View Full Version : Another Heartwarming vidio of police helping others

23rd May 2014, 01:43 PM
Video at link: http://www.westernjournalism.com/chilling-graphic-video-shows-teens-reaction-fatal-police-shooting/

When police in Salinas, Calif. fatally shot a suspect earlier this week, a local teen captured the unnerving footage (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/05/21/why-the-f-did-you-guys-shoot-him-video-captures-teens-raw-reaction-after-witnessing-officers-fatally-shoot-man/)on video. Her response, complete with plenty of strong language, expresses her clear frustration with the officers’ perceived eagerness to use deadly force.

WARNING: The following footage includes graphic scenes and adult language. Viewer discretion is advised.

“Why the f—k did you guys shoot him?” Yoanna Prieto screamed, moments after the victim fell to the ground. She went on to call the officers involved “idiots,” demanding to know why they didn’t attempt a nonlethal maneuver to apprehend him.
“Why the f—k didn’t you guys Taser him? You didn’t even try,” she complained.

She shouted that local police are quick to resort to the easiest route in catching a suspect – including taking someone’s life.
“You guys don’t work for s—t,” she concluded.

Police Commander Vince Maiorana responded (http://www.montereyherald.com/news/ci_25802523/officer-involved-shooting-salinas)to the controversy, asserting police did attempt to use a stun gun against the unidentified suspect. He explained police were called to the neighborhood when a resident reported a man exposing himself and threatening her dog.

“Officers found the man walking down the street with gardening shears in his hand,” Maiorana said.
When he began waving the shears, he said officers “tried to deploy a Taser,” though they were unsuccessful in apprehending him.
“In response, the officers, fearing for their personal safety, shot this individual and he is now deceased.”

He stated that the suspect “actually attacked the officer” who instructed him to get on the ground, confirming that both pursuing officers opened fire on him.

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/chilling-graphic-video-shows-teens-reaction-fatal-police-shooting/#seiOsJWcVoeVcER1.99

This Graphic Video Shows Teen’s Reaction To Fatal Police Shooting
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/chilling-graphic-video-shows-teens-reaction-fatal-police-shooting/#seiOsJWcVoeVcER1.99

23rd May 2014, 02:03 PM
People like Hitch will tell you that 'Cops' are 'just people' also.

Except for the fact that i cant find a million videos of 'just people' shooting innocent non violent non armed people all day.

In fact, how many innocent non violent non armed individuals has this 'Cop' shot and killed before he became a 'Cop'?

The contradiction here is ENORMOUS.

23rd May 2014, 04:11 PM
People like Hitch will tell you that 'Cops' are 'just people' also.

That is right because that is the truth.

For some reason, you don't believe in self defense. Only 'certain' people are allowed to defend their own lives? Is that what you believe.

23rd May 2014, 04:41 PM
That is right because that is the truth.

For some reason, you don't believe in self defense. Only 'certain' people are allowed to defend their own lives? Is that what you believe.

I haven't see very many video's or read very many articles of police utilizing "self defense". What I've seen would be called murder if you or I were in the same circumstances.

23rd May 2014, 04:47 PM
90% of the laws in place are bunk anyway

midnight rambler
23rd May 2014, 04:48 PM
I haven't see very many video's or read very many articles of police utilizing "self defense". What I've seen would be called murder if you or I were in the same circumstances.

Apparently what you're not getting is that these state actors are acting under the full *authority* of 'the (corporate) state', a legal fiction which ONLY exists in the imaginations of some very misguided people.

midnight rambler
23rd May 2014, 04:50 PM
That is right because that is the truth.

For some reason, you don't believe in self defense. Only 'certain' people are allowed to defend their own lives? Is that what you believe.

If someone were to threaten one of my furry kids they'd be subject to getting shot. The woman should have handled her own problem, but no, instead she called on the trigger happy thugs with badges.

23rd May 2014, 06:03 PM
These nigger white pigs need to be contained. If this happened in front of my house I would have taken them out one at a time.

23rd May 2014, 07:50 PM
Blue clothed gang with badges killed a guy who was retreating....
so I should respect their judgement?...

7th trump
23rd May 2014, 08:30 PM
One less stupid dumb ass off the street.
Think about it people!!!!!
Seriously think about it!!
I'm not fucking kidding!!

Time is getting short!
If this idiot wasn't going to stop for the police, which he was given plenty of time to stop, just what the fuck do you think this criminal is going to do to you, or a little girl or a little boy, or an old elderly woman when the shit hits the fan?

Seriously fucking think about it!
He gives two shits less about authority after what he did and continued to try and run away.
He was caught and didn't want to man up for his crime....what a self-centered coward pussy!

Nothing but hippicrits here on this board.
I said it before....you people are seriously dangerous to be around when the shit hits the fan.
As far as the woman filming...to hell with that non-intelligent idiot ...shes probably has multiple id's and getting welfare for all of the fake alias's...and probably on the take of stolen items as well.
Gets pissed off because the police helped clean up her neighborhood from criminals.
The dead guy was most likely hispanic and therefore shes just a piece of shit racist because two white officers did their job by not allowing the tax payers to foot another lengthy worthless trial.

