View Full Version : unsold cars

16th May 2014, 05:29 AM

http://www.vincelewis.net/myimages102/cars1.jpg Above is just a few of the thousands upon thousands of unsold cars at Sheerness in the United Kingdom. Please do see this on Google Maps if you don't believe me....West coast, above the mouth of the River Thames and next to River Medway.
Timestamp: Friday, May16th, 2014.
There are hundreds of places like this in the world today and they keep on piling up...
Houston...We have a problem!...Nobody is buying brand new cars anymore! Well they are, but not on the scale they once were. Millions of brand new unsold cars are just sitting redundant on runways and car parks around the world. There, they stay, slowly deteriorating without being maintained.
Below is an image of a massive car park at Swindon, United Kingdom, with thousands upon thousands of unsold cars just sitting there with not a buyer in sight. The car manufacturers have to buy more and more land just to park their cars as they perpetually roll off the production line.
There is proof that the worlds recession is still biting and wont let go. All around the world there are huge stockpiles of unsold cars and they are being added to every day. They have run out of space to park all of these brand new unsold cars and are having to buy acres and acres of land to store them.

The images on this webpage showing all of these unsold cars are just a very small portion of those around the world. There are literally thousands of these "car parks" rammed full of unsold cars in practically every country on the planet. Just in case you were wondering, these images have not been Photoshopped, they are the real deal!
Its hard to believe that there are so many unsold cars in the world but its true. The worse part is that the amount of unsold cars keeps on getting bigger every day.

It would be fair to say that it is becoming a mechanical epidemic of epic proportions. If anybody from outer space is reading this webpage, we here on Earth have too many cars, why not come and buy a few hundred thousand of them for your own planet! (sorry but this is all I can think of)
Below is shown just a few of the 57,000 cars (and growing) that await delivery from their home in the Port of Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. With Google Maps look South of Broening Hwy in Dundalk for the massive expanse of space where all these cars are parked up.
The car industry would never sell these cars at massive reductions in their prices to get rid of them, no they still want every buck. If they were to price these cars for a couple of thousand they would sell them. However, nobody would then buy any expensive cars and then they would end up being unsold. Its quite a pickle we have gotten ourselves into.
Below is shown an image of the Nissan test track in Sunderland United Kingdom. Only it is no longer being used, reason...there are too many unsold cars parked up on it! The amount of cars keeps on piling up on it until its overflowing. Nissan then acquires more land to park up the cars, as they continue to come off the production line.
UPDATE: Currently May 16th, 2014, all of these cars at the Nissan Sunderland test track have disappeared? Now I don't believe they have all suddenly been sold. I would guess they may have been taken away and recycled to make room for the next vast production run.
Indeed next to that test track and adjacent to the Nissan factory, they are collating again as shown on the Google Maps image below. So where did the last lot go? This is not an employees car park by the way.
None of the images on this webpage are of ordinary car parks at shopping malls, football matches etc. Trust me, they are just mountains and mountains of brand spanking new unsold cars. There is no real reason why you should be driving an old clunker now is there?
The car industry cannot stop making new cars because they would have to close their factories and lay off tens of thousands of employees. This would further add to the recession. Also the domino effect would be catastrophic as steel manufactures would not sell their steel. All the tens of thousands of places where car components are made would also be effected, indeed the world could come to a grinding halt.
Below is shown just a small area of a gigantic car park in Spain where tens of thousands of cars just sit and sunbathe all day.
They are also piling up at the port of Valencia in Spain as seen below. They are either waiting to be exported to...nowhere or have been imported...to go nowhere.
Tens of thousands of cars are still being made every week but hardly any of them are being sold. Nearly every household in developed countries already has a car or even two or three cars parked up on their driveway as it is.
Below is an image of thousands upon thousands of unsold cars parked up on a runway near St Petersburg in Russia. They are all imported from Europe, they are all then parked up and they are all then left to rot. Consequently, the airport is now unusable for its original purpose.
The cycle of buying, using, buying using has been broken, it is now just a case of "using" with no buying. Below is an image of thousands of unsold cars parked up on an disused runway at Upper Heyford airbase near Bicester in Oxfordshire. They are seriously running out of space to store these cars.
It is a sorry state of affairs and there is no answer to it, solutions don't exist. So the cars just keep on being manufactured and keep on adding to the millions of unsold cars already sitting redundant around the world.
Below are parked tens of thousands of cars at Royal Portbury Docks, Avonmouth, near Bristol in the United Kingdom. If you look on Google Maps and scan around the area at say 200ft you will see nothing but parked up unsold cars. They are absolutley everywhere in that area practically every open space has unsold cars parked up on it.
Below is that same area in Avonmouth, UK, but zoomed out. Every gray space that you see is filled with unsold cars. Anyone want to hazard a guess at how many are there...

