View Full Version : Guns gone

21st May 2014, 01:50 AM
DOJ came an took my guns away tonight.

I had a felony, supposedly, back 25 yrs ago and I should have not been given a gun.

The DOJ did approve me for a few but now they got them.

What can I do?

It was a 7 month sentence back in 1992.

No arms were used.

Might have to move from CA.

21st May 2014, 02:17 AM
Sorry for your loss.

Was it state or feds that showed up?

21st May 2014, 05:05 AM
DOJ came an took my guns away tonight.

I had a felony, supposedly, back 25 yrs ago and I should have not been given a gun.

The DOJ did approve me for a few but now they got them.

What can I do?

It was a 7 month sentence back in 1992.

No arms were used.

Might have to move from CA.

What brought the DOJ to your home?
If you weren't allowed to have them, why weren't they hidden?

21st May 2014, 05:27 AM
Corrupt laws make common people into criminals. In that world, one must be a very clever criminal.

A "felon" is a lifetime brand. They claim you no longer have your God-given rights. They claim you no longer have the right to life, liberty and private property. They claim you no longer have the right to defend yourself, your family or your property.

I do not agree with this.

Are you alive in Messiah? This might have been allowed to drive you to a decisive choice.

21st May 2014, 05:53 AM
A Gang of violent criminals came an took my guns away tonight.

Fixed it for you. It helps when we call individuals by their actions, and not some euphemism designed to obscure the truth.

Might have to move from CA


21st May 2014, 06:14 AM
Might have to move from CA.

I thought it was only for handguns with the Bradey laws across the U.S.?

21st May 2014, 06:56 AM
One more time..........hide all your guns till is time to bring them out........don't add any new guns or ammo with your old guns or ammo because they could have a GPS and find ALL your guns and ammo.


7th trump
21st May 2014, 07:20 AM
Corrupt laws make common people into criminals. In that world, one must be a very clever criminal.

A "felon" is a lifetime brand. They claim you no longer have your God-given rights. They claim you no longer have the right to life, liberty and private property. They claim you no longer have the right to defend yourself, your family or your property.

I do not agree with this.

Are you alive in Messiah? This might have been allowed to drive you to a decisive choice.

Yep.........things will continue to get worse as these parasites are Gods army to make us obey Him.
Its Gods plan to make everyone call to Him.

21st May 2014, 07:20 AM
DOJ came an took my guns away tonight.

I had a felony, supposedly, back 25 yrs ago and I should have not been given a gun.

The DOJ did approve me for a few but now they got them.

What can I do?

It was a 7 month sentence back in 1992.

No arms were used.

Might have to move from CA.

Only thing you can do is attempt to try a Restoration of rights.


There was a Dailypaul.com thread of an individual who restored his gun rights. But don't have time to find the thread at the moment. It's a long process. But if you want to be "legal" that's the route you can take.

21st May 2014, 09:22 AM
How did they know you had anything? Something gave it away.

21st May 2014, 10:35 AM
I thought this rule was for all states?

midnight rambler
21st May 2014, 10:45 AM
I thought this rule was for all states?

The distinction is that Californicate has a very active and extremely aggressive program* of seeking out those vile gunowners who don't deserve a gun and stealing their property.

*we're talking LEOs tasked with full time enforcement working strictly on this and nothing else

21st May 2014, 10:51 AM
My thoughts are that this was a state issue as the rule has been any felony punishable by over a year in prison makes you ineligible to own a gun for life. Maybe the reason he passed the background checks was because it was a federal background check only. Looks like the state is running it's own program which makes me wonder how it got the information since those NICs check records are supposed to be destroyed within 24 hours (legally).

21st May 2014, 10:53 AM
If that is correct then I hope you consider moving out the American Redoubt sometime. Anyone who loves liberty needs to leave California while they can since things will only continue to get worse.

willie pete
21st May 2014, 02:26 PM
don't know about other states, in Florida a CF can't even possess ammunition, let alone a firearm

21st May 2014, 02:34 PM
Nevada was only for handguns, if it hasn't changed since I left.

21st May 2014, 02:49 PM
What I don't understand is that if the DOJ said that laws were broken why didn't they take him to jail?

21st May 2014, 03:25 PM
What I don't understand is that if the DOJ said that laws were broken why didn't they take him to jail?

Those guns would have to be held for evidence then, in lieu of being resold to mexican drug cartels.

21st May 2014, 03:29 PM
How did they know you had anything? Something gave it away.

NICS background check, is my guess.

21st May 2014, 03:45 PM
The independent systems of the past are becoming history, they are linking. They run any info on you by drivers license or date of birth, and zing they got you.

The independent databases of the past are being melded into a national one that if they get you once, and get your info, if it is on rechord anywhere it will pop up on a national28/29 search.

21st May 2014, 04:28 PM
NICS background check, is my guess.

Long guns aren't supposed to be in that.

I thought our rifles weren't in the system, even in CA. That changed this year though, but anything bought before 2014 isn't supposed to be there.

21st May 2014, 04:33 PM
Long guns aren't supposed to be in that.

