View Full Version : New Black Panthers call for killing all white people

old steel
11th June 2014, 01:44 PM
Oh look what i just happened upon...

New Black Panthers call for killing all white people Posted on August 23, 2013 (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2013/08/23/new-black-panthers-call-for-killing-all-white-people/) by Dr. Eowyn (http://www.dcclothesline.com/author/dr-eowyn/)
http://dcclothesline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/new-black-panthers-300x184.jpg (http://dcclothesline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/new-black-panthers.jpg)If a White racist group calls for the killing of all Black people, what do you think the Obama regime and the media would do?
And what if it turns out that none other than the sitting President of the United States himself had participated in and spoken before a rally of this same White racist group, would this shocking news be all over TV news and the print media?
Well, just such a racist group is doing that, but you’ve neither heard, watched, nor read about it. The reason is simple:
It’s a Black racist group that is calling for the killing of all White people. The group is the New Black Panther Party (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Black_Panther_Party) — with whom Barack Obama had marched (http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2011/10/04/photos-show-obama-marching-with-racist-new-black-panthers/)and before whom he spoke, during a campaign stop in Selma, Alabama in March 2007 (see photo below).

http://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/bp2.jpg?w=500&h=451 (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2012/08/16/new-black-panthers-play-vile-radio-opening-kill-all-white-men-women-babies-blind-cripple-faots-lesbians-then-dig-em-up-kill-em-again/) Benny Johnson reports for The Blaze (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2012/08/16/new-black-panthers-play-vile-radio-opening-kill-all-white-men-women-babies-blind-cripple-faots-lesbians-then-dig-em-up-kill-em-again/) that on their radio program, the New Black Panthers are calling for the killing of white babies (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/new-black-panther-woman-who-put-dead-or-alive-bounty-on-george-zimmerman-now-vows-to-keep-her-foot-on-motherfuing-necks-of-whites/) (Aug. 14, 2013) and of white people in general.
On August 13, 2013, NBP radio played a shocking segment from a speech in 1993 at Kean College (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kean_College) in Union Township, New Jersey, by the late Khalid Abdul Muhammad, in which he called for the extermination of all white people in South Africa, including babies, women, homosexuals, and the elderly.
Khalid Abdul Muhammad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalid_Muhammad) (born Harold Moore Jr.; January 12, 1948 – February 17, 2001) was the National Assistant to Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam (NOI). Though referred to as Dr. Khalid Muhammad, he had but a Bachelor’s degree from Pepperdine University. After his 1993 “kill all whites” speech, Muhammad was condemned and removed from his position by Farrakhan, as well as censured by both Houses of the U.S. Congress. Muhammad moved on to become the National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party until his death at age 53 in 2001.
Central to the ideology of the Nation of Islam — and evidently to that of the New Black Panthers as well — is the notion of whites as “blue-eyed devils” who have kept blacks, the “original man,” enslaved and oppressed for thousands of years. But in the End Times when a huge “mother ship” will appear in the sky, whites will be destroyed, which will usher in a millennial utopia where blacks — who were the original creators of civilization and science — will reign.

http://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/khalid-muhammad.jpg?w=500&h=327 (http://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/khalid-muhammad.jpg)
Beginning at the 7:19 mark of the video below of Muhammad’s speech, you’ll hear him say the following:
“I say if we’re gonna be merciful, I’d give them 24 hours in South Africa to get out of town by sundown. I say, if they don’t get out of town, we kill the men, we kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies, we kill the blind, we kill the cripple, we kill the crazy, we kill the faggots, we kill the lesbians, I say goddammit we kill them all! If they are white, kill ‘em all!”
[Cheers, whistles, and standing ovation from the black audience]

http://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/blacks-cheer-kill-all-whites.jpg?w=500&h=383 (http://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/blacks-cheer-kill-all-whites.jpg)Muhammad continues: “Why kill the women? Why kill the babies? They are just innocent blue-eyed babies? Because goddammit they are going to grow up one day to rule your babies. Kill them now. Why kill the women in South Africa? I say kill the women because the women are the military manufacturing center. And every nine months they lay down on their backs and reinforcement rolls out from between their legs, so shut down the military manufacturing center by killing the white woman.
Why kill the older crackers? Old decrepit crackers in South Africa. How the hell do you think they got old? They got old oppressing and killing black people. I say kill . . . [makes gurgling noises as he pretends to fall to the ground] . . . Kill ‘em all! Kill the faggot. Kill the lesbians. And after you’ve killed them all […] I say then you go to the ******* grave, and dig ‘em up, and then kill ‘em a-*******-gain because they didn’t die hard enough.”
[Cheers and applause]



11th June 2014, 01:48 PM
They might want to get started then, awful lot of white people out there....

