View Full Version : The End Of Oppression- Part 1: The Problem

3rd June 2014, 03:39 PM

"The End of Oppression" is a six-part series of videos which show what it will take for humanity to finally outgrow and escape its long history of violence and oppression.

Part One ("The Problem") explains why it is not greed, hatred, or merely the nature of man which is preventing humanity from achieving peace, prosperity and freedom for all."

7th trump
3rd June 2014, 04:02 PM

"The End of Oppression" is a six-part series of videos which show what it will take for humanity to finally outgrow and escape its long history of violence and oppression.

Part One ("The Problem") explains why it is not greed, hatred, or merely the nature of man which is preventing humanity from achieving peace, prosperity and freedom for all."

Earth to iownme.....start obeying God if you want to end the oppression!

News flash grasshopper........anarchism, as you perceive, doesn't exist in the kingdom of God.
You will be ruled and governed by the law and Christ as your King.
You will not be able to exist unless you surrender to Christ and bow to Him.
Anarchy is throw into the pit and destroyed.
There will be billions and billions of people on this earth when Christ hands the keys of earth to God which is restoring His thrown here on Earth (but only after the 1000 year rule)...so get used to living with people and a central government of God having many many offices of his kingdom.
The Elect get to rule with Christ for a thousand years....they will be the police to make sure Gods law is learned and obeyed.
If not, then so be it...they will be happy to see you into the pit for destruction....HAPPY!!

3rd June 2014, 04:08 PM
Earth to iownme.....start obeying God if you want to end the oppression!

News flash grasshopper........anarchism, as you perceive, doesn't exist in the kingdom of God.
You will be ruled and governed by the law and Christ as your King.
You will not be able to exist unless you surrender to Christ and bow to Him.
Anarchy is throw into the pit and destroyed.

Are you trying to scare me into your belief system? LOL

Did you even watch the video? Or are you TROLLING members you disagree with again?


7th trump
3rd June 2014, 04:14 PM
Are you trying to scare me into your belief system? LOL

Did you even watch the video? Or are you TROLLING members you disagree with again?


Just showing everyone you're an evolution believing atheist having a personal agenda that doesn't agree with the Father.
Basically you're a tool of satans.

3rd June 2014, 04:24 PM
Just showing everyone you're an evolution believing atheist having a personal agenda that doesn't agree with the Father.
Basically you're a tool of satans.

But Im not an atheist? Nor do i believe in evolution? LOL

(See, your trying to put a label on me so that you can put me into a box in your mind. But it wont work, because your pre-existing 'anarchist' box has atheists mixed into it. So you might have to create a new 'anarchist 2' box. LOL)

Again, all you have are labels and name calling. You have the intellectual acumen of a toothpick. You cannot debate the philosophy of anarchy using reason and logic, you only have a dogmatic belief system engrained into your mind so deep, that you shudder at the thought of me, the Heretic.

Why wont you just debate me live? Why are you so afraid? You sound like your confident, but when called out into the schoolyard, you go home at lunchtime with a tummy ache.

4th June 2014, 09:52 AM
Bump for critical thinkers. Statist need not comment.

(Although i know thats IMPOSSIBLE for them)


4th June 2014, 05:11 PM
I think Josie's tats diminish any message she might possibly deliver. Seriously, peace sign? Her word play for her online name fails too. So, I don't listen to Josie.

As far as chick commentators, this one seems to get it.


1st August 2014, 04:23 PM
The End of Oppression Part 2: The Game

"Tyrants do not create their own power out of thin air, they trick the people into giving it to them."


"The End of Oppression" is a six-part series of videos which show what it will take for humanity to finally outgrow and escape its long history of violence and oppression.

Part Two ("The Game") shows how tyrants use the game called "politics" to legitimize violent domination and to deceive decent people into advocating their own subjugation and enslavement.

11th October 2014, 06:28 AM

11th October 2014, 06:46 AM
How does anarchism work in a society where automation makes human labor and capital a thing of the past?


11th October 2014, 07:39 AM

Round and around Josie goes
No solutions no answers
What can we do? Nobody knows

She would be more interesting if she was twirling her tits
And shakin' that ass

General of Darkness
11th October 2014, 09:21 AM
What's with the peace sign tattoo? That's a satanic symbol. I wonder if she's aware of that?

11th October 2014, 03:35 PM
"Tyrants do not create their own power out of thin air, they trick the people into giving it to them."

Actually, yes, they do, and no, they don't. Tyrants assume power they do not have authority to exercise.

