View Full Version : Toddler critically injured by ‘flash bang’ during police search

29th May 2014, 07:30 PM
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A 19-month-old boy critically injured when a police device was tossed into his bed has a 50 percent chance of surviving, his parents said today. But a northeast Georgia sheriff defends the officers’ actions, calling it a tragic accident.

“The last thing you want is law enforcement to injure someone innocent,” Habersham County Sheriff Joey Terrell told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “There was no malicious act performed. It was a terrible accident that was never supposed to happen.”

Hours after a confidential informant said he bought methamphetamine from Wanis Thometheva at a Habersham County home late Tuesday, officers returned to the home to arrest him.

Thometheva, 30, of Cornelia, wasn’t a stranger to them, police say. Terrell said that during a prior arrest on drug charges, investigators discovered Thometheva had weapons, including an AK-47.

“That’s the threat he uses to those who don’t do what he wants,” Terrell said.

Thometheva was not at the home at the time of the raid but was later arrested at another house on a felony drug charge of distribution of meth.

Officers had no indication that any children were inside the Lakeview Heights home when they returned around 3 a.m. Wednesday, Terrell said, and approached the same door where drugs had been purchased.

That door, which leads into a former garage that has been remodeled into a bedroom, was locked, so officers opened it, the Sheriff said. Then, a distraction device, or flash bang, was tossed inside.

“It distracts them so you can make entrance,” Terrell said.

But this time, the device landed in the playpen where a toddler was sleeping. Little Bounkham “Bou Bou” Phonesavanhs and his family, including parents and three older sisters, were all asleep in the room while visiting from Wisconsin. Only the little boy was injured.

“It blew open his face and his chest,” the boy’s mother, Alecia Phonesavanh, told The AJC outside Grady Memorial Hospital. “Everybody was asleep. It’s not like anyone was trying to fight.”

A medic began rendering aid to the boy before the child was transported to Grady, Terrell said. Foggy weather made helicopter travel unsafe, he said.

Bou Bou is now in a medically induced coma, his parents said, and it could be weeks before it’s known if he’ll survive and what treatment he’ll need. The family was only supposed to be in Georgia temporarily after a fire at their Wisconsin home, the Phonesavanhs said.

“We have nothing to do with this ( drugs),” father Bounkham “Bou” Phonesavanh said.

Now, the family of six faces weeks of uncertainty, unsure how long the boy will be hospitalized, and where they’ll live in the meantime. A family friend has created an online fund-raising page to help with costs.

The family is angry, but hopefully the boy makes a full recovery. His sisters, ages 3, 5, and 7, haven’t been able to see him, but have recorded messages for him to hear, such as, “I know you got hurt but we love you, Bou Bou.”

Added the father: “I hold his hand to comfort him. We’re close, that’s my boy, my only son.”

Terrell said he contacted the GBI, but was told no further investigation is needed.

“Our hearts are broken with them because of the child,” Terrell said.


29th May 2014, 07:35 PM
These fucking stupid pigs piss me off. These type of raids are so fucking unneeded. They injure, kill, and torment people for shit that a simple knock on the door with warrant in hand would accomplish...

Fuck these worthless cock sucking pigs.

Play pen where the child was sleeping:


Picture of the child BEFORE the unwarranted and unneeded Flash Bang incident:


How many more kids, pets, and innocent home owners need to be killed before we finally have enough of this shit?

29th May 2014, 08:10 PM
That is pretty sad. How the hell can any human continue working after doing something like that? The bastards use deadly force with negligence.

29th May 2014, 08:14 PM
Meanwhile some asshole in California gets 20,000 people to listen to him blame the NRA for some supposed psycho's shooting rampage...
I guess if the dips hit had a badge when he went on his killing spree it would be acceptable

30th May 2014, 12:51 AM
It's time for sensible cop control laws. Not one more!

midnight rambler
30th May 2014, 02:04 AM
That entire article is so Orwellian where do ya start? e.g.

The family is angry, but hopefully the boy makes a full recovery.


Some baby who now has a 50% chance of surviving an incident like this will never make a 'full recovery'.