WTSHTF.......I hope they mow down these scum bags like Patten commanding an army of top notch Waffen SS.

23rd May 2014, 08:33 PM
Yes its been all over the news Salinas was my home town and my mom is there still , me and her have been going round and round , she seems to believe that the cops were right in their actions," When a cop gives you a command you better follow it" she says.

Even though it was a mexican, I think it was murder. Also it was on the East side which is always a mess anyhow, if the guys go work over there which is very seldom and they are mexicans, one guys watches the truck and the other works, its like Juarez there.

23rd May 2014, 08:49 PM
That guy was absolutely no threat to those cops, they straight up murderd him because it was 1) easy 2) they could.

7th trump
23rd May 2014, 08:56 PM
That guy was absolutely no threat to those cops, they straight up murderd him because it was 1) easy 2) they could.

That guy exposed himself and tried to kill an innocent dog because it was 1) easy 2) he could get away with it.

What gets me is he still held the weapon in his hand all that time running away from the cops...the cops were being nice. Around here they'd take you out way before you get a chance to run that far with anything in your hand.

Anyway one less criminal idiot.

23rd May 2014, 09:17 PM
He stated that the suspect “actually attacked the officer” who instructed him to get on the ground, confirming that both pursuing officers opened fire on him.

Folks, calm down, take a deep breath and listen up. This ^^ part seems to be conveniently overlooked by everyone who's posted in this thread, except for 7th.

The man attacked the officers with a deadly weapon. If you attack anyone, with a deadly weapon, they can respond with deadly force to save their own life. That is self defense, 101.

What would you do if this maniac attacked you with a set of shears? Shoot him, everyone one of you folks would do the same thing as these cops did.

23rd May 2014, 10:15 PM
If someone were to threaten one of my furry kids they'd be subject to getting shot. The woman should have handled her own problem, but no, instead she called on the trigger happy thugs with badges.

Either way, the criminal gets shot. See my point? The outcome is the same whether you shoot the guy, or the cops do. The guy is dead. Why are the cops labelled "trigger happy" but you are not?

23rd May 2014, 11:33 PM
I dont know if it was justice? just get rid of a bad seed, Cause I see it from 2 different ways the damn mexican should have put the shears down, yes..... but the cops weren't in fear for their lives , their stun guns didnt work one malfunctioned and one didn't connect, the perp was a scumbag showing his penis and trying to kill a dog if that is what happened? the cops werent in fear for their lives, as I told my mom the cops aren't GOD and they aren't accountable to anyone they just do what they want !

23rd May 2014, 11:47 PM
I dont know if it was justice? just get rid of a bad seed, Cause I see it from 2 different ways the damn mexican should have put the shears down, yes..... but the cops weren't in fear for their lives , their stun guns didnt work one malfunctioned and one didn't connect, the perp was a scumbag showing his penis and trying to kill a dog if that is what happened? the cops werent in fear for their lives, as I told my mom the cops aren't GOD and they aren't accountable to anyone they just do what they want !

Zap, I don't know why I get sucked into defending cops on this forum....

I do though. Personally, I'm glad I can live a simple drama free life now. I am grateful, for simplicity. I had an awesome surf today, then took a nap, then the girlfriend visited for dinner, and now I am relaxing. It's calm here.

I guess the point I'd like to make, is being a cop, you gotta love all that drama. I hated butting my nose into other folks business, but to be a cop, you've got to do that.

Cops aren't God, they are just people who can do that. Get involved into other people's lives. They have tools to defend themselves. They are trained to use those tools. If you try to end a cop's life, he will do his best to end yours.

That's the bottom line. They are trained, have the tools, and will use those tools. Don't try to kill them. People, cops or not, will fight to the death to protect their own lives, nothing going to change that fact....

midnight rambler
24th May 2014, 04:04 AM
Zap, I don't know why I get sucked into defending cops on this forum....

Because you take it personally and get emotionally involved, yet you suffer this disability which prevents you from seeing you suffer from this disability...

7th trump
24th May 2014, 04:16 AM
Because you take it personally and get emotionally involved, yet you suffer this disability which prevents you from seeing you suffer from this disability...

The problem is midnight you're a simpleton who cant think beyond your selfish pig headed biased nose.

Hitch is capable of doing what you cant...and that is being unbiased and reasonable.
I've read two sides to Hitch...he can call out a bad cop and point out a good cop.....no different than pointing a good poster from agenda driven posters on this forum.
Those cops were being real nice and gave every chance they could to the guy to stop....but the moment he brandished the weapon at the cops they used deadly force as they should.
I bet the officers got their asses handed to them behind the scenes from their superiors for having faulty tazers.
They cannot let the suspect get an advantage such as taking a hostage which could have happened quite easily as they allowed this guy to run that far.....thank God that didn't happen!
Theres a lot of thought the cops have to think about and react before someone gets hurt as the situation developes. And if someone gets hurt they are liable and the tax payers foot the bill.....all over a criminal idiot that shouldn't get a trial where a damn worthless lawyer can weasel him out of getting what he deserves.

