View Full Version : IMF warns of global housing crash, urges UK to build more houses

12th June 2014, 06:11 PM
one cannot make that stuff up: building more houses...

Time to prepare for next crisis sez world bank

IMF warns on house prices in Canada and elsewhere

International Monetary Fund says prices keep climbing to concerning levels
CBC News Posted: Jun 12, 2014 9

World Must Act To Stop Another Massive Housing Crash, Warns IMF
The Huffington Post UK
Posted: 12/06/2014


-------------------------------------- AS USUAL, LOTS OF DOUBLE TALKS
Housing Markets, Financial Stability and the Economy

Opening Remarks at the Bundesbank/German Research Foundation/IMF Conference
Min Zhu, Deputy Managing Director, IMF
June 5, 2014

6. Indeed, all through history, housing booms and busts have quite often been detrimental to both financial stability and the real economy. Many major episodes of banking distress have been associated with boom-bust cycles in property prices. IMF research shows that of the nearly 50 systemic banking crises in recent decades, more than two thirds were preceded by boom-bust patterns in house prices. The cost of resolving housing crises can be very high—in the case of Ireland, for instance, government bailouts of banks from the housing collapse ate up 40 percent of the country’s GDP. In contrast to housing cycles, boom-bust cycles in stock prices are much less likely to trigger systemic banking crises.