The People extend authority to governments, and, likewise, can withdraw it, via consent or lack thereof. But governments invariably assume power not necessarily in accord with that popular sovereign authority.

Granted, governments do like to have "the consent of the governed," and this is why the government pushes so hard for people to register to vote. However, refusing to register to vote, or, as I have, revoking my registration, does not exempt one from the power wielded by the government. "Moral authority" is appreciated, but not required, by tyrants.

11th October 2014, 03:41 PM
How does anarchism work in a society where automation makes human labor and capital a thing of the past?


Modern "anarchism" and "libertarianism" is the controlled opposition of those who wish to replace elected government, however flawed, with government installed by corporations.

Hatha Sunahara
12th October 2014, 10:16 AM
She's an intelligent woman, and a good salesperson. It's not her fault that some of you folks are a bunch of sexists. She succeeds where Larken Rose has problems getting his message across. It's the message that's important--and here you are making fun of the messenger.


12th October 2014, 10:49 AM
She's an intelligent woman, and a good salesperson. It's not her fault that some of you folks are a bunch of sexists. She succeeds where Larken Rose has problems getting his message across. It's the message that's important--and here you are making fun of the messenger.


Nothing but ad-hominem attacks and character assassinations. Throw some labels in for good measure. Notice no actual rebuttal to the actual principles of what she said.

12th October 2014, 11:35 AM
We've been hearing people here and on the web pointing out the problem for years now, when is it time to discuss some real working solutions?
We get the problem, we fucking get it!
Solutions are what we need to make change.
Hopefully one of our resident experts will have an actual rebuttal?

12th October 2014, 12:04 PM
We've been hearing people here and on the web pointing out the problem for years now, when is it time to discuss some real working solutions?
We get the problem, we fucking get it!
Solutions are what we need to make change.
Hopefully one of our resident experts will have an actual rebuttal?

Amen to this. Maybe that will be part 4: Solutions, finally....and a tit jiggle as a bonus.

12th October 2014, 05:37 PM
We've been hearing people here and on the web pointing out the problem for years now, when is it time to discuss some real working solutions?

Anarchism is an utopian ideology, and, as such, can offer no real working solutions. It's all theoretical, and fails utterly when under the load of typical human nature.

12th October 2014, 07:14 PM
Anarchism is an utopian ideology, and, as such, can offer no real working solutions. It's all theoretical, and fails utterly when under the load of typical human nature.How would you know? Have you ever lived under it?

ETA: Inappropriate terminology, as anarchism isn't something one "lives under"...

12th October 2014, 07:42 PM
How would you know? Have you ever lived under it?

How would you know Communism is bad? Have you ever lived under it?

How would you know sucking a guy's cock is bad? Have you ever done it?


Hatha Sunahara
12th October 2014, 08:27 PM
Anarchism is an utopian ideology, and, as such, can offer no real working solutions. It's all theoretical, and fails utterly when under the load of typical human nature.

And I thought (until now) that you were an erudite scholar with broad knowledge of political systems. You might want to refresh your knowledge about anarcho-syndicalism, and the anarchist communities in Spain, where anarchism actually worked in the real world. Here's a good place to start:


If what you mean by 'the load of typical human nature' is the widespread conditioning of statism in people--you may be correct in your conclusion about why anarchism fails. It fails not because it is 'all theoretical', but because the statists destroy it wherever they find it. They have even tainted the word 'anarchist' to mean a wild eyed violent fanatic. The police even have agent provocateurs who fulfill this image of anarchists. An anarchist is someone who believes that there should be no rulers. Naturally, those who see themselves as rulers are completely antithetical to anyone who believes that and do what they can to keep such ideas from spreading. It is good to know Crimethink that anarchism for you is a thought crime, and you side with the thought police on this topic. Anarchism requires a dedication in people to assert and maintain their freedom as in not being subservient to 'rulers'. We all know how much the average person is dedicated to freedom, both his and that of others--zero. You might want to ask yourself why so many people hate freedom. Then you'll have the real reason why anarchism fails. (Hint--it's not because it isn't a good idea.) Josie the Outlaw and Larken Rose have set out for themselves the formidable task of 'de-programming' this hatred of freedom.


12th October 2014, 08:41 PM
How would you know Communism is bad? Have you ever lived under it?

How would you know sucking a guy's cock is bad? Have you ever done it?


I currently live under oligarchical collectivism. It sucks shit. The reason why it sucks shit is that it is designed and enforced by government. Eliminate government, no more oligarchical collectivism.

