25th May 2014, 09:22 AM
View Video of Richard Martinez, father of killed son
"Mr. Martinez gives a fake-ass, dry-eyed crying performance for the benefit of the CIA's CNN. "The NRA is responsible for this. Waaaaah Waaaah" - Yeah...right"
"The anti-freedom New York Slimes couldn't wait to post this sad story front and center of its Sunday edition. One can just imagine the Satanic glee that Sulzberger's scribblers must have felt upon hearing the news of the latest shooting rampage; an event which will allow the Left to whip up more anti-NRA, anti-2nd Amendment hysteria.
It's way to early to make a call on what really happened here. Was the shooter really the son of "The Hunger Games" producer? Or was this a false flag event using multiple shooters? Are there actually dead bodies here, or is this another Hollywood style 'Sandy Hook' stunt?
All we will say at this point is that we found the fake crying and hysterical NRA bashing of one Richard Martinez, the purported "father" of one of the victims, to be very suspicious. Stay tuned."
[Here is another CNN story on the shooting...
http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/24/justice/california-shooting-deaths/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 ]
Elliot Rodger, 22, the alleged shooter, now dead allegedly from self inflicted gunshot to head.
"His father, Peter Rodger, works in the film industry and was the second unit assistant director on the first "The Hunger Games" film, according to a spokeswoman for Lionsgate. "
View Video of Richard Martinez, father of killed son
"Mr. Martinez gives a fake-ass, dry-eyed crying performance for the benefit of the CIA's CNN. "The NRA is responsible for this. Waaaaah Waaaah" - Yeah...right"
"The anti-freedom New York Slimes couldn't wait to post this sad story front and center of its Sunday edition. One can just imagine the Satanic glee that Sulzberger's scribblers must have felt upon hearing the news of the latest shooting rampage; an event which will allow the Left to whip up more anti-NRA, anti-2nd Amendment hysteria.
It's way to early to make a call on what really happened here. Was the shooter really the son of "The Hunger Games" producer? Or was this a false flag event using multiple shooters? Are there actually dead bodies here, or is this another Hollywood style 'Sandy Hook' stunt?
All we will say at this point is that we found the fake crying and hysterical NRA bashing of one Richard Martinez, the purported "father" of one of the victims, to be very suspicious. Stay tuned."
[Here is another CNN story on the shooting...
http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/24/justice/california-shooting-deaths/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 ]
Elliot Rodger, 22, the alleged shooter, now dead allegedly from self inflicted gunshot to head.
"His father, Peter Rodger, works in the film industry and was the second unit assistant director on the first "The Hunger Games" film, according to a spokeswoman for Lionsgate. "