View Full Version : For sale!

26th May 2014, 06:14 PM
Not sure of the whys? But I am seeing a ton of for sale signs and people moving, in my immediate area. Several blocks square and scattered across my town.

This area has weathered most of the crap, job wise, compared to the rest of the nation. Houses did not stay on the market very long. But normally I do not pay attention to what is going on other than what is happening on my block. It will be interesting to see how long they stay on the market.

Started looking and there are compared to last time I payed attention, a bunch of houses for sale here, that were not there a month of so ago.


I bet the for sale signs are a very good indicator that something not good is going on, in a geographical area. But nothing on the local news of any major closings of jobs here. But it also could be people deciding to find fresh venues.

Time will tell.

26th May 2014, 06:19 PM
Visit a few of them and ask WHY they are selling and moving.........don't sell your dog house.


26th May 2014, 06:23 PM
Visit a few of them and ask WHY they are selling and moving.........don't sell your dog house.


Naw, not yet, but if I had a place to go I probably would give whiplash to anyone watching me boogy. Have no family here all are dead, nothing here but memory's.

Just something I have noticed , and sorta seen over the years, one does start wondering when a bunch of for house for sale signes start popping up in an area.

26th May 2014, 06:36 PM
Could be the banks releasing old houses. Around my area there are about 1 in 10 abandon houses, none are listed yet except 1 and that says pending.

26th May 2014, 06:44 PM
Could be the banks releasing old houses. Around my area there are about 1 in 10 abandon houses, none are listed yet except 1 and that says pending.

All were ocupied,and not some still are, but most are now empty!

26th May 2014, 06:48 PM
Dogman, could it just be the time of year? I think I remember reading how spring was the best time to sell a house. It's the time of change, changing weather, seasons, etc. Activity. Just a thought.

26th May 2014, 08:59 PM
Hey Pluto?........you are alone as I am, you are more than welcome to move in with me, as long as you do your share of cleaning, I don't do windows ahahhahahahhahaah.


26th May 2014, 09:06 PM
Hey Pluto?........you are alone as I am, you are more than welcome to move in with me, as long as you do your share of cleaning, I don't do windows ahahhahahahhahaah.


Ponce, why don't you get some cute gal to do the cleaning?

You old guys crack me up. Don't snuggle together. Go meet some old gal and keep her warm. :)

27th May 2014, 07:28 AM
There have been lots of houses up for sale in my area, and they have sold. This is peak real estate season, and the first such season in a while where the reported economic "confidence" is up. (Remember, confidence is a perception.) Prices are up as well. A lot of people have felt trapped since 2009, and have been waiting for the first hint at an improved situation.

This may well be the dead cat bounce in the real estate market. Lots of investor purchases. It may lead to a lot of foreclosures coming onto the market, like what Cebu mentioned.

The whole economy seems to have incredible regional variance. Area of the country where federal money flows are experiencing a significant economic rebound. It may well be fake and short-lived, but it's happening and will continue until the other shoe drops. I'm sure the current administration would like to prolong this through 2016, and then let it collapse on Jeb Bush.

27th May 2014, 07:37 AM
Ponce, why don't you get some cute gal to do the cleaning?

You old guys crack me up. Don't snuggle together. Go meet some old gal and keep her warm. :)

In what is to come what good will be a cute gal that all that she will do is to scream and cry?, I trust more an old dog with a gun, as far as getting war together? my cat would scratch her eyes out.


27th May 2014, 07:40 AM
There have been lots of houses up for sale in my area, and they have sold. This is peak real estate season, and the first such season in a while where the reported economic "confidence" is up. (Remember, confidence is a perception.) Prices are up as well. A lot of people have felt trapped since 2009, and have been waiting for the first hint at an improved situation.

This may well be the dead cat bounce in the real estate market. Lots of investor purchases. It may lead to a lot of foreclosures coming onto the market, like what Cebu mentioned.

The whole economy seems to have incredible regional variance. Area of the country where federal money flows are experiencing a significant economic rebound. It may well be fake and short-lived, but it's happening and will continue until the other shoe drops. I'm sure the current administration would like to prolong this through 2016, and then let it collapse on Jeb Bush.
Most near me have been owned for years by the people living in them. What really got my attention is the number of them, close to ten within a few blocks, in the past, sure one or two.
But never this many at once! Could be divorces, ?.

Just strange to see so many on the market.

Android Forum Runner

27th May 2014, 07:41 AM
Hey Pluto?........you are alone as I am, you are more than welcome to move in with me, as long as you do your share of cleaning, I don't do windows ahahhahahahhahaah.


Grin! I do not do windows ether!

Except on my computer!


Android Forum Runner

27th May 2014, 08:42 AM
There have been lots of houses up for sale in my area, and they have sold. This is peak real estate season, and the first such season in a while where the reported economic "confidence" is up. (Remember, confidence is a perception.) Prices are up as well. A lot of people have felt trapped since 2009, and have been waiting for the first hint at an improved situation.

This may well be the dead cat bounce in the real estate market. Lots of investor purchases. It may lead to a lot of foreclosures coming onto the market, like what Cebu mentioned.

The whole economy seems to have incredible regional variance. Area of the country where federal money flows are experiencing a significant economic rebound. It may well be fake and short-lived, but it's happening and will continue until the other shoe drops. I'm sure the current administration would like to prolong this through 2016, and then let it collapse on Jeb Bush.

This is happening in my area also. One of the better realtors is expecting the market to be flooded this summer. He was telling me to sell back in March/April. I was not interested. The realtor thinks things may fizzle out later this year.

27th May 2014, 08:52 AM
I bet they are moving up to bigger homes...with the super strong economy and all.
Look at stock market go! Oh, and everyone is dumping gold and silver. There's better places to put your money this monster economy. No sign of a crash in sight.

I'm wondering if I should take a second mortgage on my home to buy a large boat? What do you guys think?
Well, I'll decide after I get back from a month long vacation in Europe that I'll be putting on my credit cards...there's plenty of time to pay them off. YOLO

I got to hand it to the Democrats...they managed to fix the damage George Bush did to the economy.
Hope Hillary wins the next one!

mick silver
30th May 2014, 12:13 PM
foreclosures are still out there , the banks just set on them loner to get the prices up . there will be a new wave of foreclosures I know a few guys who work on them to get them ready for the banks but this time around it will be the home that cost over 150.000.00 and up . I am still seeing small farms and house setting with no one in them here for sale and no takers

30th May 2014, 12:31 PM
Just for the fun of it I asked a real state agent about selling my home, she is very familiar with it and told me that it would be ideal for a survivalist and that it would sell in no time......my answer was "And where would I moved to?", she didn't have an answer for that.........she then said "You are in one of the most secured part or the country"...... :)