As it is, there are more cars than there are people on the planet with an estimated 10 billion roadworthy cars in the world today.
We literally cannot make enough of them. Below are seen just a few of the thousands of Citroen's parked up at Corby, Northamptonshire in England. They are being added to daily, imported from France but with nowhere else to go once they arrive.

16th May 2014, 06:26 AM
What does that say to see the working man/women cars piling up like that?

And in the other economy with robust growth, they can't produce them fast enough.

Huge waiting lists for luxury cars as orders skyrocket

Customers could have to wait up to seven months for a Range Rover
Eddie Cunningham Motoring Editor – Published 17 February 2014 02:30 AM

BUYERS are going on waiting lists of up to seven months for expensive luxury cars.
Also in this section

This follows a surge in demand this year that hasn't been seen since the boom.

The level of orders for vehicles costing upwards of €80,000 has taken many dealers by surprise, the Irish Independent can reveal.

advertisementProduction lines are struggling to cope with orders globally – and that is pushing waiting times for Irish buyers further out into the year.

In some cases, buyers may have to wait until next January to register the car they want.

Dealers of more practical and less exotic vehicles are also complaining that some models are in short supply.

They bemoan the lost opportunity to increase sales and capitalise on demand in what has been a boom start to the year.

Sales are 32pc ahead of the same period last year.

But the most resounding signs of big money being spent on cars are highlighted in the volume of prestige and luxury makes being ordered.

If you want a €119,000 Range Rover, for example, you could have to wait five months before it arrives. In the case of the Range Rover Sport (€84,000+), there is now a seven-month waiting time.

A spokeswoman said: "It's really just a simple case of demand outweighing supply. On a global scale cars can't be built quickly enough."


She revealed that there is a four-month wait for the Evoque model (€41,000) with even those wanting to buy the likes of the Defender, Freelander and Discovery having to wait three to four months.

Mercedes admits it can't get enough of the luxury flagship S-Class (from €98,000) or the small four-drive coupe, the CLA, (€30,170). A spokesman said: "We have about 65pc of our requirements for S-Class and CLA. In other words, we could do with another 35pc production on both models which we are unlikely to get this year."

BMW said there had been a big increase in the "appetite" for luxury cars. "We are now looking at a typical lead time in the region of four months for bespoke orders," a spokesman said. There was no waiting time last year, he confirmed.

Last year, people came into dealerships, saw a car on display and, eventually, in a small number of cases, bought it.

"Now they are coming in and ordering a specially tailored, bespoke, car and are prepared to wait months for it," the spokesman said.

16th May 2014, 08:28 AM
Thanks for posting the whole thing for me Serpo...........


Hatha Sunahara
16th May 2014, 11:08 AM
There is no solution to this growing inventory? If they can't sell that many cars, why do they keep producing them?

My guess is that this is all part of a 'management of perceptions' program. If they shut down the factories that make these cars, there would be a rise in unemployment--but not like in the past because a large percentage of the fabrication of the cars is done by robots. But the factories closing would be a clue to the fact that the world is in a deep recession, so, they keep the factories open, hoping to hide the growing inventory of unsold product that is now becomeing visible. Watch the nightly TV news, and they will tell you we are in a recovery. This is evidence that belies that claim.