24th May 2014, 06:02 AM
I think people place cops in a different class then people, because people have equal rights to each other and cops have special rights above others.
People are held accountable for their actions and cops are not.
People are made to pay for their crimes and cops are not.
People do not have the power to take life with impunity, cops do.
People did not give cops their power, corporations and government gave cops power to protect their interests.
People are not governed by the same laws as cops or those that gave them power.
The people that gave cops this power are not our friends, nor do they have the best interests of people in mind.
People cannot remove bad cops power, only those that are not our friends that don't have our best interest can.

It gets hard to call cops people when they are only employees of corporations to protect the corporations own interests.
Calling cops a 'gang' or 'gangsters' seems much more fitting.

24th May 2014, 06:25 AM
That is right because that is the truth.

For some reason, you don't believe in self defense. Only 'certain' people are allowed to defend their own lives? Is that what you believe.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to use 'defensive force' when you are the aggressor by definition.

If 'Cops' were just people, and they believed they were doing the right thing, then he would have killed other innocent non violent non armed people before he became a 'Cop' (because it is the right thing to do, remember?) 'Cops' dont go around kicking in peoples doors before they became a 'Cop' because they recognized it as being wrong.

And since we all know that no man has the right to kill another man who is unarmed and retreating, it stands to reason that 'Cops' are not 'just people' they IMAGINE they are something else. And since i know they are the same exact species as i am, they have all the same rights i do and they must follow the same human morality that we all do, when they act outside of all recognized human morality, they cease to be 'just people' and transform into violent mindless Pavlovian robots.

24th May 2014, 06:27 AM
One less stupid dumb ass off the street.
Think about it people!!!!!
Seriously think about it!!
I'm not fucking kidding!!

How 'Christian' of you.

24th May 2014, 06:39 AM
yes, it strikes me as odd too

is 7th Thrump, really a christian?

he's no exception though, scary

24th May 2014, 06:44 AM
It is IMPOSSIBLE to use 'defensive force' when you are the aggressor by definition.

If 'Cops' were just people, and they believed they were doing the right thing, then he would have killed other innocent non violent non armed people before he became a 'Cop' (because it is the right thing to do, remember?) 'Cops' dont go around kicking in peoples doors before they became a 'Cop' because they recognized it as being wrong.

And since we all know that no man has the right to kill another man who is unarmed and retreating, it stands to reason that 'Cops' are not 'just people' they IMAGINE they are something else. And since i know they are the same exact species as i am, they have all the same rights i do and they must follow the same human morality that we all do, when they act outside of all recognized human morality, they cease to be 'just people' and transform into violent mindless Pavlovian robots.

Violent Mindless Pavlovian Robots


24th May 2014, 06:56 AM
here is a funny one, describing how paranoid they are
Man in pig mask arrested for impersonating police officer
‘A joker who wore a pig’s mask with a bobby’s helmet and hi-vis jacket has been arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer.

Steven Peers, 46, said he used the costume to perform “comical parodies” of his local police force after becoming unhappy with officers’ behaviour during anti-fracking protests.

He was arrested in Manchester city centre while filming sketches on Thursday, the Manchester Evening News reports.’

24th May 2014, 07:17 AM
It is IMPOSSIBLE to use 'defensive force' when you are the aggressor by definition..

Tell that to Zimmerman.

Sounds like you don't 'own' you. You should change your username to policeOWNme. What you are doing is, is you've created your own reality in your head, and you are trying project that reality onto others.

You have a victim mentality.

The fact is you believe, no matter what happens, everyone is automatically a victim when dealing with police. Therefore, since everyone is instantly a victim, they are absolved of any responsibility for their actions and can act like animals in front of police.

Will anyone answer me this simple question.

You see your woman neighbor harrassed by a man with shears. The man tries to hurt her dog. You go to help. The man attacks you with the shears. Would you shoot him?

24th May 2014, 07:21 AM
yes, it strikes me as odd too

is 7th Thrump, really a christian?

he's no exception though, scary

What 7th is trying to explain, from what I interpret, and everyone seems to be ignoring, is that God wants us to be held accountable for our actions.

24th May 2014, 07:28 AM
Tell that to Zimmerman.

Sounds like you don't 'own' you. You should change your username to policeOWNme. What you are doing is, is you've created your own reality in your head, and you are trying project that reality onto others.

You have a victim mentality.

I noticed you couldnt rebut anything i said. You have no logic or reason to back up your position. All you have is a LABEL. A word. You relish in its power. You place me into a small box in your mind with a label that makes you feel warm inside.

The fact is you believe, no matter what happens, everyone is automatically a victim when dealing with police. Therefore, since everyone is instantly a victim, they are absolved of any responsibility for their actions and can act like animals in front of police.

I would say probably 90% of people who are on the receiving end of the violence of the State are totally innocent, non violent, non armed peaceful individuals who's only 'crime' was disobeying the scribbles of a 'Politician'. Do you thing this is a 'crime'?

But that is the difference between you and I. I do not IMAGINE that when someone disobeys the scribbles of 'politicians' that they have done something wrong. In fact, history shows us that most of the time when you are disobeying the 'State' you doing the RIGHT THING.

Will anyone answer me this simple question.

You see your woman neighbor harrassed by a man with shears. The man tries to hurt her dog. You go to help. The man attacks you with the shears. Would you shoot him?

