View Full Version : The Robots Are Coming, And They Are Replacing Warehouse Workers, Fast Food Employees

23rd May 2014, 06:17 AM
The Robots Are Coming, And They Are Replacing Warehouse Workers And Fast Food Employees


There are already more than 101 million working age Americans that are not employed and 20 percent of the families in the entire country do not have a single member that has a job.

So what in the world are we going to do when robots start taking millions upon millions more of our jobs? Thanks to technology, the balance of power between employers and workers in this country is shifting dramatically in favor of the employers. These days, many employers are wondering why they are dealing with so many human worker “headaches” when they can just use technology to get the same tasks done instead. When you replace a human worker with a robot, you solve a whole bunch of problems. Robots never take a day off, they never get tired, they never get sick, they never complain, they never show up late, they never waste time on the Internet and they always do what you tell them to do. In addition, robotic technology has advanced to the point where it is actually cheaper to buy robots than it is to hire humans for a vast variety of different tasks. From the standpoint of societal efficiency, this is a good thing. But what happens when robots are able to do just about everything less expensively and more efficiently than humans can? Where will our jobs come from?

And this is not something that is coming at some point in “the future”.

This is already happening.

According to CNN, there will be 10,000 robots working to fulfill customer orders in Amazon.com warehouses by the end of 2014…

Amazon will be using 10,000 robots in its warehouses by the end of the year.

CEO Jeff Bezos told investors at a shareholder meeting Wednesday that he expects to significantly increase the number of robots used to fulfill customer orders.

Don’t get me wrong – I absolutely love Amazon. And if robots can get me my stuff faster and less expensively that sounds great.

But what if everyone starts using these kinds of robots?

What will that do to warehouse jobs?

PC World has just done a report on a new warehouse robot known as “UBR-1?. This robot is intended to perform tasks “normally done by human workers”…

The UBR-1 is a 4-foot tall, one-armed robot that could make warehouses and factories more efficient by performing tasks normally done by human workers.

Unlike the industrial robots widely used in manufacturing today—usually large machines isolated from people for safety reasons—this robot can work alongside humans or autonomously in a workspace filled with people.

This little robot costs $50,000, and it can work all day and all night. It just needs a battery change every once in a while. The creators of this robot envision it performing a vast array of different tasks…

“We see the robot as doing tasks, they could be dull, they could be dirty, they could be dangerous and doing them repetitively all day in a light manufacturing environment,” said Melonee Wise, Unbounded Robotics CEO and co-founder. Those tasks include stocking shelves, picking up objects and assembling parts.

The UBR-1 isn’t designed for small component assembly, but it can manipulate objects as small as dice or a Lego piece, Wise said. Unbounded Robotics is targeting companies that want some automation to speed up their manufacturing process, but can’t afford to fully automate their businesses.

To many people this may sound very exciting.

But what if a robot like that took your job?

Would it be exciting then?

Of course you can’t outlaw robots. And you can’t force companies to hire human workers.

But we could potentially have major problems in our society as jobs at the low end of the wage scale quickly disappear.

According to CNN, restaurants all over the nation are going to automated service, and a recent University of Oxford study concluded that there is a 92 percent chance that most fast food jobs will be automated in the coming years…

Panera Bread is the latest chain to introduce automated service, announcing last month that it plans to bring self-service ordering kiosks as well as a mobile ordering option to all its locations within the next three years. The news follows moves from Chili’s and Applebee’s to place tablets on their tables, allowing diners to order and pay without interacting with human wait staff at all.

Panera, which spent $42 million developing its new system, claims it isn’t planning any job cuts as a result of the technology, but some analysts see this kind of shift as unavoidable for the industry.

In a widely cited paper released last year, University of Oxford researchers estimated that there is a 92% chance that fast-food preparation and serving will be automated in the coming decades.

It is being projected that other types of jobs will soon be automated as well…

Delivery drivers could be replaced en masse by self-driving cars, which are likely to hit the market within a decade or two, or even drones. In food preparation, there are start-ups offering robots for bartendingand gourmet hamburger preparation. A food processing company in Spain now uses robots to inspect heads of lettuce on a conveyor belt, throwing out those that don’t meet company standards, the Oxford researchers report.

Could you imagine such a world?

When self-driving vehicles take over, what will happen to the 3.1 million Americans that drive trucks for a living?

Our planet is changing at a pace that is almost inconceivable.

Over the past decade, the big threat to our jobs has been workers on the other side of the globe that live in countries where it is legal to pay slave labor wages.

