View Full Version : Man Cooked To Death In Scalding Shower As Punishment By Prison Guards

22nd May 2014, 09:08 AM
MIAMI, FL — A torturous “punishment” session turned fatal for a mentally-ill prisoner, when prison guards forced him to stand in a tiny shower stall while being blasted by scalding hot water until his skin began to shrivel away from his body and he died. Fellow inmates say he begged for his life before collapsing in the shower.

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Darren Rainey, 50, died while incarcerated a the Dade Correctional Institution. He was serving a 2-year sentence for a victimless crime; possession of cocaine. At the time of his death, he had only one month to go before his release.


Rainey, who suffered from mental illness, was accused of defecating in his cell without cleaning it up. The Florida’s Department of Corrections often comes up with cruel and imaginative punishments for prisoners — allegedly ranging from starvation diets to forcing prisoners to fight so the guards could place bets.

Rainey’s punishment was to stand confined in a narrow chamber, being blasted with hot water and steam, and left to suffer there for over one hour.

“I can’t take it no more, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again,’’ Rainey screamed over and over, the Miami Herald discovered from a fellow inmate’s grievance complaint.

The Miami Herald reports that it was DOC Officer Roland Clarke who was on video placing Rainey in the shower at 7:38 p.m on June 23, 2012. He was found dead at 9:30 p.m.

When Rainey’s body was found, his skin was cooked to the point where it was coming loose from his body, a condition known as slippage.

The facility then did its best to cover up the death. Sources say that it was alleged that Rainey had a heart attack, yet DOC refused to perform an autopsy. The official cause of death has never been announced.
“Two years is a very long time to wait to find out why your brother was found dead in a shower.”

Conveniently, the camera outside the shower “malfunctioned” right after Rainey was forced in.

The Rainey investigation has remained open since 2012, with no explanation about why it has taken so long. No one has been charged with the death of Darren Rainey.

“Two years is a very long time to wait to find out why your brother was found dead in a shower,” said Rainey’s brother, Andre Chapman.

When a fellow inmate tried to provide information to police and the media about the Rainey case, he was threatened with punishments of his own. Numerous other inmate complaints paint a disturbing picture of what justice looks like in Florida’s prisons.

Justice seems to be a fleeting concept in a society where people are imprisoned for non-violent, victimless offenses, and housed by sadistic torturers who themselves belong in a cage.


22nd May 2014, 09:28 AM
There will only be justice when the people imposes the law and not the law enforces........after all, the law was made for the people and not the law enforces.


22nd May 2014, 11:06 AM
The punishment for every crime is potentially Death. We really need to think on that. Literally you could be spitting on a sidewalk, a cop tells you to stop you refuse and end up DEAD! What the fuck kind of sick police state world are we living in?

22nd May 2014, 11:29 AM
Let me get this straight. Possessing cocaine, not hurting anyone but himself, is a crime, but kidnapping a man, locking him up against his will, and torturing him to death is justice? Like Hillbilly said,

What the fuck kind of sick police state world are we living in?

22nd May 2014, 11:42 AM
Prison guards are either wanna be criminals that didn't have the balls to commit crimes, or wanna be cops that didn't have what it takes to be in the police gang.
I think prison guards became prison guards to do good things for society.
And there you guys go again pulling up the bad articles on prison guards, when I'm sure there are many good prison guards doing wonderful things. :p

22nd May 2014, 11:51 AM
And there you guys go again pulling up the bad articles on prison guards, when I'm sure there are many good prison guards doing wonderful things. :p

I'll see if I can find a good prison guard story to post. :)

I do know of one guy who I went to academy with, and he ended up a prison guard. Used to see him at the gym, and after hearing his stories, it sounded like a terrible job.

22nd May 2014, 12:01 PM
I'll see if I can find a good prison guard story to post. :)

I do know of one guy who I went to academy with, and he ended up a prison guard. Used to see him at the gym, and after hearing his stories, it sounded like a terrible job.

I can't imagine why anyone would aspire to do that job. It must pay really well and they like watching naked male thugs showering together?

Silver Rocket Bitches!
22nd May 2014, 12:30 PM
It's amazing they haven't gone Attica all up in that place. What does it take to push them to the breaking point?

midnight rambler
22nd May 2014, 03:34 PM
It's the way of the Death Cult - terrorism and torture as fully sanctioned by the corporate state, simply business as usual. I keep wondering why this sort of shit surprises anyone.

