View Full Version : They DROP like Flies

29th May 2014, 06:00 AM
Some would say "charmed". Others would say it is just coincidence. I am seeing something happen on a fairly regular basis.

When I stray from righteousness, I pay a price and get my beatings. These are severe enough to make me take notice and change my ways. They humble me to ask why. Where have I gone astray? And they clear my foggy vision to see where I went wrong.

On the other hand, I see people fall around me. People who cross me unjustly and who do things to hurt me. One thing I am learning is to stand firm and be correct. Instead of worrying over who will oppose me, I need only concentrate on being right and standing in the light. I have seen those who I figured were my opponents fall. Again and again.

Am I special? Yes! Not because of anything about me but because of who I know. It is true for anyone else who would also be in that fellowship.

There is the temptation to rejoice as they fall, but I now look humbly at myself and realize that it could be me just as easily getting knocked down if I decide to step out of line. My enemies are not so big after these events and I see I built them up as to too large an obstacle in my mind. Anyway, one is flicked off the back and I expect more will soon feel it. And, as things are going, I suspect I will feel some pain ahead. We all will... so be right. Choose to humbly seek the Truth and hold firmly to nothing less.

midnight rambler
29th May 2014, 07:28 AM
IMO it is crucial to strive to maintain one's humility at all times. I find it is a saving grace always on tap.

29th May 2014, 11:27 AM
I am currently watching a business shake up and have seen this coming for many months. I can see what is coming months from now. People I have talked with no longer see me as the crazy one.

The stuff about to hit our country will knock the wind out of most people. It will be like one belly blow after another. The lies have been festering under the thin veil of delusion. When it bursts, the smell will be horrendous. I feel bad for the children who will see this. But then, even the adults are just children.

The squeeze will increase over the next few months. Try to set aside things even in these last minutes. Pray for wisdom in your choices and strength to carry them out.

29th May 2014, 01:55 PM
You really lost me here man...

I am currently watching a business shake up and have seen this coming for many months. I can see what is coming months from now. People I have talked with no longer see me as the crazy one.

The stuff about to hit our country will knock the wind out of most people. It will be like one belly blow after another. The lies have been festering under the thin veil of delusion. When it bursts, the smell will be horrendous. I feel bad for the children who will see this. But then, even the adults are just children.

The squeeze will increase over the next few months. Try to set aside things even in these last minutes. Pray for wisdom in your choices and strength to carry them out.

29th May 2014, 02:21 PM
Company layoffs... business volume drops.

I am not at liberty to give specific details but I lost some distant allies too. More did happen and I see the desperation of this economy having its impact.

I am protected in many ways but that only lasts as long as my mission remains. TSHTF at different times for everybody but there is a larger event coming... actually a series of events. Dreams I have had are starting to vibrate in my memory like tuning forks.

Twisted Titan
29th May 2014, 03:07 PM
On the other hand, I see people fall around me. People who cross me unjustly and who do things to hurt me. One thing I am learning is to stand firm and be correct. Instead of worrying over who will oppose me, I need only concentrate on being right and standing in the light. I have seen those who I figured were my opponents fall. Again and again.

I can personally attest to this with my foreclosure case.....the fact that i have even made it this far is proof of that. The errors i have made on the procedure side should have knocked me out eons ago.

But because i do my best i am given the leeway to continue to make my case.

Untimately i believe this is going to go to a trial where i get to speak to a jury and speak my piece.

29th May 2014, 03:19 PM
Like moths to a white hot light bulb.

29th May 2014, 04:49 PM
I've recently been effed over by a couple people who I invested time, money and my soul into. In the past I wouldve done my best to get even. Now I take the high road and dont look back. I still help anyone but what they do or dont do is on them.

mick silver
30th May 2014, 11:47 AM
it' coming faster then most will like but it coming for all to see

30th May 2014, 11:54 AM
it' coming faster then most will like but it coming for all to see

I suspected the timeline would accelerate and even wrote a story about it in the 1990s. I thought it would have happened sooner but time is flying by nonetheless.