But now even those workers are having their jobs taken away by robots. For example, just check out what is happening in China…

Foxconn has been planning to buy 1 million robots to replace human workers and it looks like that change, albeit gradual, is about to start.

The company is allegedly paying $25,000 per robot – about three times a worker’s average salary – and they will replace humans in assembly tasks. The plans have been in place for a while – I spoke to Foxconn reps about this a year ago – and it makes perfect sense. Humans are messy, they want more money, and having a half-a-million of them in one factory is a recipe for unrest. But what happens after the halls are clear of careful young men and women and instead full of whirring robots?

Perhaps you think that your job could never be affected because you do something that requires a “human touch” like caring for the elderly.

Well, according to Reuters, robots are moving into that arena as well…

Imagine you’re 85, and living alone. Your children are halfway across the country, and you’re widowed. You have a live-in aide – but it’s not human. Your personal robot reminds you to take your medicine, monitors your diet and exercise, plays games with you, and even helps you connect with family members on the Internet.

And robots are even threatening extremely skilled professions such as doctors. For instance, just check out this excerpt from a Bloomberg article entitled “Doctor Robot Will See You Shortly“…

Johnson & Johnson proposes to replace anesthesiologists during simple procedures such as colonoscopies — not with nurse practitioners, but with machines. Sedasys, which dispenses propofol and monitors a patient automatically, was recently approved for use in healthy adult patients who have no particular risk of complications. Johnson & Johnson will lease the machines to doctor’s offices for $150 per procedure — cleverly set well below the $600 to $2,000 that anesthesiologists usually charge.

And this is just the beginning. In a previous article, I discussed the groundbreaking study by Dr. Carl Frey and Dr. Michael Osborne of Oxford University which came to the conclusion that 47 percent of all U.S. jobs could be automated within the next 20 years.

47 percent?

That is crazy.

What will the middle class do as their jobs are taken away?

The world that we live in is becoming a radically different place than the one that we grew up in.

The robots are coming, and they are going to take millions of our jobs.


23rd May 2014, 06:20 AM
I do OS and Application deployment automation for a living. If someone with decent programming skills really took a deep look at what I do, even my job could be automated.

So I've finally come to grips that in order to remain viable I have to learn programming. I've been undertaking C#, Python, AutoIT, PowerShell, and Batch here lately.

23rd May 2014, 06:39 AM
Sounds like we'll be living in utopia soon.

7th trump
23rd May 2014, 06:46 AM
I do OS and Application deployment automation for a living. If someone with decent programming skills really took a deep look at what I do, even my job could be automated.

So I've finally come to grips that in order to remain viable I have to learn programming. I've been undertaking C#, Python, AutoIT, PowerShell, and Batch here lately.

Yes sir...I've been taking python and learning automation as much as I can.
Even taking an instrumentation course at the hall.

I beleive Python is the next big thing in programming....its free.......and can do a shit ton of things C# can do, not all but a lot,........and its evolving at record speeds since its open source.
More and more kids these days are programming in Python and python is easily used in automation.

23rd May 2014, 06:55 AM
Ares, if you think in term of remaining viable in this massively deceptive environment, there are only 2 choices: working for a govt contractor/NWO corporations... or become an hacktivist :)

technology for the betterment of mankind exists too. But will require to come up with new philosophies... it is because they know this that the depopulation agenda is in place.

We cannot change the system if we dont flush 2000 years of fallacies down the toilet, along with the NWO.

Technology is the death of money, everything comes to an end - only the intent can tell us whether it is positive or negative. The intent is the real currency that will forever remain as it is which that determines monetary values. Bad intents are behind every boom and bust... once this is grasped it really is easy to let go money.

The intent to do something one is passionate for can fix the world without using any currencies, just let people organize and do what they REALLY want to do.

We have been robots, sheeple and cattle for 4000 years after all.

Passion, self-appreciation, empahty and voluntaryism have to have the final word... or American Stonehenge will be proven correct. Limiting the population of the earth to 500 million will require the extermination of nine-tenths of the world's people.

Maybe that's what happened with Atlantis and Mu, the prediluvian civilizations? History to repeat itself... again? If the elites dont do it, earth will reset herself anyway, they are just being proactive.

the only choice the Universe gives us, is Love vs Fear and if there ever is One Religion out there, this is IT.

23rd May 2014, 07:16 AM
Yes sir...I've been taking python and learning automation as much as I can.
Even taking an instrumentation course at the hall.

I beleive Python is the next big thing in programming....its free.......and can do a shit ton of things C# can do, not all but a lot,........and its evolving at record speeds since its open source.
More and more kids these days are programming in Python and python is easily used in automation.

