Ohio

4th May 2014, 05:16 PM
Face it. They own all candidates that get enough air-time to be recognized by voters. Even if the voting process were untainted, they'd still have their man in office.

4th May 2014, 07:29 PM
Listening right now.
http://www.iheart.com/live/55KRC-1709/?cid=main.html&pname=1709&campid=play_bar&autoplay =true