22nd May 2014, 03:38 PM
I keep wondering why this sort of shit surprises anyone.

I'm just surprised you folks believe this BS. I'm telling ya, they want folks pissing their pants scared, that is the agenda they want.

If they can conjure Sandy Hook out of thin air, if they can deceive and create the Boston Bombings...why the fuck don't you think they can manipulate and make this shit up?!?

For the love of Christ...wake up!!!!

None of this is real. The way to achieve a police state the cheapest and quickest way? Fear. You are being fed fear by the media.

midnight rambler
22nd May 2014, 03:47 PM
I'm just surprised you folks believe this BS. I'm telling ya, they want folks pissing their pants scared, that is the agenda they want.

If they can conjure Sandy Hook out of thin air, if they can deceive and create the Boston Bombings...why the fuck don't you think they can manipulate and make this shit up?!?

For the love of Christ...wake up!!!!

None of this is real. The way to achieve a police state the cheapest and quickest way? Fear. You are being fed fear by the media.

Yeah, right, this sort of thing NEVER(!) happens, EVER. /sarc

You're a real hoot. Thx for the yuks. Or as Vlad would say, "God bless you!"


22nd May 2014, 03:49 PM
Yeah, right, this sort of thing NEVER(!) happens, EVER. /sarc

You're a real hoot. Thx for the yuks. Or as Vlad would say, "God bless you!"

That is EXACTLY the same response...I got, when I tried to explain Sandy Hook never happened.

I shut up, or gave up, your choice. Hate to give up here though.

IMO, you are believing lies. You just choose what lies to believe, and what not to believe, based upon your own individual agenda.

midnight rambler
22nd May 2014, 03:53 PM
That is EXACTLY the same response...I got, when I tried to explain Sandy Hook never happened.

I shut up, or gave up, your choice. Hate to give up here though.

Go right on ahead and cling to your cherished delusions, I've a good friend who is on the staff at a high security state prison for men (not a guard) and I hear about the shit the guards do* to the members of the staff who get on the wrong side of the guards, ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS (as in a DAILY occurrence). And if the guards are willing to treat staff like that, you know that the treatment of inmates is far worse (I hear about those incidents as well).

*VERY dangerous, unprotected exposure to lifers and gang members AS IN BEING INTENTIONALLY SETUP TO GET HURT OR KILLED

22nd May 2014, 03:59 PM
Go right on ahead and cling to your cherished delusions, I've a good friend who is on the staff at a state prison for men (not a guard) and I hear about the shit the guards do* to the members of the staff who get on the wrong side of the guards, ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS (as in a DAILY occurrence). And if the guards are willing to treat staff like that, you know that the treatment of inmates is something is far worse.

*VERY dangerous, unprotected exposure to lifers and gang members AS IN BEING INTENTIONALLY SETUP TO GET HURT OR KILLED

Why do you think that is? To create a fear into the masses? To allow rape and sodomy to keep the masses in check?

Think about it man. Seriously. I've heard the stories too. My prison guard acquaintance, was pitching the job HARD to me, to recruit me (think he may have gotten a bonus if I took the bait). Everything is on camera. He sat there on his lazy ass watching movies his whole shift. He explained the pecking order in the prison. If any inmate was a problem, he went to the head honcho and that lead inmate "dealt" with things.

midnight rambler
22nd May 2014, 04:33 PM
Pete, I hear all about the cameras with resolution so good they can see if your freckles have freckles (as well as the lip readers they have on staff) - shit still happens all the time despite the cameras and the lip readers. I really think your grasp of reality is tenuous at best.

22nd May 2014, 04:50 PM
Pete, I hear all about the cameras with resolution so good they can see if your freckles have freckles (as well as the lip readers they have on staff) - shit still happens all the time despite the cameras and the lip readers. I really think your grasp of reality is tenuous at best.

Fair enough. I am really questioning a lot of these cop threads though. I don't believe them all. I truly do whole hardheartedly believe, there's a media agenda to instill fear into the public, to fear the police.

Hard to explain in words, but it's what I believe. Same with any false flag. Fear is the main course of the day.

Bottom line, I don't think prison guards could cook a man to death with a scalding shower, in today's modern prison. I'm calling false on this one, bottom line.

22nd May 2014, 05:18 PM
at this stage, death punishment (economic starvation, biowarfare, etc) is upon many anyway if the sheeple dont wake up.

will they?

mick silver
23rd May 2014, 09:37 AM
it's all about controll