View Full Version : The decline of civilization will be carried out by...

26th May 2014, 05:13 PM

26th May 2014, 07:14 PM
Clearly, that officer is in mortal fear of his life. Self defense, right?

26th May 2014, 07:44 PM
Wrong group. Here's the right one:

26th May 2014, 08:16 PM
Wrong group. Here's the right one:

I disagree. Shoot everyone in that picture, and you're good to go. However, take a shot at the aggressor in the OP and you will never see all the "backup" that comes to make sure you take a dirt nap.

IOW, one group has unlimited reinforcements, the other one does not (at least in any meaningful way).

27th May 2014, 12:16 AM
Everyone is PAID..............to do the jobs that "they"want you to do ...........most jobs rub against the grain and the hardest part is to reject it all , I have but its not that easy for most .

All I can say is think about it because working our whole lives and never having time to do what we really want is a form of death or zombification.

Food and shelter is of course very important but the endless quest for riches is stupid and obsolete even if you dont realize it.

Life and quality directly relating to you is what is important but it is the endless work we have to do that never ends that can kill us in the end.

Is it better to live one day as a free man or the rest of our lives as slaves in servitude.

Being brave would be trusting life and do what you really want to do.Lets face it ,life is going to be more on our side if we are trusting life instead of following 9 to 5.