Hey, you're right! This logic thing ain't half bad!

12th October 2014, 11:16 PM
And I thought (until now) that you were an erudite scholar with broad knowledge of political systems.

Oh, my, you hurt my feelings. LOL

You might want to refresh your knowledge about anarcho-syndicalism, and the anarchist communities in Spain, where anarchism actually worked in the real world. Here's a good place to start:


Name the currently extant anarcho-syndical communities in Spain.

And if we want to discuss ephemeral examples as "proof" of utopian ideologies, we can always look to the Communist kibbutzes of Israel, right? "Proof" that Communism "works." We should all be Commies!

If what you mean by 'the load of typical human nature' is the widespread conditioning of statism in people--you may be correct in your conclusion about why anarchism fails.

Anarchism fails because people are not "generally good."

It fails not because it is 'all theoretical', but because the statists destroy it wherever they find it.

You realize you sound just like a Marxist, right? Just replace your epithet with "capitalist."

They have even tainted the word 'anarchist' to mean a wild eyed violent fanatic.

Most anarchists are fools who cannot discern reality and delusion.

An anarchist is someone who believes that there should be no rulers.

Gee, using that definition, I'm an anarchist! Isn't it nice when you can simply define your own terms to "win" your argument for you?

It is good to know Crimethink that anarchism for you is a thought crime, and you side with the thought police on this topic.

I do not advocate punishment for stupidity, so, no, you are simply lying about my position.

You might want to ask yourself why so many people hate freedom.

Define "freedom."

Josie the Outlaw and Larken Rose have set out for themselves the formidable task of 'de-programming' this hatred of freedom.

Is "freedom" the ability to do that which is right, or, what one simply wants to do, damn the consequences to anyone and anything?

12th October 2014, 11:20 PM
I currently live under oligarchical collectivism. It sucks shit. The reason why it sucks shit is that it is designed and enforced by government. Eliminate government, no more oligarchical collectivism.

We live under what anarchism would quickly lead to: government by and for private monetary interests. This isn't "Communism" - which is what we were discussing. It's closest definition is Fascism.

Eliminate public government, get private government.

13th October 2014, 12:00 AM
We live under what anarchism would quickly lead to: government by and for private monetary interests. This isn't "Communism" - which is what we were discussing. It's closest definition is Fascism.

Eliminate public government, get private government.

And we mostly live under Private Government now. This government is the best government money can buy. The Elite rich want it and pay for it. Why do you think most of the 1% are Democrats? They want total control, and shut down any competition.

Hatha Sunahara
13th October 2014, 08:58 AM
Thank you Crimethink. You've made my argument for me. Now I will have my peace. Any further argument is like farting in the wind--will change nothing, your mind id made up, and I don't need to be called a Communist--I'm something far worse--an anarchist.


13th October 2014, 10:00 AM
Thank you Crimethink. You've made my argument for me. Now I will have my peace. Any further argument is like farting in the wind--will change nothing, your mind id made up, and I don't need to be called a Communist--I'm something far worse--an anarchist.


Amen to that. I wear the anarchist badge with honor. I kneel to no man or government. Because no man or government is above me.

General of Darkness
13th October 2014, 10:23 AM
Anarchists are just useful idiots for others to use then brush out of the way when the time is right so they can instill their control.

Please let me reminds some people.


13th October 2014, 10:55 AM
The thing is, the whole fucking world of Man is metaphor. Every time anyone opens their mouth or writes some shit down,
it becomes metaphor. The power of metaphor lies in its ability to delude everyone into believing this is that, when it isn't.

Every time we open our yaps or write something down thinking we can solve our problems with, all we do is add to the noise
in our own heads.

We think with words but words are bullshit. Fake. Imitation reality. That's our biggest problem right there.

There isn't a single word or phrase or paragraph or book or tome in any language that doesn't pretend to imitate reality.

It's all ideology. The idea being that we can blather on endlessly and feel good about it.

Try thinking without words. Now there's a solution. Probably the only solution.

There's a series of cave paintings in France that are estimated to be some 38,000 years old.
I believe them to be the best examples to date of the height of human perception of life.
The greatest Art that Man has ever created. That was the beginning of symbolism. And the end of our true nature.

Today, since we replaced our perception with word abstractions, we don't perceive life at all.

Everything, including our selves, is dead. Fictional. Imaginary. We imagine everything now.

Logos/Word/Logic, or systematic organized word play, has moved us onto an imaginary stage, where we act out our roles as scripted.