I would use whatever level of defensive force it took to stop the villent aggressor. That means up to and including KILLING HIM.

Now can you afford me the same and answer me this simple question:

You see your woman neighbor harrassed by a man in a costume. The man has a parchment of paper with scribbles on it from a 'Judge'. The costumed man tries to hurt her. You go to help. The costumed man attacks you with a weapon. Would you shoot him?

24th May 2014, 07:44 AM
You see your woman neighbor harrassed by a man in a costume. The man has a parchment of paper with scribbles on it from a 'Judge'. The costumed man tries to hurt her. You go to help. The costumed man attacks you with a weapon. Would you shoot him?

That depends. I, unlike you, can set aside my emotions and take whatever actions necessary to follow my legal right to self defense and life liberty. If the costumed man was acting within the scope of his authority, no violence would occur. If he was not, and my life was immediately in danger, yes I would take whatever action I could to still be breathing. Better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6.

I believe there are a lot of bad cops out there. I believe there are a lot of bad people out there too. Just having a custom and a badge doesn't make anyone above the law. Look at what happened at Ruby Ridge. The Weavers had every right to defend themselves against authority. I like to believe I would have as much courage as they did.

However, this particular thread deals with cops using self defense to protect their own lives.

This you don't seem to understand. You can't comprehend that cops are allowed the same self defense rights as we do.

7th trump
24th May 2014, 07:46 AM
[QUOTE=iOWNme;710644]It is IMPOSSIBLE to use 'defensive force' when you are the aggressor by definition.[QUOTE]

They werent aggressive one bit until he idiot brandished the weapon against the cops.

Heres an idea....lets to go the source of all this trouible to seek the source of the innitial aggression and ask the question-
Would the cops have been called in the firt place and taken action if the idiot didnt expose himself and try and kill an innocent dog?

Now answer it honestly and then ask yourself why then are you blaming the police for this idiot exposing himself and attempting to murder an innocent animal?

Do you see how you are not an honest person , but only a simple minded selfish individual?

24th May 2014, 08:25 AM
I don't know what to make of the video and I don't have all the details, but it does look like the cop was a little quick on the gun...probably a steroid rush taking over pumping up his adrenaline.
The cops were in control and had the perp covered with their guns.
Maybe they could have kept a safe distance and given the situation more time to diffuse it.

My opinion: inconclusive

24th May 2014, 08:45 AM
"brandished a weapon" "had a deadly weapon"

Folks, what you see here is how easily people fall into delusion. He was just a dirty Mexican... right? His life was worthless and he needed to be cleaned off the street. The "officers" were defending themselves.

4 shots. The "dirty Mexican" was falling down and two more shots were needed. Some here think that is restraint because the "officer" had more rounds in his magazine.

The dumbass that hails this as a good deed done by the cops will get to watch them do the same good deeds to thousands of christians who need to be cleaned off the streets for being intolerant and threatening people with hate language.

24th May 2014, 08:56 AM
sure, but equating cops to God, there is a big leap there... Obviously in this vid, cops think they are gods... a shears vs 2 guns. They killed him, they could have shot him in the leg for example.

ps: I am not into profiling undertones, but judge individuals by their actions only. And the cops' response is exaggerate... if one approves this, then half of population would be in death row or already dead. (while elite mass murderers would still be on the loose)

mistake of reading too fast: glad to see that Spectrum and 7T dont think alike in this particluar case

What 7th is trying to explain, from what I interpret, and everyone seems to be ignoring, is that God wants us to be held accountable for our actions.

7th trump
24th May 2014, 01:49 PM
"brandished a weapon" "had a deadly weapon"

Folks, what you see here is how easily people fall into delusion. He was just a dirty Mexican... right? His life was worthless and he needed to be cleaned off the street. The "officers" were defending themselves.

4 shots. The "dirty Mexican" was falling down and two more shots were needed. Some here think that is restraint because the "officer" had more rounds in his magazine.

The dumbass that hails this as a good deed done by the cops will get to watch them do the same good deeds to thousands of christians who need to be cleaned off the streets for being intolerant and threatening people with hate language.
Hey...look everyone!
Look who's in da house!!
We have spin doctor spectrism....yo!
What?.........these types you labeled as "savages" in other threads. Why the change?

So why the spin on this and why are you injecting Christianity in to the spin.
You play a good "emotional" game spectrism....are you a lawyer?

24th May 2014, 02:13 PM
"brandished a weapon" "had a deadly weapon"

Try "attacked an officer with a deadly weapon". WTF is wrong with you people? Didn't you read this article? If you attack someone with a deadly weapon, they have a right to use deadly force to stop you. Cops included, everyone has that right.

24th May 2014, 03:22 PM
Try "attacked an officer with a deadly weapon". WTF is wrong with you people? Didn't you read this article? If you attack someone with a deadly weapon, they have a right to use deadly force to stop you. Cops included, everyone has that right.

I didn't see him attack anything, I also didn't read that he tried to kill a dog that wouldn't fuck him. It's all speculation to me at this point. I only watched the video. Seemed the good fellows didn't want him to go around the corner, perhaps there was another dog there? Idonno.