If you get a chance, take a look at AutoIT. It's based off old QBasic, is updated and can even automate mouse clicks. I even programmed a small application to do automatic software installation (well I found the source of one and just modified it for my needs) and can do a lot of the same things Python can do. It's a pretty handy application for beginner coders.

23rd May 2014, 07:33 AM
Ares, if you think in term of remaining viable in this massively deceptive environment, there are only 2 choices: working for a govt contractor/NWO corporations... or become an hacktivist :)

technology for the betterment of mankind exists too. But will require to come up with new philosophies... it is because they know this that the depopulation agenda is in place.

We cannot change the system if we dont flush 2000 years of fallacies down the toilet, along with the NWO.

Technology is the death of money, everything comes to an end - only the intent can tell us whether it is positive or negative. The intent is the real currency that will forever remain as it is which that determines monetary values. Bad intents are behind every boom and bust... once this is grasped it really is easy to let go money.

The intent to do something one is passionate for can fix the world without using any currencies, just let people organize and do what they REALLY want to do.

We have been robots, sheeple and cattle for 4000 years after all.

Passion, self-appreciation, empahty and voluntaryism have to have the final word... or American Stonehenge will be proven correct. Limiting the population of the earth to 500 million will require the extermination of nine-tenths of the world's people.

Maybe that's what happened with Atlantis and Mu, the prediluvian civilizations? History to repeat itself... again? If the elites dont do it, earth will reset herself anyway, they are just being proactive.

the only choice the Universe gives us, is Love vs Fear and if there ever is One Religion out there, this is IT.

I agree with what a lot of you said. However that throwing out 4,000+ year of fallacies doesn't come easy and people cling to them as if their life depended on it. Technology is a double edge sword, it can be used for enslavement, or embetterment. I prefer to work towards embetterment and ease of use. I've created a lot of work at my current job so that anyone with little to no PC OS Deployment or Application deployment skills can do it with a few simple mouse clicks. If I want to continue feeding my family and not dependent on the state, I need to improve my knowledge and skillset to be as self sufficient as possible. Technology or otherwise.

23rd May 2014, 07:39 AM
I would argue 3 things you should learn in this coming world to save your own skin based on my own opinion:

Learn a programming language that allows you to program robots like Python or any other language that can work.
Learn a 3D rendering program like Blender (which is free) to master meshing and 3D Printing. I already do this for a living.
Learn a trade where you actually manufacturer basic things that can be marketed as "man made". This area is more iffy since I don't know what exactly would work here. I think there will be a trend like the Organic Foods trend to boycott robot made products over human made products. In other words people will try to find human made products and be willing to pay a premium for them. In other words you could literally start making shoes yourself with high end materials and make it a premium product for wealthier people. My shoe maker thing is just an example. Think to yourself, how many people in your life do you know who physically make shoes? The answer is most likely 0, and that should give you a hint that maybe it's time to make a niche market.

7th trump
23rd May 2014, 08:21 AM
I would argue 3 things you should learn in this coming world to save your own skin based on my own opinion:

Learn a programming language that allows you to program robots like Python or any other language that can work.
Learn a 3D rendering program like Blender (which is free) to master meshing and 3D Printing. I already do this for a living.
Learn a trade where you actually manufacturer basic things that can be marketed as "man made". This area is more iffy since I don't know what exactly would work here. I think there will be a trend like the Organic Foods trend to boycott robot made products over human made products. In other words people will try to find human made products and be willing to pay a premium for them. In other words you could literally start making shoes yourself with high end materials and make it a premium product for wealthier people. My shoe maker thing is just an example. Think to yourself, how many people in your life do you know who physically make shoes? The answer is most likely 0, and that should give you a hint that maybe it's time to make a niche market.

One of the best posts ever on this forum.

Get yourself a cheap cnc router. I prefer the shapeoko2 (open source) and relatively cheap.
Once you get that you can use it to make a better stronger cnc for milling soft metals and wood. The Shapeoko2 does well for milling soft metals but it takes longer.

I also recommend learning electronics. Get a book on learning electronics or take a class.
Get into a trade and forget all about going to college...college is a waste of time and energy for what they indoctrinate you on.

23rd May 2014, 08:31 AM
You don't need a book or a class. You can watch a YouTube tutorial for free anytime. That's how I learned to mesh.

23rd May 2014, 08:45 AM
Thinking about it, a program for a robot can be done in a blink of an eye, how?, simply......you will wear an apparatus that will be on your whole body including fingers...you will sit or stand where a robot would start at...you will do what a robot would do...your body "incubator" would be connected to a processor that would be connected to program that would copy all your movements.....you would input the program to a robot......the robot, or robots, would do what your "told" it to do........simple... no need for a programmer.