Uncle Salty
11th June 2014, 01:50 PM
Game on.

Bring it.

Whitey is ready.

11th June 2014, 02:30 PM
Cultures Do Not Mix (http://www.ourcivilisation.com/usa/index.htm) ..... They Clash (http://www.ourcivilisation.com/theend.htm)

11th June 2014, 02:43 PM
They would have an issue around here.

11th June 2014, 02:55 PM
Nothing new, they have been spouting the same crap for the last 30 years plus.

Dreaming for the impossible, just like some whites here in the states , and elsewhere!

Helter skelter, charley manson, tried to ignite a spark to get a race war going, but he is a sorry choice of examples.

old steel
11th June 2014, 03:03 PM
Nothing new, they have been spouting the same crap for the last 30 years plus.

Dreaming for the impossible, just like some whites here in the states , and elsewhere!

Helter skelter, charley manson, tried to ignite a spark to get a race war going, but he is a sorry choice of examples.

Charlie couldn't run a Sunday school class.

11th June 2014, 03:22 PM
Charlie couldn't run a Sunday school class. Agree!

So that says something how ignorant some are and can be influenced to do anything, all in the name of faith/belief.

Sharron Tate/unborn kid and her friends had the pleasure of last thoughts from the killers.

Back on topic.

The black panthers have not really changed any from the day they started from other groups back in the day. Bunch of radical groups back then, Hell I have a fbi number because of my associations back in the day, and I only ran in some common cycles at the time. It was during the Vietnam protests and I had a few friends that were sds, I was in the military, did not agree with the war, but did my job for self preservation.

Got my number just being associated with some of the people in that time.

That was in the day that all of the alphabet soup of gov agency's that were spying and freaked because there was a generation that said hell no!

I look now at what most freak at, now, and wish they could be by my side back in the day.

Smart is immediate that some have , but wisdom is only won by time and learning from real world experience and learning from the mistakes made!

Black panthers are just trying to get attention, to prove they are something to those that support them.

The nationalist do the same thing, but recent press has not been good for them, so they go into dental.

11th June 2014, 03:57 PM
Yep. 1973 in NYC, I listened to a BP on a podium with body guards on either side, spouting the same shit.

7th trump
11th June 2014, 04:09 PM
Not very smart they are.
Apparently rape, pillage and plunder is a better way of life for these idiots.
Ok...lets remove the white man and see how fast their all black society reverts back into tribalism.

11th June 2014, 05:41 PM
Directly from the protocols of the learned elders of zion.

11th June 2014, 06:25 PM
If they kill all the white people, where will they get their welfare checks?

11th June 2014, 06:56 PM
I was in the military, did not agree with the war, but did my job for self preservation.

It seems to me that if you were half the man Muhammad Ali was, you would have chosen not to participate in a war you didn't believe in.

As far as the blacks wanting to kill all white people: They would probably wipe a lot of us out initially, but after the dust settled and we got our minds right, we would annihilate them. It would actually be the best thing that could happen; It would completely destroy this idea that we have some reason to feel sorry for the blacks. It would also clear the gene pool of all the gullible idiots drinking the mainstream Kool-Aid.

11th June 2014, 07:18 PM
It seems to me that if you were half the man Muhammad Ali was, you would have chosen not to participate in a war you didn't believe in.

As far as the blacks wanting to kill all white people: They would probably wipe a lot of us out initially, but after the dust settled and we got our minds right, we would annihilate them. It would actually be the best thing that could happen; It would completely destroy this idea that we have some reason to feel sorry for the blacks. It would also clear the gene pool of all the gullible idiots drinking the mainstream Kool-Aid. I was poor, had no resorces to run like the rich did. That some are in power now.

So I served, and did my job, but made no excused to the system how I felt.

Drafted= 2 years

I had not a clue and had no choice, but I understood the af/navy I went af for 4 years, I would do it again in a heart beat.