We can infer from this story that several things are broken. First, the idea of free markets where the market determines the price through the mechanism of supply and demand is no longer credible. The supply obviously has outstripped demand by a large multiple, yet prices keep increasing, not decreasing as you would expect. This is the case not only with cars, but with houses. There are millions of unoccupied houses in the United States, owned by banks who have foreclosed. Real estate prices however continue to stay high, and are increasing in many areas. Also, in China, there are a number of empty cities--where nobody lives--built for unclear reasons. So, the global economy seems to have some centralized planning activity guiding it, since no independent businesses would be able to sustain such wasteful activities.

My sense is that part of this centralized planning process involves the Fed's Zero Interest Rate Policy and QE. Zero interest rates are detached from reality, because they are not fooling consumers. People will not borrow money (if they can) because the risk of not being able to repay the loan is too high because they all expect the economy to collapse and they will be out of jobs, unable to make their loan payments. Businesses however can borrow money for zero interest, so they can maintain production even when those products annot be sold. QE is the Fed's monetization of debt, and all that money the Fed is pumping into the economy makes its way to the stock market to maintain the appearance that the stock market is doing just fine. So, in my view, it is all a 'management of perceptions' scheme, and if there is any agenda behind it, it is to crash the global economy by inept central planning.

If you think about it, when the number of independent businesses in the world decline because they are being bought en masse by large corporations, and those large corporations are merging, the number of independent decision centers in the world is declining, and when one corporation owns everything, it will all be a gigantic monopoly that controls everything and plans everything, and the market is irrelevant because people will no longer be able to 'vote with their dollars' --they will either have to take what the monopoly is selling, or do without. This is the experiment the Communists tried in the Soviet Union, and it didn't work then, and it will not work now even if it is dressed up in a costume that looks like 'free market capitalism'.

I think our central planners have entered into the realm of delusion. If they were honest, the might try to sell us on how wonderful it is to be slaves--to take what they give you, and give them whatever unreasonable things they ask for. That kind of approach would be met with the same disdain they are finding with their current management of perceptions approach. This departure from reality spells big trouble ahead. It is not sustainable, and when more people understand that the globalists are bluffing, everything will come crashing down with a big bang. Smart people will prepare for that because it is coming. Soon. Maybe this year. All the economic dislocations are becoming obvious. Something has to happen. It cannot stay this way.

And finally, there is one more piece to this puzzle. Too Big To Fail banks. There are also too big to fail corporations. Why is any business too big to fail? Is this a suspension of reason? Humans are all subject to the laws of nature. If you are inept you will fail. It's not a matter of refusing to admit that you are inept, nature makes that determination, and you will fail. Nature does not recognize 'too big to fail' businesses, regardless of what the government's position is on that. They will fail much more dramatically because of their refusal to accept the laws of nature.


16th May 2014, 12:12 PM
If they can't sell that many cars, why do they keep producing them?

Because each car produced is credited to the manufacturer. It don't need to be sold. They make money just producing them.

The legal principle is called reification. The thing is not what you think it is. The thing is the paper created the REPRESENTS the thing. Same reason YOU are your birth certificate.

Perhaps excess cars are necessary for excess people?

16th May 2014, 01:42 PM
I never understood how there could be SOOOOOOOO many cars in the U.S. and the prices still be sky high for them?

Seems I remember back in like 2008-09 when they were talking about ships full of Toyota's with no where to go. Wonder what they do with these things, they'd have to be able to recycle them somehow?

16th May 2014, 02:00 PM
I never understood how there could be SOOOOOOOO many cars in the U.S. and the prices still be sky high for them?

those are starting prices.

i'm thinking the dealers have some latitude price-wise.

and then there's programs like "Cash for Clunkers", a big bullsh.t make-work program by his Obama-ness.

at some point the 'make-work' element of the US economy will become more evident world-wide.

about the time they abandon the US $ as a reserve currency.

Hatha Sunahara
16th May 2014, 03:06 PM
Because each car produced is credited to the manufacturer. It don't need to be sold. They make money just producing them.

The legal principle is called reification. The thing is not what you think it is. The thing is the paper created the REPRESENTS the thing. Same reason YOU are your birth certificate.

