View Full Version : Dianne Feinstein Introduces Federal Bill to Confiscate Guns

9th June 2014, 07:12 AM
We all saw this one coming. Two weeks after Elliot Roger stabbed three people and shot three more, a trio of legislators from California (including Dianne Feinstein) have proposed a new federal law called “The Pause for Safety Act” which would allow anyone at any time to seek a “firearms restraining order” against an individual to prevent them from purchasing any new firearms and also confiscate any firearms they may already own. From Barbara Boxer’s website, here are the details we have at the moment:

The new legislation – The Pause for Safety Act – will include the following provisions:

• One, it would help ensure that families and others can go to court and seek a gun violence prevention order to temporarily stop someone close to them who poses a danger to themselves or others from purchasing a firearm.
• Two, it would help ensure that families and others can also seek a gun violence prevention warrant that would allow law enforcement to take temporary possession of firearms that have already been purchased if a court determines that the individual poses a threat to themselves or others.
• Three, it would help ensure that law enforcement makes full use of all existing gun registries when assessing a tip, warning or request from a concerned family member or other close associate.

The scariest part of this proposed legislation is the idea that anyone can ask for one of these restraining orders. So, for example, if a gun control activist got ahold of a sign-in sheet from a local gun range, they could start spamming the judicial system with these “gun violence prevention warrants,” claiming that they believe these individuals to be about to commit a crime, and send a squad of police officers to their doorstep to confiscate their firearms. For their own good, of course.

Now, what was that line about no one wanting to take your guns?


9th June 2014, 07:20 AM
I will ask for a restraining order against all the state and local police since they are the biggest threat to my life and other people on the street.

9th June 2014, 07:22 AM
I will ask for a restraining order against all the state and local police since they are the biggest threat to my life and other people on the street.

The judge will laugh in your face since he's in on the scam. That's the whole problem with unchecked power.

9th June 2014, 07:27 AM
I just sent in a tip to the 'Athorities' that Dianne Feinstein was seen flashing a firearm and might be about to commit a crime.
Hopefully a squad of police officers will be sent to her doorstep to confiscate her firearms. For her own good, of course


9th June 2014, 03:50 PM
That jewish whore will continue her quest for global jewish domination until she is in the grave.

Other more sane politicians would have retired, but she's to busy conspiring on behalf of jewry. It's no wonder they are so much against guns in the hands of civilians considering the amount of crimes they have perpetrated against them.

9th June 2014, 03:56 PM
I just sent in a tip to the 'Athorities' that Dianne Feinstein was seen flashing a firearm and might be about to commit a crime.
Hopefully a squad of police officers will be sent to her doorstep to confiscate her firearms. For her own good, of course


Her finger is on the trigger, she is breaking the rules of firearm safety. I sure hope that gun isn't pointing at any kids. The magazine is scary, and can't be legal. I sure hope your anonymous tip gets this crazy woman arrested.

9th June 2014, 04:10 PM
Her finger is on the trigger, she is breaking the rules of firearm safety. I sure hope that gun isn't pointing at any kids. The magazine is scary, and can't be legal. I sure hope your anonymous tip gets this crazy woman arrested.

The only "Rule" they want is they want to "Rule", but the same can be said of the other side of the also, and different only in degrees and subjects. The Dem's want more control, the Rep"s want less, tho with less some may find themselves out of jobs so to justify their existence will have to find more laws to tighten the thumb screws on us.

So over all just the same coin, but different outlooks and goals.

Heads or Tails?

The laws will never stop piling upon other existing laws, that are the same but tighten their control of us "common" pups.

They are the big dogs.

Flip that coin!

9th June 2014, 06:10 PM
That jewish whore will continue her quest for global jewish domination until she is in the grave.

Other more sane politicians would have retired, but she's to busy conspiring on behalf of jewry. It's no wonder they are so much against guns in the hands of civilians considering the amount of crimes they have perpetrated against them.

It's not for jewish domination... it's for global control under the devil. In that group are all sorts of snakes pretending to be all sorts of things. The one thing they have in common is that they are vipers under the fallen serpent.

At least the true Jews could find their Messiah. Moslems have no foundation in truth with no messiah outside of the devil.

10th June 2014, 02:27 AM
You have no understanding of the jewish question, neither will you ever.

Twisted Titan
10th June 2014, 10:44 AM
Keep stocking up on everything you can afford and when the moment of truth arrives.

Act accordingly.