View Full Version : See ... Justice Does Exist

23rd May 2014, 06:36 PM
2 Years probation .... I suppose that means she can't grope any other female for a while. Now that must be considered HARSH in some circles. I mean ... come on ... even William Jefferson Clinton didn't receive that hard a sentence. Could be they considered his relationship to Hillary punishment enough.


A fired Texas state trooper — who made national headlines after a dash cam video went viral showing her conducting genital probes during a routine traffic stop - pleaded guilty to criminal charges on Friday.

Kelly Helleson, 34, admitted to two counts of official repression in exchange for prosecutors dropping sexual assault charges against her. She was sentenced Friday to two years of probation.

The trooper was fired last year after a graphic 2012 dash cam video of a traffic stop in the Dallas area showed Helleson donning blue gloves and inserting her fingers into the vaginas and rectums of Angel Dobbs and her niece, Ashley Dobbs, after they were pulled over for allegedly throwing lighted cigarettes out of their car's windows.

Angel Dobbs testified Friday she felt sexually assaulted during the disturbing interlude. Helleson had been summoned to the 2012 scene by trooper David Farrell, who said he smelled marijuana in the car. No illegal substances were found.

23rd May 2014, 08:51 PM
Justice? mmm no but it's a start.