View Full Version : How Is This Not A Massive Conflict Of Interest?

10th June 2014, 05:54 AM
Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

Henry Ford once said, “It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

He was right about at least one thing– it’s true that hardly anyone on the planet really understands the monetary system… or the way that central bankers manipulate the entire global economy.

I’ve met some seriously smart people who are very high up in finance. Senior bankers, traders, fund managers, etc. And even -they- don’t really understand it.

Everyone just presumes that there are some really smart guys and gals who make policy decisions from their ivory towers. We’re told that they know what they’re doing, and we’re just all supposed to trust them.

People erroneously believe that it’s somehow controlled by the government… in the US, for example, the President of the United States appoints members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

Right now there are 4 presidentially-appointed Fed governors.

Meanwhile there are 12 Federal Reserve Bank presidents who influence the decisions of the all-powerful Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).

Remember, the FOMC is the body within the Fed that essentially dictates monetary policy. It is the FOMC which decides how much money to print, and whether or not to loan this money to commercial banks at basically 0%.

All 12 Fed bank presidents sit in those meetings. 5 of them are actually voting members.

It certainly begs the question– how are the Fed bank presidents chosen?

Simple. Each of the 12 Federal Reserve banks has a board of directors… 9 directors at each bank. And the board selects the bank president.

So who gets to pick the Fed bank directors? The government, right? Wrong.

The majority of the directors are chosen by the commercial banks themselves. JP Morgan. Bank of America. Citigroup. Etc.

It is the BANKS who pick the directors who pick the presidents who dominate the committee which decides to loan money back to the banks at 0% interest.

How is this not a MASSIVE conflict of interest? Are we to believe that the interests of JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Citigroup are aligned with our own interests? I highly doubt that.

It is this topic that I explore in today’s podcast. And I highly recommend it because it’s critical that anyone participating in this system really understands how it works, and for whom it is rigged (spoiler alert: it isn’t rigged to your benefit).

How The Fed Works (and Its Massive Conflict Of Interest)


Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Axyphq9FW9Y


gunny highway
10th June 2014, 07:15 AM
It IS a massive conflict of interest (no pun intended). Like Carlin said, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it!"

10th June 2014, 07:53 AM
You cannot fight them all on your own, but you can get ready on your own......... for what is to come.


10th June 2014, 08:15 AM
Look, i know enough about how it works to know that the whole thing is a wipeout. The Fed is a private entity and the overwhelming majority of its top officers are of one ethnic identity group. The government does not decide anything about the Federal reserve. The Fed is about eliminating totally the middle class in all countries, so that you end up the moneyed elites, the 1 %. and the great unwashed masses struggling more and more each day just trying to survive. When you have large numbers of destitute people, you historically are ripe for a revolution, and unfortunately a revolution is just what they want. Revolution or no revolution, they win either way.

The trick for we the downtrodden is don't bite the bait. We develop subversive tactics ad strategies that totally sidestep all their traps, traps like credit and debt and big consumer spending etc. Basically we withdraw. We just say a big No to the system. Do not participate. Live cheap and simple and only buy what you absolutely need and be able to defend your possessions. And for heavens sake, don't dialog with these monsters or with anybody that is in the system no matter at how low level.

The banksters are an international outfit and they do not care a bit about any nation's laws or sovereignty. They know how to control and manipulate the money system and how to buy politicians and get favorable laws written for themselves. They have all this down to a fine science. All the economic and financial data and trends is all a big manipulated joke. The computers do about 99 pereent of the trades on Wall Street so that is all a giant joke too.

At some point, you see that the banksters are no longer really interested in getting more money. They already have all they need. Now they are in to ruling the world and all the people that are allowed to live to slave for them.

Don't try to beat the system. Just follow what Jesus tries to tell us over and over again. Don't be conformed to this Satanic system. Live simply and responsibly and pray and just trust in God. Whatever happens, if you do that, your conscience is clear before your Creator and you will have peace, and I think a degree of security and prosperity, in your life.

P.S. I do not think the gold and silver thing really is the solution. You need the basics to live and you can't eat gold and silver. Total renegade lawlessness will not get you a fair deal when you try to use your gold and silver.

10th June 2014, 08:52 AM
At some point, you see that the banksters are no longer really interested in getting more money.

An adherence to silver standard will provide what's most important, not letting what was done in 1913 happen again 2014.

mick silver
11th June 2014, 08:33 AM
taking back the banking system is never going to happen , most people just don't give a shit no more as long as they get there free stuff . in other words one needs to work to care about what they have and what the want in life . and yes it is a Conflict Of Interest