View Full Version : Cop saves baby from burning building

22nd May 2014, 06:37 AM
A Calumet City police officer is being hailed as a hero after saving a 6-month-old baby from a burning building Thursday.

The drama unfolded when a home in the 100 block of 155th Place caught fire.

Officer Adam Zieminski was among the first at the scene, and came across a distraught mother.

"She was screaming that there's a baby inside, my baby's inside, please go get him," Zieminski said.

Zieminski didn't hesitate to go inside.

"So I got down on my hands and knees and I hear the baby crying, so I crawl in and got to the bed, baby's crying ... I stood up instead of staying on the ground. Once I stood up, it forced me to take a breath. I saw the light for the door and just ran for the door," Zieminski said.

Fires can be extremely unpredictable, and running into one with no real protection can be risky. But often, police officers are the first ones on the scene of a fire.

"I'm a policeman, I have to deal with a fire call, and you just do what you have to do," Zieminski said.

Zieminski suffered from minor smoke inhalation and the baby is expected to fully recover.


mick silver
22nd May 2014, 09:42 AM
nothing that most men would not do but would not be called a hero are want to be called a hero

22nd May 2014, 10:24 AM
nothing that most men would not do but would not be called a hero are want to be called a hero

Mick, nowadays, unless you wear the proper costume or bear the proper badge, men are not allowed to enter a home on fire to rescue their children. Don't you remember the cops tazing the man who was attempting to enter a burning home to save his dying kids? (http://benswann.com/police-brutality-officers-taser-man-for-trying-to-save-3-year-old-son-from-house-fire/)

What would you do if your son or daughter were trapped inside a burning building?

Most parents would run in, no matter how dangerous the fire seemed, and attempt to save their child.

That is what Louisiana man Ryan Miller attempted to do when his three-year-old stepson was trapped inside of the family’s burning home. But police prevented him from saving the child’s life — they tased Miller three times and arrested him because he attempted to enter the building.

The house fire started around 1am. The parents were sleeping on the first floor and the three-year-old, Riley Miller, was asleep in his second story bedroom.

The parents woke up to the smell of fire. They ran outside, called 9-11, and firefighters were on the scene within minutes. The entire time, the toddler was stuck in the burning home.

Once firefighters got to the Miller’s home, they informed the parents that the house was too hot for them to enter.

Ryan Miller then attempted to run in the house and save Riley. Officers responded immediately by tasing him three times and eventually arresting him.

22nd May 2014, 10:46 AM
Mick, nowadays, unless you wear the proper costume or bear the proper badge, men are not allowed to enter a home on fire to rescue their children. Don't you remember the cops tazing the man who was attempting to enter a burning home to save his dying kids? (http://benswann.com/police-brutality-officers-taser-man-for-trying-to-save-3-year-old-son-from-house-fire/)

And that kid fried right? I don't remember the details.

22nd May 2014, 11:00 AM
And that kid fried right? I don't remember the details.

Yep the kid died, mother fucking pigs! If a Father or Mother wants to save their child, it is their right to do so no matter what the risk!

22nd May 2014, 12:16 PM
Saving a baby makes you a good samaritan and in a lot of cases a hero...but it doesn't necessarily make you a good cop.

A good cop is someone that upholds the constitution to the letter they have sworn to do.
A good cop respects the rights of citizens as they would want their rights respected.
A good cop doesn't use his power to shake down citizens for money to fund his department
A good cop does not look the other way when a fellow gang member uses his badge to commit crimes.
A good cop should report other bad cops.

If the cop that saved the baby has passed all of the above with flying colors, I would commend him and consider him a fine example of what a policeman should be.

22nd May 2014, 01:57 PM
Saving a baby makes you a good samaritan and in a lot of cases a hero...but it doesn't necessarily make you a good cop.

A good cop is someone that upholds the constitution to the letter they have sworn to do.
A good cop respects the rights of citizens as they would want their rights respected.
A good cop doesn't use his power to shake down citizens for money to fund his department
A good cop does not look the other way when a fellow gang member uses his badge to commit crimes.
A good cop should report other bad cops.

If the cop that saved the baby has passed all of the above with flying colors, I would commend him and consider him a fine example of what a policeman should be.

I agree 100% with all of this. I also agree that most men would have done the same thing, and that most men would have not regarded themselves as being heros.

On a personal note, the 2nd time I did CPR on someone, was a guy who hung himself. A cop had showed up first on scene. The cop, by himself, cut the rope, and got the guy outside onto the front grass, and was giving him CPR when we showed up and took over. That cop, imo, went above and beyond. That story didn't make any news headlines either. I always remembered him, because later on when I was sworn in, I vowed I'd do the same thing if ever in that situation. A lot of cops would have waited for fire to show up and deal with that mess.

midnight rambler
22nd May 2014, 02:51 PM
Saving a baby makes you a good samaritan and in a lot of cases a hero...but it doesn't necessarily make you a good cop.

A good cop is someone that upholds the constitution to the letter they have sworn to do.
A good cop respects the rights of citizens as they would want their rights respected.
A good cop doesn't use his power to shake down citizens for money to fund his department
A good cop does not look the other way when a fellow gang member uses his badge to commit crimes or abuse/take advantage of the people.
A good cop should report other bad cops.

If the cop that saved the baby has passed all of the above with flying colors, I would commend him and consider him a fine example of what a policeman should be.

It's not possible to simultaneously be (morally) 'good' and be a cop, the two concepts are as incongruent as it gets.