I thought our rifles weren't in the system, even in CA. That changed this year though, but anything bought before 2014 isn't supposed to be there.

Any firearm, as I understand it! If a felon,.

Android Forum Runner

21st May 2014, 04:37 PM
Any firearm, as I understand it! If a felon,.

Android Forum Runner

I know that any felon is not supposed to own firearms. What I am wondering, is if long guns show up on NCIS. I don't think they do. At least back in the day, for me.

So, if you are a felon, and own long guns, keep your mouth shut. That's what I'm thinking.

The big question we are all wondering. How did they know what guns Kali had?

21st May 2014, 04:39 PM
I know that any felon is not supposed to own firearms. What I am wondering, is if long guns show up on NCIS. I don't think they do. At least back in the day, for me.

So, if you are a felon, and own long guns, keep your mouth shut. That's what I'm thinking.

The big question we are all wondering. How did they know what guns Kali had?

Think they do! In my experience!
Last gun I bought, had may ass run through the system, though from a dealer

I went privet after, less hassle. Have a FBI number, from my being in service but hanging out with some SDS ,types!

I was anti war but in the military at the time!

Young and dum!

Android Forum Runner

21st May 2014, 05:09 PM
As far as I understand, from the legal threads on calguns, you can't even take a felon to the range.

midnight rambler
21st May 2014, 05:10 PM
As far as I understand, from the legal threads on calguns, you can't even take a felon to the range.

Generally speaking, a CF is prohibited from even touching a gun or ammo.

21st May 2014, 05:13 PM

And even worse, if a cf is in the truck/car every one is screwed

As I understand it! Know who you are with, ignorance will not save you.

Android Forum Runner

21st May 2014, 05:42 PM
Anything is what you want it to be and not what they tell you that is.....laws are made to be broken, otherwise there would be no need for laws............when you break the law you are making your own laws.


21st May 2014, 05:58 PM
Anything is what you want it to be and not what they tell you that is.....laws are made to be broken, otherwise there would be no need for laws............when you break the law you are making your own laws.


I make sure I break several codes, statutes, ordinances and policies everyday. It's my duty.

21st May 2014, 06:09 PM
Not your duty but your rights, and that is what makes you a free man.


21st May 2014, 07:18 PM
Not your duty but your rights, and that is what makes you a free man.


We are getting close to memorial day, which I will honor. Ponce you and I have access to health and other things because we served. that the numb nuts will never have.

Yes we have rights, but at what cost? If the land one lives in calls you for service?

Lots of punks here, that would run methinks, away enjoying the freedom, that is payed in blood by others that have served for the right and the wrong, but at least they served and gave their blood/lifes or bits of their selfs to and for this nation.

This weekend I will honor they that served, for the right and for the wrong, most beleved that they were serving for a higher porous, even if they were lies in some cases. They mostly believed they were giving their life's for this nation.

And I fully expect to see a bunch of cowards, made brave by their ignominy to attack any honor of those that earned it by their lifes and or less fighting for what they believed for the right or wrong. And worse the ones that survived it and have to see they that are less than ants that would not defend or give up anything for others, than their own selfishness.

U.S.A.F 6/22/70 - 03/08/74. usaf 42153

My post is off the wall, but is very reverent, there are rights of citizens of this nation born into , and then there is the calling, in times for the right or the very wrong. I was called during the last draft this country had, maybe not the last one in time.

I really wonder of those that live here and hate so much, and why they do not leave, to a better place....Wait, there is no better place on this planet that we need not to say anything if we want to move, etc,etc,etc.

I am getting wordy because of the time of the year and my war, and guys I knew that never grown older, all are pilots partyed hard with them and never saw them again. Some here wish we had or were at war, that shows their ignorance,.

I probably will get worse, until this time is over, may get banned, because of a heads up against some Nazi punks.

But they that died and fought , need to be remembered, and in many cases honored, because they fought the fight, even if in some cases it was a lie they fought for.

I honor the fallen, and the ones that served, even if their service was wrong as history would maybe show.

21st May 2014, 07:33 PM
I know I've told this story before, but once in Texas I was fishing and accidentally pulled up a small colony of mussels. Harvesting mussels without a license is a felony in Texas. Had a ranger caught me in this criminal act, my rights would have been declared void.

21st May 2014, 07:37 PM
I know I've told this story before, but once in Texas I was fishing and accidentally pulled up a small colony of mussels. Harvesting mussels without a license is a felony in Texas. Had a ranger caught me in this criminal act, my rights would have been declared void.Franks here in texas game wardens have unnatural powers, more so than regular cops.

Sorry to be busted by those ass hats. Even if you had not a clue you were doing anything wrong. which pisses me off that they do that, standard reply ignorance of the law is no defense.

Butt fucks.

21st May 2014, 08:28 PM
Once that you say that you are fighting to recover your freedom that only means that you believe that you have lost your freedom, I never fight to recover my freedom but rather to keep my freedom...... my glass is never half empty but half full.


22nd May 2014, 04:51 PM
I'm not American and even i hate that rats nest that is California.