View Full Version : Monsanto’s Roundup Found in 75% of Air and Rain Samples, Agent Orange GMO?

27th May 2014, 01:18 PM
so now we happen to sniff that stuff , mass poisoning just took a new turn...

Also note that the study is 7 years old... we can assume that it is much worse by now. And they want us to trust that nanotech medicine will fix us...

rondup causes gluten intolerance (video)

Agent Orange GMO? After USDA Backs 2,4-D Seeds, Michael Pollan, Marion Nestle Lead Activist Hype Of Discredited Link


Last Friday, a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) released by the US Department of Agriculture recommended that full deregulation is the “preferred alternative” for Dow AgroSciences’ corn and soybean traits resistant to the herbicide 2,4-D–products known as the Enlist Weed Control System.

What is 2,4-D? According to scientists, it’s an effective herbicide and plant growth regulator widely and safely used for decades in household weed killers, such as Scotts TurfBuilder, and also by farmers. To opponents, it’s “Agent Orange”.

“If finalized, this decision would launch American agriculture into a new era of vastly increased dependence on more toxic pesticides,” said Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the anti-GMO Center for Food Safety, which popularized the demonizing term “Agent Orange Corn” to stigmatize the chemical. “The Obama Administration must overturn this dangerous and misguided proposal.”

On her blog, Marion Nestle, New York University food scientist and organics promoter appropriately linked to independent government studies endorsing the safety of 2,4-D, but then provided a mouthpiece for one of the country’s most anti-science groups, Earth Justice. “The potent and toxic 2,4-D has been linked to many human health problems,” Nestle quotes the anti-GMO group. “It also is likely to harm non-genetically engineered crops in neighboring fields, threaten endangered species, and ultimately lead to the development of weeds that are resistant to it, leading to even more problems.”

also here:
Is the USDA Really Dumb Enough To Approve Agent Orange Corn?
Jody Herr, who believes his tomato field has been poisoned by 2,4-D, the powerful herbicide that was an ingredient in Agent Orange, the Vietnam War defoliant, in a field that he farms in Lowell, Indiana, April 17, 2012.
Food safety activists and environmental activists call the GMO seeds "Agent Orange crops" because 2,4-D was a component of the notorious herbicide used by American forces during the Vietnam War that caused serious illnesses among veterans and the Vietnamese population... motr

USDA Ignores Harms from Genetically Engineered Crops
Agency overlooks threats of new “Agent Orange” crops engineered to resist potent toxic herbicide



Waking Times

A new U.S. Geological Survey has concluded that pesticides can be found in, well, just about anything.

Roundup herbicide, Monsanto’s flagship weed killer, was present in 75 percent of air and rainfall test samples, according to the study, which focused on Mississippi’s highly fertile Delta agricultural region.

GreenMedInfo reports new research, soon to be published by Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry journal, discovered the traces over a 12-year span from 1995-2007.

In recent years, Roundup was found to be even more toxic than it was when first approved for agricultural use, though that discovery has not led to any changes in regulation of the pesticide. Moreover, Roundup’s overuse has enabled weeds and insects to build an immunity to its harsh toxins.

To deal with the immunity issue, Monsanto’s solution has been to spray more and stronger pesticides to eliminate the problem

The health effects of Roundup are also hard to ignore as research has linked exposure to the pesticide to Parkinson’s disease and various cancers

For instance, children in Argentina, where Roundup is used in high concentrations, struggle with health problems, with 80 percent showing signs of the toxins in their bloodstreams.

However, Roundup isn’t the only widespread threat to public health. The U.S. Geological Survey, along with others, have identified additional pesticides in the air and water that become more toxic as they mix and come in contact with people.

Spraying Roundup may have short-term economic benefits for Monsanto, but the potential long-term risks could present significant challenges to people in affected regions of the country.


27th May 2014, 02:19 PM
I think we ought to string the fuckers up (Monsanto execs and pol whores) and watch them die slowly. That's exactly what they are doing to the rest of us.

27th May 2014, 02:58 PM
Pesticides and other crap that is used in the food chain and what we use day to day ,does not go away. Not so sure about air but it makes since that they can get and become part of clouds and then mix with rain!

Bigger issue is for dam sure the crap will get into the groundwater. We are chocked full of chemical crap, from what we eat, drink, and all of the synthetic crap we use and wear, everything outgasses. It is us and we are all contaminated all of us!

It sucks but the only way to escape it is to go ,total organic, in all things, eaten, worn, and use!

Then move to the south pole, Antarctica for the clean air and water!

Sad but true!

Android Forum Runner

27th May 2014, 04:14 PM
Pesticides and other crap that is used in the food chain and what we use day to day ,does not go away. Not so sure about air but it makes since that they can get and become part of clouds and then mix with rain!

Bigger issue is for dam sure the crap will get into the groundwater. We are chocked full of chemical crap, from what we eat, drink, and all of the synthetic crap we use and wear, everything outgasses. It is us and we are all contaminated all of us!

It sucks but the only way to escape it is to go ,total organic, in all things, eaten, worn, and use!

Then move to the south pole, Antarctica for the clean air and water!

Sad but true!

Android Forum Runner

You can damn well bet that the elites that are pushing this poison are eating the finest organic crops available. Probably have their own organic gardens, constantly groomed by well paid servants.

mick silver
30th May 2014, 12:29 PM
more need to see this .......................