24th May 2014, 04:02 PM
That guy exposed himself and tried to kill an innocent dog because it was 1) easy 2) he could get away with it.

What gets me is he still held the weapon in his hand all that time running away from the cops...the cops were being nice. Around here they'd take you out way before you get a chance to run that far with anything in your hand.

Anyway one less criminal idiot.

Ok I missed that he had a weapon I could not see that on my little screen, that changes everything. Dog Killer too? fuck that bastard!

24th May 2014, 11:44 PM
The cops were wrong . Period, they didn't have to shoot him dead, retards couldn't make their stun guns work?
(4 times) he had shears!~ really guess he could have cut their heads off , they could have shot him in the arm,leg ? something ?

I really don't care except..... they are accountable to no one !!!!! it just reinforces a police state !

25th May 2014, 06:26 AM
Hey...look everyone!
Look who's in da house!!
We have spin doctor spectrism....yo!
What?.........these types you labeled as "savages" in other threads. Why the change?

So why the spin on this and why are you injecting Christianity in to the spin.
You play a good "emotional" game spectrism....are you a lawyer?

I do not execute people for their race, ethnic background, or crimes that are less than death sentence crimes. When I see an execution for a lame excuse, I focus my attention on the abuser and law violator. In this case, the cops are the savages. If someone was trespassing in my yard, I would confront them. If they were stealing from me, I would confront them. If they committed lewd acts I would confront them. These are not grounds for execution.

Let's discuss this "deadly weapon".

Ok I missed that he had a weapon I could not see that on my little screen, that changes everything. Dog Killer too? fuck that bastard!

Weapon.... garden sheers? Maybe if the cop put his finger into them and helped the SOB he could have gotten a finger cut off. Deadly? Hardly. Somebody please tell me how you would begin to kill someone with garden sheers. I have studied death and techniques enough to consider how difficult some things would be. I have slaughtered chickens and know how tough those weak little birds can be. 2 armed cops? That was an execution.

Try "attacked an officer with a deadly weapon". WTF is wrong with you people? Didn't you read this article? If you attack someone with a deadly weapon, they have a right to use deadly force to stop you. Cops included, everyone has that right.

There was no attack by the perp. He was trying to get away from them. Just looking at his gait, I would suspect the guy was not mentally right.

What some don't seem to understand is that all of us were in that guy. We are the next victim of abusive cops. When you tolerate and even exhort such police behavior, you set up the next victim. That is us. We must demand that they walk perfectly under the law as they exercise deadly force. Shame on you who commend this evil.

28th May 2014, 11:13 AM
The problem is midnight you're a simpleton who cant think beyond your selfish pig headed biased nose.

Hitch is capable of doing what you cant...and that is being unbiased and reasonable.

Bullshit. Hitch has been a cop lover since he was a child. Ever since he has been a member on this forum, he has always defended the pigs actions, no matter what.

7th trump
28th May 2014, 12:38 PM
Bullshit. Hitch has been a cop lover since he was a child. Ever since he has been a member on this forum, he has always defended the pigs actions, no matter what.

Hitch makes you a liar and he doesnt even have t olift a finger doing it....I've read some of Htches comments and they are not all pro police.
Hitch will use the law as its written to gauge the actions of the police and even uses the law to guage civilians in lethal action.
You...well you're just taking the easy street and judging by what your emotions tell you (you cant get more simple minded than that...no different than a pathetic liberal)......which is a trait of weakness.

7th trump
28th May 2014, 12:43 PM
I do not execute people for their race, ethnic background, or crimes that are less than death sentence crimes. When I see an execution for a lame excuse, I focus my attention on the abuser and law violator. In this case, the cops are the savages. If someone was trespassing in my yard, I would confront them. If they were stealing from me, I would confront them. If they committed lewd acts I would confront them. These are not grounds for execution.

Let's discuss this "deadly weapon".

Weapon.... garden sheers? Maybe if the cop put his finger into them and helped the SOB he could have gotten a finger cut off. Deadly? Hardly. Somebody please tell me how you would begin to kill someone with garden sheers. I have studied death and techniques enough to consider how difficult some things would be. I have slaughtered chickens and know how tough those weak little birds can be. 2 armed cops? That was an execution.

There was no attack by the perp. He was trying to get away from them. Just looking at his gait, I would suspect the guy was not mentally right.

What some don't seem to understand is that all of us were in that guy. We are the next victim of abusive cops. When you tolerate and even exhort such police behavior, you set up the next victim. That is us. We must demand that they walk perfectly under the law as they exercise deadly force. Shame on you who commend this evil.

Hahahahahaha...where did I imply I would execute a person because of their skin color?
Answer is...I never did...and if you took my replies as such then your just looking to argue like a drama queen woman.....go on the Jerry Springer show where you belong Spectrism.
Stop the drama mongering Spectrism.

28th May 2014, 07:44 PM
Hahahahahaha...where did I imply I would execute a person because of their skin color?
Answer is...I never did...and if you took my replies as such then your just looking to argue like a drama queen woman.....go on the Jerry Springer show where you belong Spectrism.
Stop the drama mongering Spectrism.