The Word...is the greatest mind control mechanism in human existence. Government is mind control.

God is Reality. The World is imaginary.

13th October 2014, 10:59 AM
I kneel to no man or government.

Do you pay taxes?

13th October 2014, 11:14 AM
Do you pay taxes?

At the barrel of a gun like everyone else of course. But do I view them as legitimate or a necessary evil? NO!

Although since I've been redeeming lawful money I haven't been paying income taxes for almost 3 years now.

13th October 2014, 12:18 PM
At the barrel of a gun like everyone else of course. But do I view them as legitimate or a necessary evil? NO!

Although since I've been redeeming lawful money I haven't been paying income taxes for almost 3 years now.

I know what you mean. I'm just pointing out the fact we are all slaves since they have more guns/power than us.

So you get paid in Gold/Silver and live on cash day to day or something?

13th October 2014, 12:41 PM
I know what you mean. I'm just pointing out the fact we are all slaves since they have more guns/power than us.

So you get paid in Gold/Silver and live on cash day to day or something?

Redeeming lawful money is utilizing Title 12 USC 411, which is part of the Federal Reserve Act. Basically they have to give you lawful money upon demand. There hasn't been lawful money in circulation since the 1970's. (United States Notes) The only thing you'll get for redeeming lawful money is Federal Reserve Notes, but its the demand that is key. Each year since I've been doing this, I've gotten a full refund of my Income Tax without so much as a peep from the state, or IRS. I still pay social slavery, medicaid, medicare etc.

7th Trump might chime in and say that it's baseless, but I know Paleni, and Sirgonzo also utilize 12 USC 411, and they're still around.. Well Paleni is, I haven't seen much of Gonzo lately.

13th October 2014, 01:02 PM
Thank you Crimethink. You've made my argument for me. Now I will have my peace. Any further argument is like farting in the wind--will change nothing, your mind id made up, and I don't need to be called a Communist--I'm something far worse--an anarchist.

You achieved nothing, and your hubris that you "won" is utterly laughable. When you actually have substantive arguments in favor of your utopia, I'm more than willing to consider them.

13th October 2014, 01:03 PM
I kneel to no man or government. Because no man or government is above me.

Until they have a gun to your head. But it will be OK, because they'll be private thugs, not policemen. LOL

13th October 2014, 01:07 PM
At the barrel of a gun like everyone else of course.

Amen to that. I wear the anarchist badge with honor. I kneel to no man or government. Because no man or government is above me.


Ares outs himself as a statist, worshiping the State instead of forfeiting his life by refusing to pay taxes.

13th October 2014, 01:11 PM
Redeeming lawful money is utilizing Title 12 USC 411, which is part of the Federal Reserve Act. Basically they have to give you lawful money upon demand. There hasn't been lawful money in circulation since the 1970's. (United States Notes) The only thing you'll get for redeeming lawful money is Federal Reserve Notes, but its the demand that is key. Each year since I've been doing this, I've gotten a full refund of my Income Tax without so much as a peep from the state, or IRS. I still pay social slavery, medicaid, medicare etc.

What's your Social Security Number, I want to see if the IRS really doesn't care. LOL

As for "redeeming lawful money," go to any of the 12 "Federal" Reserve banks, and ask to redeem your "Federal" Reserve Notes for "lawful money." Watch them laugh, and if you persist, enjoy the escort out of the building by armed guards.

BTW, Ares, what is your objection to the "Federal" Reserve, anyways? That's a private solution to a public need. Sounds like your "anarchism" to me. LOL

13th October 2014, 01:16 PM
What's your Social Security Number, I want to see if the IRS really doesn't care. LOL

As for "redeeming lawful money," go to any of the 12 "Federal" Reserve banks, and ask to redeem your "Federal" Reserve Notes for "lawful money." Watch them laugh, and if you persist, enjoy the escort out of the building by armed guards.

Why ask for something they believe no longer exist. The realm of lawful money is with Congress not the Federal Reserve. Title 12 USC 411 plainly states that Federal Reserve Notes are not lawful money.

BTW, Ares, what is your objection to the "Federal" Reserve, anyways? That's a private solution to a public need. Sounds like your "anarchism" to me. LOL


13th October 2014, 01:19 PM

Ares outs himself as a statist, worshiping the State instead of forfeiting his life by refusing to pay taxes.



