View Full Version : Gypsy cops: how troubled cops move on to other PDs

midnight rambler
25th May 2014, 07:11 PM
Yet another example why it is NOT possible to be BOTH (morally) 'good' AND a cop (silence is acceptance of bad behavior - if a cop was genuinely, truly (morally) 'good' then he or she would REFUSE to work with a troubled cop) -


25th May 2014, 08:29 PM
They do this with everyone, politicians go into lobby companies, priests get moved on to new parishes.

you also need to take into account the peer group pressure. If you are the only moral one in pack of 20 people what are you going to do? Either go with the flow or leave the pack. Most everyone goes with the flow.

Gold Rules
25th May 2014, 08:52 PM
They have a name for this .....it apply's to both teachers & cops

it is called " passing the trash" cant fire them for many reasons ( union )

so they pass then to another school or Dept.......just a FYI

26th May 2014, 02:11 AM
There's a lack of individual accountability in the entire system and that's the way they like it.
There's also an obvious "us vs them" mentality yet we're supposed to believe they're our protectors - pretty sick, like a version of Stockholm syndrome

mick silver
30th May 2014, 12:50 PM
all cops are good they save people all the time and they would not hurt a dog like most here think ... dam that was good