7th trump
30th May 2014, 04:14 AM
That is pretty sad. How the hell can any human continue working after doing something like that? The bastards use deadly force with negligence.
No, the cops didn't use deadly force. Deadly force is just that............deadly!

30th May 2014, 04:29 AM
I sure would like to know the difference between this post and the one that I posted an hour earlier?........I don't know, maybe mine was in Spanish, LOL.

I think that I'll stop posting anything new and let the gringos do it for me.


30th May 2014, 04:44 AM
No, the cops didn't use deadly force. Deadly force is just that............deadly!

Look you bloody moron.... let's blow a stun grenade next to your head and then tell us how it is not deadly force. You dare come onto this thread and defend the cops using a diversionary grenade indiscriminately to the point of blasting a sleeping baby?!

You are truly a man ahead of your time. Idiocracy was not supposed to happen for another thousand years.


30th May 2014, 04:47 AM
I sure would like to know the difference between this post and the one that I posted an hour earlier?........I don't know, maybe mine was in Spanish, LOL.

I think that I'll stop posting anything new and let the gringos do it for me.


Oh... now you want to get raciss on us. And to think you were my favorite Puerto Rican.

30th May 2014, 05:35 AM
The only blurry picture in the article is the one of the playpen...deliberate. Hiding the blood?

30th May 2014, 06:00 AM
The only blurry picture in the article is the one of the playpen...deliberate. Hiding the blood?

Very insightful, and I bet you are 100% correct.

I bet the cop doesn't have any remorse for what he's done either, he probably got all his humanity trained away when he was in Iraq performing home invasions and killing the inhabitants (the "enemy"), and then he comes home after doing that for a few years and the only job he can get that matches his skills is the local military (the police) to attack the enemy here. But it's ok, none of it is offensive aggression, it's defense, the scribbles of politicians declare it thus.

30th May 2014, 06:19 AM

7th trump
30th May 2014, 07:44 AM
Look you bloody moron.... let's blow a stun grenade next to your head and then tell us how it is not deadly force. You dare come onto this thread and defend the cops using a diversionary grenade indiscriminately to the point of blasting a sleeping baby?!

You are truly a man ahead of your time. Idiocracy was not supposed to happen for another thousand years.


I'd agree with your premise if the cop knew the baby was there and intentionally threw the nade in with the baby but thats not what happened is it Spec boy?
Nope, thats not what happened so why are you intentionally making up lies against the police?
Or is practicing satanism a specialty of yours?

Your thinking is no different than the muslims stoning to death a female because she was raped....and you are calling me an idiot.
How is not knowing the baby was there....intentional?
You have an agenda which is not upright and just.....you are not honest...but a liar and mongerer of lies.

Are you a lawyer?

30th May 2014, 09:30 AM
I'd agree with your premise if the cop knew the baby was there and intentionally threw the nade in with the baby but thats not what happened is it Spec boy?
Nope, thats not what happened so why are you intentionally making up lies against the police?
Or is practicing satanism a specialty of yours?

You have to be kidding. You think it's ok to toss a flash bang grenade into a home if you don't know there might be kids there? Why don't you give it a try and see how it works out for you?

midnight rambler
30th May 2014, 09:46 AM
The only blurry picture in the article is the one of the playpen...deliberate. Hiding the blood?

Common practice by the media nowadays to take a high res still or video and 'blur' it so as to intentionally obfuscate matters.

30th May 2014, 09:49 AM
very insightful, and i bet you are 100% correct.

I bet the cop doesn't have any remorse for what he's done either, he probably got all his humanity trained away when he was in iraq performing home invasions and killing the inhabitants (the "enemy"), and then he comes home after doing that for a few years and the only job he can get that matches his skills is the local military (the police) to attack the enemy here. but it's ok, none of it is offensive aggression, it's defense, the scribbles of politicians declare it thus.


30th May 2014, 09:51 AM
You have to be kidding. You think it's ok to toss a flash bang grenade into a home if you don't know there might be kids there? Why don't you give it a try and see how it works out for you?