YOU are the one that had no concern about the cops executing the homeless man in AZ. You had no problem with them executing this Mexican. To you these are just street rats. Whether they were criminals was not the issue at hand. They were executed because cops ganged up on them and decided that they did not deserve to live.

If you can accept that kind of enforcement, you would execute innocent people... and your support makes you complicit.

7th trump
28th May 2014, 08:01 PM
YOU are the one that had no concern about the cops executing the homeless man in AZ. You had no problem with them executing this Mexican. To you these are just street rats. Whether they were criminals was not the issue at hand. They were executed because cops ganged up on them and decided that they did not deserve to live.

If you can accept that kind of enforcement, you would execute innocent people... and your support makes you complicit.

Anybody who exposes themselves and tries to kill an innocent dog is...and turns the same weapon used in attempting to murder the dog onto the authorities after being told to stop is....yes a worthless no good street rat.
I would pull the freaken trigger the same...just as the law says I can to defend myself from the ilk you promote and harbor.

Anyone who is knowingly trespassing after being told to vacate when small kids are around ...that just so happens to brandish a weapon against the force telling it to leave is ...yes..you guessed it a no good street rat.
You wouldn't allow this guy on your property.....and don't try and deny it either.

Anyone who tries to lure a person to their home in hopes a tree falls on them is yes...a no good worthless sinner.

Now please stop skirting my question which you are trying really hard to do...its a simple question that can be answered very simply.
Where did I say I would shoot the Mexican just because he was a Mexican which you are implying I said?

28th May 2014, 08:06 PM
I'll let you guys deal with this filth, I have no part with dealing with a religious fuck going pro cop. 7th and Solid are bedding together, hope it's a female at birth so they will think more. Who will give birth is even more interesting. Solid is a real person pussy, 7th changed ideals...

28th May 2014, 08:13 PM
I'll let you guys deal with this filth, I have no part with dealing with a religious fuck going pro cop. 7th and Solid are bedding together, hope it's a female at birth so they will think more. Who will give birth is even more interesting. Solid is a real person pussy, 7th changed ideals...

I just happened to be online to read this crap...

7th is right. Every cop thread turns into a bunch of emotional complaining and whining from guys who have had their egos hurt by cops.

Face the facts. Here it is, again. A man who attacks another man with shears, under any court of law, is attacking with a deadly weapon.

You are a man (I hope but wonder after your last post). A cop is a man. You both have the SAME FUCKING RIGHTS TO SELF DEFENSE.

Stay on topic. Unbunch your panties. Do what you need to do, but relax, think....and come up with a good strong argument or opinion. Please.

Rant off...

7th trump
28th May 2014, 08:28 PM
I'll let you guys deal with this filth, I have no part with dealing with a religious fuck going pro cop. 7th and Solid are bedding together, hope it's a female at birth so they will think more. Who will give birth is even more interesting. Solid is a real person pussy, 7th changed ideals...

Gods view of murderers and rapists are that they are to executed (stoned to death)....to be sent to Him for trial.
Are you against Gods way of ridding man kind of filth.
Are you against Gods view to clear you of any murder to defend yourself and loved ones from filth?
Look these guys turned a weapon against the authorities who used the same right to use lethal force as you do.
I like Hitches point of view in that since it was a cop that shot the guy who used the shears he was holding as a weapon (not even going to mention how many times this idiot was told to stop and didn't)........the shears now for some odd reason are no longer considered a deadly weapon.
And you people have the gull to post on this forum stating you're awake and joe6pack is asleep?....Ha!

Just for you people who don't know this....according to the law anything brandished as a weapon....is a weapon in the eyes of the law!
So go ahead at your own peril and advance towards a cop who's pointing a gun at you....your fist, a shoe, a pencil, a small branch, a brick, or even a plastic spoon is a weapon in the eyes of a police officer if you're advancing towards him.
And remember you have the same right as the cop to use lethal force if necessary.
You take it away from the cop and you are taking it away from every American to defend himself with lethal force against a street thug who doesn't give a rats ass about you.

29th May 2014, 04:40 AM
A couple little excerpts from the deceivers to show how they work....

I just happened to be online to read this crap...

7th is right. Every cop thread turns into a bunch of emotional complaining and whining from guys who have had their egos hurt by cops.

Face the facts. Here it is, again. A man who attacks another man with shears, under any court of law, is attacking with a deadly weapon.

You are a man (I hope but wonder after your last post). A cop is a man. You both have the SAME FUCKING RIGHTS TO SELF DEFENSE.

Just the other way around. I typically razz the cops and make them realize where the law draws the line. I do, however, find it sickening that most cops go beyond the laws they pretend to enforce.
Seems like you are the one emotional and butt-hurt.

Got a picture of those "shears"? I would like to see these deadly mass destruction devices.

Gods view of murderers and rapists are that they are to executed (stoned to death)....to be sent to Him for trial.
Are you against Gods way of ridding man kind of filth.
Are you against Gods view to clear you of any murder to defend yourself and loved ones from filth?

God's law also says to execute the witch, the sodomite, the child disrespectful to parents, the adulterer and the bestial. Are you carrying out this plan?

You shame all christians.

Just for you people who don't know this....according to the law anything brandished as a weapon....is a weapon in the eyes of the law!

