View Full Version : Socialism Does NOT Work

2nd May 2014, 08:56 PM

Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrivBvZ--SQ

Hatha Sunahara
2nd May 2014, 09:52 PM
I agree. Socialism doesn't work because it is coercive on the part of the state. However, what we now call capitalism doesn't work either because it has morphed into corporatism, which is the state and large corporations ganging up to coerce the population to produce, and giving them nothing of value in return. The coercion is masked by giving people false choices (elections are a good example of this), and then claiming the whole system is voluntary.

So, if socialism doesn't work, and 'capitalism' (corporatism) doesn't work either, what works? What system gives people freedom to be productive and lets them keep the value of their productivity? The only 'system' I can think of that provides that is anarchism. But it's not for sheep. And the current statist systems in place have turned most of humanity into sheep who have no use for freedom.


3rd May 2014, 07:20 AM
I agree. Socialism doesn't work because it is coercive on the part of the state. However, what we now call capitalism doesn't work either because it has morphed into corporatism, which is the state and large corporations ganging up to coerce the population to produce, and giving them nothing of value in return. The coercion is masked by giving people false choices (elections are a good example of this), and then claiming the whole system is voluntary.

So, if socialism doesn't work, and 'capitalism' (corporatism) doesn't work either, what works? What system gives people freedom to be productive and lets them keep the value of their productivity? The only 'system' I can think of that provides that is anarchism. But it's not for sheep. And the current statist systems in place have turned most of humanity into sheep who have no use for freedom.


I agree with you, but Anarchism is not a 'system', its an anti-system. Anarchism is not political, its anti-political.

I think part of the problem is that people want to be assured that some 'system' is going to guarantee the good guys win. The only problem is that there is no system, there are only individual humans each either doing right or wrong. Thats it. Nothing more. We will have to figure out how to make this planet work peacefully together, but IMAGINING some 'system' that will ensure our safety and prosperity is a fools errand. It is a contradiction to say that man is untrustworthy, so we must give some of them the moral right to dominate and control us. INSANITY.

Remember, the only thing that will guarantee that the good guys win, is if the good guys are better at using violence than the bad guys. Its THAT simple. Now how is a society going to prosper and flourish if there are 'rules and regulations' surrounding good peoples ability to resist criminals (sometimes called 'Government')?

Anarchism is not some external goal to be achieved, it is a recognition of Self Ownership. In other words, it is what already exists in reality. Its not the Truths fault that people refuse to see it.

And i agree Socialism does not work. And neither does 'Representative Government'. They are both the very same flavor of Authoritarianism. Both of these 'systems' allows for the Masters to get massively wealthy by pillaging their slaves labor. 'Representative Government' has created the most authoritarian Empire the world has ever known. The 'smallest limited Government' ever created turned into the most oppressive despotic ruthless Empire in the history of the world. And there are those who advocate going back to what started this whole thing. GACK.

Hatha Sunahara
3rd May 2014, 09:52 AM
You're right IOwnMe--anarchism is not a system. If you look at my post, I put the word system in quotes. Socialism and capitalism are ideologies, and I think anarchism is too. The whole idea of a 'system' is necessary only if your goal is to steal the value of the labor of the slaves. If you don't intend to do that, you don't need a 'system' in the conventional sense. I think that's why anarchism is an 'anti-system'. Because it's ideology is to do away with those other systems that are based on the idea that someone 'owns' you. The only difference between socialism and corporatism is who the system defines as the owner of all the slaves. Are they publicly owned (socialism)? Or are they privately owned (corporatism)? Or are there no slaves (anarchism)?


3rd May 2014, 11:24 AM
So, if socialism doesn't work, and 'capitalism' (corporatism) doesn't work either, what works?
Feudalism worked for a number of years. The last feudal society on Earth on Sark Island just caved in less than 10 years ago.

3rd May 2014, 11:44 AM
It's inevitable. People react. They react by building shelter to protect them from the intensity of the sun and storms (natural law) and call it government (rules).
The larger and more elaborate the shelter, the more time and labor expended trying to keep it from falling on their heads and crushing them.
Among the many problems people face, is that they've been under shelter so long that they believe the roof is the sky.

Humans are social creatures. They find security in groups. The larger the group, the larger the shelter (government, rules).
Those humans who have gravitated into the center of the group are the ones farthest from nature (the sun), as well as the most fearful of being crushed if the roof falls. And because they're being pressed inward by the masses, they climb up on the nearest shoulders, then those next to them climb and then the roof begins to take on a shape like that of a pyramid.

Those on the outer edges of the edifice who can still see a glimmer of sunlight turn to their neighbors and ask, "why don't we just leave this burden that we support and go outside? The neighbors, upset by the question, roar back and say, "Because the roof might collapse, dumb ass. Everyone must support it, equally. The more people supporting the roof, the safer it becomes. What we need are more people to ease the burden, not less. Leaving is not an option".

Those on the edge say, "but we're slowly being crushed by the burden, anyway. The sunlight is beautiful, and the air is sweet. It smells like freedom. We're leaving.

The neighbors, receiving a message that sounds like cracking whips from deep within the edifice say, " IF YOU TRY TO LEAVE, WE"LL CUT YOU DOWN AND STACK YOUR DEAD CORPSES UP AS TEMPORARY SUPPORT JUST TO KEEP US ALL FROM BEING CRUSHED. Besides, it's insanely dangerous outside. There's nothing out there but wild beasts and idiot slaves who raise our food and deliver it to us. They'll tear you to shreds. Only an insane fool would think of such a thing. It's anti-social behavior. Here's a pill. Take it and you'll forget about the light.

The End.

The moral to this story is that if you fancy yourself an anarchist, you'd best not advertize your intentions to the neighbors. Just slip away if you can. Disappear. It's really hard to do, though, since not only must you overcome fear of the unknown, and fear of storms and fear of nature and all the wild beasts it hides, but because you have to leave all your friends and loved one's behind. And they won't understand. They'll blame you for adding to their burden, and hang your image on a cross to help them relieve the weight of the edifice they hold up so dearly, with tears in their eyes.

3rd May 2014, 01:05 PM
I'll support/try anything so long as the nation is homogeneous.

One thing I know for sure: Diversity Does NOT Work.

3rd May 2014, 07:30 PM
I managed about 10 seconds, which is exactly how long it took for him to start hitling.