13th October 2014, 01:21 PM
Why ask for something they believe no longer exist. The realm of lawful money is with Congress not the Federal Reserve. Title 12 USC 411 plainly states that Federal Reserve Notes are not lawful money.

It simply shows that "the Law" is meaningless.


You roll your eyes, but I'm serious. The "Federal" Reserve is a private solution to a public need. It's exactly what you claim to advocate for.

Of course, my solution, debt-free public currency issued by - gasp! - public government, is what you really want. LOL

Talk about lack of faith in your own convictions!

13th October 2014, 01:23 PM
:rolleyes: (idiotic graphic deleted)

You're exposed, Ares.

You do kneel to both man and government. You do believe men and government are above you.

Suggestion: don't talk out your ass like you did, and you won't be embarrassed again.

13th October 2014, 01:24 PM
It simply shows that "the Law" is meaningless.

You roll your eyes, but I'm serious. The "Federal" Reserve is a private solution to a public need. It's exactly what you claim to advocate for.

Where have I advocated that a private bank have exclusive state protected control of the money supply? Show me where.

Of course, my solution, debt-free public currency issued by - gasp! - public government, is what you really want. LOL

Your solution has been tried for 2,000 years and in that time. Only 1 nation was able to maintain a stable undiluted currency for roughly 700 years, and it obviously isn't the united states. Your solution again, a time tested proven failure.

Talk about lack of faith in your own convictions!

Talk about a lack of real history, or even monetary policy in general. You sure you're not one of those knuckle dragging mouth breathers voting for the next clown to rule them each election cycle?

13th October 2014, 01:25 PM
You're exposed, Ares.

You do kneel to both man and government. You do believe men and government are above you.

Suggestion: don't talk out your ass like you did, and you won't be embarrassed again.

LOL embarrassed... HA HA HA dude you don't even have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

13th October 2014, 01:30 PM
Where have I advocated that a private bank have exclusive state protected control of the money supply? Show me where.

As a claimed "anarchist," you are obligated to use only "freely-accepted, private solutions" to all problems. The "Federal" Reserve does not have "exclusive, state-protected control of the money supply." Money is any means of exchange. As a claimed "anarchist," you should use only gold and silver rounds or bars issued by private entities like Johnson Matthey, Sunshine Mint, or similar, and completely refrain from accepting or in any way using "Federal" Reserve Notes or even United States Notes.

That is, of course, unless you are OK with being a hypocrite. And a liar.

Don't preach "solutions" you refuse to use yourself, Ares.

13th October 2014, 01:32 PM
LOL embarrassed... HA HA HA dude you don't even have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

The big, bad "anarchist" Ares kneels to men and government whenever anything more than empty words is required.

13th October 2014, 01:33 PM
As a claimed "anarchist," you are obligated to use only "freely-accepted, private solutions" to all problems. The "Federal" Reserve does not have "exclusive, state-protected control of the money supply." Money is any means of exchange. As a claimed "anarchist," you should use only gold and silver rounds or bars issued by private entities like Johnson Matthey, Sunshine Mint, or similar, and completely refrain from accepting or in any way using "Federal" Reserve Notes or even United States Notes.

I use Bitcoin whenever I am able to do so. Gold and Silver is a controlled medium of exchange. Has been for generations.

That is, of course, unless you are OK with being a hypocrite. And a liar.

The only hypocrite I see in this thread is you. My only crime is thinking that humanity is creator endowed to be free. Your hypocrisy is thinking that humanity should be ruled.

Who is the hypocrite here "crimethink"?

13th October 2014, 01:34 PM
The big, bad "anarchist" Ares kneels to men and government whenever anything more than empty words is required.

Are you Book? Did you return under another sock?

14th October 2014, 02:29 PM
I use Bitcoin whenever I am able to do so.

So you rely on a system totally dependent upon a government institution (ARPANet/Internet).

Gold and Silver is a controlled medium of exchange. Has been for generations.

Controlled? You can't buy and sell it freely? You have a problem with "private investors" making money off trading gold & silver in ways favorable to them? LOL

Your hypocrisy is thinking that humanity should be ruled.

Please stop lying about my beliefs and position.

I do not think "humanity should be ruled." All government is not "rulership." That is a false canard you "anarchists" peddle.

Who is the hypocrite here "crimethink"?

Each and every post of yours exposes you. Again, above: you admittedly depend upon government for your preferred "currency," yet make excuses about freely-traded gold & silver.

14th October 2014, 02:30 PM
Are you Book? Did you return under another sock?

I'm not sure if that is an insult or a compliment to either of us. LOL