We are seeing the great separation begin. Darkness will grow darker and the true light will shine brighter. The choices will be so obvious to anyone who really wants the truth. Be a LOTT.... a Lover Of The Truth. The separation is part of the harvest and in the harvest the crops are cut from the earth. Don't fear the reaper.

30th May 2014, 12:22 PM
Next on the agenda?.........increased salary for those who will control you......that's what generally happens in the banana republics before a take over by the government.........guess what we are.


30th May 2014, 02:38 PM
Next on the agenda?.........increased salary for those who will control you......that's what generally happens in the banana republics before a take over by the government.........guess what we are.


Can the top republic be a banana republic? Regardless if there were a republic to begin with.

30th May 2014, 06:48 PM
I've recently been effed over by a couple people who I invested time, money and my soul into. In the past I wouldve done my best to get even. Now I take the high road and dont look back. I still help anyone but what they do or dont do is on them.
i have done the same. i did so much for my neighbors. didnt ask for a red cent. there was a yeard sale in the neighborhood. they had some outdoor chairs for sale. i ask how much. he said for me 25 dollars. i didnt know what to say. i came back an hour later and they were sold. i asked him how much did i charge to help them when they ask me? he looked like he was gonna faint. he said i] that he was caught up in the moment. that was a year ago. they wont wave at me or acknowledge my existence. the ones next to them. he was deployed for a year in iraq. i cut their grass(at my volunteering) for the season. they wont look at me. he wont even say hi. i quit helping. jesus said my path is a difficult path. too much for me. tired of being burned. most of these people have the money to take care of themselves. they dont need me! i have no desire to get even. they have no skills and if something happened they couldnt take care of themselves! they all are dependent on money. no friends. just money. i have lived in the same place for all my life. i cant believe this is what has become of us.

30th May 2014, 08:27 PM
I've recently been effed over by a couple people who I invested time, money and my soul into. In the past I wouldve done my best to get even. Now I take the high road and dont look back. I still help anyone but what they do or dont do is on them.

Regarding taking the high road and not looking back...

One of the biggest things I've learned, to live a rich happy and healthy life, is to remove the toxic people and allow and invite the good people into our lives.

When something like this happens, and you say you've taken the high road, I smile and know that you are OK. You allowed these folks to remove themselves, from you.

May the wind fill your sails.

31st May 2014, 12:29 PM
This is a very small town. Its impossible not to run into people. I walked into the bar this morning. My friends were concerned I was going to do something stupid when I realized "they" were there too. I ignored them, paid for their breakfast, finished my drink and left on the high road.

Half Sense
31st May 2014, 04:06 PM
i have done the same. i did so much for my neighbors. didnt ask for a red cent. there was a yeard sale in the neighborhood. they had some outdoor chairs for sale. i ask how much. he said for me 25 dollars. i didnt know what to say. i came back an hour later and they were sold. i asked him how much did i charge to help them when they ask me?

Maybe he didn't know the "free" help you were giving him was gonna cost him some chairs later. Help somebody for the right reasons next time, and don't expect payment or a special deal.

31st May 2014, 05:18 PM
Maybe he didn't know the "free" help you were giving him was gonna cost him some chairs later. Help somebody for the right reasons next time, and don't expect payment or a special deal.

That was a shitty thing to say/think. You're very misguided and fucking wrong, perhaps your moniker is half ass spot on.

31st May 2014, 05:51 PM

31st May 2014, 06:26 PM
Maybe he didn't know the "free" help you were giving him was gonna cost him some chairs later. Help somebody for the right reasons next time, and don't expect payment or a special deal.i installed all their basement windows 4 or them after i removed the existing ones! vented their gas range! changed out to 15 foot lengths of plumbing pipe that were leaking all in their basement. changed the guts in two toilets! tilled their garden! went and brought them 2 truckloads of mulch. i dont think it was too much to expect them to offer the two chairs for free! thats the problem with the written word. if you dont write a fuck!ng book explaining every fucking thing the thought isnt conveyed! dont tell me when you have done a lot for your wife, child, parents whoever dont you think of this in the back of your mind? i know we are suppose to give with no expectations of return. this was too much! it aint a g0ddamn one way street! at least not in my world.

