View Full Version : Serbia Drowning in Thousand Year Flood

24th May 2014, 06:16 AM
do they speak of it on TV? It is disturbing to think that any disater may not be considered as an act of God anymore...



Serbia Flood: State leaders Being Irresponsible and Incompetent
Anonymous Serbia The series of events happening from the beginning of rains, the number of villages, towns, bridges, houses and evacuees has been increasing by the hour, continuously from Thursday 15th May when the evacuation started in Cacak , until the night of Thursday to Friday, when the Kolubara flooded Obrenovac. Today, at a time when the state of emergency has been lifted, except in two cities and 17 municipalities, we decided to announce last night’s conversation with Dr.Darko Trifunovic , to reveal the real extent of the disaster.

Balkans Flooding: Recovering From Catastrophe Will Cost Billions
May 22, 2014 - www.weather.com
Bosnia and Serbia could be saddled with several billions in recovery costs from the record flooding of the past week, but neither country has the available funds.

Serbia floods threaten country's biggest power plant
Sandbags stacked around Nikola Tesla plant 20 miles outside Belgrade as thousands of people are evacuated in Bosnia

"The plant should be safe now," Djina Trisovic said. "We've done all we could. Now it's in the hands of God."

Parts of the plant were already shut down as a precaution, and it would have to be powered down completely if the waters breached the defences.

Serbia is bracing for another flood wave from the Sava, swollen by the heaviest rains since records began 120 years ago.



Serbia is completely flooded. It looks like Manila.

More than twenty have died and tens of thousands have lost everything they own.



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24th May 2014, 06:27 AM
First Madeleine Albright, now this!

24th May 2014, 06:31 AM
Don't feel bad, the mass murder/shooting of college students in Santa Barbara, CA last night didn't make the news either.

Some events just don't quite fit their agenda.

midnight rambler
24th May 2014, 06:49 PM
How do they know for sure it's a 'thousand year' flood??

24th May 2014, 07:07 PM
How do they know for sure it's a 'thousand year' flood?? That my comrade, is the 1000 year question.

Shit happens anytime!

24th May 2014, 08:19 PM
Serbia should fee free to send any extra H2O they may have lying around to California, USA.

If you could just toss several billion gallons into the aqueducts leading to SoCal, that would be splendid.


24th May 2014, 08:25 PM
Serbia should fee free to send any extra H2O they may have lying around to California, USA.

If you could just toss several billion gallons into the aqueducts leading to SoCal, that would be splendid.

TIA. Aqueducts or theft pipes?

Water is a funny thing, the Dallas/fort worth area are trying hard to make some areas in my neck of the woods into reservoirs. For their future water needs, and for sure a bunch here think they should keep their greedy hands and thoughts away from our area. Just because a bunch of people chose to live in one area , they think they have the right, to screw with areas hundreds of miles away from them, for their own (city's) is good!

Screw them! Let them harvest their own piss and recycle it!