Including cell phones and fingers. Your face is brandished as a weapon. Your words are brandished as a weapon. Your freedom is brandished as a weapon.

So go ahead at your own peril and advance towards a cop who's pointing a gun at you....your fist, a shoe, a pencil, a small branch, a brick, or even a plastic spoon is a weapon in the eyes of a police officer if you're advancing towards him.

Yeup... you confirmed what I thought you were thinking. A plastic spoon is a lethal weapon and cop can shoot you for waving a spoon at him. Moron.

And remember you have the same right as the cop to use lethal force if necessary.
You take it away from the cop and you are taking it away from every American to defend himself with lethal force against a street thug who doesn't give a rats ass about you.

If any non-cop did 10% of the things these savages do, we would be jailed for many years.

7th trump
29th May 2014, 05:45 AM
A couple little excerpts from the deceivers to show how they work....

Just the other way around. I typically razz the cops and make them realize where the law draws the line. I do, however, find it sickening that most cops go beyond the laws they pretend to enforce.
Seems like you are the one emotional and butt-hurt.

Got a picture of those "shears"? I would like to see these deadly mass destruction devices.

God's law also says to execute the witch, the sodomite, the child disrespectful to parents, the adulterer and the bestial. Are you carrying out this plan?

You shame all christians.

Including cell phones and fingers. Your face is brandished as a weapon. Your words are brandished as a weapon. Your freedom is brandished as a weapon.

Yeup... you confirmed what I thought you were thinking. A plastic spoon is a lethal weapon and cop can shoot you for waving a spoon at him. Moron.

If any non-cop did 10% of the things these savages do, we would be jailed for many years.

Hahahahahahahaha.....rantings of the confused.
What do adulterers, sodomites and witches andnso on have to do with this idiot being taken out because he advanced on the authrities with a weapon?
Just what point are you trying to make here?
You come on this board acting as though you have your head on straight...so why are you convoluting this into one big bitch that doesnt have to be?

Ohh heck spectrism....you're not fooling anyone on this forum.....you'd take out this street rat if he came at you with a pair of shears.
Are you really going to act like a Christian and then say you wouldnt defend yourself, or defend a child, and allow a street rat to sodonmite you with a pair of shears!
Hahahahahahaha....some big billy bad ass Chritian you turn out to be........hey I bet you'd fit right in down south of the border with all the drug trafficers as well and side with them as they decapitate and murder fellow mexicans all in the name of survival.
I can hear you now...."they drug cartel thugs have a right to murder and mame because they have a right to make a living as they see fit."

But the best part of your pathetic response is your silence at addressing me calling you out as to where I ever said I'd kill a mexican because of his skin color.

I'll ask you one more time Spectrism!
Where did I say I'd murder a mexican because he was a mexican or because of his skin color.........where?

I'm not holding my breath to get an answer from you. You have a record of skirting questions. I'm convinced you're nothing more than a weekend Christian.
SOme Christian you turned out to be...a fake one that practices "false witnessing".......a liar!
And who is the father of all lies that you follow Spectrism?
Thats right you do the bidding of your father....satan!

29th May 2014, 06:06 AM
And you will know soon enough if you are right. The times of unfolding are happening again. If I have spoken truth, you have much to fear. If you are correct, I will get my chastisement. When you call my Master the "father of all lies" you step over a very serious line. Let us know how that works out for you.

7th trump
29th May 2014, 06:58 AM
And you will know soon enough if you are right. The times of unfolding are happening again. If I have spoken truth, you have much to fear. If you are correct, I will get my chastisement. When you call my Master the "father of all lies" you step over a very serious line. Let us know how that works out for you.

I'm still waiting on where you said I would murder a mexican just because of his skin color.....cause I never said that..and never would!

If you cant find where I said I would murder a mexican because of his skin color then it must be that you are lying....and the father of all lies is satan...therefore your father is satan.

So if the shoe fits Spectrism........wear it!

I was born at night......but not last night!
If I was you, spectrism, I'd leave God out of your convoluting equation of lying and hiding behind God.............He doesnt like that!

29th May 2014, 07:06 AM
Nothing but hippicrits here on this board.
I said it before....you people are seriously dangerous to be around when the shit hits the fan.
As far as the woman filming...to hell with that non-intelligent idiot ...shes probably has multiple id's and getting welfare for all of the fake alias's...and probably on the take of stolen items as well.
Gets pissed off because the police helped clean up her neighborhood from criminals.
The dead guy was most likely hispanic and therefore shes just a piece of shit racist because two white officers did their job by not allowing the tax payers to foot another lengthy worthless trial.

WTSHTF.......I hope they mow down these scum bags like Patten commanding an army of top notch Waffen SS.

Hispanic? There are mostly two of these types: Puerto Rican and Mexican.

Here you thought it was just peachy for the two white officers to play the role of judge, jury and executioner. And look at what you presumed for the woman filming this!!!

You endorse the destruction of liberty in America. You are dangerous now.

midnight rambler
29th May 2014, 07:18 AM
You endorse the destruction of liberty in America. You are dangerous now.

Now?? ??? I'm thinking this mental defect has been there for a long, long time.