31st May 2014, 06:58 PM
Sucks to have jewish neighbors, everything must be done in scripts.

7th trump
31st May 2014, 07:02 PM
When I do things for free I never expect a red cent in return.

Half Sense
1st June 2014, 12:35 PM
i installed all their basement windows 4 or them after i removed the existing ones! vented their gas range! changed out to 15 foot lengths of plumbing pipe that were leaking all in their basement. changed the guts in two toilets! tilled their garden! went and brought them 2 truckloads of mulch. i dont think it was too much to expect them to offer the two chairs for free! thats the problem with the written word. if you dont write a fuck!ng book explaining every fucking thing the thought isnt conveyed! dont tell me when you have done a lot for your wife, child, parents whoever dont you think of this in the back of your mind? i know we are suppose to give with no expectations of return. this was too much! it aint a g0ddamn one way street! at least not in my world.

That was very kind of you , no doubt about it. Some people have no scruples about taking advantage. I tend to give freely with no expectations, or I don't give at all. Doing all that for your neighbor WITH expectations didn't work out very well for you, did it? I'm a Libra and when I feel the scales getting unbalanced, I back off helping or accepting help.

1st June 2014, 05:19 PM
That was very kind of you , no doubt about it. Some people have no scruples about taking advantage. I tend to give freely with no expectations, or I don't give at all. Doing all that for your neighbor WITH expectations didn't work out very well for you, did it? I'm a Libra and when I feel the scales getting unbalanced, I back off helping or accepting help.

Ah yes, I am familiar with the plight of the Libra. Always seeking to balance the scales but they never seem to reach that perfection more than a short moment of two.

You are correct in the gift-expectation issue. I have to agree that once you let something go, you must not hold strings to it. Should your gift not return from the recipient, or worse- they scorn you for it, shake it off and move on.

The original point of the OP was to mention how enemies or obstructions crumble. I have seen it at times and at times I have felt the crush of circumstances on me as I am being refined. One clear thread I see in it is the perfection of the mission. The ultimate mission is being completed regardless of who wants to stop it. It is safer to endure temporary hardships and be refined in purity than to oppose the unbeatable even when it means gain for today.

We are entering times that I expected a few years ago. I can taste them now. Before I could only smell them. Many will fall to your sides and all around you. Get aligned with the most important mission on this world. I see amazing things happening and feel the presence of God moving things.

1st June 2014, 11:47 PM
I've learned that when I loan / give something (aside from business transactions), not to expect to receive it in return. In a situation, if I figure I would be upset by not receiving back something asked for etc, I don't lend/give it out to begin with. Eliminates high blood pressure and keeps "karma" flowing freely.

2nd June 2014, 05:10 AM
That was very kind of you , no doubt about it. Some people have no scruples about taking advantage. I tend to give freely with no expectations, or I don't give at all. Doing all that for your neighbor WITH expectations didn't work out very well for you, did it? I'm a Libra and when I feel the scales getting unbalanced, I back off helping or accepting help.im a libra too. i didnt expect or even think of expecting anything while i was helping them. i thought they were just like me. when they said they wanted 25 dollars for those chairs it just blew me away. thats when i thought of everything i had done for them. i had cut off a finger and called them to watch my dog. they didnt answer the phone or call back to see how i was. the 90 year old neighbor next to them ask if they could push out their trash can as she was recuperating from a broken hip. they told her since she didnt recycle they wouldnt help her. theres a lot more to this story than i can write. the rest of the giving neighbors cut them off and wont help them anymore!

2nd June 2014, 05:12 AM
im just doing my best to build some community for when tshtf. we cant survive by ourselves. we need each other to make it in terrible times!