View Full Version : US Marshalls Announce They Are About to Sell Seized Silk Road Bitcoins... V

12th June 2014, 09:10 PM
I can only hope that you are able to see, as I am, what is going ....... the power to be are getting so much info for free that is not even funny....... lets see how many will give away all that info.
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US Marshalls Announce They Are About to Sell Seized Silk Road Bitcoins

The Bitcoin is a public ledger, and if your identity gets linked to a wallet or address, everyone can see when you move coins. That’s what happened to the feds Thursday. The federally-seized Bitcoin was moved out of the two addresses — here and here — where it had been stored, a huge transfer of funds that was noted by those watching Bitcoin activity such as market data app Zeroblock. The Bitcoin addresses had been notated on Blockchain.info as “Silk Road Seized Coin” and “DPR Seized Coins” (for Dread Pirate Roberts, the pseudonym assumed by Silk Road’s overlord).

“We are moving the Bitcoin in preparation for a sale,” says Lynzey Donahue, a spokesperson for the U.S. Federal Marshals, the agency tasked with selling off seized assets. The Marshals issued a press release, explaining that they are auctioning off the 30,000 seized from Silk Road, but not the coins seized from Ulbricht.

It’s an Ebay style auction with the government asking for real money in exchange for the digital version. The bitcoin will be auctioned off in blocks of 3,000 Bitcoin (or about $1.8 million each) over a 12-hour period in two weeks, on June 27 from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. ET. “Bids will be accepted by email from registered bidders using a form available from the U.S. Marshals Web page,” says the release. “In order to make a bid in this auction, potential bidders must register between the period of June 16 at 9 a.m. through June 23 at noon EDT and make a refundable deposit of $200,000 via wire transfer from a bank account in the United States.”

Hatha Sunahara
13th June 2014, 12:49 AM
I hope nobody buys them. I wouldn't buy bitcoins from the government because they are stolen goods.


13th June 2014, 06:28 PM
This story is a distraction from this story. That and dumping them is just spit in the eye to the guy they busted.

(http://www.activistpost.com/2014/06/fbi-push-local-police-secrecy-over.html)US Marshals Step In To Keep Florida Police Department's Stingray Documents Out Of The Hands Of The ACLU

The Sarasota Police set up an appointment for the ACLU to view its stingray files (as is required under Florida law), but that meeting was cancelled shortly before it was supposed to take place.
[A]n assistant city attorney sent an email cancelling the meeting on the basis that the U.S. Marshals Service was claiming the records as their own and instructing the local cops not to release them. Their explanation: the Marshals Service had deputized the local officer, and therefore the records were actually the property of the federal government.


FBI Push Local Police Secrecy over Massive Cell Phone Sweeps (http://www.activistpost.com/2014/06/fbi-push-local-police-secrecy-over.html)