29th May 2014, 07:27 AM
Now?? ??? I'm thinking this mental defective has been there for a long, long time.

LOL... that was a play on his comment: "you people are seriously dangerous to be around when the shit hits the fan."

midnight rambler
29th May 2014, 07:35 AM
LOL... that was a play on his comment: "you people are seriously dangerous to be around when the shit hits the fan."

I can't help but think that since the knucklehead appears to be unable to come up with any original thought that he was parroting my post of The Dogs of War clip -


And fwiw, when we have cops wantonly killing people and destroying property with ZERO accountability or compunction the shit has ALREADY hit the fan.

7th trump
29th May 2014, 07:52 AM
Hispanic? There are mostly two of these types: Puerto Rican and Mexican.

Here you thought it was just peachy for the two white officers to play the role of judge, jury and executioner. And look at what you presumed for the woman filming this!!!

You endorse the destruction of liberty in America. You are dangerous now.

Yeah you are dangerous to be around....just look at your demonstration.
You'll root for the bad guy and throw stones at the good guys trying to protect you and others from people who expose themselves and try and murder the innocent dogs that was presumable trying to protect the person the mexican exposed himself to.

Profiling is a great tool in discerning who you can trust and who you cant....everybody profiles...including you.....and especially mexicans and africans living in neighborhoods such as that one.
That two bit floosey on film yelling at the police isnt honest one bit....and quite ignorant of gun laws and selfish....and demonstrates she is a true racist that doesnt acknowledge any authority except she is mexican.
If she was honest and law abiding why didnt she usher over there and talk the guy into stopping for the police....what was the mexican running from?
That female could careless about America and its way of life.

The police didnt play judge, jury and executioner as you are portraying them as.
The two olice officers responded according to the law just as any civilian can when approached with a weapon.

Why are you so antigun Spectrism?
Are you a closet democrat obama lover?

I can understand why Midnight rambler is all antigun as he is a communist who wants everyone disarmed and the US Constitution shredded. Midnight wouldnt have any problem setting up a memorial commemorating all the acheivments of communism here on American soil.....and hes your cheerleading buddy now!
Say one negetive thing towards communism and watch midnight come unglued!
I know I did on purpose in another thread and sure enough midnight rambler defended communism fevorishly.

midnight rambler
29th May 2014, 05:16 PM
Midnight rambler is all antigun as he is a communist who wants everyone disarmed

That right there is some SERIOUSLY funny shit!!!

I need not attempt to defend myself from such EXTREME nonsense, if there's ONE thing I've been VERY consistent about for my entire life it's TRKBA as protected by the 2nd Amendment.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
--Isiah 5:20

'Nuff said. lol

29th May 2014, 05:20 PM
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
--Isiah 5:20

Bunch here that do this!


Nothing new here, move on please!

Some rejoice being Luddites!

midnight rambler
29th May 2014, 05:51 PM
Some rejoice being Luddites!

Based on your post I'm wondering if you even know what a Luddite is. lol

29th May 2014, 06:02 PM
Oh I do comrade, I surly do!

Nuff of this thread, been a grin!

31st May 2014, 08:51 AM
So nothing much has changed shince I stopped hanging around here I suppose.
7th Trump is still a psychopathic cultist and Liquid/Solid/Hitch is still an ex-cop who wishes he was still a cop (but denies it) and endlessly defends the pigs regardless of how abhorrent their action are.
At least we have consistency.

mick silver
31st May 2014, 11:16 AM
once a pig always a pig

31st May 2014, 02:13 PM
I liked it better when they were called Dicks.

4th June 2014, 12:54 PM
Oh, they're still called Dicks, Cebu. They're still called dicks.

4th June 2014, 03:03 PM
Oh, they're still called Dicks, Cebu. They're still called dicks.

I think I'll be reviving the '50s to the younger generation I see around here. :cool:

4th June 2014, 09:07 PM
So nothing much has changed shince I stopped hanging around here I suppose.
7th Trump is still a psychopathic cultist and Liquid/Solid/Hitch is still an ex-cop who wishes he was still a cop (but denies it) and endlessly defends the pigs regardless of how abhorrent their action are.
At least we have consistency.

Meaning I am consistently correct? :)

I try to leave my personal opinion out of cop threads. I just post information, some might find helpful, however unpopular that information may be. For the record, no I do not want to ever be a cop again. It was the worst job I've ever had. I've landed in a nice career path and could not be happier.

5th June 2014, 04:25 AM
Meaning I am consistently correct? :)

I try to leave my personal opinion out of cop threads. I just post information, some might find helpful, however unpopular that information may be. For the record, no I do not want to ever be a cop again. It was the worst job I've ever had. I've landed in a nice career path and could not be happier.

Now you say you "were" a cop, other threads you say you wanted to be, and in other threads you said you only did the training and quit... wow no surprise.

The only Dicks I have socially communicated with have a short intelligence span, that being their work and the people they meet during their work. Their family is never talked about yet their wife's talk about them hating everything but their work. Never helping the family except a paycheck. Never helping with the children etc...

5th June 2014, 04:52 AM
Why Do Cops Hate Being Videoed? If They’re Not Doing Anything Wrong What’s The Big Deal?
