View Full Version : Islamist Court Sentences Pregnant Christian To Death By Hanging

18th May 2014, 11:20 AM
I think this is faux news with paid actors and corrupt tribunals to further the war with islam



Sudan woman gets death sentence for apostasy
Judge orders Mariam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag to be hanged for apostasy and given 100 lashes for adultery, prompting protests.

A Sudanese judge has sentenced a Christian woman to hang for apostasy, despite appeals by Western embassies for compassion and respect for religious freedom.

The case, thought to be the first of its kind to be heard in Sudan, involves a woman whose Christian name is Mariam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag.

"We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam," Judge Abbas Mohammed Al-Khalifa told the woman on Thursday, addressing her by her father's Muslim name, Adraf Al-Hadi Mohammed Abdullah.

"I sentence you to be hanged to death."

Khalifa also sentenced Ishag to 100 lashes for "adultery".

Ishag, who rights activists say is pregnant and 27 years old, reacted without emotion when Abbas delivered the verdict at a court in the Khartoum district of Haj Yousef.

Earlier in the hearing, an Islamic religious leader spoke with Ishag in the caged dock for about 30 minutes.

Then she calmly told the judge: "I am a Christian and I never committed apostasy."
Political distraction

Speaking to AFP news agency on Wednesday, Ahmed Bilal Osman, Sudan's information minister, said: "It's not only Sudan. In Saudi Arabia, in all the Muslim countries, it is not allowed at all for a Muslim to change his religion."

But experts in Islamic law called the ruling outrageous.

"The punishment has little to do with religion and serves as a political distraction," Mohamed Ghilan, an expert in Islamic jurisprudence, told Al Jazeera. "This is a ploy by the Sudanese regime to appear as 'defenders of Islam' to mitigate their corruption."

Activists have become increasingly vocal against Bashir, underscoring perceived corruption, political impasse and a plethora of internal conflicts.

Faced with these challenges, the Sudanese government finds itself politically marginalised, Ghilan said. "The punishment is an attempt to give the regime legitimacy with the more conservative crowd."

17 May

International outrage is mounting over the death sentence a Sudanese judge ordered for the pregnant wife of an American citizen — all because she refuses to renounce her Christian faith.

But Ibrahim held firm to her beliefs.

“I was never a Muslim,” she answered. “I was raised a Christian from the start.”

Ibrahim was raised in the Christian faith by her mother, an Orthodox Christian from Ethiopia. She is married to Daniel Wani, a Christian from southern Sudan who has U.S. citizenship, according to sources who spoke on condition of anonymity.


“The refusal of the government of Sudan to allow religious freedom was one of the reasons for Sudan’s long civil war,” Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., chairman of the House congressional panel that oversees U.S. policy in Africa, said in a statement. “The U.S. and the rest of the international community must demand Sudan reverse this sentence immediately.”

Amnesty International called the sentence a “flagrant breach” of international human rights law and the U.S. State Department said it was “deeply disturbed” by the ruling, which will be appealed.

Khalifa refused to hear key testimony and ignored Sudan's constitutional provisions on freedom of worship and equality among citizens, according to Ibrahim's attorney Al-Shareef Ali al-Shareef Mohammed.

“The judge has exceeded his mandate when he ruled that Meriam’s marriage was void because her husband was out of her faith,” Mohammed told The Associated Press. “He was thinking more of Islamic Shariah laws than of the country’s laws and its constitution.”


18th May 2014, 04:23 PM
Another example of WORLD INSANITY..................

18th May 2014, 08:46 PM
besides the husband being a (so called) american, I lean toward the "staged ruling" because she is (supposed to be) pregnant. That is a stretch too far... IMHO.

edit: also because of the USA vs Soudan has a long history against

the Soudanese judge may go along with the game because it gives the country an opportunity to villify the USA, what radicals needs to to push fundamentalism a step further.

both sides of the fence "get" a piece of the pie so to speak

18th May 2014, 08:55 PM
I lean toward the "staged ruling" because she is (supposed to be) pregnant. That is a stretch too far... IMHO

But maybe real, raised Christian, but Muslim father, so she should only be Muslim, because of the father! She has another young kid.

Bunch of Muslim knuckle draggers , with IQ's less than zero!

They may really kill her!

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