View Full Version : New S. Carolina License Plates

12th June 2014, 06:42 PM
I wonder when they'll come out with "South Carolina Stands with America" plates?

Thursday, June 12, 2014
"Stand with Israel" license plates officially sanctioned in South Carolina
As if America couldn't get any more subservient and slavish to international Jewry and the fraudulent Jewish regime occupying Palestine, the state of South Carolina is now offering drivers there specially designed license plates which read: "South Carolina Stands with Israel". Expect other states to follow suit in the near future.

The Jewish Press reports:
By an Act signed into law by Governor Nikki Haley on June 2 and effective immediately, the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles is permitted to issue to car owners in South Carolina special license plates. Those special license plates will have the message: “South Carolina Stands With Israel.” The graphic on the plate will have intertwined flags of Israel and South Carolina.

Rep. Alan Clemmons, a passionate supporter of Israel, introduced the legislation into the South Carolina House of Representatives on Dec. 3 of last year. The bill was approved in committee, approved by the full House on April 3, 2014 in a vote 57 to 1. The bill was approved unanimously by the Senate on May 21 and became law on the date it was signed by South Carolina’s governor, on June 2.

Because it is a vanity plate, the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles will charge $7 for each plate. However, Rabbi Yossi Refson, leader of the Charleston Chabad announced that the Chabad of Charleston has decided to front the cost.

Even those who don’t live in South Carolina can participate in this expression of support for the Jewish State, by donating money to the Chabad specifically for this project. [...]
There are all sorts of superficial political disputes in American politics, whether it is at the local, state, or federal level. What is not in dispute, however, is America's blatant submissiveness to organized Jewish power and the fraudulent state of "Israel". Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, environmentalists, Christians, atheists, and everyone in between all love worshipping, funding, fighting wars for, and otherwise doing the bidding of "Israel" and the organized international Jewish community.

What a pathetic state of affairs prevailing in America and the wider Western world today.

An extremely hostile, alien elite - international Jewry - is completely dominating and controlling Western society on virtually all fronts. The genocidal Jewish regime occupying Palestine routinely subverts, steals from, spies on, and attacks the United States, while her agents and assets direct its foreign and domestic policy, netting the Jewish state and organized Jewry billions of dollars per year while simultaneously advancing their international geopolitical agenda of world domination and subjugation.

And yet we still have clowns worshipping the Jews and "Israel", ready to purchase and proudly display special license plates proclaiming their unwavering support for a foreign country that has repeatedly and continually abused and exploited them.

12th June 2014, 06:54 PM
those plates could be a means to getting out of a ticket, pulled over, or lack of a second look. cops are smart enough not to piss off the chosen.

12th June 2014, 06:58 PM
those plates could be a means to getting out of a ticket, pulled over, or lack of a second look. cops are smart enough not to piss off the chosen.

Just don't park your car too close to me with those plates. The temptation may be too great to do something to it.


12th June 2014, 06:59 PM
Just don't park your car too close to me with those plates. The temptation may be too great to do something to it.

i don't know what a palmetto looks like.

12th June 2014, 07:27 PM
Even those who don’t live in South Carolina can participate in this expression of support for the Jewish State, by donating money to the Chabad specifically for this project. [...]

This is a nice touch, even those of us not in the Carolina's can support this movement.

Can I pledge these plates for EE? Do I make out the check to Chabad?

EE, I expect a thank you note when you get your new plates, not a brick. :)

12th June 2014, 09:00 PM
On SC plates they should put a picture of Lindsey Graham's open mouth swallowing a load of zionist b$.

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on the Palestinian Authority-Hamas unity government.
"I'm extremely disappointed to hear that President Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, has decided to form a unity government with Hamas, a violent terrorist organization. This decision undercuts any hope of a viable peace process.

I do not believe it is in our national security interest to begin a dialogue with a government that includes a terrorist organization committed to the destruction of the state of Israel.


14th June 2014, 05:04 AM
It's Flag Day!

Get those flags flying SC