Maybe this is not possible since I don't know a damn thing about anything.....but this is my overall view of this.


23rd May 2014, 08:45 AM
For anyone who is interested, this is a really awesome IDE for developing Python code.



It's like Microsoft Visual Studio but for the Python language. It helps a lot during debugging as the default IDE that comes with python isn't as helpful when it comes to fixing mistakes in the code.

23rd May 2014, 08:58 AM
I am well aware of the abyssal pitfalls that led us here and honestly can't even conceive a smooth transition myself. Something brutal is in the making. At this stage, the less we depend on the matrix the better... helping lower down the level of evil is always a good thing.

I agree with what a lot of you said. However that throwing out 4,000+ year of fallacies doesn't come easy and people cling to them as if their life depended on it. Technology is a double edge sword, it can be used for enslavement, or embetterment. I prefer to work towards embetterment and ease of use. I've created a lot of work at my current job so that anyone with little to no PC OS Deployment or Application deployment skills can do it with a few simple mouse clicks. If I want to continue feeding my family and not dependent on the state, I need to improve my knowledge and skillset to be as self sufficient as possible. Technology or otherwise.

mick silver
23rd May 2014, 09:25 AM
I posted a tread about this about a year back and a vid , it coming and it coming a lot faster then most would like . so again I will say there way to many people in the world and the one's that control the world will have to find away to kill off a hell of a lot of people just look at the world today and most can see the stage being set for one big ass war .

23rd May 2014, 09:46 AM
So what in the world are we going to do when robots start taking millions upon millions more of our jobs?

The robots wouldn't be taking our jobs if the government would leave the economy alone. Take fast food for example, if the govt didn't mandate ridiculous minimum wages that outlaw teenagers taking these jobs for some extra spending money, mcdonalds wouldn't be considering robotic and automated kiosks to replace them. But when the govt forces them to pay more than the job is worth, they have introduced incentives to get rid of the overpaid employees, hence the move to robots.

23rd May 2014, 10:29 AM
The robots wouldn't be taking our jobs if the government would leave the economy alone. Take fast food for example, if the govt didn't mandate ridiculous minimum wages that outlaw teenagers taking these jobs for some extra spending money, mcdonalds wouldn't be considering robotic and automated kiosks to replace them. But when the govt forces them to pay more than the job is worth, they have introduced incentives to get rid of the overpaid employees, hence the move to robots.

I'm kind of looking forward to the day when robots pick all our fruits and vegetables, mow our lawns, clean hotel rooms and make tacos and burritos.

23rd May 2014, 10:51 AM
that remains to be seen, if the economy was ethical, many people would have the opportunity to escape low level jobs, get a better education... if students could access unbiased eduction and enjoy a free society, I am not sure as to whether they would take those jobs.

The robots wouldn't be taking our jobs if the government would leave the economy alone. Take fast food for example, if the govt didn't mandate ridiculous minimum wages that outlaw teenagers taking these jobs for some extra spending money, mcdonalds wouldn't be considering robotic and automated kiosks to replace them. But when the govt forces them to pay more than the job is worth, they have introduced incentives to get rid of the overpaid employees, hence the move to robots.

23rd May 2014, 11:48 AM
Don't think in terms of the past but of the future.....your minds are frozen in terms of the past and that's why you think of the robots in that term. You will live in a 20X20 room that will have all that you need for free and your interreaction with humans will right there.......I will not say all because your mind is in the past and slowwwwwwly you will have to be educated about the future.......in a way it will be hell but you won't know that, to you everything will be great......you will live in a halogram deck like the one in the Enterprise. You will contribut to the world...but not as you know it.

23rd May 2014, 12:01 PM
There's been a slow integration of robots going on for 30-40 years, lots of human jobs have been replaced already. Like everything else it will increase exponentially.

midnight rambler
23rd May 2014, 12:14 PM
Yeah, let's see how all that technology withstands a Carrington Event. lol

23rd May 2014, 12:45 PM
Unskilled laborers striking against fast food joints and other low level employers... just pushes this robotic trend along. Why hire whiny unreliable people when a robot will do the job without sick days and no drama.

23rd May 2014, 01:30 PM
Unskilled laborers striking against fast food joints and other low level employers... just pushes this robotic trend along. Why hire whiny unreliable people when a robot will do the job without sick days and no drama.

Been in the works for a very long time, this was in 1964 or so, grin!



23rd May 2014, 01:35 PM
There's plans for robots to replace women too.