Perhaps excess cars are necessary for excess people?

If it was just paper, then they wouldn't have such a big problem finding space to park it. And likely you wouldn't be able to see it on Google Earth.

And just exactly who is it that 'credits' the manufactureres for producing cars that aren't sold? And how do those manufacturers get the money to buy steel and glass and copper and other material for their cars? And to pay their fixed costs?

I know economics they teach in school is a joke. There is a physical reality, and thee is 'legal fiction'. The unsold cars exist in physical reality. Legal fiction exists only so that someone can benefit from it at somebody else's expense. So, cui bono? Who benefits from all these unsold cars?

And while you're at it, explain to me where who benefits from owning my birth certificate?


16th May 2014, 03:33 PM
Who benefits from all these unsold cars?
Manufacturing hires people and plants pay taxes. Raw material comes from the earth and people do the digging.

And while you're at it, explain to me where who benefits from owning my birth certificate?
The benefit must be yours since you claim to hold one.

As in any banking enterprise ... at the end of the day the books are in complete balance. What is moved from the asset column becomes a debit and vice versa.

When you are weighing a gold coin does it make any difference if you place it on the north part of the scale or the south part of the scale?

midnight rambler
17th May 2014, 06:55 PM
OK - whiskey tango foxtrot. Are there any other sources to corroborate this bit of info (in the op and the link Ponce posted)?

midnight rambler
17th May 2014, 08:01 PM
That Vince is a real hoot lol (Vince is the source in the op) -

http://www.amazon.com/Conspiracy-Zone-Vincent-Lewis/dp/1434929477/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1391216359&sr=1-1&keywords=the+conspiracy+zone+vince+lewis#reader_14 34929477

midnight rambler
18th May 2014, 07:41 AM
Am I the only one seeing a problem with the source in the op??

Hatha Sunahara
18th May 2014, 09:56 AM
Am I the only one seeing a problem with the source in the op??

You think this is 'disinfo'?


midnight rambler
18th May 2014, 11:46 AM
You think this is 'disinfo'?



Here are the problems I see with 'Vince's' nonsense:

1) There is NOTHING to substantiate the info in the OP (from Vince's website)
2) It's written at a fucking elementary school level (like most of the stuff found on Vince's website), this sort of stacking up inventory is referred to 'channel stuffing' (as in stuffing the distribution channel) yet Vince's article fails to mention this term ('cause he's a complete dumbshit as evidenced with the rest of the completely lame and often inaccurate 'reference' material on his WTF website)
3) WTF is up with the Vince's website - "DO NOT HOTLINK IMAGES AND STEAL BANDWIDTH" while displaying NO images whatsoever (no matter how one navigates to the website - I don't recall ever seeing anything so FUBARed on the net before) with the 'WARNING' notices blocking the text so that one has to highlight the text in order to read it and then while the title on his homepage is (are ya ready for this bit irony?): "WELCOME TO VINCE'S WORTHWHILE WEBSITE - ONE OF THE MOST ILLUSTRATED REFERENCE WEBSITES ON THE NET" lol
4) If you check out the book Conspiracy Zone Vince 'wrote'/offers for sale on Amazon (which you can download to your Kindle for a mere $21 lol) and promotes on his website (right next to the Paypal donate button lol) you will find that he's a total dumbshit who writes complete nonsense and suffers delusions of grandeur, comparing himself to the likes of Jim Marrs, David Icke, David Wilcox, etc.
5) I recognize some of those photos of stacked up new car inventory from FIVE years ago (Vince's article somehow found it's way onto zerohedge complete with the photos that are BLOCKED on Vince's own website), here are only two examples -



No doubt that dipshit Vince is real proud of himself getting his lameass, completely unsubstantiated bullshit to go viral. lol At first I was thinking 'Vince' was a bot however after deliberating on that notion for a while I concluded no bot could possibly be that fucking lame while being egocentric.

18th May 2014, 07:27 PM
Yes, it seems that he even snookered zerohedge. That is old stuff.... old pics from 5 years ago. I hate when people lie about things. There is plenty enough bad stuff out there, that you don't have to make it up.