Stop attempting to find the principle behind the statments of 7th Trump. I have searched many times and have come to the conclusion he doesnt have any. You can literally take his exact principle and re-apply it to him and he gets upset. LOL

Statism = Suckiing the brains out of good natured well intention people for thousands of years.

7th trump
30th May 2014, 10:36 AM
You have to be kidding. You think it's ok to toss a flash bang grenade into a home if you don't know there might be kids there? Why don't you give it a try and see how it works out for you?

Umm......this guy they were after was known to have an AK47...and hes peddling drugs.
How would you approach this situation when you are obligated to neutralize a threat to society that can have legal consequences?
Citizens dont like their taxes being raised over allowing a criminal to murder innocent people by family members sueing the city for negligence.
Do you allow the criminal to be able to reach the AK47 and take hostages?
Or surprise the street thug criminal drug pusher before he's able to do any such action?

Remember this guy doesnt care much about human life...because if he did he wouldnt be pushing/selling harmful drugs to children and adults and having an AK47.

30th May 2014, 11:26 AM
Remember this guy doesnt care much about human life...because if he did he wouldnt be pushing/selling harmful drugs to children and adults and having an AK47.

How do you assume any of this? Because that's what the dirty pigs said?

30th May 2014, 11:37 AM
Umm......this guy they were after was known to have an AK47...and hes peddling drugs.

So?? What right is it of yours or even the state for that matter to say what someone can and cannot put into THEIR body? According to statics over 100+ million Americans have weapons in their house. Do you advocate doing a swat raid on every one? You know just in case?

How would you approach this situation when you are obligated to neutralize a threat to society that can have legal consequences?

Get a warrant, go in with backup have them surround the house and knock on the door with warrant in hand to search the premises for drugs.

Citizens dont like their taxes being raised over allowing a criminal to murder innocent people by family members sueing the city for negligence.

I know, which is why should completely disband police forces. They are useless, and cause far more harm than good.

Do you allow the criminal to be able to reach the AK47 and take hostages?

So killing or mortally wounding a baby to justify the perp POSSIBLY taking a hostage is justifiable for these jack boot type tactics?

Or surprise the street thug criminal drug pusher before he's able to do any such action?

Cops could always stake out the house and arrest him as he's leaving. Box in his car weapons drawn and order him out and on the ground. No, lets just kick in the door, not find any drug paraphernalia what so ever, and possibly kill a kid... That's a much better idea. /sarcasm

Remember this guy doesnt care much about human life...because if he did he wouldnt be pushing/selling harmful drugs to children and adults and having an AK47.

What evidence of this do you have? Going off of what police say to the media to justify their bullshit tactics is kind of short sighted. What evidence do you have that he was selling drugs to children? What evidence do you have that he had an AK47? What evidence do you have that he doesn't care much about human life? Remember the stupid fucking pigs found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when they searched the house.

No AK47, no drugs, nothing.

30th May 2014, 11:41 AM
There was an allegation that the target was selling drugs. The cops pressed on one slime who fingered the target to get them off. Was there a conviction against the guy? Hell no! It had not even gone to trial.

He had an AK47? Oh my. He had an ugly assault weapon, huh? Is that illegal? If so, why did they wait for the drug allegation?

And if he was so dangerous, how is it that they attacked the house without even knowing if the guy was there?

So according to Trump, if any of you have a gun and someone says something bad about you, the cops have the right to come blast your house without regard to lives inside the house.

Compassion, as I see it, is the ability to and exercise of placing yourself in someone else's shoes, owning a piece of their condition and offering comfort in their suffering. Those who cannot do this have a psychological condition. When I see a homeless man being beaten by cops because he is a blight on their domain, or a dog being shot, or a common citizen harassed by cops, I see myself right there in their place. I see how but for the grace of God, that would be me.

Cops who exercise compassion by shooting a firearm until the magazine is empty are murderers. They worship the god of adrenaline and pay homage to the god of cowardice. They walk superior to other people and demand liberties for themselves above the law. They are increasingly psychopaths.