View Full Version : Israeli spying on US at 'alarming level'

8th May 2014, 02:20 AM
Shocking that MSM covers this very known issue.

Israel's espionage activities in America are unrivaled and go far beyond activities by other close allies, such as Germany, France, Britain and Japan, counter-intelligence agents told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees, Newsweek said.


The Mega-Church attending loser will believe this though.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman rejected the allegations.

"We're talking about lies and falsehood, simply libel which is baseless and unfounded," he said.

Lieberman added Israel was not involved in any form of espionage against the United States, either direct or indirect in nature.

8th May 2014, 06:20 AM
Not sure why that's such a big deal. Our own government spies on us and gives the information to Israel.

NSA Not Only Spies on Americans, But Shares the Information with Israel


Many Americans were not surprised by recent revelations, based on documents taken by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden, that the NSA is spying on them. The widespread use of undercover agents, informants and surveillance in Muslim-American communities has been well publicized. In the months after the Sept. 11 attacks, President George W. Bush authorized eavesdropping on domestic telephone, Internet and e-mail communications of Americans and others inside the U.S. without court approval.

Information about Bush’s “Terrorist Surveillance Program” was leaked to USA?Today and The New York Times in 2006. Americans learned that telecommunications companies, including AT&T, MCI, Sprint, Verizon and BellSouth, were handing over to the NSA personal and business phone records for tens of millions of Americans. Defending his eavesdropping program, Bush insisted that the NSA was limited only to monitoring international phone and e-mail communications linked to people with connections to al-Qaeda. “In other words,” he explained, “one end of the communication must be outside the United States.” Records of domestic calls—those that originate and terminate within U.S. borders—were believed to be private.

Under U.S. law, the NSA cannot legally target U.S. citizens—although the agency has done precisely that and has been rebuked by federal judges for doing so. The program was criticized and challenged as illegal because the NSA had not obtained warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Court. Bush’s program was discontinued in 2007.

According to a stunning series of reports, first published on June 5 by The Guardian, The Washington Post and other media outlets, under President Barack Obama the NSA has continued collecting the phone records of millions of Americans. A top-secret court order issued on April 25, 2013, also released by Snowden, required Verizon, on an “ongoing, daily basis,” to give the NSA information on all telephone calls in its systems, both within the U.S. and between the U.S. and other countries.

Snowden also leaked information to The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald about the NSA’s PRISM program. Launched in 2007, PRISM?required technology companies—including Microsoft, Yahoo!, Google, Facebook, Paltalk, YouTube, AOL, Skype and Apple—to provide the NSA?with access to users’ data so it could perform “extensive, in-depth surveillance on live communications and stored information.” PRISM helps the NSA collect, analyze and disseminate information, including e-mails, search queries, Web browsing history, videos and photos, as well as voice chats, voice-over-IP chats (such as Skype), file transfers, and social networking details.

Another Greenwald story revealed how the NSA?and its U.K. counterpart, GCHQ, broke encryption codes in order to hack into individuals’ computers. The agencies, according to Snowden’s documents, have “compromised the guarantees that Internet companies have given consumers to reassure them that their communications, online banking and medical records would be indecipherable to criminals or governments...the agencies have inserted secret vulnerabilities—known as backdoors or trapdoors—into commercial encryption software.”

The most damaging of all the Snowden revelations was the news that in March 2009—two months after President Obama took office—the NSA agreed to provide all this intelligence data to a foreign country: Israel. As a Sept. 11 Guardian article described it: ”Details of the intelligence-sharing agreement are laid out in a memorandum of understanding between the NSA and its Israeli counterpart that shows the U.S. government handed over intercepted communications likely to contain phone calls and e-mails of American citizens. The agreement places no legally binding limits on the use of the data by the Israelis.”

As Mondoweiss staff reporter Alex Kane noted: “While the agreement was authored in 2009, this specific intelligence-sharing relationship between Israel and America dates back to the aftermath of 9/11, according to documents referenced by The Guardian.” Snowden fills in more of the picture concerning Israeli links to U.S. intelligence, Kane wrote. As Max Blumenthal reported in June, for the past decade an Israeli intelligence firm, Narus, has provided the NSA with technology that enabled it to obtain and analyze at least 80 percent of Americans’ online and telephone communications.

Scott McConnell’s Sept. 12 American Conservative article, “Obama’s Almost First Act in Office: Spy on Americans for Israel!” echoed the views of many Americans as Snowden’s revelations on NSA spying unfolded: “I must admit, I wasn’t that alarmed,” McConnell explained, because he believes American officials “understand the Constitution, understand that political dissent is tolerated in America, even welcomed.” But McConnell was furious when he learned that Israelis had access to Americans’ records. “Giving up personal eavesdropped information on American citizens to Israel is an entirely different matter,”?he wrote. “I am shocked and appalled, disgusted beyond measure.”