23rd May 2014, 01:46 PM
LOL EE, imagine having a robotic dancing girl serving you drinks as you relax. That's what I'm talking about!

Twisted Titan
23rd May 2014, 01:56 PM
Best exchange i ever heard about automation.

Line Manager pulls a worker to the side and tells him to look at the robotic arm that is doing prescion welds that use to require 3 tradesmen to do.

So how are you going to Unionize that eh Mr. Sam?

To Which he replied:

So how are you going to get it to buy what it is making Mr.Bill?

23rd May 2014, 06:39 PM
suregons are too one step away of losing their jobs within next 10 years or so. Robots are still under human control but it just is a matter of time

Robotic surgery is a method to perform surgery using very small tools attached to a robotic arm. The surgeon controls the robotic arm with a computer.

New Delhi: Scientists have developed a tiny fist-sized robot that can enter a person’s body to perform surgery and then come out hassle free.

23rd May 2014, 07:55 PM
The robots wouldn't be taking our jobs if the government would leave the economy alone. Take fast food for example, if the govt didn't mandate ridiculous minimum wages that outlaw teenagers taking these jobs for some extra spending money, mcdonalds wouldn't be considering robotic and automated kiosks to replace them. But when the govt forces them to pay more than the job is worth, they have introduced incentives to get rid of the overpaid employees, hence the move to robots.

I completely disagree. If it weren't for the government there would be no jobs. That's because we'd be thousands of years more advanced technologically without them slowing humanity down.

23rd May 2014, 08:38 PM
good point shami

thats is the situation that have created... just behave as good slaves WHILE we make sure to progress at your expenses. And now, masses are about to get crushed as a result. There is no way back.

Id prefer to spend my time getting several genuine PhDs and think of leisure, make space travels... chasing money is for cavemen.... we have all the means to morph the planet into a near paradise and the complete opposite is happening: we are in the middle of the worse cosmic nightmare ever.

imagining the world without the NWO requires LOTS of creativity

I completely disagree. If it weren't for the government there would be no jobs. That's because we'd be thousands of years more advanced technologically without them slowing humanity down.

23rd May 2014, 11:27 PM
I think chiropractors are robot proof, there just is something about the human touch interaction that a robot can't replace. I also have a hard time seeing surgeon robots. I just think that people would prefer to have another human responsible in vulnerable and dangerous situations. Not an algorithm that decides with mathematical certainty that your life is not worth saving any longer. Further chiropractic and surgery is an art as well.

23rd May 2014, 11:58 PM
I don't know about construction robots could get screwed up running pipe or electricity, you kinda have to be there because things change so much.

24th May 2014, 03:46 AM


24th May 2014, 04:46 AM
electricity? but isnt the whole powergrid managed by computers already? A computer/server glitch can always happen at anytime, even to a surgeon, a 2 second glitch is enough to screw up... man made surgery errors happen every day.

I am learning acu-pressure and can easily imagine a machine blowing pressurized air to massage people's bodies, it just takes to know the right amount of pressure to apply and the computer to map one's body first, so it would know the spot/meridian that needs to be addressed... the same could be done for acupuncture.

nothing is 100% risk-free.

26th May 2014, 03:41 AM
I don't know about construction robots could get screwed up running pipe or electricity, you kinda have to be there because things change so much.

this is where the people become technicians. Like oompa loompas. Don't know how it works or how to make one. Only know how to keep it running.

I have a chuckle when people talk about self driving cars and so on. You hear people talking and saying things like:
Why would you want to just sit in a car and not actually drive it.
No fun in that
May as well catch a bus or a train

Truth is self drive cars are not for the likes of you or me. In the future it's probably going to be feet, bicycles or mass transit, if there are that many of us plebs even left. Self drive cars are for them because they are bone idle and don't do anything for themselves.

Once the machines have replaced enough of us there won't be any need for us. Unless something changes I think 2 more generations tops. So the grand kids of todays kids K-12. Just my pessemistic opinion IF things don't change. There's probably still 40 - 50 years to turn it around and things are always evolving as we are seeing with quite a lot going on in many countries not just between countries. I only hope the people stay focused because governments everywhere are looking to divert that into external conflict from the internal change movements we are seeing spark up.

26th May 2014, 08:32 AM
the are coming... no doubt about it



Russian researchers want to replace your physical body with a holographic avatar

in russian but images speak by themselves


There's plans for robots to replace women too.

26th May 2014, 08:39 AM
the are coming... no doubt about it


Where's the quarter slot and how do the teeth roll back?

26th May 2014, 04:59 PM
Here's a neat idea. What about a robot cop?

Now here's a cop you can trust!