McConnell, who said he opposes Israel’s “subjugation of the Palestinians,” continued: “I have no confidence that Israel would treat my personal or financial information with the same prudence that an American spy agency would. And I ask why the hell is the American government giving it to them?”

He concluded: “The Americans in Israel’s camp at least think that ‘what’s good for Israel is good for America’—or at least so they proclaim, publicly. But no one can imagine that feeding Israel eavesdropped information on Americans is good for those Americans—that’s why this ugly program has been kept secret.”

The memorandum of understanding requests Israel to “destroy upon recognition” any communications from U.S. government officials, including White House staff, members of Congress, and federal and Supreme Court judges. If the past is any indication that’s not likely to happen. Israel has been caught spying on Americans for years—who can forget Jonathan Jay Pollard’s secret-stealing rampage of the 1980s?

Another story about Israeli eavesdropping on White House telephones broke on May 5, 2000 in Insight magazine, a weekly supplement to the Washington Times, and on Fox?News. Richard H. Curtiss followed up with special reports in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, (see June and July 2000 issues, pp. 6 and 43 respectively). An Israeli company, Amdocs, was accused of intercepting White House phone calls. One Amdocs employee, married to a Mossad agent, had a list of the FBI’s most sensitive telephone numbers. The FBI believed Israel had intercepted U.S. government telephone communications on an ongoing basis.

White House intern Monica Lewinsky told investigators that President Bill Clinton had warned her he believed “a foreign embassy” was listening in on their steamy telephone conversations. Their relationship was leaked to Israel-friendly U.S. journalists when Clinton and then- (and current) Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu clashed over a Middle East land-for-peace agreement in 1998.

New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan, who receives and answers questions or comments from readers about Times news coverage, was asked by many readers why America’s “newspaper of record” was ignoring the news of the Israel/NSA shocker. “This explosive story ought to be front-page news,” Phyllida Paterson, of Silver Spring, MD wrote Sullivan. “Word is spreading and The Times is losing credibility by the hour. Friends of mine who never before believed that newspapers suppressed news are shocked by the evidence before them.”

Sullivan asked Times managing editor Dean Baquet about it. “He told me that The Times had chosen not to follow the story because its level of significance did not demand it.” Baquet told her, “I didn’t think it was a significant or surprising story.”

Sullivan disagreed with Baquet’s conclusion, and posted the episode on a blog not available in the paper’s print edition.

In contrast, the Los Angeles Times published an article on Sept. 11 questioning why American officials would trust Israel to respect the privacy of U.S. citizens. “The sharing of raw intercepts with Israel is particularly notable because U.S. officials say Israel aggressively seeks to spy on the U.S. government, unlike Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, allies who are part of a long-standing agreement to share signals intelligence with the United States.” The Los Angeles Times pointed out that “Secret U.S. intelligence budget documents revealed last month by Snowden list Israel as one of the most aggressive countries seeking to spy on the U.S., alongside China, Russia, Iran and Cuba.”


11th May 2020, 10:47 PM

Declassified Doc Exposes FBI Spy Saying Israeli Mossad Spies Need To Be F**king Kicked Out Of USA, Executed

Via GreatGameIndia.com, (https://greatgameindia.com/fbi-spy-israeli-mossad-spies-need-to-be-fucking-kicked-out-of-usa/)
According to a secret transcript that was just declassified, one of the spies the FBI deployed against George Papadopoulos said that Israelis and U.S. Jews are “all f—ing spies,” referred to them as “f—ing c—suckers,” and said they should all be executed. The declassified transcript published on Tuesday revealed a “confidential human source” (CHS) from the FBI quoted as saying that Israeli Mossad spies need to be fucking kicked out of USA (https://greatgameindia.com/fbi-spy-israeli-mossad-spies-need-to-be-fucking-kicked-out-of-usa/).

The 206-page transcript captured conversation between Papadopoulos and an unidentified CHS, seemingly across one continuous episode on November 26, 2016. George Demetrios Papadopoulos is a former member of the foreign policy advisory panel to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

On October 5, 2017, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents about the timing and the possible significance of his contacts in 2016 relating to U.S.–Russia relations and the Donald Trump presidential campaign. He served twelve days in federal prison, then was placed on a 12-month supervised release.
During his supervised release from prison he participated in the filming of a still-unreleased docuseries. In March 2019, Papadopoulos released his book, Deep State Target: How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump.
Papadopoulos is code-named “Crossfire Typhoon” (CT) throughout the transcript and referred to as such by an unidentified FBI agent at the beginning of the transcribed recording.

The CHS is quoted as saying, “No fucking Russians here that aren’t fucking…same with the Israelis they’re all fucking spies. Those fucking cocksuckers. They should execute them all.”
“I can smell an Israeli from a mile away, dude,” said the CHS in another moment. “I can tell you who is fucking Israeli.”